Piano Stuif I lerplayestomicl 0 a1 tîhougis tise rti(o'rofsin seonpiastota ie l ï,isluat'thi Tiseeailiet rrored ublUc pr - acrigto an o"idpayil"Ts Begr"s Oea a peeifor tise benefiit of a MissBite. Piayed wàti Quilis Tise bH gors oi to ste thalt e]u the'tEndof At I iss rielier, wihl sîn a favorfte sogfro ,Juiti,' ccopanrdby M.Dbi Tise aofncetroftsepan a ir tl ulsttachd:to 172, uin tlise aUttret )i cn thre an ie i~ knowu pinoforteaimmropr rero lrne Cet4rpofanCue lm, Ncw York0ý espinette, flouriisd,ivrin plc Recdy For Trouble -- Newsmapc above sho)ws air distacnces ta fr-oubled ïron f r o mn Cyprus, where Britain's anly parcitraop brigade, naw\ý en rouite ta the Mid*dle Ecot by ship, wilI prob.. Aoly be stationed. The brigade wNilJ be or, hand to res-ýcue ans' British nationals threaieied wth YioIence in dispute aver natýion- nlizatian cf ArigIa-Iran*ýOn Oiu Ca. haldings. M00lias been paidr a f'rt-0as lnIaid with Gold -Moît expensivce piattil ever mIle isoe3-ve-, was Ordercod by aniniïaný mýaharaja f om ia Lipzi'g faetory. îls fi-aile was 0fypur silvzPer, arid ood as r'ýOsewoo'd, -'mtreýd foi,- at hundrpd years. TFhe olside wa-s ialaid with goid, anid studdMed with Duriïaljsliîy of a mdenpiano 'de-, pends upon0i a stro'g imetal frame anfd oiyhghysiedWrmn 4a, copls-teninn, rlig atdjaanngwih hs fae dcuna.l Tihe po!iishing of thle cst "draw7ing" Of L ti iingo, th regu tting ofise nGtes, tise tRn n tiemany ineadiisimtsreur S ervices of m'aqspciliîs fli fact, 0the average modem prian Passes croFi o leoS than eîighty pisof fhands c fr; is sred for th0 ho1 omsn 1,0 piecZes ofwod etal, Ccnh rt aiohemrilenter1 into its St us going t ber fat camce, am lefome eavnghem miothr býld ùiely;taking' tohem pan rtia3 adse a part os tise social picle. Dunring rlse eTrning ber m)iotisr sicdtisait acis uinir tht USî ttarýted tise sine- boy tort aicross tise Ploor, bowo fi em datîgliter and ýçe-pt fhem ýAway. Later tise mti askei wby lise aseboy choe br !or tv.-cy d;ti ce, ~Oi" sse ltpaind,*tJ osas tfeiîng ~ 41 m a murder sra, or anythin1g off)iser ,aewol ldeoff utainNtoa ot ballrae aot eo.Bt o't jet nîust bave thitrutis toi ,as0ewoia e fn WRrt popuar sorts1ee(10 hav sowr dwnlargcy bgi 110 e oall as Illed dcowna belie.îve in ctioad sec ta1it0tisa tbey gelPsr-e. Tisgesiowcgra-o grapis,--tand frmts accunt ff thnaryLigitninPic eshîp" al gieyoharougios idate offiwha mpie a. seos wt&,i i Ah 2 icks lstieaic tia Foo"a otbal Leaguetkmpar anti i games' - c , id werpaye-talfrm 1.30a.m ts il 5 .nu Te gme wrec gaineinues d rthe-.10 mintes Wach wa-nd.spetators herea- Ste chiamions liaction. TItasplas- qe an -,eent, füiso tiepaon ad 1nl.y thee games a,-tivarl Nc etiwe- spie biseros, weret d1ina, a b eurowdtheatnti ti Meoe Cdrce ronti-wreaIsts sTenva rs atrctone aeorf stheClyand sncb vil pinst scar W35 Wi cliy ceinered jotjýn tO ý1ghtnin " gaes oi the dyi sim as well n's ame. Selre s t 021,s'wr e xiuste "piay Eýon" and tisn 20 ayte rs were0 seeon 3b atio tis Cial sîren fmr a sorniage (flot argb crmag)a CWi lingwood boot pusised tie bail cuer tise goal hine to eqtsaize amidst bacista the cWer dintise ast seconds thse Emons battied tise bail to ise:,ir galbse-but tsesirets scrCam-,ed! hw-'as a lie, ana under tise îmies, tise