ORONê DRY CLEANING AIND REPAIR$ PHONE: Daune Fouti Aricles will be,,iicked uýy'and delF e d,.,at your door, / GUARAE~6'SATISFACT19N PORT 1HOPE - -ONTARIO Corne to hear Walter Ca' Thnompson KoC., M.Po Dynaunlo L!býral Leader ]For The Provinée of Ontario Rea, 1 have diate invesM proved fat" at Five D- Only iliter( quired for Investors vailable mii gages thro' LerOý Office 3 Or 1 N In al Fire, AuW Life, HOS Plate App1lic Tax We have a Iý TOM- 3rII AIl Merchandi~ Gouranteed an, cannot be beat, Coleman & p PORT S SUN DAY, 10M .0:0 Sun&~ ?'1.00 1.1.Oo fJ3,00i and 7.Ui ri a Sipecial Servi( Meri4am of 31 jf# P4 Astor "Custom Ground" COFFEE - Freshly Ground in ýa iffy - lb. New POTATOES, Californian, Clan - 10lbs. î...... ..... GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, Sweçten d- 2, 20 oz. ýï ..... Keta SALMON, Fancy, For Sa mon toaf. - Lb'iný............ CITEESE Rolîs, half pound lnks, New-. eadh/ ... ........ Canning Supplies Fr ah Fiuit& Vegetables X Quality M. LEMONS, large for ...... H 5. EiAVE AN EXCI Certo Crystals, pkg.ý ---27. çCUMBERS, ech......... 17C. IETY 0F COLD 'Y LU'NCHS AND SA Certa, Bottie......6.NEW CARROT$ 2 lbs....c. ALSO FRESH BEE1I Metal Rings, doz. 2t.TÔMATOES, ,ackag-e.........-27. AND CURED 1 Jar Rubbers, 3 doz. 2 5. BANANAS '_ripe, firmn, lb. 19c, CHRISTIE'S Ti- Crown Pit and Quart Jars STRA ERRIES arriving fresh Ail ld Biscuit favourit Parowax, Mason Jars etc. daily. ket again, package -~CO NSH - Or~ ,.Phoa lZl - TREKil <4WIU--SOR speakers will include your meimber of Parliament "Johnny" James Under auspices of thé Durhamg County Liberal Assn. i pholme fZrl ý TUE RZD & WHITE STORE