Red Flannpel in tuse years whentedflane chilis, ome chartable soul id to ,desernvin gspinlSIterýs."But ifwasc isclosed neenlyby sctintte taute 1Honte _of (Lds .tatfj ln ae o4aycolotur I odertha"t tIse fuîds elybded oMîy omiyard ta o )2aiven f0 fwoderirspin-ý 'stus. F1laîînel was ad riîalyin Wales, tenaeisefbi)g a -r- 7iupticos-of gwlanen, 'sud thbe, )lief wa Ifstreiha -er psnsoret moîretîle i e laîe ta ita Jfr18 ducetfored flanne lthat n ;leis- 1divasion of aisfailedý iitin1797, *be0 Feicbtrop Iande](d aI ibt ' hynito tI ed flne etcasof the( iisbwives on tisecliWffs fThe un lii- form»s of redcatssud alcd at tIsegreatfocopodf0he, surrendered. Unir Raiser-Conistance K. Haissel Iooks as thougnh she is witness- in1g' a Bonis Karloff Chilier acf,- ually she is on the other end of anr atomic gen-erator--thus the ikini coiffure. This wois alilpart of an atomnic energy demnonstra. Catty Business c il 1to h li s ïwil eut rt11m1off "be- tasc of ther Confeniptu111 sati ý- tude and crulelty twrsmy camf" -ad is mongr19el Cal; ute, a ](benlet $5,000 to kee ber ed If sems alot for aca'slf, blit ca;yLtandad are risg.A S;iamese cst, PriniceRaurcn- lsailed the AfVlanitie wvith is ow breakast n bc. Fuxy, îsuaCient cýaif of tenyba lve i qual taeilsNc York hotel ever lo ca is lapp'led îu scb nxr infBritain.00bona Cds were desroy-l ,àt! dring te$12, ar0,0 an yetit' believey onthatise usy op at up 10 sl,re ntTer'nor b ein acafcesZ . fb cat opuI- wation is near ý',tthe nexper estimaoe of8,0000,:otiriPcený col 0onr0b00 $12O0O00 totheEx 1tals, howeverae not idly domes- bouWss Seeralbunred-ithedGon a ]feiïglne Z Reserve-abengca Somuef0siafeu ar food oesfonv rats nd mire. A tifs ahr end of tuvedf 's, if îs1e srare Bians Mexica0 pedigree -ats iame, dge thre seventy years ago; exotî Perian, Ayssaninsand oherC "-"-" reeds rs ied ovs e by be G-1C, arig nc o tCats' Fancy SoeSaeern goo, Dï money pou 0Amerca bt te as- loved 'w-,ýaif tis esrnebils Mexc'icanjica, snl tan ecircs neiher'Pes nor cries q ur e r tI s e i e o f c a t a n y w b e r ~Y %I lTCt ,t As we hve preiuly xiand coiun s w-"iltea ulîhd mae timosle orils t lkee sports lsappeîîingù.l hati-1 oisa by th ie uloimns( ec h tG eekO -s t 'the past.'i ;ri ký1 _ markng til, w tbiîk ceowit w it1is aî t uuigo l e i' pl e h Il, 'l e io Ilins-ack ,d 1o1d' ato ýodine wa '1 aerth gî ncfstch innwitl whcie 1 iOR FACTor, Com2ts caugh su assedlIB F art, N 'n the fina sixte!nih aood,ap pareniy. wt puyg muc11a1tîsail to~~~o ;n fhefedbttorse two. \l e 5ThereNovi e shave no, more fthscolis-oi-orotineï!" Leacrnin-g Ail1 Ove-r Atiain-Horold Chi5holm who used to Ieoid on active life in the north iwoods is shown above 1eorninig how to walk agoin in o "wolke-r" ufter being cippled wt huti arhii.Shown w!ih him- is Canadian ÊArthr;tis and Rheumialismn Societiyphiohris Doris Frame. The Caoiidion- Arthritis and Rhumtim ocietIy îk com-.poignýing fcr funds this mronth 50 estab- lish mocre clin-)icsaund moýbile nt to relie\,e the pain anld suffering of m-ore thcon 100,000 Canadians disacbled by the-diseaýse and to expand it prcoram o f reseecrch onrd tralining cf docctors. Tis gîateî îai,îIof 1base-sîcalers us theAmericn Lea uiuing the cd u a otalof 2 t'Il'. Yet in ïa single season Eddie Collins of that, S aým e Club ltfle no loCýs 1thanr. tisieS. niug noto,-SýS nlyte îseinpn Iant, but he Vnds eisa, e of ýtSege, on bseealiîslios boaed ot 41Msacs FritzMaise. stle 74 ases i-Cn snlecnain în -the AnCm-ian lope, a dgiv Dettoit Tier f23stleis bases. Tyrus Rayrond Co)bb, on-e seas9n, bas&o. Gorge Si'sIer, one sessoni, 51, bae, lyde'.M;Iqarine tesson, 88. Turtsitîg futs enr icit tis 'fiettfoots"and tosýe of ohrdy is niof 'quit e 8 ç saced. ostonI 1950rînig iîra tebs