zJ By Shirly Sargt, ptarter iithe six tO-utBre-t wiIUld remembeur. He c]goiied bilcat l~anes, gidin peol iThaoer Ja3 "astaî~t n cud part te,()elng ýU _te put Lersi owsm'iae god. e As a siis c mb the coner oppoie \ icri eae boppers.ý zoF mîmrs' -lmace i nee x aloI, 1IIiiod thulit i r yoi I esoîl roux ci saTol tiointerrnpte, by il,ts of "l1ce fCu ornng. Mc. Davi oi' sadnw oral."lyvae' L"Tun cia nioînng tu e cn'up, bcdnp. e su ciiiî(ge ferr1but h$.uEver1bod11 lreamed eut WLvý Iletle t they re ofanhdtetpPu and ony two urses ot nfoc P d-lcïou rde Qîcly e sid I" qnttn sehool."c: chasing disappoimno,- bld hix o hefit. as pole t. 01 a an'!e1Lfo urtb loor lvel,ail shcopud say) ast, m frai y'ea making ý ln:nod hadeko ew ValJewoud b 4% ,bon istflor a d enerybodl Jusienoughconfnsedme for To to sop eside he " nit'stht jb, rpoed. "YVLy don'1ýtou tl ncalkt the prhe csr?" c fCcsü Tod, lep'-aned ag asîLe waci walchng the profese diec ta- pfir e ronl, illd sclidegefoar the for a contructon ceay BGalac th pomise of«an ilde rd wite oiAr obter twojore, yetars of1d1_ and yeghnohdnctgiead for vne \-adu c raI e n Y~..war. Wtching hi, Tod asi Til FRFONT i arl d te remit 1n1 ha (iati"i casons ucl as!- Ibis une, iVl, II Le tracter stops, virytjingC (D i I I 'i 1 _ î - r "I riangerte u rac e[î 'sil igi rsu-w o or usure di es.Vxu eo'Lgetffskccptlietrcegin \Vii*î te ,ul tank gues dry tic d:i aer finords ilieut qici.lut vi hec;nd a beit ggt i.suiirha tue sciueail ccdiI mc I - nulC(1- l Lea h itl Il 1o llli-i ' à '- dirsfrci i spuiigîle tracter forkl seri c job .TbeiîiL11bou chke'a xrlet V Rrcord plac plgs t at i. sii - t1 lý il tracte, l Lesi ir -e ~aiu ïMove Over, Giris-Re.ent 'Show- cnf of men's wiim-wear indicote thot the girk mrray have fo shore the spolight witih the miies on the becoches thiis ye-ar. For- ex-- ample, the ouffit, aotve, Con- stsof ci shirt with a fluorescent prntfront onad mesh boiac k, toppinq l.oecn rna opponnt toget up in lthe chamnpionship b)joutofthe 0po.n cssc, a recent junior boxing tournarnent. To so:me s 'pDctotors tl-erecupeciedto be a question of wheth-er if wathe fre of the, blow,, or the weight of his oversiedglvs he sn thiree-and-a-half-yeor-old Chris Narîle to îLe canvaýs. Ji 5 nourelce piugsgeltAe pluis your lrcîcr ,su ade - t lu use Te ar L:posai d "cc III lI pgs, si e ustr cùc arbceTciaccdig le tue nsu nio bcc cîies lscce's1iý justien. B Nuie t se bcl.ie trator 'ijjstasln a l xvii cci. SopîL vato adix IL 1inga cuîs eso us.liit, lo annm'il Pi usoaîuîugbabycbiks acuunts eruîtcd ussesMte puni tarymenÈi cs ,(,r.00 uies fer pe vile nicJluS praclise bc been pertsprR turcin'î odr od. Proie %-aV sqouare foot fsae per bick xii c eue squr colr luIcis cnongbcte encoratge sat-cg oarsI1e Oýnugl icIi-al,,,nreppinà te seule'tillcu te the fluor. i.Hv n ng L'oppr Space On nper chInics t foi iks, tw liches te cigbnýýLo1vi ecks, hree a, co poki. fs' '5or v 4.Gice'c enty etwateOc jar walccs per S1,100 cikse hr ee xrc kte obe tuanti Iig. h i erily il rig Unly x inAU ayde we geta long tîavesî t- c.Lern-loomor treah Go ahtIse job gcaduil, ase those wbo koigthtiesalpo peciy prpaedaud ecnjoy aJ uc cession oet beooi and frsh sege-' table s. Becîs, rirtLansiaî,Ici- Luîce, radishs, etc, eau Le pfauîýned every other uccor 5aucigbl upnte spad arordngl Pon rstue ran u:Le sprcad