Caeonranks wthNat,11 Rio À de -janeio and San Francîsco as on of the moat beault fi seaportFs oý the wýýorjL' The greCat chrof Cape the n)ame ýgivuen to wha tareally uoîTh ranIge of mutislctddrcl beh'iind Cape Town anIld srthn out if oight or teimlesk, forinig iw itscntean xctl smbac covre wtbà tblclF fsoi t, UIOn ell te cblarms of tis ;pictur- ýrtlC ecu tyis thei-'tf'iiiite variety ofý its beauy. Onecan in d a differ- ent iewof the oufan ad oceanl mnsbfvrdrcinoetrs The imounumsare AIlabout, yet one is not shut in, or there are open kteches o c):Ountry everywhere, in- eludng ne kownas fthc Hotten- tots Hllad, hie oanc sees far across the hbilue bay forty miles away Chl"r, mufan of fIrc Hotteni- tot ane s surprisinýg that tan stýill eeits beauifll ouflîne asq ej ysfifty miles back mi Tfable Mounltain y:old be like thl, pla ofHaiet itIoutHae. fron)t veranldal hl h bds inl thle nearby treeýssanIg the-ircaos Sv saw cros thle lawu th'lewde spreaiug rbliertree beneaîh 'hic withifswelhoftopcl wes andstretciinlg Cont to the ubase of Table ounain1aile or0, mJore away, a ass of ark and' liglitev- gretrees ithe idsýt of \which thIe go)rgeons ,red blssos fite red ighte caudes3o a Christmias te ..-rom "Tave Ltters" iby Thomnas C. 1Thadcet, Shoulders, Etc,-The men of the fiecvy cruiser Los Angeles Prov- ed they know airt when they see t by christening m-ovie actress Andrea King "'The ShouL;ders."' Their findings corlcurred with those of Yucca Salamnunich who recently proclaimed Andrea the possessor of the most beautiful shoulde-rs in Hollywood, Debunking St. Pat pool hai-waynp fic id e etCroaigh paLtnick, tersalcrcd ieuntain1, îane telliv you tht if is t1he watery hale1 tlirou1gb wýliich St. Patnî:clTkbaýnisbetd s1uakes fr-oni nelndNos tse people a1relui for a shIocký, for- a scienitisnsalys thee re ne sîakes for St. Pafrck't bausl. Dr. Chris ogar-t, Curaton of The Deparfn ie tRpie au -euni -et"Na ful Hfiafory, says there neer hal'-d beensuaLkes -in readsince fbIlleglaciers ettf laÀs4 'ce cAge lcruci Hir wa ovr ortbqecu uroeibouit 40,000 ycrngo. Tegair èec abc.ut 17,00 yaro aobuýt the. ofks tth tinent neyer Ihad a chanilce tfu gef back te Irindbc- cas leçwas 1 n lger ujan ad bridge eoý-rver which theyncoiEli- graf te. Teceef hycudgef wasEegaud whch u hose far- Way hark lcin, 18,31,aursha nanir1d JmsCean asdasel-. safiiOn l iy impe)rticg haIt) a do,;, xcu Enlih nac~infe ,Counify Down1- inat tec wcbcfeycu lv thee.Witinaje"."bous ,of the1 anaks nacbng is boteronli Cu- euît Gaîrdeuz, bIc(i(ý then seAI mnOa atlnce (eue"was seen lcrossiug' a oa ad was kilied.ý Pt r i ck, tnanypeople retnjsed te priest pece sro elru that 1flicinc den1tfo'sdodth waibF ie f~rne e lccde Slang Words Withe 'Storîes Bhn ropiat f rmshould b,- applied to Recal white elephants inaciu urarad Siami were regarded wibsc we that they had 1tbe tide -of lodnd their bousebolds tel speCýintendedl by bigb-ranking -Naturally, 1tbe uipkeep o0f sýcb arcs howiscdf0puialteir courties injarathrsbtewy b-rdele hn by gvngt' neý MOst evry a lg lhas an in- trc sfinghifoy.St ealing tomeu- ene's thnder or etting the credit for noîhr peson's work, goes titi inentd a ew indof stage. tunder for a 'lpice o ýf isn "Mabeî, nd o hs itene dis been stoien., Lickkcinto ShapeW major. This saingcoes'rm'l European follor ,% was believed that bear cubs