re- of Ralpýi ee wt 7.roky son-acouste coletivlyfor 77 Sbeckrd'sbygon mar ef07, un toe VI rooký lnanrd Botn cru tbe onlyNationIal Team o-î fiicIs that coJd be said. Havîs gne80fo f o Dve a polint wich needs no Pr"v,\ lt fns Frank4 Chance-antI 'he was rno Mercry-oe seson,67. Bob Bescher, one season, M0 NxetwYork Gat,4 tlnbss i PruhabiyLpyLe bks ae stealîng is us agesn") Gxeorge Burns, onie sao,62. Philadelphia Psliste"oî bases. Sherwood Mgeone oea- son, 55, Pîtsbug Prats -43 stolenýj bases. Max Carey, one season, 63. St. Louis Cardinals -2,1 stolen bases, Jack Murray, also Frankie Frisch, one season, 48. So [bore you bave ýif, frien&ds, and quite enoulgh of if, says yoiu. TIse moral is,ofcustate boys nowadý,- ays are,mng for tIse fonces, and It tb iling S aucb as'a siîîjglo bas advace'Saeof)0paltry magnteskoepaddi~grabbit ftotic. bal ud flic sas tise1, mo-ving thos feîce pltew~1,WC canlifore- -Four- or No Count,'5 tlantIDyplay- ergfîgless hn onrwl *.,Classified Advertisi'ng* n'ter L1RICKs ol, land Do' tSe cneht hote T asmn, -lllef-1his 1ati an Wmnteil The inie f0P ok milx ufefanthog l sha it l in shor aupiy.~, e c orae prmtdIIvero- alfolar pure breed S'mkec1)T.,; vTu. ay Potia Odl 5olet. ra Caalgu. FdiChr, EPa)haiesLimtad Fagu, Onti. foior o thiyen Ill nctIu 'sea bead wexvii h NuSe tvtak VIca Sro 1t Lusit.ForfuT dafailS tappit IFUAV AE NERS Obmasinal er? oney tis a1es a 0st in the Kol' uiesSgerta vr hr wilfeadmnd jthi , Faîl and Winte Ont ascdoýýý, i) reinan chacobuinssmnayeMt Chatham, Ontt. of an kin : hich you r iterefd faiaUL RAf0PhiRpTonn, ealor TOI El il,> UAtIN paîmntfi farers esWobst let, 7111Sonc St Toonfio Eabt 1100 g orkbildng, brick $14 .,:650 07-15 56.15. lIad Tires $811 ad 8250 550. 65c), 070. 700,. 710-15 8 0ad025. Tealed JTubes $,0 Darswante 25 e.Pesit re- Rank'a Tire WAKE UP YOIJR LIVER BILE 7. CaIgutGomce-And Yoa'll lumspMeo B. o.MSnting Ravin' w on. lise ivez shonla pour of boun 2 pfits aof 'ile juire >Rm Ov or dbgestive trateery day. If this bile nS otfloting frely1 your food imay 00,tiest-. It Maj ua dm ithedigestive han ges b netsgaz- up yoUr st1Macb_ ou get ostpte.You bel sar, sonS snd the world loeSs puieS. Sttakes hos. tiid , goLe Crte'Littie Llver Pliata gettIsa 2pinta o hbile tIow- ing fre-ely t nakc -let up end UP." Get apcg oay Efetielmkmng bile fiow ree7 .Aas for Carter', Littbe LivoE POR ,SALE largecpad. mixe , 2 eect i o r Selfec Epoyin or KFuistant oper IDio n- prctictlye . Gram JOH DER BAlLR ISTORETit 335 orElint.Oow CRES CRNSALVE for surereif 1our Drugejat sella CRubesS ,P C. Rhuaîîcpaintorneuils hol hyOio'sRme n 0y, ,üàm î, MUNR'S RUGSTOES leur5oEIF- i, qOttawa $1 mSi ., Epress Pe Taid SIIFERRS reN Reunti o rtril eox 12, Wînlpeg Manîolsa POST'S i-CZEMA SALVE BANISHtOctoenLt ut dryergm rse ~a1 eelu sti toule. es'e Ecem Solv wll 001disapoînIyen BthiË.sAling, brnîs R aiaac. clngwrtn.pîmpes adi ahlet'sfot w Meou -aiy t h tîla.eeli oltien. eau l rde cf howstuheroo hoess a thay si, t. w rElE h50 l'lt J81, 6 SentPos Fne o Reeip etPc1Tr 0.e0en0 f $00 Pilmantnace pHeisl. GdeIeae Ont.ý SePtAîLIF2ED STAs.P.' NUIt,ES raquiret e-reai CoKuntyHeithnt. Sily 5-ang tlYf 1-ed$20 280 !Aisxanc ferex eranca. rite Mo., Court Housae, fro Toonto fnddat foiN iNerADAs.LEADIjN SrLV- Pl Seasan at dpess Uion ll wagesitl Am«Itn arla'a eatel yse 101)1Y u ritento Nrsa,îla HU NS ARVR AIDESIGSHOS v 51 Blore St. W., r ri nsste o aboutng St..o aarilto ANOFe s 10 eoei go vetor-ltlsotetIg- yQentocsald fuI Iorathon son re., dee. The BanS StreetOttawa ten elcitorse Ctotllaie, 1810. 350 Ba tre.Trvlnot.gebe Informa MInande oneat.y atureCruse. 82 roreSt.Road ToGant.on. WITECIGARTSA-TheOGEaywy I.,- N .5 -s w w w 't; -s .5 N w 'i w w w t N w s N '-i w w f '-s S -s N