1Ann Baker believe they're as thýey try out the "Won- 1cline"d phenornenon mokes enter ca st-nollcabin bu;!t is prood of hec. Joy, the brîde'is rwas matron, ofhooran e biue figured nej oer in s.Tue ncin f Ithe parfy ail egreysOs tcntbmci ntheeeeo tfrtgefs ilnîber .of weddnre ec ~d n te bck ews Ad (rom ilicify. id the recepton-i ,in f ts, fuli and laulgilster, moreI to thnwas go o s ri ofar jacked'. uij hp offitehiF k goodnes f Fualbritdee brid il- wht c i l hoe, iibe s ~fer tie last mathe get wre m i afre ofa smorgas~ "-htt 'n 00fsureif tiîat is way t speiti, and 1 have no offf (min et. Any-way isey ge~ ~ ý a itraesnucl i apite in hip yursef toauynmer food -uasexcllnt ~oundmîdnglstfour i usar- NO40WARNING ia sentimenitl pigrimage fo le inge-ed t asitýUc crner. )ô o rmmbr John1,"'the -em da, 1.eptied'he11 bus1 1"but thaf sigu wasIn.1* :hele id hej,,edf i rntc ANGE CRO0ijs cONR 1 1ý HOWCANIJ? .Q. How an 1 prevent circles froni forming, and aiso crmove the odor afer leanng fariewith A. Afterclanin , pt abouit one third at vn gr itj i ened ,!befo ir oîig hs ilpe ventaîîycirles romfor-ming and wiii removetecleing isfltîîd odor. Q:Ho0 va cn Iremove an ob A. Dipa piee 0f ooicu ciloth int s u ili g w ter a n d w ra p t îg h-tiy aLbout te ck of the o tie. In a few inte tecor.kcarî be e Q . 110w ca n r m o e -à ai On the Ceiling wh7ýiîh hS ben au e d b y w a te r s e p n t r o h a l a e in the roof? scin nn l i i cvre;te sA.oth ovr wt hetpao .p ýi hew van I rep ,are tufe A. ù ahad aethe potafoe Cut a pieceîo-, achscop;inside, butter adtw fho vR u Q. How can I1rederyra t1st- Q. How can I 17tles a brohe - an spot aintepatre a? A. akeandai a hic pat, of wopjts co sad w ars QifteH oalwshsand 0 part zofr 'lit forawith ta aer. n A. T1 iteto iled jute2 Sprikle ayene peper otocre v icçs of selves, d ar a.dot glo.sHow an Ilese tseda s. angsti e woieo a n cande. drop'ge ewt, adthe t:;, aos lise ohal t hinls hs hIghtSand wïidth o a~ai 'in.. Aotice thecuraIn ros e oud th0ebcangantse top antse ide, sud use aknd lof material throogh wh-ih ti caenlent autiPeen Q. owvanI mprt hgi gioss t linen; A.UePleaniwtr9ufa of IIU c24 h 19ixn5te1 tr h S 'NEC24 - 1E5 ix ndsîf ito a owi iC. Plus 2tb.onue sîfted Cae aoûrl J sps. Mfagie -Blng Powder, L sp.sait 3-fc.fe gi,'. rancilatfflsugar; mix in ' c. desiccated Coconut. Makel a %vweil i¶hJe dry nrdinsaid add ila the lrdec given (do nlot SiÀ "i Je) 1C. corri(ald o,2 neae gg yoi,ll, ~ ~ C. pius '2 tbA. water,1-isp, anll,21 ouinces unsweetened Cehocolate, mete au eoed tiv the liquids to intermingl, thnscr iil trie inrdists eai until oscrer is iuot.Measuure into a large bovv i Y c. 4egg whites fat ~ îe .~room Lempeýratureýj and aeprink>Ie wiith 3-j tsp. creamn of tart'ar; beat until tie egg whites are výery very stiff- nsucif Ufer than for meringues, anget cakres, etc. Add ho(ux itue about a quarter ïat a ime, and fold after ,eci addition untlu batter and e-, ,-iies are thorougMiy couabinedf. Tiirq batter into an) ungreased 8" anget Cake panl; h ilu a cahrslow oven, 3250, albout bou. n)u(di-fMvcake u,1,oi vnmeupai ii~ dE asuspn aeutlcl y;