1*n! Vc n. 15 No. 21 ORONO. ONT., THURSDAYý, l 4th 1951 Subscription $1.50 per Year $967,00 Rased For Thlrtee Bed Hospital Ward Tire ýSer-vice Clubs of Hee.the'r Re- Bride Chooses Parent's 26tk t,,e'ýLodgndI.O.O.F. have, now comnpiled ie complete Anniversary Fri vedding figur-es for the crnrpaign wbvi-ch t orgnized and cooducted ea few ood-ine Avenue Idtedi Curh -wek go for the furnishmnrg of a 3. East Yerk, una the sres-e oa bat be wrd at tire BwavieMem-,- ifu weddisrg on Frday, Jue islt et ori0 Hospitel.Tireme two oiganiz- 7 pom. when Katheen Frances, atlu~wilrte. extend their appre- daugiter of Mh. MiMson Ciifor clalo~forthe supp-ort and intereet! Cyni Hawke, 29r7CeavleAen, Hardball Tournament Fe atuue For July 2nd Sports Day Tire Ororo Pr Board are tlis year -pcuiseisg tufle Sport Day te ha luedon Juliy 2iîd. Peoceads;from this cnttiltaumenton wbïirchir t ir ailife su)f twaniýty-nfiva cents wil ibe cdariged is'ubca used to lielp rmaintaiir'tirae greuinde suod aquipmnehnL 7.11a day is te featara a hiadball to Taanit li mvinci r Oeno sadtwo bp-hms (yat to e iaenujei renu, tiathe Dur-hem Hanidibtil keag9Ue miw slnae Pi Tlir,,ardiraM lctoriet. lt-oncr of tinis parteiri-ar day ilI #jdt i star-tthererltvat-ue, Oulene's initentionls Wmien tiiey go- into aicton e thasecoid cf July la previeus vyacs tire lda'Y coi - rn!enaed wlttire fies-t gaine being pleayed in tire mr-in, roavec, pla'y miiij nit steet until 2.15 un thie eflas- nonticyeair. Tiia graind f wnl ill be ln the foinini c a meonstear i3ngo ret thie Pa-r1 îxvire,,two hundred carda w'.11ira a- elnlabla for purciese by tilosa 'w-ýish- mjig te taloe their a]iice -igainst tueir feaîihow nirron.Tk2eprizeG, as 4rcLde etii ounriai e find useful articles f cenelectnical np- tIret tbia poular Orse {~iFs 'oft- pliauces t i-t.r'ya ~all. enu -aea e on daeck. Tirhern p,ýt!tioufer -ira local gils is te ha -Commiitta-as hv eufnrccmad as frni Bethuliy, e teain, 'wiillrt tire pi,-sus are malon tinîÏ way 'te pros- ~gInndni cf iresassur fsce I ttId, I-î sthine iitfer tins duu 0nnro squtid lite a dfeat.Ealanina-,nd tire B- is irepefual of yo-r-j of tiecoee-, ar-l wmiiine, ha b support courue tie scn fjoiy. Trwetnty-en,-a ete ao r ires-star dmntein faddy eread nder tire auspices cf tire Onaitrio Deprtiient f Ag-riculitre auid oturlocal iffiliaited îorýganfi7a-. Uýios, tire H-aber Domsý-n fer-m on HgixayNo 7, n aile wntt cf Br--kln rs givearebholreugir face- litigin accoordenice with modemn liard were laid eut for stýip crop-Pig;ý ferre limies wearenrvd grass watewaysppred and irnrani)y thaer Limprovemaunts m-d.Thiseayee o Iprp!icituniiy te se-a juet hem tire Pi-an worlxxeked ont. given tins most succes-sfui cerigu. aigs unted ti n maiage te James1 Edm-und Hlarweeýýd Hewes, oinuyvsoni 'Tir - rd le te ire piagued Orono 1oýf Mc. and Mile. Henry John H 's cedOrnnnty 10 Eatdale Avenue. Tire Reveerd Wesie y Letilec ' Sica M tire eof thre official pra- ffici-atediat tire Cendie Lightl sentation cf $81L50 te tireirospitel service boardi en additonal cuni o f $""61 Tire bride given inr meri-sge by her Cres been tu-red in -te tire service la'-hec, ires gý)e n u virte satin clnbs sud in turn will ha used for ex- iitir a net yolke. tire fui sirt fail.. tries for the 3-bed ward. linîg utca train. Her finlgertip W.Tih Thle foUloing fIsencial repent leir.5hald by eahelo cf sain sud net eubt-bd by the seei7ce clubs iiand- sire earied a ronund Cluter rojuWDtin ixih Uwti-ir racent carn-ibouquet cf Raptare Roxses sud LIly pailgu. bof tire Vailey. 1Hec Sisýtar-in-Lew , Mis. PiiiP Recapts-Ha-wke mes Maid cf Heiscur fl! e Denatiens te -canvenss...... $351neîunve Ogandie coser taffete witIr omnation IENatier Rebekeir haioe-te mnatch, triranmed mithIlmauv Loga N. 3M -----------68.355 andi purpiale i.Tire _Biidesraide; Donation Ores-o Lodge, 436 6&.25 wmrhler sis-er Patrîcia, end Cous0-1iins Nqet preceede from dene......25 MilWriinîgton ad Doireen - Faxvka, goxx'send lika lu- gree-enOrg- $Sos&30 adeoves tatffeta ,witirmth Expresses, 1wetage, advertisinrg, IIenos tineiwth Li1iec .Ai car- ~ttoey------ --------- 28.69 iai-t ouquets cf mauve sud 1pur-Pie llac. The -FIower Gir-l was little Net proceeds foc HesIpitaI ..971BnneSdePont Hpcouxsi-nef tir gromlua jmjauv:e Orgrendie T)ntatedIte o -epsirtal by drns osver taffeta, wth miiauve sud heque--- - -------------- L$,81.i pur-ple Lillar-s in r hcharnd car- Donationryet te bc! sent -- $Ir5.tli e abasýke't cfLiLac - c ____ Devd Mdge ires ,ýbest imas nand BLIUU Sal io olvetirh cswe Phlh Hre, nbroth- 30 0 Sk TeSoverfcftire bride, Jwek Dudey i Wleekl-End Needs Lomneignlbeies ul ftr LedsPree en, Bcaue",ac lu u adoa our e ay for Ilieir comipenieýdi by eogeSumrone eit naew1 ami- olnurful uanfiearlsthre ( tireOrgean. noe Girl's soli (antei are aponso" ttr recep tonet Fnace Pena 'iu-g a Homie Beýking Sala on tire af~.t-e , e, Mtierreeied d sniroin of miis Seturday, Jarne o1111 ponwilncfe, y la ,1ce mih mauve pand Tire Sale le te irehepd le tire Orno rsey cassoni-esami cercage cf piak Ten a.Rosas aid deep imauve Sweent Pa s, qpwnHal, assiýste-dI hy tireGrooms Mtler is Tire ghis ara receivig plentby ofn-vyeher with Jiay -sud paink e. 3upplrt by tirirsupprters uto r Isind aiid cereege cf pink Rss vuaOtune and ïnanyIironre-niede cakes, Tire BleParents woeehart pstacts, etc. witlI be availeble for! me t1(ireir26t0r weddiug arvre- puroiraieisd ti( re -ides GrandinOltirer, Mcc.- J. E. dHwke,iras caieibnlaiting hber Thre girg ier s ye-ei have spat aBrtruy crui of $170.1100 fr aew uifonnesof' Alter tieruemcption, tire happy avMb chtiey have yttcaieeo n -uple laft fer New YO:-kby Tran-s CnnndeA ir-inae.Ti Pd md $ii2O.iO. ioiecon-s attrirgaines -an a e. The Bide wtrayei-- oalint be sufficient during tie l-IîdNay ceWi ,)rieseoi Sitw of P yerteea imt ths niounat iruc thir CNeaccesonie. i craec cHme-Bnkbng Sale this Saîdiay. Pn aeins I ~Ontcof town rgup;stswr -.nsld e Mie. . E Heke nd MYc.W. Henwrkae, Oricro Ms. Ind. Mrs. Fred it ie tobecco plantiug UneinDu-Couceir and DnlNerete c ra n nty tirese deys. Aniditires-,,emrd Mre ek URoeon andi Tcudy inreeeseoee irgoueaOrtire, Mes.