MhAC smogaunt hall aumillio auoahhiiteinfraiad Staeswhrofdi<-n touand pepie )ý i)ellig of them a fltimeoccoa tion. hiýtnIe n T erart rautoegraphondthe ,fosfo the motvaluabof. wis-aio. Wlliam rShaepae hs he Fodredmgnuie exg$pfrtsarxeý osch valuedat $bc0suons p4tyil the bottom o0)forei adcnb hg uhtfr ka qrer rle its stars sent an averge of thre tWeeký1ts very ye us itiu h bcmefor the b, eefo uor For s, wtars be)ig paid $2500 a wee th.cxet th ýiattherstuioswr W, gotheiorname nturadè Orgaied gropso f :euIllcors -Ho-bolsto nese et Clerities lie fouud1eoldneerlevehi giote witout enchased dw thestreet forbis auOngr ackh, Ailrts ofruse are-dopedMb mmoll eosMotusebtc "traigt" etho0ou sndugthwvctm with sim1fo te ysign au ad How Shawcoudave Cart yG Meing Lapped-When 97 cyclists, from taly, Franice, Belgium and Sw;tzerland competing in the 34th annual "Tour of taly be- gAan taowilt beneath the torrid- heat, spectators obliginglýy *oused th(-,rk!ers w",ith WC ter from bofties, buckets and hose, Wear Piano Cinque Miglia, haly, Ihis pedal pusher toak time eout te) have bath face aýnd fiask bakyenr p1-rn, nsgn xofcoulrse. .90u unbapiiýy ou Itîs bck wasBate- Anans crctr of a sren-ao 1)petngbs tulips a41 in rw uOu segeat-mjerwa3 in the oGffice wbn I pened eiYur ltter :and Ise lîkecd the c n iuch ta lie carried it off'q fo ramiung îinthe s~gasmess, se Iarnfaim yen bave 130w le otb idsof that c-u ting. Y eu'T. E. SbaýwY The collecter Nwas quiteppy ýabout it, Sha w's genýu i ne ,Signar, lxe a4t th foot of-, the cletter was orth thouisandpor-trai;ts of 1bim. nthrcoliector wrut"e teL'afamonsý ?PE!ople posiug as ïa big shiipowner,- aï1( askîiug for prmsso te nme 1l;s ïnext vesselafe Practi- eAly every con agreed, sending a signed letter te say se. aubscrip tions fer e1arity wrote ta ý George Bernlard ShiTVaw ad asked3 himy. if Seweu)Ild cotribute sm thin-g. 11e rp'ie- Drion ocf bis faiia'r cards: 'I -n-ever subsribc ,0caiysind emadSa. Sirepro~pty sld be ardtc, a Irits On Proper Care 0 ad 'Well groomed bhauds a-re always an sse. our hndlike ou faLce., a n eidence aný---;Ld give sOome idea e ýf the kind oI eroÀenae gîe onr baulds the poeto n caethey ned. IC. ofworkimlvetee meiïcs countel'r ',ells nný_htgle, -o bc oi d pair o wit) ct appy au1d creamn, torkîiujg Lt wel intothecuticle. Skrt ecbcutýicle and te ]ail cor-ners iiih au oranIge- wood stick s ctce u o mails iinto a soft cake of iid lsoap frtto, preveut staiuing, or o nialcues iilbe a belu. froni biting, they "can becoaxed back juteshape slwly byan A- nlu)st Cd-,ily fdliug te streugtbenl tbm eep tbm sor ad et for aL ong time and very graduaIIý!y letthn grow longer. Tb c citicle wili ed tebe PuIsbed ;'back aiy Do tbjs v,40h a towel ever-y tue yen wash you)r bauds, BeýauItiful bauds aid i n givinIg enp'o)ise a1nd assuran-ce, Onecanè1- net begip oQ soon te cUje for' bauds an-d naîls. E'Cn a à tiegirl f-ive te six yeaýrs of age is' proudý ta have ber very own maêcue Asebethern ir in alitle box or pencil zppr case se they can be ai- yo)ur beý],dcde 5r readiv available wben travelng Here is a suggest-I ed His: List of Proper T.ools Smlali ja4r ot cuticle cnam am fippers or smai.