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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1951, p. 1

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WE Vol. 15 No.23 ORkONO. ONT. THUflSDAY, JUNE 28th 1951 Subscription$1 Thompson Stresses A id Needed -For Burdened Muniici*palitiesï Lîberal0 leader, Walter C. Thomp-i sn a !i adr sat isbaOronol 'Nowa Hall on Friday niglut te some t±hree hundred, devoted the mnajortyý ,if býs' timie on Municipal conditionsi and the gasopiiae tax lna as nmuclu as it ýaffiects the tiarmier. TIïhe decebraling of the pli-tfrmnu ý4Kit1 ceders a.nd floýwers and, the -ability of the pi-anist-alcordsian player, I>'ohyMerîl, 'added ta the Mur E. R. Wo&dyard. president cf the Durhal 111-1m Liberal Associationi, ncted as harmnfor iheevnig 1Be furst cie on Wamdea George- Waonwh,ýo spoke c0f onm mensre eeýSamyta f ight agains t.ý hige~ axe. TaWardeasadthat thIe sho anws eynIrah a ro7ads andLlgh<wayýý.s agea xdn taottue tax payer. lt was time. he tluuglua h e pu rovnwe accept 100 prcent cost on the education prog- raim as w-uell as -o)nrod for the bur- rien was bcoln oo great îforth Mm'. Carrai Nculpresident of The urhm Yung Liberals As- soiaIn todcdta the--gatheming f4. hilip Bilio lbas bee-n tmaý,vel- iug withulhe iAberal leader durig lis campalgn.AMmBaUil iitwa stated, active linfthe agaizing cf yo)ug Liberals thrlou,-gho(ut the Prov-' mce cf Otario. Wedding Of Forty Years Ago Relived Mr. and lMrs. W. H. Rmwe celeb- rivted the enversarv cof their \wed- dinig ery quieLtly on, Wedmesday1 June the ~wey4isentertaining their old friends Mr. and Mrs. Harry- Forty years ago Mr. and Mua8. MillIsoni entertained Mr. and MuIs. Rowe ais bride and groom -in theiri homie at 'Glejeland Ohio, for sonie days whil.e on their hloneymioon. Mr. anfd Mrs. Rowe were, mari-ed in the aId church which bhas so r>ec- enty e& cansulied by flames. Theý I~a ia hes. peir-for-med ytiie late 11ev Limibert, musi ~ #evidd hyhis dauglih- ter, thlailý'e Mrs. R. Hf. Bro-wn. Ms Ethel Rowe sister cf the groom inud Mrs. Timberý,it being present. The bride and groom- returned ta the home. of the bride, -aftem the wed- ding dlimner tiuey left for tsheGan Triink Statio)n, New%ýcaste, by cab danby a team cof pmncing horsesý drivý,ea lIy the late lTin. Jacksýon. Thue linppy couple toumed by tra in and steamer ta Tom-ont o. Nia gara, Buffalo and ClevýeIanu. They retuu'aed ta ishe homie cf !Mm. Tfhe yanmg Libemals. Mm. Bail ai Mm. ILJNlan, Parents 0of the uaeceeds that cf bath the Coan- bid-ice where tluey lived for n shOrt týerva-tives auud C. C. F IL was this time befare g-oling1- ta their ewn body mwhlých will supply t-a rws ome at Mlîal, ronoi, M-,. Rowe eaeeand they should train equi hv1 gprchased flic, flour and gist ~adfailarzethenuseives wtlu the milI. Libeurnl platforin for the greatwr Pe stated tihat the lberls werýe con- losýt toc manch authority a0ve' hlei r fri-dan cf sUcceus sud woUld p qvd afars sudaisl herae.I sea.prtgreslve but practical ad-1WOUl be bis intention ta give 'back zninisù.ratlon lan ishe Province cf thisauthartyndrenet fu '0Ont ari .msiiaiisfor lue feit htgover- JohnJams M P. or urlainel bchsof the mrnncipalit1es James M.P. for Dî unarn aqI JOo uInj (4 nar4'-sod nrum ~urdi the guest îspeaker as oe weeunissces ofdnto' ch'pse siug seugth f eart s ad their job. These men, ie "id, were bOf e. eue frn. enig11aad ipalities needs aud better known to knewsede e fata robemsandthe people and by the people. Hie t1ruogh hie ilaw practise th-at cf --a id( the province- is tod'ay taxing Hle pcinted eut ftberiimoe spei-uding more. and having 'LYIýgxtbeing cond5cted by Walter m-ore icft,' the muaicipalities are in ùthe province for a 1 peverty shrkens. lus party wonld ea>. l wifu uebeclelves. Mrm. caîl a coaference cf the