overscrawek seecd, nrey tok' are pcs, sweeî pesare Lest ailpanted eacy.LmBut bedig puaîHke pe- cIniaýs, zitîias, stocks, siderplns tomiatues, Cabbiages, etc, sudnet, Le set ouitail auane ttrs is evr edrtig 1eglad- etc., aise coic nlu tiscaery VML-st Us C arefullIy Chiemicifetiize us e sd caretuiy a-,nd accu-rding te d-tirec- tionIs.If[ile (0d e cmeintuirc conitact wtirîe pklnts or muetsIt isý hable te u vlthcmr. A sale p 'i' u is te tai dsle lu woter and aIpply, orspadtiydnig r jicsi Letore a shlow'cror Losin-Ig, Thtis aIsoe eprprtim-ean way te appiy tiîs mtnilon iws For hasiening gruwih ot vege- tvibles the experts cscuaiiymia 11111e quick-aeiing lfertilizer ïwi Le seil Leture suowiuig and thien later spread a 111 close te,bu nul acicali-y îoutcing, 'îLe rewvs. For irees, shrcibbery and big plants une eaui g ;lu taily sly aSJ3 round!, dLeroots. Whcre eue ss-ýpects thatîce soil lu the gardeni is detiýicint lu somre ofthîe mi chemnical cli1eeuis, it, ia good plan to get a samiple test- cd aihîe -nearest cpeimtl sta'- tion. >Some1-time1,s thereis sumne ssmple ihig laug nie petasi or oee(etce rarer eecui. tii case a speial application ut wbat is isn ilraiywr It MAUIiMake Good Soul Tflicomot heapio s a sourfceý ufthîe very fneiplanttod val ableeen IIlu Leitygadn Comnposiing, as ith al cai, , very simple. Insicad et ihrliiowin-gi eutI or bnrning weeds, grass clip- p)icgs,. leaves, old bouquets, ve-ge- table0tos, peto p e'zgS,et. way spo t adîe Lacisof îje gardn Ilhumu-! s whch a te pred ver dry in11, leae i iL mold in mattr e1 ouu..Herciio To hasten rolti andrgru- flic and odeursit is'adnial-1tacuVe frequnllywitl c laer o fin sou and inryvcabr lisaseagof plan f posibl te uaistho ny comrps befea ereniugt the y theeap.(ý- Fcni.(iLe mac xvhe gae iCana OLensuaMîveulding, ofTont 3 Cobn r . hoiiing watcr, 1, grnuaedsgarý ,4tsIpS, S'ait naud 1 tbs. shortcuiug; suir tcuill sugpar aufi 'sadii1are dsovdadsoi ing' mtC; A coolt ueam Mefanwbilc, mIeasure mie a -1large bwl 1 c. ,kvam ater. 1 ibs, granulaied sugar; stir ciili gar is d(issýolvcd. Spcrinktc w ith 13c- velopes Fleischiann's 1Fasi RisiuIg Dry Yeast. Let standi 10 mnts THEN stirweJl. Stir iin coeled sgrsoîun mixture. Cmie5c ccsfe or grahiam fleur, Stir abolit hall ot îLe2 flurs >m yo3eastixtre beat cunill smouîh. Work uice îcaiing leur candadd adtin ai] ra lui ecsrt Bay a mtie rgi etesni the Uno Saincew stands. Sndfr lmigdvioe L fidea efstandad ie '-i and was kn ihîd Lyrnian t uc ictoi. DnrigheItrainlS4i Exiiin-bighl.t omm N N N s- 'N N N 'N N N N N N N 'N 5. N N N -s .5' N N N -s 5' N iigtlyfluc bohard ilui notbý and el1astie. Place In greýased buwl ,andfi grease top ut douigh.' Cnur adstin 't w arpa-e, free firem draxught. Let risc until doubled luinbuli-. Punch dowu douighl, grease top and a gain ict risc cctiiidenblcd lubnk.Puinchu down dà gh; wmm ouion u ghtl- blue oard and(ldivide ie 4 equi prtins;forin ipt m oo halls.Cevrlgiy ihcou andi ici resi for 1M ulns.Shape jute baves; pace lu greasd hat panis (7" /z ireatse topsý, cuver and Ici riec cciiidolcbd iibuIsk. B i l-1Lt Ovel, '400, toc 20mins, iten iccdtice r 'n, hecat l'o modrate, 35'inad b. 's about 20 mntslonger. .1 N -s, N .5 -s' N N N N N s s -s N s-s N. N N N N N N N 'N N N N -s s-' N N N N N N N N .5' N N N N N N N s-' 'N N N 'N N N 'N 'N 'N s' N 's 'N