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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jun 1951, p. 1

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ORON VOL. 15 NO-22 Liberal Leader To Speak Here This Friday Night W ESLEY VILLE aleiiibro alinn o nai Counity aind Poica Leader of the lqr,'m(Gror'y "nllM-un Kelly of the Liberal batcwilh the special GlsowSccer teain. whieh played speaiker ini the Oronio Town Hall on oi receeitin uToronto, v-isited with Mr. Frdayý evening. Junie 222ild, wh1en the -R' B" Mvuir cof Hedlea Beach, Yicýar Durliain Cou)tiiity Liberal Associti on liee,4at week hùld~s its alnnuàl meeting and elec- Nfrs Edgar Býarrorvclongh and Miss tion ofofie. Beiintece Best visited Mrs, Grenville Fle& t Feen Falls. last wveek. 1M;'. Tonowho was elected Vo Mrfis. Muiray Payne visited with the leadership of the Onitaýrio Liber- ilier -parents ,ili Myrtie o'ver tlhe week- ai Party at its convention last Nov- end. eeniber was borii la the village of Mr, and M-rs. Victor Clina, Go- Hastng in Northiamberland County, -bourg, were Sunday výisitors with Mr. 55 yeaïes ago. son of the Rev. David aud Mrs. Howard Payne. 1Thonison. 1He recelived bis ealriy edus Week-end gues whMrNé n Mrs ration ianH:tnegs and %was attendig T!iarald B 1airowcýlough were Mr. and the Unîverstyof Toront at the ont- snd ýMr-. Dflbert HaIlowell ad break of World War 1, when he left dauglhter of Toronao.and Mr. and hs tudies to jidatlie Ganadian ariy MJ. W. Barr-?o-wclovgli of Oshawa. LaVer. lie worked as a buttcher anda lvXr John Woolactt, Mr and hMm. labourer to put h[iiself througli Os- Geoirge 'Woolacott and faniily of Port goodc Hall. and susequently bult Hoape visited Mr. and Mrs.Arnold tup a big practiýce in Toronto, iargel Asn.Sunlday in corporation l aw.ý Two bbe were litee at the Snaay omig Chrcl Srvie.1 He aso took courýses in animiiial h-us- -Victorý Lewis, soni of Mr. andM. band-, frcin tLree universities- Arnold TorncWke pnd Lwrence Wisconisia, Minnesota and the- Otar- Brian, son of 1Mr. :Lnd Mrs. Ken DiM- i o olem of Agriculture. lta 1930 he moaemoate ,.hl pur-chasýý,ed a fai-a- near Pâlkering asdl 10,)n(a-y-,.,fernooy te 'A. ëdmni it with hired help wvihout inter- a qulltiing at the homie of Mr, id.-fering with his Toronto h practie. ard Be'yt. Akquilt for the Red C Ol bsfasseha sabihd e wais filished during the afternoona.Onput annove hnany er as ne of After the quilting Mrs. Oke was pre- autstandivr mny;Ars asne oefl uened itha lovely corsalge and a breeders iài Canada. H1e was presi- nive cssroeMrs. W.Niosa, dent cYf t1he shr Mlrs KVhel Payne of Port ope were Breeders'Asoitn in 1907. His, visitor's at tfhe quiltiag. mreain as a breeder, and hés %T4 Mc, and M4rs. IL Gouer of Peter- nainte (Aliowoy) are known froin bço isitedl with Mrs. foldaway on cnoast to coast., Cattie sired by Thoili- suaday. sasprize bull haIve gonie 1a1over G7oorgrtWationls to the Wesleyvîhhle the -United States, as well as Canada4- bal bra who have won the chtalrp- nnd Vo Hong Kong. Mexico aad other ios!pfor t1)rs district, distant mmes 3%. and Mdrs Perey Snel nvtored Mr. Thomison basu been an active 'Vo Roclester ast week te visit Mrs. poijtical camaigner foc- muny years Sniel's sïster, Mrs. Gable. who 15 in. aii n u1099 edr electioïi defeated Mr.Snell wllh remnain -a few day-s thesittlllg- ibrl, viber setr. Ota-rilo idng ',yrthie largest nmajor The regurmeeting of the W.A. ity vanbbthe stor'y of thbC ounty. 