municipal-~ Tolpkýr'e qualifies, hue was 5~eu- ities tLe r out the existing pmob- iicuweesuited fer that cf ead lamei keeping in mind that denuocmacy ing bbhe ,Llberal.s snd governing in is a tùwo way street. Que~Pak 'Ilue tax on gasaline was over oee Mu'. Walter C. Thompsonl, K. C., third cf the price aud lue tluought 'Y '.Pl iblue gathering fiat their flu1ais those on ti ba bak -onds were uni-ibIei at Ottawa wvas giviag epre- ret getthng value for their aucney. *ainequal te 111Y ad eoeTri the casec, f the osas tax in respet1 xvusay, His 95 a4dresee 1la 145D d- luges,-inice Noveniber, ue eaid, ad -given is confidence îa tihe resent pauty st.mengshu sudth need fer a îchie e ieprovin-e. Hae, cf «i themr way teý figitt but fi'at of meetinig tue people anid talking %vîth theIna. He cenumeted on thue splenidid job bheiag douie hy Mr. Bail with lueý 5eelf..suppo>rt!ng youag Libherals and alec iat of the Ladies organization.1 It was bis opiniona. as fiat cf the, M'Waàen. that the Muicipalities lad! te farmn use he saîd thais the, cest cf cûllîectirig sad then returndug te the farmer was uncalled for».lit\vas lis opiin that aIl farmiers be given a certificate se t hat they could buy gsfor famai using irect wîùhout tax and aIl the red tape. Snicb na sýcheme would cut clown en the treasury staff. Mmr. Frank Richçar-d moved a voteý thanies ta) the sPeaker of ishe eveningi ami stressed the need for,-crganizing! ta aunsure victory. Salad Demonstration Most Interesting For W.L. Membeft' The regular miieeting. of the Orono1 Wonue's Instituue was leld on Fi- day .tst lanflueOmono Counceil Cham- bers,.ving, ta flue delayved retimu cf the president, Mrs. 0. Raîplu, f ram a trip in fie States, the vice-presi- dent Mre. Foster Perguson was ilu. the chair. -Affer t'ne custonmy cpening Mrs. Ferguson clîed on aur District Di- Li7pctor, Mrs. (Dr) Sher-wiu for a m port on isba1amen convention beld last mueutl at Maple Grbve MIvrs. Sberin-,-ii gave a very therougli and enliglit-! endalg report. lt was duIýy moved, seconided, thatý wve have our July m-eeting at Ca- bourg Beach. Bus ta leave Orono at 13.Charge per menuher 50 cents. Mrs. Barlow and hem g-roup unuder Rameu- Ecoaonulics thea toak charnge. A beautifni buffet centmredwil peony rases beldi themaaiy sai]Lads, thtformed part of the demanstra- t!oan. Mrs. Anott exýpjiaîne& î the otr f flue demonstration and cal-i ýon. Mue, D. Hooper te expiair, lier metluod cf making bakihug powdr bi!scuts Mi-S. Barlaw then told us how siue niade hiem clcese lins. Mrs, W. W. Shl-ewia demionstrated thuej methad used te miake Corn Meal Muffins, the deliclous Hais Breads, accempnnied by Mrs. R. Moffat's iavely branl Muffins formied part cf a delectable lunch wlbich was ser-ved tololghle demoustration. Mr.Amnotti furisher explaîned ln hem pleasiuginianner, isba diffeu'eiit salad d-ressings fluai could ha served wviblu the maay salade on thlie buffet". hiere was the boiled dressing, the mayanaisetfe Russian and butter- MmIr. Bafflow m noved -a vote cf thanies te- ber camrmittee aund the guets preset eitalnily sgreed fiat we- bad hnd an afisernolon fiat was educational, inistrucitive, a treat ta thie e-ye nnd certniiW Lota ti palate- AilwU iaivited ta samip e n y anrd vaidkiuds cf botbras samsetc, being ecuved lf a de-1 Anniversary And Social Mrs. Saywell Cuest Speaker WelI Attended At Leskard At Evéuing Auxiliaryl The afternoon aild Rven n n mi- 1eîs;ofteEni,-Aulay versnary Services of Leskard Uited Mmese h vnn uilr Church last Sundsay were uinder th met at the home of Mrs. Carl Tami- leadership of 11e. R. J. Merrim of blyn for their regutiar monthily meet- Newcasl, who gave t-wo inspiring ing' on Junie 21&Ls. Addressses. Týhe business heing discussed. -Mrs. hi dhe aftermon lie dirmotd lh talk R. Chapmian, grou§p