(John ee, rBayeville, î?out payung tire cents aie-e feror ,g O'Mifltoa GahIieugce, Mine men Gai- ariettas sirouid tek-ea iiip teose c f 1eierand PMim e. .J chlae, F. ïIhse planlitations. They mil e,soeaG, id adM .RobentPaigaL of tue rmess wiry tirey ce-t se iiucir AIlîcton, Mr'. anti Mcc. J. V. Hec- especilly wires yeu add trthe x. Tfie-1w ,Ms ea awoMs eto y i=rtirer an intecetig oa«e oe-c 1e od Rbu a-e -niglt fronirle greenirease deys te M c sud Ms. H. Sadiený, Miss MerI,'-- Wir prWeesscf cur-ng. Thins mehave anet SeiarJohpuin adiBneSd iu eur ow-n coiiiity. Pru îls Fter nl 1r, C. Jaco)be and McNI. nd Mcc'. E. G. glimpse into Vie awerk inveiïed Ii Hairoed, Port Hlope, Mesz. R. Dax'is, tinsidut oyeadould eppimeia ateebco an sd Mc. sud Mss. R. t'ire prica bettar. I nik Hmltr Oron o Girls Ta] Hardball1 Walloice edged tire Oronio Herd- baill Teem by onea c-n idafeat ini e 4 te Drcc on Tliruisdety eveig at the local park. A meie.gre eomdnwdcf ýeaeighty pay-ing usoner witnseeed tire geme. Tire aittendene is somawhat j dsapoitirgse fer i-iis yaar .for tins exxuy forne lub. Tire l,!rgaSt uramilber c'f s'pectatoce artIe being drama by ire Gir-ls sîftbnll teern. Oceno i a oafe f ecer-ng poesibi litias but neyer niera ainbe ti- compie trera.Wel.ome hies beor priosinig-themsc-lie supe iainsn tiroir opponreert se of ar this year and thIis ma waz ecevet on Thurerdar cigiri. Tiera gme mes tire hast to e haiy- ed in tirhe -,kttins.year anrd provac te ire a reel pito,'irlng bettia. 1HeeVi cn tI ira oundic for Oroo tur-ed hiana eýxceptionaily good game. Encenswere ireld et a Mnuýinit fer t, ire gensd mach bettes bai wae tire recuIt te tirat playadi egains Beýilieboreo wmeak previeus. Or-eno suffeceti feeni acouple of ae-ce b" i oaingdutinig tire peciodl cf play eit bat wmitaiallireipad te lassas te chances of winunng. The -,gaine was coenyconteiste- sud timy speatators-mea pieused -mitir-he type of bail plryed. Os Tuesday igirt thùa ocno Hc b-hail team inci- ir mas fielidedi egeinsd Kendal want down te a 14 te 9 de- -feat t te local park. r-0" O r n u e e-Y ltt la b elba l p l ay 8ing "i Vira f i-v'st fvinsinge and th( f igir spir-itadKadi club cepitalime î- oný -Ovsri -mty fusibles, wmil tirromeiand otlirr accore te put tira d a theraad. Raya WeT(st teok tira iound fo-r th, y' local beys te ire repiaced by Jeas i ýr ti-a tirrd. At tis i-sUe West che Robisoen of iris duties froni balurh dIn visiting theNewrteniviile Gir-Ir or Müenday v a o f this %waak th j. Orone Gicis S-cftiait tar batta< h ionie edecisiva min icrtaleiýp- ,ponants hy e