1 'vsheld lasb Wedaiesday aditernoon. at tbc chuircli. ih the ladies ofi The 'meeting on Friday evenig Zionjr and Morrish as guests. Mrs. G. will be open to thle general public- ichois was ln charge. The srèp- an'd it is expýuected tbat a large naiu- turcs vwere read by Mrs. Arche Ford ber of people fr<im the woulnty mon 2frs. C. Payne and Mrs. E. Barrow- take Whsopotuiyof Ïbearing tOis clough. 1rWCanron Nils sang..,popular spakr hen lie -wil] discýuss5 WBerss Tis litousel' Mrs. Trulinasýi the i5ssues of the day. Ausin rend abouit the wonlar of fthe motFlorence Ngtnale, and al- nýo cdutdatet-usin con- borne of Mlorish amoved a vote of cest aLuchwas served after wbAich lit the ladies of Wesleyýville for theirý Mr.R. Mortônn of Zion anid Mrs O-hsiaiy Cl1arke Twp. ToS'tart $20,OOO Project %On Lakeshore RQad i A sp-cil meinof counici il ans bld clon -Friday halst enthe leI- befýrs teurcd bbc - roads of Clarkveo blcrannuail roa,,d inspection. Thie nsieil -resolvcd Vo -begin the contrcto f Ove keshoreodi dvrinby caling for týen-der-s forv tu cnsrutinof bbc, ayn&15s. Gloverýý's ad.Gmha bridg(4es. Ten- der~s to be -receiveti anti deaithOiat Ove rgular ouncil nmeeting lun Juhy. This is con)sideredti t be la $20.000' pro-ject out of ,vhýiàb bhe toaý,iisbip of Clarýke miilpay $4000 aihe VIve De- artinent of RgmasandtihIeBal wayIl's Vthe reinaining $19SI.000. Mýrvrs, Mae Allin Elected District Deputy For R,ýebekahsl More Vlan 1,9-00 delegates of 0On- barlos Odfeh a ad Hebckiahs chercted district officen, here this mcciv as nmeibers froniaipartscf bu'-e Province conveneld at Vive Royal York otel. Annual sessions o)f th Grand Lodgc. Bcbckah AssemC, ý Gran1d Encasiimpment and Departmyent Gounicil of P'atiarcIl Militanlt. were helti as the, IndeDendent 0O aier of Odflloas imcet Delegates f rom -al Sections of the Pro-vince lpeudtihat bbc LO.O.F. Canner Polimyhetis and Tubûrcý>Ll- ess uud bas groan Vo nmore iOvan $800,0fli since 1947, and thiatVthe 0or- der's rchliabilitation cenvtre et t he GmavnbiistSanîiaium m ;iiibe nm pleted soon. Nuanher 1of liosýp!taI beds avaiafie for use lu homes inc MreasedL b3y 90 durinig Ove year, und n-om totah 400. most of theni bing in use S Elerted for thve Durliaia district. ns Decputy GranMasterof the IO.O.F. msC. Mlton Nues oýf Gobor. i bias jrsito over lodges at Boa- manvihie, Portý Hope, Cdbourg andi For thve Oshawva East. No. 8 dis- tict. Mrs. Mac Allen cf Orono mas cicrLeýd District Dcputy President. of tlhe Bcbekah Assem',nbiy Mlrs. L. A. Bumrcl of StGatharines who presided at Ove Rebckah Asse- bhy. titis year ehclbrati-ng thc mo- pinr's Wbranchie' LK)tlhanain,ýers9ry, announýccd thiat kitoiven equiPilient hai een -prcscntcd Vo thc Otdf eliom's Homie in Bariîe. Secrcbary, Milss V. Pear.ce reporteti 15288 ew Hebehealis durin- , ive yean .brihgiag meiniber.- ship in 0Ontario tVo 29246. GCharles Hiuteheson of Lndnprcsited abthbb LO.O.F. session. ONT.TF WLCT.U._h EING 1The ladies of the Wonien's rs ianl TeneanUnion gathIered lati the homne of Mrs. Saiiiel Berryý l'uesclay, Junie l9th, for thie'i rprguhar monthly Ineetig. The Pesdt.M rs. H. Walsh openied the meeting with thLe-myan 'l arn Thine O Lord'. Mvrs H. Ro1we garve the devotional. Mrs. R. Allida readjing froni the book of Judges, cýhaipter 116. verses Il Vo 21. Mmr. H. Home gaive- a ending, 'When Ged is goule', c]osiing with prayer and the tinst veïse o'f the 11ym1a "Jeans Lover of My ýSoul."' The minutes of the ilasýt meeting were read andi approved. Seventeenï meaubers were present. 