leader, opeaed moire especialy to thhe chisdreqN, ho the Worship period -with a readlng. mnade up ithe chor for tibi service,In The thinmewas "Worship and Work" the evenng nie large congregatîo and included scripture readinsgs by was favoured with another 'very fine Mrs. E. Bra-wni, Mrs S. Barmabaîl,l addmrese and special nmusie by Mie Mms. C. Tamblynl and Mrs. R C arl - choir. eton. M--. E. Brown favoured w ith a On Monay eve ingte ladies cf levely vocal sýolo tcc&ilpanuyilig h ihe Leshkard W.A. served a delight- self at the pianFo. Cul supper of stramherries and Guest speaker for the evening wvas cream lan generous quantities with aîî ýM s. IStePhen Saywell of Oshawa. the- othier good tfhings, that go 'ta!Cho is well kno-wli for her work with make na sumiptuoulsinueal.1 young people. She stressed the lau- The supperws followed by a play pjor-tance of the Baby Band and the "Thle Gmapevine" by the ladies of C. G. I.T. lai a commiunity. Hamepton. The lesson to be learned Mr's. E. Brown played a miedley ef dmmtis 1 play w ta ne,,vep pek tues on the piano after whih M1 otherMuthn kindly of youv neiglubour_ A. E Esa' uinaie the Studu Mrs.Gan Canson accompnied by Bom)k en "Ùlow the Jaaimnese have Mus Riaymond ÇChapnianfavoured beenfHinking"ý the gatherinig with two solos. It wasý decided ta hiave an eveniing 'The ittendance was veu' grýaýtsf - pcico August 154h ais Mrs. R.« ing ta the Leskard ladies ald teCapmaiVs wsshta thanik ahi for the support A delicions lunch wvas served atl given, even by miany who could not the close- of the mefetinig and M-rs.CJ atedbut urbo senh their ocolitri-!Arniott expiressed thlanks to Mmi buti. Tanublyn for the use cf ber home. Forty-Two Pupils Took Part 'n Piano Recital, iOn Monday 'even-ing ini theMsoi Temiple, wdulich was beajutifully de-~ corated with flowers tlie piano pupils <f Mrýs. W. E. C. Workman W, ere hadin a deliightful recital. M.Woxrknran acted as chlarmilanl, Ftytopupils tank ,part ili thel recitaî aMd fromn the tiny tots to the[ a&vanced pupils aIll did exceptionally well, a great credit to their teacr. At the close of tihe progri mMisses' Barbara and Leshie Eustace, on be- haif of the pupils, priesented Mrsý. Workmnan with a beautiful výawse in apprecatio)n of her Untirinig effort$ oii their be1half. Pupils taking part from O0-ron~o1 were Paul Tamblyn, Biille Torelinsoný Gaimv Lycett, Leslie E.ustace, Mïary l?7ound, Gonnie and Marjorie yrl Victori and Danny Hall, Grant Tom- blyn, Shirley Dunican, Annu Wood- yard, Dois Laing, Malcolm, MchKen- 7aie, Heather R-Lterford, Water Gib- soý,n, Bill)y Tamhnlvn, Dia-De Phascy, Barbaria Eustace, Joan AlUni, Mar,-f liqn Cobbledek, 'Jo-Aim Rutherford, Beratice Lunn', Doreen White, Loma Lewis, Marjorie Wlite, Joannie Cor- nish. Pupils fromn Bo-wmanvfflle were;i Kenneth Murphy, Roserta 1Hecther-1 ing-to-n, PaulWion Donna Flett,t MuynMoore, Baxrbapa Browni, M 1 ie Buclhan, Eleanor Osborne, Judy Goodman, Sandra Cole, Margaret Gunniagam, Eleanoi - Leig~tu Shirley Pollock, Taiy~a Goddard, also! from KIendjal Joyce Low. During the evening the Ke4Iyi Kirby Kindergar-den certif icates1 wer-e presented ta the floig Paul Tamribyni, Billy Tonilnsion, Lor-i rainie Taylior. Mar.v Pour nd ,iIPiu social tine enjoyed. .APnther yýeau' bas ceaie and gone and Girl Guides, like everýything elise takes a rest uniilI nexis fail. Ho-we'er summner tine Is s finie for canupiag ani seaof the girls are gaoing te Camp agalan this yeam witih the Bow- méanviIle Guides, at N,ýogle's Oreek oear Bobcayg-eùn. This yecar the g'ris are trying a new vnuethiod cfra g Mooney, bath ta nuclet camp expe. ýes and ite carry on G'rl Guide w7ork n xt fail sud winter. On Saturday, Ju.e. 3Atsh, fihe gi-rls are h-lidng th4i cookile day. Semretimne durliug thed4, a Guide wvill call at yeui, dec,, d