were born iithout haeand wcre iýven fo-rmn by fthc Huma unlckedcubsareoffenl demeanor, Je edia ,Ledays, sbnEng)v kiganceedetr mouey ii the exbeiuertbeyap- proac~d thIJews waslieralyhau~ove eoqla alsn of a slow Ire a grduayroased S ir (alr Sctt llue, e -is br Probaly, s 1a resui oftis tet ment ,fckvictîàms Vkick cie.ckî tni ht hscoqial way o aymý ingtas a Omacbas die, bs eenI îsborrwd fomihlaryad A beegs tt) anther word for th fial bemryoke, and ,_Liiiat ngi ase apiidtef i trmafr. om1, icho ca ne lyoslaugred pua! Ii w a sus pedlar. "So long"sýa( I. , cAn altrntve nd tratfer oubt- fuwhory is h sa but isthe Some-peopane prefr tonsaytb t cos orwedo roquetatn moilexhicb Wings For The NATO-The vanguard of 1400 air menl from WIestern European-naitions being trained by thé Royal Canaodian Air Force was graduaced i n the firsi> North AtlantiC Pact class ai Cehtraiir; Ontarjo, Here, officers of tlhe RCAF bears the filags of six natiïons in the North Atlntic Treaky Organ- ization represented îin the clas s of 84 pilots. Fioags areý, Ief tof0right: Belgian, French, itaýlian, Dutch. Norwgianand Canadian. gus" wbticb meians ;anexial ablecrod '.lrg bt heod tiuig ï,I,, 'Ioee rau tel]i us bow ibewcrd "slang" ittelf origiii!caf 1c. lair On His Chest,-G-1. >0e hat if f00, f00 good, thinks /arine Brig.-Gen. Lew/is B. ("Che-sty") Puller, who wants to "fhrow ouf the YMCA.' Throw out il these girls from the camfps. Get rid cf the- ice crecim and candy" be. cause the servicemnan "hos ta gef clown' f0 fighfing.' lts Hitcled To The Staîrs -tike aý weird macchine from cohe planefis-- the mefeor camra cýbuilt fa catch "shooi'ing stars". The 5000-pound camera is exp-cted tl o phofograph 40 tirmes more- meters ý,tha)n sky camerais now n use, Here. Grahiam WaVrillac; -percitEs the controls tht im thugeleis Ia~r~ Ancl~e~ws. Cottage cliee wsprbayal ed by th!af ;ame beauseif is se casily prc2pacd-in fa,-ct bshe peaefor ceufurlIies nams there ýis a surpIlusof 1miilk, Nol oly is the porasofImanufacturIlle -vr simiple, if bas theavafg o e qquiriiug ne jocing. The rse s th 1ete.Lnig bfoe -e hIad reý- foiks conlserv-ed thleir ocsupyof milk in this flatlry, dlct hee which ueeds noueol h siio sperial condéition-s icctray fo somne of the "bîg nm"îp~ A cottage u es il!) a largeýr lurwmpad a freber$esscid avr bas repilacedi nrllany prtsot the7 smiesofter li11 lump nd orepro- It is nmade by fie01( fs rpethod-fhafis, flic srýlimlle f fer thie addýition of ibe lactir acid! cltture, is inlcubafed oly, four tei five ihours", or ) ,lleastha hif flie finiie rçurdby te idec rocs. if is thOs shorr se ýt ba dveop ls acîd.Tbe nilk is hepedito lbe- coming ceesese qickly fhrouigb a little cennetwbMich loticor'por- ated in teobrpoeue a grea t coagulatiig iability, Net ouly is cottgech(c,,fimeiy1- Ifhrough ifstriioaascain with sp)riingmejnu, buIaise beolxcauise if is an ecxcellenit ecnoic i luce of igh,-quaility poei-fthe same kind of protein, provided Éby the meaUt that la now ýScpniv.Five ftable- spoonls of his J)eeSe turnFlisb Pro- tein eýqual te thiat in eueý loini pork Chop. 2Ad1d otirte Ihigbl-proecinl valne auid tbriftfy cosf ifs ow-c-alory conitent4, adi-1cole 1kfor more? A thîrd -cup gives onl1y abouit ninefy calories, lest than eoi ýght ounces ofoagcjic r anwunhuf- tered FEnglisii muiffini. here arc a few cottage chese reipes