1r's. F. 1çelly reand froaa Vive book of saa.chaipter 11, verse 19 with prayer for Peace Mais. Jacksoni gave a readduiig by a mal, -rm Assýayria explaiisig Vthe 23 Pshn I was shows Vo be a shep- herd's song proving interesting and Mrs. H. Paiiiy-yclosed wtiprayer. Clark. Union Home-Schoel A very enjoyable leveaing was feld on Fridaty, Juive SOi at Charke Union Schiool. The meeting openeird tihe V ;e inging, of "0 Canada" fol- hwed by the Lord's Prayer du un- ison. The preisident Mmr. Ch'arhie Staiple- ton, (c-nducted the bs:iness-ý session anti then called ou Mr. Ervan RHainc,-y V o take charige- of the election, of of- ficers. Tbe newly1.-elected cfficers are president, M.Chas. Saltn ie pres.. Mr. iRoy Berry; secretary. : Gerald Haincy; treasurer, M'ýiss Dw Mofý'fat; pianlist, mrs. Boy PBetry. a1ssi;stanlt pianiist, MIiss Daw-nMoa; press correspondent, Mdiss Arlene Riiey. The fo11lwing rg ramn waas enýjcy- eti by those p resent. Nuniihers hy the Berl fsaiiihy. a rec,(itation by Mr. W. Stajpetonj , oJlos by Mr. Car- los Tamblyn. and also o vocal solo) by Messrs. liiirlie Pr's aIJ iGan eron'. The guesV; spjer Mr, Charlie Pr;ust of Toronto, speoke to the -ath- erii-g on "The Sichool For Boys ;at, Oro no Girls Realize $70-00 From Hfome Baking Sale Asuccessiul ventuire o)n the parýt ,a ckesM G CTernanad Mrs. o)f the Orono Girls' SoThah T- , L.Lower-y leld bbcviiinniing tickets netted Ovse club a suni of $70.0 for this luckry draw loic aîbeuetopyfrOe Ladies of bbc commirunity acre on- spory unifomis pr sd ithis yearli. oegirV el b Irl s at The irl alng ibl bb loal UP~thlis mvas quite evident by the nuin- prt-, of the ïiers ndorients oaspes, cakes, tamtýs etc offeretifo pr-4ov ileir a weretyofd omesa1le ApprelcaVion for this suportý made bakving forchase ' on Sat- Cg1 urdy ftcno u f has eek.nTheis exVended by Ove local 4hall club. sale was eld at Payne's Lunch Bar WVhOeotianefpren rai,th ta n uts obteoa Ha l011oetions at the girls softbalb ane oiwing ~ ~ ~ ~ ri e already rniled suraof $70.00ý Two dmnws acr aso featulmed on it Is expecterd to be alble Vo (Ill-eaOe tis oceca.sio)n vaith Vie prizes hcing rost of fthe new uion5 Subscription $ 1,50 per Year Orono School Takes Honors At Clarke Field Meet The pupils 'of the Orono Public Or)o-no. Boys uader 17 Jack Watsoii. School entered, into the Glar-ke Tovna- Orono; Albert Grahamn. Newcastîe; ship Annual Fieldi Day it a deter- Mdac Holdaway. Grooketi Creek. GirIa iniation to wia. Their efforts were under 17 Adehe Cooper. Or-ono; Et- re-warded by r-eceiving the greatest aie' thfe esad ul a- nuniber o)f points of the schools tak- Vo0,uluewate iu Scy.Ný- ing part ini this day wýhicb waý's lheld in Newcastle on Fri day hast. Soft Bail Throw SPORTS Girls' Softbalil appears tu be as un- prýedictable as ithe we'atlier as showni by alid ioi gairpes between Ne(_wtoniville a'nd Orôono. Ill. Nwto ville the forepart "oftast ,veektelo cal g411s plaïyed tig-lit bail, defea.ting Newtolvil!e by a Wide margin. Thle etpgamie in Oruno on T hu'Il'sday ketween ithese two teama ,Isproved V be t!he ver-y opposite ýrNetai.ile swamped wvith ruais *defeated tlihe