asic yen ita buy saie cf their ccciý Meet them witli a srrlIe sud theion)tiheir way wiffi at Ieast oIe IeS box of cookies. Commercial Couïrse Hnnps Fn1 Future At Orono H'igh SchoÔ To alleviaâte expected cooWest!oný aud iu order te lutroduce vecational subjects in Gouasiy Higlh Seho-ols. the Durban District H lghb Scoel Boa;rd subibted a brlef which re- quested fie appmevai cf a proposëd building pruloec$testim-ated, te cest over !15000& The Boardf proposes the con- struction of an addition ta B. H.1.S. at anl approximate cost cf $4.301,000 sud the eection 0' a'1ej iglu Sehiool ainPo)rt H-ope at au estlluated cost of $(305,000. The provincIal govemam11eut Nrlîl grant a cau11sidemabije mount cf ronyta belJp defrny the totffi cost. A orva f the majarity cf the "iglutis muaicipnli<ies canéerned aunsf be otaiued hefome flue Couuty can issue debeutures. Mm D. Alex MeGrxiegor said B. I. S. is' aimeady avercmawded with ap- proxinuately 31, studeats being tnnghit la a schol designed te nc- ecomtodate 330. The Board expect an envolilent of5W0' at the local selueci w-ithia the nexis few 'ye<trIs. Recommendiug a largebuilding, the board snid tbe Dprt Oiu f Edcaý'tion sng'gested the addition, sbouîd include: Genemnl Shop, A'g- miuluml op. Home --,Coonmies -Room, Sew,ýing Boom, TLibriy Cas rorArt Rooi, Musie Boom, two Generi- lClaFss ouims. aGyasu. n, C1afetemia pins fieneesrsh - ers, waslumooms, administration and maintenance qurters -asq' nmeY be :Mention.'ing the other High Sho Centres. Mr. McGregor sld the MiIHrooj< area presents a :1eal prob-1 lem. In the Board's opinion thberei sfould be a strong school at Mill- brook to serve the no-rehern part of the Dsit At prese.nt, lhowever,1 Puliei Schiool po-pulations are -not large enough ta,- warrant any build- inig project -as all pupils ana be a-le comroodnte-d in Millbrook Sho thing possible ta Strengthen and iýiiprove this schbool, but at presn Lhere are no real probleams in this se cti on.' The Board roported accomnmodat- ion at Oronuo Higli School adequate, ln fact, there is room formr poupils. Grade 9 and 12 wilbeo- tintued ini this séhool and thue Board hopes te) add a Conmiercial course Ila the near futur-e At New-castle there le sufficieat rýoom- for pupi s from the area serv- ed by 'the sceool, and the Board Jin- tendffs operatflng this shoo1l ii the same annerit is'being operated a lhp[be n tump TIf md iwhen anf-1 Milison Bridge Now In1 lImproves Approach To' Maskinonge, Black Bass Swaon Opens July lst -Masku'nonge and Black Bass season opens on Sunday, July ist, 1951 Possession Iimton Black Bass is six per day, net less than ten inches in ieng'th. Mnaskinonlge, tw-,o per dlay. not less than thirty 'iadhes la length. Measurements ta be fron-i the tisp cf theý snut ta the centre of thýe pos.t- reior edge of the tail. No per-son sluall haýve miore than two) days leg_-al catceh in thneir Possession at one time. Prohibitions urider Setion 42ý of thýe Flsheries Regulfations cseJulyý lst. the,ýreby legalizing troîhing and catn fartificial l]urýes ;f iomy hoas utilOctolber. 151,h, 19"51. Conser-vation officers in flue Trentý Diistrict have beenkepn n ih coýntraI aver violatilonýs of the Camec and Fisheries Act. Mary iivthousan,7ds cf Sportsmen enjOy the ('fishinýlgpl- ieges provided then i ha aur public atr.They ful)ly repalize that ,on- tiniuei good fshing depends on co)n- servation and the-oservace cfthe mIles designeýd ta ensure tluat g-od fishiiag be pm-eseu',ved. How,,ever there appears te be that sinuall percentage of peeople whvo have litte rega rd for thue generhi publ:ic weltlare; con- seuul.since April 1st. soue 142 nezrsof fishin 1-ag ad hunting eCqulipmnent cf ail kinds bave been tuiK iunedlata thle DistrictOffice for, tabulation and: shipping ta the De- ,narisment cf Lands and