baýIlhart to b bought batetiserentre îaur) bounced wouIýd w;n t ,ise gamIe. Meîbourne hadrtLticanea they grabbed tie Ubalfoni tise 1bounce and a hurred ýidck tcav- ouled goalwnmds. Tise Collingwood backs, however, gol Possession anci wocked powerfully to chcar. Thse bail slowly ravelled around tise w7ings; as each tamiandled it, untilfiaiyPot- Richards, tise agpies'plucky rvedasiseti tirough tise pack ani staried an attack whici s snt tise bai itotise goal rmontsý-,wieerkeJk ickey "flew"v and d tise bal on h is chest only a fwyards fromi tise gojal, One onc ol do andi ise iad 21 yards vvidtis 10 score if! Hie YnE,,edth ie -mirnimum as ibis purut kick spiit the centre for aý goal (six points) and Collin-gWoeod won tise5 Julbilcee Lghtning Peirhp The recentsrbsamcply demlon- ,strateti the terrific speet ait which Nlationial Foojtball is played anti ha r0x rkbl free cf injuries, There is plenty ofj body-contact, speedy dashes through paIcks of players, daring hanp(Icku from the very taes of opposing players, higýIsleaps fvrm w>isictis lyesdo f1Ltaiways land or, theïr feet-yet anly one player was forýcedt t retire througi- injury; anid hec becauee j sltisereti over tise wet turf lista the iran f ence -. . ant i tie fence is 1 feet away frorn tis)e playinig area., Weii, f coure, il iapprnled PolSsibly tl iseod one about distance, cable. But conromer e sit, if sotinauls like an aimonofspr in~~~~~~' Wilcsthr wud few tui mlomrents Or opportunities for gkrî-' ting bored. infact, tise way or ericanised-a icd decreae-ab if iist' be a art notion to ingi! a few of Ptose Aussée trs over tO show us sense rmali pcerd. Wat do you say? nBitlErîgla. t., in tis da, of nghtf, ahueif ada jnoise Ln-be parrÎï. Shc- go)t jup o inves- tigate and vl pas gai"r 0 sd Chsi unii alve,sin tht Ireplace. Rocky-3ye..-Jolnny .- Rocky Graziano stares ai the pron)e johnny ,Greco, chamypion Conacdianý welterweglsî, v whoiad jusi takien onie cf Racky's special sedatives in the form c f a straight righ cross ta the ow i the third rounid af the-ir flght iMnra Jonysiepi qui)etly through the ccunt of ten. S omet, ie s It "Rains" Strange Tig as1 cooihe deOr lner at Buos Zoo.frOIlis whtr-ippc hya, ();a îi n xprt 'mos re sne Pimew draUnuptrds y la rii arcreiaidaebe nw mulituesof m l fisis, atrIl Lars antI wo is ito iseans uper ovecoms- is'vricl ir Nonw es Ieln mseso Up~~~ ~~ fr ie sa o ppng o Iforing inu-The "Big Bertha" Df the horn world, this Swiss AIp- horn was put thraugh its potes durirng the picivresque mnile-long parade lis Konstanz, Sauthern Gerrmny. The occasion was t.he a n n (j ai; Whitsurtide festival, Mare than l 4000 persans caume fram Germariy, Switzerland and regioraJ costumnes cind playinq France, wvecsrinq national and characteristic instruments. But- the Alphorn was the bicggest hit in thse parade. Sendifig Message, To Planet Mars Tieow si 3t arsifas ing tisiC ,il]ulic'ltioon rii Some yasea ieR forn of a iugeiriagl~with' macl nakig n is trt' face.Bnî 8 fan o cotcesp ry5and ggcsf - list Ite- sgivenýj iansll BABY IlICE Non ont.d, Tllet s cocer2ais. is I',m kr e Pou i -Ode utts i!ras Cata guod erSSÏnoMs ed Wr tedict-tl pra Jtical1y1sure thet y u wl e ke'l'ie Daula. la Poilera.LPropt deliqery charts LUitadw errasOnt talaco