LAURA \VELI sport yar. an simple'th tscarts,pHoto Nediccise irctins inuacois(tM scnotb c iiepîeiýd) fr hi pttrutaBo ato.Ot.Pnt lilvP And ADRESS N ceodiecai olllutandt,s lo'ton1, )iauseh l acesores dolls, 10 s nauy hoby a, gili iden '\ h cepaîtet niilprinted iit bock iýIrd l, nîe ImD anid i( peci]againtLns weeii. s(-- try;'s lxe cs-1 but tis ibot sibeoncriptioi.àChery a aple tresandlila uhesarei iIbinatsud lan ersing liend ari jaonia g~ wth lossant.fp And the~are as bihend cherr as~~~' antig n oic islu,î ta sec Littîrgreenand yilWoodie be new rý, nethodin d1caln wihJî wou jah 'e been h ipi' ta va and I ihad t hae ame thi ~s ot ofaur ieces ibeing r- ridnxOutra.Léi eyu s~ patyah y darreaersfo alosir afirasiis upoed- somc ctcisfny tforeue m ur ow litiliy empty aud tht mati rea afoPrteras oarmyuboo echod acu event s in ando xvst into ome knd ofa!m ix-utj ppwi train,\stheduies and ha taisln a flull mde t-ndiluasa eau- %, Aiterit ws ovs- m moter hvad ?L-t e ùa wofrrui unch aigf us -Woid hami son jad ad ep pp pielAt hrtnoceit wsgl ha wa-tmcrtinswuidpermt.An itwssorta noteanPYrtners-- rîýSivaom n ev au Erp týalmost s 00d s,,thIc wiewhich aouucedà hi is mng.Ini as nou-Md sn"s c a But .1 diress . olt's eak par tu ca-bya prkiîg aete cui she would m)"ïil1 doing nicelina thtst [1 cntrpio shopiýng foha- at-au ou as les tanau au?"WeIL Is prk an i c vi rinattht.Bu n icket,) thasnk goiss0fcueitw- * ch Cobnc c.atus ts.g=a- lunti gar asd sait ae dioie ugris (dissolved. pikewt su e Stip FieschacisFas Risiug ry Yeas Let td 1 By Rev. R. B. Warren, R 3A.,BD, M-% r elcio:Fo ven the Son] ýai ancaie nflt tabe min- istredunt, but to mnisepndý ta give His liiie a ransont for mn 1, icwuing tht eartill îsnniists-y ilJesu11Cistjý in a single lesson, WC euanynote e a Itwofitht higiiht. htprinited prinap- propriatly opns wit 1aUsrohe continult3af tht lessnsfor this quarter is e tict. Cancerning the two Testamients it Is trotthat "In, tht aid ftht new isc,,:, td iii tht ew cýtht aid is rv~h7 Many -passages front Geniesis tu ýt4a1achi point ta thecoming Mes- siah. Tht fart that Jesus Christ su exactiy fuifilidthese prophe- cies, types rand shadows, is proof af tht ie inspiration af tht Scripttues. Tht ,Sý:on fm am ascck aýnd ,ta save h Ist. Ail are lost everyman.(Hebrews 2 :01 Oniy whtu syt reCalize that we are lu-t wan . e r a iýýi led ai a"Sa sanr. Wthtu we acnaw itdg th bnyus ac fmttbdaea w hosoever e ieve n Hlm shid an 4tsp. ground mace stir into tmkeavery soétdough.Gre top aiofdotugh1. C averansetiii warni plcfret raidauight. Let rs ouil doobied Ïlu huijkle. uch cdawu1 daugi suid eut ont roundd spoofUIs ildng % wh a a biesoonanddrap inta greCaSed I mIuf pans, -Ihliiug tnch p;a about ha411fu1. Grease tops. Caerad Jlet risc utîii doubied about 20 fimmotel icl.-20 SO easy fo make %wîfh nlew faisi DRY Yeast!di -,-lýl l 1 ï