score cf .13 te- 6. Tir strrcf tira garne was well earned bfr JenCooper, mviro mas on tua mein- Y- for Orone. Dur-ing tire caves insngý àe of pay Joan ccedited.iresaf mitl edi ftf]q strika outs, e nu-et oqtttand Id ing axhibition cof pitching. Tiregil in tla latt Lrie g a. ira-asire-mn be-ttar bail pleylung witl lie t hp recuit tirat tuey Ir- ari-se iii tirrn", aes - mine. Tirese t ed i-ai enet t rah ocalpar- bte i d ngit.e, -w 1 "t ie id -s ,es led ýf W.A. And 1 Meet In Athletic Competition Tihe cilýri-cncf ail tire Sclircls c of t din Aectins servi e clu'b pre.. Clua erwsihwii mica-t in atil- s ats ùtira Iigl contestant il a cciage Uis cupt tie ic F-nideay at New- gcoup iritfirtreopiies. iate t baing tir-ir iannuel fild day T-ha empatitiens wi range f rom Recorde eaca brokan avery yaar aurd jiiiilnig ami tircoming te tcack work. e tally iras been kaà_pt o tirae record~ ra inter-ast nIithis tcwnsirip f ld aet ii tr h-dtrtIa a day ires beau iiecasis-g mit ir-e u- tr top 'henuru. Alec- te t)ile r dis.- pils sinca te firs et atand n-cru n1 tance iras boeau cecorded. The fio. greant dei cf keen- cipotitiei ï,Iis "g1arelire ecodjuw-pe incftirrows il witessed. Tire Nem-,eastle Lions clIub wrii tire studants have as e, ehal- .!ee, tiret avecy child on tie raomi, lageIl yar le givcn e frac ice c-1ýIm reanice n -nd (COIItîIued froni page four) sn Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Hooey Civen Presentation by sunprse -wihen they mwere iusherýedi io thîe Masýoic H all, Oronî,o. where, elatve adfrenefrom Ol ron, Newa~l1, o~xmimv1eand Pete 1 oogih had gathered to) spend h evennîg n dnicivg.About1.0 oulok Bill and Conivere escor-tedt1 to tlieir ree-peetüýve chairs by Deug.. lacs Mien and Roirald Molfifat. Littie, MaIe ooey anud Terrýy Tomîjanson presenited the bride with a bouqueut ilie add'ress w.a's rend Iby Mr.-onl Allen. Peterýbore(ýugli, and the youirg couple were p:resenlted with a crm IMvlen suite and an Electrie Ilron,. Bul and Connie thanked their friends for Uheir thoughitfulnes. E;'evriyon'e wished Bill and Connie hlappineees through their mliarried life After this lutich was served and the evening brougit to a ce ,wthh God Save the Kýinlg. Effect 0f Mode Seen O-n Hebe r- Cod Jeater Condiions Joint Meeting O0 Assuring Bumuper Crop . s Lush pastures alIoSýt e\e7 hr _________________ hi Onttaro durîng thre Iast fi'dy have brought murk producion cioe RA ta wilr!at wiprcobably be its peak for LL ifL thie yeau, thetre Agricult'ure____t Departiarnt saîdFid y nâght. i 2Mrs. L. Thornle is visitinýg with her ai Frontenac County, the nmurl flow'ba grandhidre,, Mr. and Mc.Wifred.A been well above aveicage.Ro-ughl-ey-and family, Oshawa. î ~Wth idau ea ti- conditions and Mr. amnd Mcs. T.