-ll curýved scors:u eniery boars or Steelfil; oage wood sicks; a pushe-there are severatl types' of puIsheCrs: a steel eue a aniurebrusb i -th aatiny brnsh on eue end amd a pastic, pushier on the eother end, a esoft pusriql wb"icb dispenses iiq ilc- ticle remlover lîkeC a fouintain eu mai bffr ndmancue buh mail poiisb - lid oweor ciseam. No0'vfor the hm aiue You il eehesides the assemi- bled kit a bowl of soapnv water and soft towel. Be'gin ýby fiinrgi and shbapimg ypoýur nails. Let the shaipe and leungtb of yonr mails be iin bar- moywitb the conteur and size of youýtr bauds. Long t ap)ering finigers cantake a long and more Péited naili tbiani shrteI figers' , wbich lm& kbettr than a guienteova Yen aretflieue t stndy onr bauds and decide ionr Onstyle Yur owen good tante shuld de- termine tbis feomn.if yOu like gay, birigbit polishIes, bave the col-- ors bleld iwitbl ynrj ipstický' 'or match exacty tocred buofiYoum gown aud accesseies. Yomnm, Mayctthje naîls iî te- ïtatl!ippers or becavv skears be- fore fiuing (cuiscssor rb ce deli- cate and jshiould be used ý,(oniy 'te *Cream or Ou l s Whlen weI-shbaped, finsh ith îht, smootin-ffStroesw'th tIre Cp1eryboard atapeedi- lar or 45-deceange. Non, soal the fingersiW warm sav we te sottený the cticle.Crenior ail may be added ifor this puiirpose, Gently -loosen thec 'utice w i th orangewood stick or pusher, The cilusi neerv be, allowed tc grOw up oin, the maiý il.Tecuie the irai, Atersakgsis miay be,,bIeachedc tbpreie lÎiid saap, mail wh-ite (e e7lo p«ste). There aremayctcermv ers ontemaktbuit teeare flot ai.ways mcsssyte the muani-~ cire. Many expertmairit avocid the use of uticIe c vyr preferriuIg te loosen ý-icicwt pusher or oamgewood stck amdl train, tire cut(icie aiidcores ih eut cnittiiug If yonr cuiticle is broken, ragged, or yen bave timy banguailshowever oyn CHllhave to3 tnim tei Oc our nails are iii o-rder, ftic three-mîiinu2te a cate is ail they wiiued. If yoinr uil hoîib x Ceptionally ragged and dry, Soak it inSo olive or amy ether gooid ail, 00tb at: ýtebegIýinng andd o'f thre manuccr. -Buffers Raise Shine, NIowý for the polish. BuffýAers wt cieam ;or powdeA-rtyp-e plih re still uised te shime mode t nger- mails.Many pefer ighbff polish befre thelqUid is appIieýd. Dazliig bands ofen have a miitueiardrabje ofmam co- ors AC iqid poilASharmouiing Battie 0f The eef-Pictured is graphic evidenice of the fight waged by United States cattiemen, packers and butchers agoinst the government price rolIbacks on beef. Butcher Edward F, Butler regfisiers his dispieasure- by offering isamn-qn steaks, the necessity for which he credits ta the Office of Price Stabilizcition, Butler is seen explainlng his deal ta aý customer. wUIlith cotumes and a cc e Ss)rieCs. 'The applicton of the liquid is mulcc erameiesa amy other kid of brushPpnti oe with very î~tlepolshOn the brusb. Care- ful ra i inje fo'r a mo'l, -or' skirt yeur on oo ith a', ligbt, deft, strok(e ,Carry eestroke Ulp tie cweeof tbe mAiL.tbencover ýach sidIe, beîng careful 1net te go back over tbepainted area. Ta g îe a oresiudrappear- ance tDaibroatd ni lave aï,slight margin at eac ide of the mai! wbenaplyngcolored p-ýolîsh, Some pnrente showine mous. Tbeyý carry plibte the tip of each i . Th 'Pis ie ,egbn cf fec, It is advisable, hoeve, t wîpCe oftue vey tips4wih aci tIssuie, Ail tis plus youir angod ta,-ste d.eterines te iihdefc and gives yen the cnfortablýe as- slane o aigwl-roe * )TABLIE TALKS rh~Ad~s Tbcheughc sioffoods espec- iaiy mats cntiuestechallenige us l.B, a Ibae efoe meas of wat re knwnýas thie "varety"typemay ftenbe jp- cbaed s "pecalÇ -a,i ,if Pre- pnyprepared, ofran-,ecenmMical change fnom steaks chopse roasts PAd se