Ornu c. luib. T1he first part of this gaine \vas a walka-way for the out-of towý,n crew and Orono dida't -et imb the gaine tuntil mi play but by tihise timie Newtonwille had a coâ-ifoîztable dgeon~ the gaine. The Orollo gi«rls are loin a prebg of 500 wý,ith -their wias arid losses and stand ian third position il, the league. Cambhoune, the sevenfth position temin of thie league. feit the weight of Oronf)o n Fiynight on theirý hoine ground beiag defeated by a soeof 9 to 6. This is the secondw4 for the lotais out (of their five ganmes ptayed. Jou es and 'R. West were the- batte ry for Ononjovvth botli.playing CnS-ss tant ball. To-niig3t at thè- park thie Orono boys wvil 1a gain niet flie eatry frcomi camb.ourne. On Tuesday iigt at the local dia- incond the Or-onlo irls tur.ned what looked like defeat into a victory over the neghi.rn ir(s froin New- castie. Their opponents took- an earlY lead in the fi-st inrfnng when they scoved firuns and hield ths lead until thie last of [lhe sixth in "'1g.1Ai- tbougli Newcastle batted ton i thec first iimdulg thesr were 'fe-Id teon- ly siile ruas la"rithe remnainig ila- nig.Joan Cofoper pitclhing for0l' 1.)c,-, Fefr-on-, the third or, turned in he l Luual speediy gaie. The finial scoref s7t,-od at 10 Vo Ç9 for' Orcmo The Orono H1ardball team cchalked upathjird victory on Tues;day 4eve- ring lagWil, coe y a wide xagn Tt is *ope'd tha't the 'boysý are nlow On tihe ayto othier vco iesluthe fuiture. Toironito", and ôloig this hlel pilayed a truifnwet solo Th metg ised wih God Save ,thleKig te whduhl a SOCial houir wnis enjoyed( Boys under 10' Gary MC CUhicuýgli, ~NewcantLe; Gian:t- Taublyn, Orono.4 Girls under 10 Joau Ahdred, Orono. Barbara Oveas, NewýtouIvIlhe; Verma Chisýtian, ecate Boys under 12 Fric Canleton, Or-onoa; Milton Rain- ey Clarke Union; Davidi McCuiloiigh,. ZNewýcastle. Girls under 12 * Bernie Luan. oronu; Vebca Harris. N2eW. catstle; June Madihi SixthLiUne. ûc under 14 Jack No>den. NwaLe Kelvin Jones, Nerwtonrvihle;JckWl- him.Oronio. Girls under 14 Flo- ànce Rome, Neivtonville; Maidellnpa ,dwnAntiocli; Buby Sbionebrog,.. Neweastlfe. Boys Linder 17 * Do)nald. Ine.Newcasthe: Laurie Staipleton, Newtavile;Jafck Waitso-n, Opoc, Girls under îî BcevAy Osiborne, Ncrash;Wimnie Stacey, N',ew.ý toarvihle; Elaine Subliffe, Leskard, Races 17 AeleC)oýVer Oroio.Boys under 8 Allan Quantrill 17 dee Copr, roo.Kirby; John Hancock. Lockhamtsï; Poinits olbahined by the 1-4 schools Roger Barlom, 0Orono. Girls unider 8 partcipatig are as f'ollows: Orono MEJa RBeCrooked Creik;JangeY 73points; Newcastle 66; Lockarts 2-5 1ancock, Aýnticý,h; Mary Reidi, Go'w- Neatonvihi 2,5; Kirby 13'; Grooketi anville. Boys tander 10 Gory Ide- Creek 13: Autocl 8; Lake Shore y7; Culiouph, Newcasble; James Web.. Sixth Line 7; Clarke Union 7; Lusk- ster. Port Cranby; Wayne BaHlcy, ard G; Starkville 5; Bronins 4; Pt. Orono. Girls uncler 10 Maillene Gra-. Granby 4, bani, Orono; Joyce 11atherley, Nea.,v tonivihie; Jean Ginis,' Newcastile, Standing Broad Jump Boys un-der 12 Paul Rutierlord't, ~Orono; Clia-res Trii, Starkvb le ; Boys under 8 *- Roger Barba,ý Orono Dtavid MceCuhiougl, Neacastie. irl» Russell lHogerison, Nwaj-;Ala'n udr12 BmieLuia, Orono; J'use Quaatrihh, Kirby. Girl under 8 Ehv3'eacMdll, Sixtb Liais; Margaret Watt, Raid. Grooked Creek; Dorcen Ate-Lchrs Boys under 14 KeiVli son, Entepise; Marj orbe TyrrehAdams, Laikeshore; Bill Brunit. New-. Orono. castËle; Ted Wilson, Omno. Cil unigBruad Jump under 14Aleanor Osbomne, LocldhartV,, RunaingMargaret Broani, Nenitonville; Ruby Boys under la, Gary MleCullougli, ïtoeburg. Newcastle. Boys under 1?