* Garbu iT c, oo adequate moisture in tirasou, c op to were Sunday guensts with M.ar constiut grow rapidly. Mrsc James SWariclc Tant caterpiJiibar wre njnros'-c sd rs eorge -arbriickr in nrany districts and acouird Palm- am M. iMr S. RoyBarbr an - apds a es-ec Onaro-an aeut- I ,or of Toronto weýn eweveend vis-é break of grassiroppers wurs- reported. osadAin ieEns relt Thre departmient repeited hey ers ainilyMr. ards.Ereet Grn cropg and partures sirowed grentadfmiy fLeadwc Sna proise in e'very Section cf Ontarlevening visitons 'w1ih Nr.ud Mcc. Md spring graine wece gmcwing1 Jack Swvarbritk. .f rapidliy. Thare was every indication' Mr. and Mime. T. Hilditceý pant tire cf a bumper crop. week-endr with Mr. anid Mrs-. N. 1 0 An increase in grain cor acr-eage Whhitbe, Bownenville. ware indicated in Stanmont Cteunty-, Miss Evelyn Stevens an d.Mr. a1nd ainacreege iricreu[se iiiirusking 't1MVchaeh cf Teroato were vatr certn was alsn expacted i Orttie owith MT .and Mrs. A. Stevens and County. andi famiby rever tire weiek-end. -Mre.Bodgett and Mvr. Cecil Bled- gett irere Visitors with Mr, and Mcc. P Go-rdon 'Mettineli und Kenny. Mrs. ,.rnzing 'l'o Be Bodgett in nil taying witfiuMr. amd wr, hiia. hrtl o altt er D own s Farm Thresynpati-y of the ecornmýusiity faumiy on tie passinrg of hi-sfetier Lande and Foreste and ofthars. uni Friday, June 8th, etliéis ionie a It 1a lrped ntir (DCo. Ne HonwL indsa-y. Thonr L. Kennedy, Miniter of :Mc. and Mis .jaminsScar&Mekick t ,ÀAric w]ue xvii ieeirlîe to- be pres- tenlded threAniray Services atI eut. HIowever it in certain tirt tiare Cwivhe ntdCurl nSn AUli be short telles by Vinbe Beton, day evening wrh Id. sud- Mhe Les Plesident of tire Ontaýri-eCeanlty Raeid. Tir Rev. L. H. Turner cf New- f >(l ý,qp Irnp1o'Vern-e1l1t Acifd- ncstie w-as tire preachier and thea Fenguson M-unr-o, Wvardesr nutanien Newcastle Ciroir undfer tire leader-i Ceunrty Heirr Damwn,own-er of tire siiip cf Ne,11 Stewavrt cenldered tire fateini aad otirers. muiisic xvirih mas x'ary maich enjoyedi. ji Professeor C. C. E. Dewniing", Ag- Mrs.Fshe of Neircastie -,vas tire o- 1frcicu]lIural Ea7ýenaelng Dtprtnrent, g'anlist. Mr. and Mccr. Swar.brick were- O.A.C. will be presenit tedfi-cuss e- happy te renew-ý oldi edtîe gileerung probleme lirerenti-ntire Mir. sud Mrs. jN.sV. Mcltyre and I f ami pl1an and Profe-seor F. F. ma--- son Joh-n of Tor-nte Spenta tire wa-ek( Wick, Sil, Depertment,, OAC Wili ed witi r M. and Mrs. H. Re-yn-o-idc4 0aik on rep rotation, wbhich, {f anildPtr aours nse, hs ocf theie ajior anigles _Mr .and bMrs Shi riey ,V rntt Ycf i tli e ieefeimni iprovonrenjt Pont 1Hope, Mr. and lMre. Leonard program. P-astu-re imanagemetandOuglitred and lDon4a cf IWesi>eyie ignaîss silage prolm aie n hprere andi Mr. Bob Vannaàtto cf Tocontei cf~~~~~~ Prfse erg .Rihy were Suriday visitors wit Ilrrs D.- AnirnatiJlushand'y DprrenVn att nd CeciL. OAC wiro will at-ce be pre-cent. Viitos itl Mc. and Mes. Tom- F le ý,oun MondLay reere Mc. asud Mrs.1 -Artli-ucr Faille cf Bownrianville, Mc. O.'- 1 ails un-d Mr. and Mrs. Lliew Hall..