I nterestirig A. L. WEARN G-EO-,A. KENNE: General Auito Repairs LADIES' WEAI EnRiskiilen Phone 2589 49 King W. Pti Fauiga complete body aiad This establishment, at ferder and auto painting sevcSt W., phone 836, aeJs a this firm is locatedi at Enniskillefl ductioa to many cf ou- woni phone,ý 2589. Duco anldDeluix refin- ers. They coaduct a fashiosl ishi.ng, simronizi-ng and expert wor-1-ir ladies from ail over hh rmaaship, their service is complte i hecountry. every departmnent. They have iiastalled the Iatest of In the way of s;eas:onab~ euientfor a coxupîte ropar hats, coats and dresýseç,3,,hC service.p No matter what kind or ate very latest p atterans f rî smi~shupyoi _y hav been , to selýect. They stand bc you n-ill find that thiey wiil be.abettheir goods which they sel,' to take your car or truck and put it couisequeflico- ladies )ver tihe tha! yoa1 1 territory -vhave confidencoe iu such condition that you 1oNo noever kniow thaut it had been lii a rellability. YNo atter whe, a morning, afternoon, ev Inoïlision oe uehihasiprt garment that yo-n di yim have been bumnped, and t he 1wl find a very complote body of tihe car dented o-r fondersi Ladies, tako a tïp frein bout, lamps crushed', etc., just drive make your Style h 1eadqu. arouind to Wearns anid th'ey will. Bowr-nanville, thiey have a' fix up youir car or truck se that i cino ovl asa wxiii look liko aew nt vry little coat. j please yon. Drop in the in) BomniTlle and see th-i ifual Hats and Ladies Weai RADIO SIIOP 18 King St. E. Phone 673 While they are; dealers for T. V. fets Marcioni, Admirai. Eleetrohomne R. C. A. Victor andj Noraterni Bloc- terfc Radios. this firm has the lateLst aud nost effiient equipmnt fori coruýduaing a complete sýervîce for- the i repairing of ail radios, regardiess of t-he enodel or ma1ake. Thir -work is doeby radio experts. They do r(-pairs on sound equýip- m'ent, record players end automaticý r-cord chanigers. Droip ia an~d see 'her larg-e stock of radios aad electrical apîppiances. They have a mn comiplete Ulne oýf supplies for your radio, so noýý inatter what part you may roqaire(, it wýill' pay to get ia toucliht them.n Ira many instances the trouble îis just somne inor defect wl3lnh c au ho reinefed inl a -very short timie whea taken to a rliable shop suchi as this, and maý,y we, sugg-est that for your radlio trouble, see Radio Sirop. W. H. BROWN Farm Implements 91 King 'St. WV. Phone 49,7 Thnis firm is; located at M1 Ring St. 'West and is we4! knawa te manly of our readors. Here car, ho seen a1h comqiplrte li.nos of inplem-ents -ind f arm supplies, at very reasona'bi* pti(Ces. The-y7 are slsand service deailers for Case farinim eea, De Layal in-Iîkors aad coolrs, Beatty Bros barn a-nd f arm qipet They car- ry at 1a il Urnes ,a fuli lire of repairE for al farm machiaory taI be founc lu hei stckand are ablMe to p')rovid' pron)ypt Serice whea repairs ar( neodedl. Businoss hussthat are sai s eactorily slipplying the farm-ers needs' and that cater particularly ti tirir wvats, such a-s this f irm moHe-- favora1ble cmmi-,ent and it is sug ge1Sted that yoU patroniizýe this fin) whienever iia aeed of antytiing latih Ue of farm implomnts and sUî plies. VANSTONE FLOUR & FEED MILL FLOIJR AND FEEDS 116 King St. W. Phoneo7j Thnis reliable firni is Iocatod t King St. Thre maniagement is xe to1 mariv of vou and ext- - DONALD EUI WOOD WORKI 1,36 Wharf Rd. 1 Should yen,ý need a Kt foýr your kcitc.heu, Tave! Bars, Tee Greaim Couniters, w11ould ho woell worth whil, sit, Donald ElIsU.. Wood Specialis-ts on 'house a& and built-incaie work! finds of shelving aad stolý etc., the mantriagemkeut ocf ý has had years of experier' work, and yenca rsi their f inished job -wilil ie-. for they are expertLs ia t, W"e sugtyou calil ir iDonil BUis the next timi ïn Bo,.wmanil ie and thýeyt you l plaiungyotir estiates are givea i Vh~ Try this fi,, once, an-1d more than pleased, beca. faotbion is the trade-.mari rliabie firm,-. HIGGONELC' APPLIANCEt f42 ing St. E Whilo hey are Genrera, Sa &les and Service, they known to mýanIY Cf our r - M- iter largePstock of eie pliantces You ca1n rost Is' thenwst Modern! a1n bmproved 3tock will be î s 'at this progre"Ssive eloctii d They are known to bave ;~ eiet of eleotrical app1iaacq, ýe plie and thoir Staff are 1 1epa,,iring and serviciag~ ý-1com.lete display of radic s acihrdO, rfigeratOr5," o loti irons, vacuum el, t o ctrîc toasters, laarps, et~ cied and their sale si n gladly demonstrate any o, e afticles at any time. P- In thils special revi, 1 leading ir- of Bownflý jicinty, the writer 18 refer Higoa Electric i itaition, and urge our isit this store. F RED KNi on! SIOE STO ell i Shoe forthe1 is15 KingS.E a codialweii o t1he poople ef)- tMs' disýtrict.i A splendid stock (of Mnitaining an uýp-t-o-dat-e busial- women and childreni wiÈ ess for the acco-rMOdatiOa of the itsrlabe Sho tore Public , tins progressive bu-sineýss hn 839. firm bas an eval record for The staff of tihis faim price and good quality.inss-epr ueiitr ing tinat everytuhin)g abouat their experienice, and tiri plaee be inaccoïrdî wiîth 4the Imostthe foot has Nwoa IFred M.Odemr scientifie idieas regarding satisfied customreTs, nq purity anid ce'anlliness'.1 manvilie, but la this - Vainstono Fiour aad Feed Mill as Sh1oos in a wide va > thns assured tire public tihut foeds 1tirat play a ieadiag 'Ir c,cniding froni tis place are pure and rectt costumïe of 1r w1irolesomie. They 'arre dealeàerS for person are On display Sirnr-gaiap, Purina, Master and Van-! shees trat fit with tlik stone Brand feeds ard tire fa--mers ltirat yeu have always to! tins area ko Vansýtone Flour In fact. in regards aàuld Feed Mîiii ha-nffe oaiyth best tic Une (-lfcfootwear, quality feeds. T)-hey are famllar cannot do btter itirn îtitb the, iour and feed busnssadsee th rlagete mk are amyiptly prepared to take care of Inatins spec-ial reviE your probiemis îla tinsne. Visit tire gressivo business firir Vanstono Fle)ur mud Foed Mill and ville, we are giad to seenre thre begt in rfleur and feeds. Knox te sf1 our read~