forth Efome givig yontoAYs hatc 0f ecpe ning sub eaf s, per- basafew geneic;b ints on their prepartien ight Iebic ly Tips on Preparation aznd Cck'ing 0f Variety Meats Liver,-Do mo,,t soak or scald. Pre- cook only -when it is te. Ie groun-d, Patn-fry an brou veal on Iam3b liven, May be bakýed wtbacan or gronnd ciforbae or paitties, Kiduys-D nefsoak orr precook Was5,11emave enoitrmeba, may e briled, Brais-e prlorC pattiese, or kiduey vpies, Hecarts-D o motsoale-or precýoole. Tni ,ot fibres af top.,Wah i cold wteCooked tndrin werthey imay be groluud or dedfr -bash, nmet pecs se-role. Be ef ûor yen! mvbeý stufed ad bai sed,> Porkor lam îaybebra;ied whoie o Sweebreas-Domot oale Pre- cook àn immeni m aen 15 m-1inuiltefS, Rmoelooseme- bramecs, prepýare for desirced' serv- ing. CokdsweetbreadIs may P be braised, pnfid nio baked wbo 1leZ) . Use3 rcace sweetereadon;cdpLua a 1 a d sý, cremeddihesorsucecumb sesomedý, ÇsalteCd water Ilu-ntil tedrlhen remev ate sin tge.Suic an!d srv Or cl. aybe diced and Se-d Îla Brains-Sak Lu slted cold wter 15miutsRemofve membnllrane, PrecoQkl 11 in s -Imenimg water,9 minues, henprep)are for de- m'-ay be diced for luse nsrm bldeggs, on creamedc disSes, orsliced, egged anýd crumbîwe adfieiu jdecep fat or pn BEF EART STUFFED WITH RICE 1~cups %uncooked rive, StabIespoo.n, clbpped ceîerý,y 3onn choppeti 3 tabiespoons fat 2 cups 'water (if Possile use water froni ceoked vegetables) itaaepçon paultry seaOnîug lut Md peper Wipehear wib dap clthnd remeve as nmuch fatas Possible, Pub inside and ont itb saItand pepper- Cok rSce inboiligsalted water about 15 mniites amd drain, Comqbine r-ice with ceelio-is amld poidltry sa îg tf er ligbtly and sew edc(gestgehn Browm stnffed henin atiLu hea-vy kettle ever bigh bheat. avrand( reduce beat ta low. Cooke two hers emove beart fnomi skille peuar off aadptrmiigrc mixtuire and water ninkte, ea son with saIt and npepPlace beant on )pop f nicecoý,rr andco eue»eur11aven Crlo-wlIeIt--or lne ifit is requtired rte make heanýt tn der, Gaïrnish w-,it crFeamnIcdcant in gr(cmpepr hl1n TONGUE STEAKS WVITH TOMATO SAUCE 6slices cooked, fresb o'r smokýed beef tongue iegg, beatenl 2cups, sifted brfad cub Sait and pepper Season nmeat ibsi rdpp pe.Combinle egg amdnilDLp mea fisf n cumb, ten n gg ixueand agan in crnmbs Brwn inmited fat uv),m; der ate heat, Servc wàhitb ýtoaesue TOMATO SAUCE 1% cps tomate juice- /ateaspoOn-. celery sait /teaspoon pepper 2 tablespsoons fleur ~mitnr t fluranid mikx te mrake a smoothi paste. Add te, rest of il]- gred intsj. 1Hea t and stir constnt lyutlsauice is thickemled al-d boil or 5 inute,CSeve bot.,i LAMIB LIVER CA,%SSEROLE '4Pound lab lver 2 tablespOoonS fat /,cup each, chioppEd onlon an grezen Xpepper 2',CUPS coolked ice or inoadIee 2 teaspeeons Salt / teaspoon pepper Cu* liver inito /icbtipad roi! l i ou;udbo n nbot fat, Addonen ndgreen pee-,Pr and panf r fo 5 inuesCombine ail oýther inrgredieuts 11ndiplace ib, butere 1-uar caserleBake at 350, F. foýr -5 lîminte, 4te SWEETBREADS AND CHIPS ipounidseerad I gg 3cup orange ïuict i teaspoon ,sait 1'/ cupE Crushed pattechips 1 tablespoon butoter or marg arine Place seebred ,inboiiing salted ate lund immer for 25 minutes. Cool 'Remove thin -memn- brane3' covering and divide inte ,sMaIllics Combine egg, orange juicý, andsait. Dip sweetbneads jute this miixture and then jute cr1-usbed polato chips. Arrange in four mennds ~in a small ouled bale- ing