lant.c uce outr tbco t'ric a $îinOgam.Ege~ ta aea Chaîham ntcide' iv1 ý ,cRieAL B1,5At BEAf Tany 1L. n l-uywic oo areintremse aitarasbaerorsele -bose2o ferm - ritete hiip Tong.Itelor. H7FeeIckSra.Ricea.on trl. TUEN PARETIMEtotodollrs silin Escinie ,L3hin Neada irt 1 Us- Tra Tn or 'LmI],f u ;orparttime CoU l rino i zpiîIid, euni. Pu, PO vi28.Ha ilon Ot ina? Wrte t osfg o, LnoratSi. UW- .re gWd t eocet mur oWîtn. e 711 angeS.Tornd EatabLhed 895:als ajantpuhnj and t nn iei shop- ibtoLs it o baud acryigdcomiete nca0fieir mas1- dY Fuins aaytoinWear as 10 'suggesi a practicaimen5a cammunlicatinig wiih otise pants He decide,,dti tia îonaure o tise message lhad 10ube'cb u(! 1tha t conveYed beyond doubt iwo points --that tise mvessage ilself waS de- liberate anti not anicl dntifoc- matioli, am!d tisai btat iog was behiod it Hle sge ,e eorn-i(trical fig- uire in tise 'orm offai rgh-nga triangle îii a squa1ýre avecr acis Sui afgure seod tootbu an Mtan. Tht Abstin astronoerL.i- row, snggesoed that tise Sahara Dc'ert would ;betise pemfecî place f'om wh'ýiiî tosend amesa eH pmoposed a ýset of Ienisson cîccularont square, ont bexagonal, and 0onetragulrwiiiweet be flhled wiîiswatem. Enlougis pama4ffiin t l uix b;: oUus Was te, be Poured on tise watec and one trench was tui bciiluminated one nigist, se tfiser ftisefllw nlight, iand m'u 1, inf.allailtise trencïcisswretci be llmi al a once, Liiîrw'splan wMasmeer cacirdu since Mars i il narsipoint la tie cars Was moine 35,00000 m0ilpes away, even a trench off ire MO0 mile long woul! d t e noliced by any lîvryprotýnaîlyrain dleep pýurpîr quinie isai put in las year are a joyM tOMhIsod Tise drar Miul duopsîs arrain qnblooîo donby tslakýe ],nmlesu -Swran Eli. Lida. Apvîy llIugh Mrdok it. , LidaOt. FOR SA 1- lE RtET eealsoe 1710 ORSITT P30 TiIATRCEF ER, galivepoerttke oi. Rason, mafc1 Pains or Neuri4tis shotjld ;Ory fllxon's Remecdy. e MUnro's Urug Store-ý 1 33b Elicjn, Ottawa, $1.25 Express Pr(,. CESS NHONTE-AILSALVE. Sm@s: MWy cunot set relef rie Box12. inpeg, Manitoha.à ine POý(ST'S ECEMAEESLV Sales wll IT vinodsppl yu MtcEns N AiNDhrigseea ee BEgwrmApmpesanRD ahltaSSfoow MUonc radiy AUV E Atanî Cas doreg 3lten.readTs fIV- suboo o isopeleas jUe ï-see AN N AND WOMEN UaOIN Ca.AS. EDNI <HO p ral.,orutty Ler tion 'r, reslles t'esantLdîgelfird prosi. rgoud wages Amelces Gets ytem.wï W Vri e P,0, Oeil73 318Binrnt. .OTor-t ýD"-ny " Branches: o MARE tMONE TiS SUMMER seliinujg pAis ings'eiMn' Toiryandaces 4.ories.SaiaracMiins and bonusj0 pilan re Sle Rt Dro7et l Item'bitn, Ont. ve0 ntdnsan f1 nfratonset r. 7ae Hamsayn Co.. sisared api1l,<, atir asys. 27 Bock Steet. Otlw ,tj, tet Solicît. sthliahsd 1890 1 UBae>,SrI. Toroevnin lcoit iIfr tIon on reonei ,1r at. UfU0HOInal ýtDEI ttSON a rai.L t,. QuuTTmIGARETES "- Peasy wc tie j bcc liinto sietii Moretobaco. ietessenn ioie 'h lssified Advertising.. N a, a N N N N N 's, N N N 's. ~1 s., N Ni Nf Ni 'N Ni N .5 Ni N N N N 'i!kl' Sculi Session-Jock S, Guest, Jr, rigl- i 8-ye -ldhoirer of the Conaçlîan ond Amerkon sculingcfs nshipsas shon cbovep with Ihisfaher, jack Sn., sinEng'.. rp e hoi ul pete On the Diamoand ScuIIs next nmonth.y r m erw a the £>mond SwuHslock i1930 aoiidhopes hiîs sorlaillfoïc,,w4shsfootsteps this yeQoY