- NclwcastHe; BHIly Kinviblh Por-t Ga Jack Waison. Orono; L3le itt by; Ronnie Ga'y. Sixth Line. G.sNwcsl;Mac' loldaiway, rCYolcet4 under 10 Kathleen Bma, Browns!Creek. Girls under 17 Adele Cooper, Mle.Newcastle; Joyce Skin- Oioe; Huthl Garrot, Newcastle, I! rouk~ed Ceek Bys tarder 12 Donis Ken-nedyý, Khiby. * Mcvhey Lake, Niewcastie ; Paul flelay R~aces Butherford, Orono; Boss Gay. SixVh Linle. Girls under 12 *ý Bernice Luan, Grs Rural: Lelvms.Cak n Orono; Mlargaret MaNni, Lockarts; ion, rons Boy-s. Rural: Kirbyq Velsa Harris, NkecasVhe. Boys un- Starkvihle,. Girls Uilban: Omono. New-~ der 14 * iMIBrnt, Newcastle; Jn toaville. NwaV~ Boys Tlrban-,- Wilianis, Oronio; Fred Fisk, Loýck- 'wal~ Oimonar NaDviie harts. Girls uner 141 *FloreIIe Roý>ýwe MxdRelay: Crooked Cr-eek, Kirby, Hielen HTalbom-,el, Cok Creek. Clave , Union. Newtnvile;Dor-een Aldrcd. Orcno; oý os nier 17, Jack Wantson, Ormo Lyle Harris, Naasi;Jasae iv1\ Aniersryservices And Chue harveUio-n. Girlsunr 17 Sca eKr Adehe Cooper, Orono Eleano[Pir Osbor-WA.t L n1e, kat;Ean SucifVfe-ALes- kard. i;V-il LtýU>1Ls High JIUmp Boy uner8 * Roger ar ,Or- cao1; Allma QtuantrTil Kiribyý; Johnll Hacolç Lckars.Girls utr8' co& Anioci;Mary ReidCwn ville. Boys under 10GryMecCul- lougliN. catl;* Wayne BaDilcy, Oronio; Peter Loucks, Lesliard. Girls under Vu MailynBakeriheLakle-ý shore; Joyýce HtelNeatoarille; carol Ycye, Antiochi. Boyý,s under 12 Dail(Mcullougli. Newcastlc; Ericý Carlten Orno;Robt. -Wýesthcuseýr, --1a, ville. Girls udm2*Margare Mautia, Lockbhants; Velma Harris, INeacastle(; Jane Malý,dill. Sixtb Liei. Boysz undepr 14 Fred Fisk, Lchrs EalMerlin. Nccase; Bss en Laksboe.Girs ndJr 1 *Eleno;RnbySta'eur Neccast1e: MaryAnni Anns'tro Leshrd Uite Chuciv re oid.. iug tlivir Anniivrar Srics 7.80, p. ueust spea-,ker for 0m3 enigwill lie Rer. H. J. Memnriani uf eaaste.The Lcskr itSud4y SIcivoolcbildren miii siag ln the al-' a;lî be, by thie Kiimby Choir. Thrcýie of Ganacl"tiastenis aces, Brendn Maciven (Second from-i left), Rend Býchjonj, botb iof Moatreal, ati Lorne Main (,right), cf Vancouver. arc pictureti discussinig Ove propcr g rip with- Capt. E, A. Shergolti eboard tbc Canadian Pac!iin liner Eiripresof Scotiani, This Fiehd Day is jointhy aponsor- ed by the Scivools and the Newcastle Lions Club and bas takien a defintite place la the yearly progmain. M/edals mdli bc- awardcd to the higfhl contestants by the Newcastle Lions Club at a future datip. The folhowing- is a ldst. of the min- *Denotes a recDrd, H1igli conte-stants of boys unide7 8, Boger Barbam, Oronïo; under 10, Cary McCulougli, Nclwcastle; under 12, David McG(,ul'lough-, Ne-wcastle; undier 14 Fred Fisk. Lockarts; undeýr 17 Jack Watson,, Orono. Girls usider 8 Elva R~eid. Grooked Creek; ,usder 10 Joycýe ý1e A.hl, Nemtonovihl1e; under 1 Bemnice Luna., Oro-no; u-nder 14 FPoinacen pwwe.Nraean,\nll a. nrrela Mi il N N N N N N 4' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '4 N N N N N N N N N 4' N N N N N N 'N N N N N N r 'N N N N N s N N N N -N N N N s N N N s N N N i. N N N N N s s N r N N s N N N N N N N N N A

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