disb. -Po-ur rema-îninz egg mix-ý ture oven top and cever wîtb ce- maininig crused pý otato chips. Dot withb butter, B;ake 210 iminutes. Tragie Piece of History Lies Behind Well-kno wn Nursery Ditty Few mo-uthe:rs cnresist tahig Mary laîýter bzecame (:Mrs, Mary their cddto rWeinrery %vimes, Taylor, sud lmvet to ses! over Yet how manly know that these hiety years of aga She diedte- nursery jingles are net Sai mythiawards tbe endof the tLast century. but are usuially about re-alpepe Mother Gooe as lso a real Take "Mary bad a litlc lamb."persen and ived te be uecarly a Nineear-ld Mary Sawyer neyer hunrd yearsoldShe lived in elreamed, as on a bterlyCold swin- Boston, U.TS.Aý., and wvas the *wife ters righit she sat up in daybreak, of Edward Goose She uothered "ýr1igand feigadigIm ten cbhih!reïi, hence the nome - back te life that her thoughtfuL "ohr os. Her nursery net would be recouned in a jingle Orhmes, «we to amuse bei- grand- by ebjdren thé word ever, cbidreu, wre first published in cIt was on berfaters famin tbe j1716. year 1815, tat Mary performed Ra akFMt her act of mrcand asthlabRaJckHrr gewc up its affection for -Mary gre, Ao4e "ote1 fequal re- top, and ià followed ber wherever nwui MterHbbr, b as she went. bueeprtea l etCounr- Oeday Mr ok tt cawool ry family name1d Bastard. wit be aid it bebind a big Wbeu Sarah Martin visited ,the desk, 'Tuetece neyer even 1su"s- famsily one day in 1804, the house- -pected iàts rsuc- unil sbe keeper bad gone out. It laer trans- called Mfary ta tbe front of the dlass pired tbat she had been wo fnd ai to recite aý) poemr, and Ct hlte bonie for ber dog, and mhis incident girl's wooly frieuld clmy raiied inspired M"iss Martin to write "Olid up behind ber. Mother Hubbard" But \ary',s fane xcas Ln the mak- Bupt not ail nursery rcymes bave ing, for a young man nmw e on ther rots i scb bomely idents. Rouistone hecard of the incident and Some bave a pobtical origin as promiptly sat down d wo a ip tbe 'case of Litejack Hre. rbymie about iC That is hoc "Aryp,11e was a irea person, and was had a itE M lamb" came te be rt- steward of the Abbey of Glaston- We, bâiry iii-'bc time cý f FHervVIJ Up the "Beanstalk" The j- iuîgle-"Taffy was a Welsh- manTaff wasa thlief," is an allui- sintete0o1-tmepi'iaging raids jut ea hoter's counltries 1by the Welýýish auld the Euï-gish a ,Illg the border contes.Obiouisly, Taffy was nt he 0ou1y thief! 0f grim enorgin, !bowever, s h rhyme Rn--ig- rss"often Sung with such happy g'tob cbildreu in their games. It cern- memnorates the fouýrteenth-cenitury P1aguek1ow as the,' Black Death. 1Thie prs-Tishioo! Tishea! we ail faîl dw, is a grimn reminder Of the fact that over onte-thiird oLf the population died Of the, plague. 'jack aud ili," and "Jack and the -eut iare imyths of ancieuf Norse engin. The mytb of Jack and the eanstai , boever, is 'knowu 1to bhave beeni recouuted in maysavage luds Parti cularîl'y in Polyniesýi, wbere th at ivemnd cenceives the tal trees of thle fOrest as reachinig 'te the 'skiy, aud jack as being able te c111ub tUpeue of tb.-ese "beanstalks intol' the beavenly country. Papal Stamps-Here arc- two of the four po-stage stamps issued by the Vatican ta commemor- ate the solemn beatification of the Iote Pope Pius X. Two cf the stomps bear his portrait and two his profile. Distribution cf tire stomnpz -wll be very limited. i. "Jgst vwrigglje -your fingers, dear, moIi1know if .you're ;Stili liv