wifb "orig1,accnt al ei worf b yon.rtrig Russian Paskha ¾pound dry co-ttage ýýce,_e 3/2 cup souir creaim ý/2CUP butter 1 cup chopped natmes 3/ cup candied orange peel 1/, Cup seedîcs raisinls Method: (1) Sieve f1c lc heseif Umy (2) Bedaligeiu eehr (3) Lile atu1rk's bed oýrote nield iII 1musil. Fi anId pnita weiglit on top. Le- setov'rilit.l IlTumi and serve il-irebfri and plain o r wipdcream.Yiel ciglit servýinga. Hungarian Cheesec (As appetizer an leffuce or as lad in a1 ring af teniata jelly) i. cup cottaýge checese 1iCLIP butter 1 tablespoon CarawvaY se 1 tablespoon capers, minced, 1 tf alespoean chïive, mice 1 tablespoon diry nntr i anchiovy, choppl-ed_ 1 tablespoOnpark (1) Pt flc lies iroglia (2) raifi utrnfifi clivesý, msadadacoyanld gra'dully d lccttg hee (-') lFlan into ,a un.spcîn- kie: wfbpaprika andgaib il Frenchl Cheese and Potaio Pie 2 cups cottage cheese ,2 -cup Saur creami 2'/LIcup freshily caoked potatoes, I/2 teaspoon s'ait Pastry macle from t-o cups pfour ýroreepackage pa",stry 7mi>' A littie mîlk 1 tabiespoon butter, Method: (2) Mix witb sou creamn and add (3) Cvrbtin n ides oh te-nipain wif b pastry, roiling the cdfge teon aborder. (4) Fili wit'h the clicese aLnd po- tai iture;bmuihtop sith niiik and d Cotwitll ;mall pieces of butter. Bakeina 1mî-ium iiioven (350, te 375 dlegreeCs F.) albout forfy-five minutes or iintlbo .Yel six scrviegs. Now te0 gef away fnom Ic sub- jecf ofceeeiere are 'a few fso cd recipes q 1ifeel. ure that yen and youi n foiks wiIi ndte onn lking. Brunswick Stew Stw togethecr a larg frying Sotten gelatPmIin ,i d ivafer, Com bine ne tbrd (c 4 o1 sgar and(I siowy ad scaded ulk.Stir in sugr mxtue.Cook lin, aidouble hoesirring consýtanîlv, ntil Tcne cup custard adtre cuistar1 dudsftndgelafin. Sf'ic util gelatin is dsole;add va- nilaCili unfil tenitency of unefnegg white. Be(at egg wbife ntil sif rd uaiybat in sait and reminiing eetidcnp suLgar, Fold info custd glatin miixture. Sfir the choclafemivtre, nd ieinto )the, piechi Ture eai mxueoxe hc Olatlay7,r1ad chili unftil firm iScat- ter 1remaýiing m1Ilortels of chocolate polka oi Chl-ocolate Dmpiings icup water i tabLespoon coa Stablespoon sait 1, tablespoon bte 1 Cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour ',4 tablespoon vanilla Method:ý ingeeiens n(dIadIfo oiling waterCook util thi;ck. SeCof th(; flaOcmeutileayfor thle dumpin71)àgs Duimplings ,2 cup flour 2 tabiespoons beet or cane ,ugar 3/ teaspoon vanilia %/ teaspoon baking powder Y8 teaspoon sait 1 tablespoon -butter 1 egg 2 tablespoons mulk Put fleur, bakiug powder,, sait and sugar in a bowl and work but- ter int o if. Add beaten egg, vacilla aind milk. Have iiie syr1up oli and drop in' the dumiiega. Cover aud cook 21) iuts Dont ir. 'Serve whiie still bot witb cream. Juvenile jet G;enius - At the-age of 13 most boys pipe dream about builcding rockeîs and other high-speed conveyances, but Ronaild Wh-eeler, 13-year-old high school student hias done somne thing practical on the subject. He recently proposed thec addition of a third combustion chamber ta the ordýinary ,dua! chamber jet, unît which would greatly increase the speed cf jet planes. Jet ex.perts wiere amnazed by Ro nald's "remarkoble thinking" onth sbject, andi fhe>c inPvited. him- f0 G.E.'s jet cenfler \,v'ece someday his proposal'icmy be put f0 use. --l