- k e iw o w Ins ýW dDo r Langstaff calliei on Sundiay afternoon. D efeatLed 'FIvice T-recridren cf tire Sixtir Lne, Kendl su ad McfLen',s ccir-ols gave a SpigConcert in tire Orange H1all tire plate irh1ich wit1h otirer positions on, Friday niglt, Jume Rthli, untic r e uwas prov-ing e; weak point, Idirection ef theiremusie t Mcr rM. Net until thre ci innuings dhd tire Neil Stewart. The Hall iras pecked local teamn settie doýwn te play ibah tetire doors and ereyde tatedi it r ad abt tusstage cf tire gaule it wvas hed beehen a m-ocýt enjoyable eeig toc lete. Iso :et1thiune tire Ken-'O"a(n-da" -as ýtire penalg chorus tdl teamweoe irain-g trouble and ial- by aIl tirfppia.Tfi-erew-r folk! r Iewed Ocone teo score six irus. dences ,11nmbers by th" uirby tand Junior G eitJuiors,)duets, Oraoete date iras ine'on e genre ptinocolos, numnbers by t'1(-Seiior and hot three.liendelbais lest tliree meypoie dance.Tire final choruis wes andwn an equal nunier. aildSne boys, and- tire pcetty Practice ire possibly a lkey note foc x'eryIlpreceiVe.-j-ýk gtheeý,, rlocal lads-. Tire w t i s certnial.y tireKend i United Chruir ýion u adyi ,aviijab1e fer tire gem-e but tire aded fron iast and e largec- ge d toli- s lackllng for thre bee3t cf re- eesattended thie en-nualsrvc. ycuiî1ts. Tie, perhiaps, dees mn e niý!Terppe a eRv .Lu pawC4tising periedis but iTire preacý her w Coir e ex'.D than ces- onhy be obtehiiedin Gisnmir. m uice. Tr ib hi ed dtr Settibîg do-an- te tire gaen of ýýoft- WrtsSra s a day ia J ne?, n ha-h, tire Ororne- Gir4e stee:d Jhi 'sei lhy Jne 9 wiren tireKeda ground on Fldye-'ening in New.. bal lu1,b 1amI Rassociate esee cactie ivnirere tirey defealteci tire ireili- ile, nacfrle' iebusses bourinrg teamn by a sece of 1i3 te- 5.1 esid proceeded eecstwa lci tekee an n Winnin ,,sgnrega, Orono tr pitrneni t1ith the Cabun i ,ne anid - trelc-e for tire echeçmle bil clýub. We receivel a veriy plea_. 9se fac ptayed. A innr siruffl iin tire sirt surprise woi-en we irrived at tire 10 teem g pae a btrbalantce for irehell park and feund- n herse race In n lio0,Cls anrd alifitirugirerros wecernc-,pogjess. Tirere weie three raes-, a 'yrniUtedfirey wnestili aible te :kea,,p e Newestle lu chec-k. Tire Nevx'cnnte! giclen have as yet to in a. genie tins i h l r i fC Iost Interesting T here was a sple-ndid mttenidance2 ni Tuesday -Afteroon, Jujne Lt, i ivMaSonie Haill, at a cominn4ie eengof the Womanir's Meinr uxleyand the Woman'ci, Associa- jon of Orono Unlited Chureh. Mre. C. ýVood, npresilnî of the W.M.S., con-. acted *a shiort business ah ieetinig 'l1ien letters of appreciation we-re ceý,d byv the seýcretar-y, from Dr. V, T Iooey treasurer of the United 7huriich of Cilada, fo, mon'ey con nibu Lted ta for-ward cIothirg ver ýeas. It was deided te hold a jodmit Leeti-ng, againi on July 3)-d inthe. fri àf a pic nieluthe park. ~Mrs. Olar-ence Dunean, presidenif )f the W. À. too'k change .Of the se- cond part of thbe meeting, during whlch trne Mrs. N. F. Porter led in lvery sufitabie -vopsni.p ser-ivic on. ie tieme, "Seek y-e firs~t the king- onn olf God" and ailthesýe thimigs hall beý added un-to yeu". She com- pareil the kingdlom f God to an enrthly hkingdorn, siflwiig tiiat wherever there le a subjeet ?anhico ls )yail to the Kinglý, he belonga ,te, the Kiligd(orni. In the Kinigdom o-i f God, wýhich is withiin uHeavea le the apiltol, tre Bible is the guide book, ard Chnurcli attendance is thre vel para-,de. Mrs. M. J. Tamýblyn gave thre ladies amost instructive1 repont of the eeicgs of thle Wonran's Aslsoci- tion Dolminion Couniii helld in Dant- fieni Avenue -United Churcir, Tor- onlto in MTIay. Althougi tins couricil rals been organized only elevweu yýears wonidefl phgeisIas heen md n illirncuhe of W.A. wcork, ce-or- clina-tîig ,-tie wo-fk eof thre onferenes pce'sbyItrýl and, locall tassocjatioflns througlihout Onaca., Mrts. Tamhllyn tcogetherý wiffh five other ladies f nomi Cis<lawa Presb ' tery uttended tire Bay of Quinte Coniferni lce W.A. 1meetingý -ilUrgiston sund a m sne 01 tir Durinigltire nmeeiing, su ois f thre nc e islhes receirtly pur-chased for thire new irh h itccn rere on iUslpkay, and bille passed fo-" pay- mnint of scame. A gk'ft of alrg amber eof ledd disl--1es iras been urlade Lo thre churcli> 1 Mrs. Aked of Ty- roflit, w~ihwae tery inruch apprec- iaited. Flans wvere iliade te cater for a diineox~n ie l6th toa ipicujic pârty rrom Torlonto. Ail, lso a f.aru er'erace. 0f cuure no recorde wýere b-okýejn h e far- ml r's rce, but i-t \was fuin. Tie 2.:30 chas ad eight rlre ani w \als rau. hi221, Tlie 2.20 dam had 1uýcuven. al'- trie ! sud es r n hi2,7. TIh-fee fo al led f*e entriand we ru sped fr aemil eunrytrack. Al raes ner-i-le, anid a111 eepalCarq The ýbailpgamie wa-s fn.Oui- teain was ac qe, ie, old forai amd gave iii tolp euinca(-d. Mîle pitch1ed with ntes atchingai,'ICIJoh'n or firt rceîinl th bst of supIpor't from Ilthe field. Our boys rolle'd u coeof 10 runis sdalewe te 0oP- pos,ýition 1onily twVo cuis. Thebu ride Was wond-irfil. Tire corutryidewas ýdrestead ;n t'e un.. man~~~ ~~~ greap-e'mrai -i a far- Snier's deiight. Thie -park ia rwet1ur r ust have been two or l'tirea th,)us',a-'d peo pipesenttnda large inumbeî Again "Wha",t'es e reasady u Julie'EsepecelJ'une(-, h19l51. rke Schoo%.tls To low 1 Fi The progvam wulll 'begin at 1.310 o'Ickom the -fernonfJ e 0. Tour-, of the pioperty ýwilTI be held et hioueili intervals. Therewilaa- diinbe mlany Pducae al exihiits amrang11.edq for by th-e Deparitmenýt of ~ol~ Guelph~; Bepanlilmec t *opf i i i i 'r- i i i i i i i i i i i i s i 'i i s- -t i i i i i s- i i i i -i s r' --4 -4 i i i 'i i i i i i i i i i 'i i i i i i r- i i i 4. s r' i i r' r' i i i i r' i., 'n il '4 '4 i r-- 'n 'n r- i -4 r s i i 1 h 4 -r i 'n i i -4 'n r r i 4 i