ForeTsts, Toronto Mucli of this equispnent w-.11 fsiad ifs way iuta tle periodic sale of coaýfiseated articles. Ia everycae seizume ofequipmýea't froni kl«now pateîs followed by, pr-seutionai unideýr the Game aad Fislueries .Act. To start tlie cama1I qà1Linder way there is a baseball ga tefor a chal- Ieugq trophy. Port Hjý won thiS tu'OpIy Iaet >yar an, 1 'o waanvllle wfll1 be fightiui bard gýet il. backý The Legicai Pipe and muniBand w mcnarching tothjHiglu Sehucol! ground1s ais5.30 .m su ad the bail- game wM l be sta ais Adausien ta ýý1 s 25 cenlts Mftem heb all ,ethe Legioni bhas 16 e;oths ith naew and difer atma a 'lots of funl four ouag and ý1,pp baskt, r , b kets stu animais, noveles, gxes of chýo- llaties -and nýay o e er woaiderfnli ip-fIzs. jflhce EAMTUI E ATTR A.sC TION cf t ý vening 'twýili be e grand driý for th e e rfu! mÎizes.-.1MI Ferd D lux' 4 doozl abdn, 7 eun oe hlaf .t. Kelvin- aÈý rEe cRefriger 'tom, B ea tt y EïIe. rie Washiag -Mac ýe. Rememi- ber yen ave thmee cha es on tl ý111en, ra asthe ickés mw-iîlbe dmw.Be sure anid bave several tickets . en1v 50 cenlts each or], " fou'- $1. AIS(> tlere is a special dmwfi-) keep tshe yo-Lngster's happy-a newv C. C. M. Bic-ycle. eithe(r CGil s f) BRoys' model. Be suire anud bave Moni cm Dnd 'get yen saine chances on this lov ely bike. Tickets 1> ents Cenh or 3 for 25 cents. Came eamlýy, see the bal game nand en1jo'yyOurself -ati eveuiing. Oui- pro- Ceeds are te - equîip the Canadian With the completion cof the soyn bridge the- new and imppn thor-oughf are tronu Maiîn te Street has been put lise 'uise. week the fil on eitiher sie of bridge and road-bed was. compl -and now anly ninor constrau The existinïg road is a -rc-ai puYovemient over that whicl was Use prior to the wash out of a - ber of years ago. The road-bed been greatly buit up and wik wýith a nmore gmPaduiltu-maon western e-nd o-f the road. The br we~ ~ ~ c Unersad i 7feet lu w and1( this wv!r-th -will allow for two ti ff c s ta the aid ssiugle larene The(, conuletio-n of this buidge" smi tetl (of road wiIi menedl trouble of turia at the1 junctia; Maýi:n anýd 7MiIIStee nd aise those wowihta aoo aou prevailing e,,ndjition of Cohbb Hill Two CGas Masks Purchase For Orono Fire Briga The recent addition cf1 is- ta the Orono vohui rigade gives idded proe le municipality ia as muel United CI sthouglut -e been a, uits i Port Hope has a new induty. mooted for -Seme weeks tihe iiew pl1ant becamie a reality ona Wednez- "àýy afisernoon when Hieîbert Long, Beoard ef Trade exeeutiv, dsedthe\dCeal had gone throuh lest _humýday. Newes additlon ta the nearby town wil.,b B. Elliotit Coipany plant wvhioh manufastures precisîou tools for the~ entlre starling areaý The Po(rt Hope plant milnake the samne tools for the dollar eounittry area and ifjl emupley f i om 3" 1> mes at the star ~te 1,W0O within fi-ve years. AI]i mpl5o>ecs musts be skiIled mélchanies or learn to becomie skilied (Continued on page five) L'egion BRoom ain the -r ew Memorial Hospital, also ta equip Leg-ioni Pipe and Druin Bantd. Hardball Tournament Increases Interest In Sports Day lirdibalW Girlýs !aonali su Bingto wilil provide yaur entertalia-ý ment at flue Local Park tisis M 3onda, July 2nd, wluen tie Aninal pot Day is beiuig svonsoired 'by thJ-e Orono Park Board.1 Local colleur is being aiddu-d te ishee pragmm wilu te apearace c and Newcasttle Hardball tenais, The B'ingo, Ila to take place in b eýmvening with a wide assortmient of prizes being offered te lure ibs ,-rowd ta tlils gam-e. Pro ceeds frn the s;poirs and Bingo are to be used ta furtiher inuprove the grounds of the Orono Park aind keep it a place te enjoy Corne andi enjoy thue cool 'bree-zes thaýt -lways prevail at t'-, s, day rudr el 2ý 1 ORONO

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