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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1951, p. 6

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The WOrth ofilt(!niida Matt. 814 81~ 21 MVemory Sciection: For tCusihlaSt made hîm a littie iower t1han tise angeis, and hast crowned hlm wvith glory and honaur. Ps. 8:5. Tbe themle for thebc sos or thi qareris "Cbristian TIeaching OnHun 1Relations." -Thecstudy b)eginis wtIbltenindividuial, tben en- larges iiu its scoipe ta ýinclude tbe! famîy, h hme, thie înigbbouirs, of mone1'ty, respect for lwrsos ibility ipuiblic lufe, relations amou-g. races, fellow-ýsbIpiplu the chuýre, t'de larger iellOws!ip i ofChIrýitians liv- ing together in ise world,atdfln- alyelargiug theý Chrisia fel- iowshlip. Peaple moveabutSo, îmnch duriing'the suimmen mnoiths that attendcanice atSudySoo isapt ta be mare irglr twl pay rich divided a h ible stcdent ta fçslla)w closely the (cour ise ai tese leýS~O"s. Dning ag war thie v w ýort I'an individuial tends ta declile lu thýe eyes ofa i tiau, In lu e last vwar tlic bsfa aLancaster bomber as; aif more significance than the Ibas ai man. Aftcr ail the bj)omber was barder and mare xesvet e pilace thlan the à Ma1 ,19, we( w;ere deepiy moved at tue los Citwny-i men at the sinýkiîg ai the subuîtarie Squaiis. u in a few mont10 hndrds ver beCliing killd igbl itetr nigbt. Wc be-1 came lhardenecd ta b Iiau tagdy God is cuendabouit Ite in- divîdual, Even the uncani epeî' wý,as toueched .anid healed by Jss Hoe wýaS novedwihcmaso lben ho iewed the mnssuifer- lsHe lhoinour-ed the licttiecd anmd said 'Whosa shiah i fIendan ai theise littie ne whichI bejieve in Me, it were btter for lm tat mrilîstone w-ce bangcd about bis siecke, sud that o were dron neitd in dhe depth Lai the ý'seaL" The lave '1A dconceru o i Christ orthe indiv-idual is beýantifuliiy par- tr-ayed in the story af icennt au0d ino. Yo'Cs., weare assurcd ai Gods came; and no ondr.We, Are luis croatioîana itlc lower than thle arigcls btIt ,ab>ov all oheoa Iis crcatlpres I luie "-Id. e re flis affspring. We ariport-ant ta, saveuis aid ircstare uîtQii Crahoera! loure is your ovey new Chair-set!Vqrysme filt crocht tha m-yalsisobe used as sed A S edif YOn like Chinau ouble crochet niake simpe-t-dofilet crochet. Pattern 839 ham charts; dircions. Laura WeiVer'simproved pal- teru makes crochet and knidtng 50 sipeWthios coasphutos and concisedietQs Senad TWVENT1Y-F'IVE CENTS l scoins (stanps cannot be accept- ed) or hispattere ta o 1 2 EIghitn tSteet, New Trno Onît. Print pIaiiiIy PATfTERN NUMBER, yor NAME sud AD- TYRESS. send T wwuy-fvc Ceîîs meu over th d4,ininIg-k-rm, wheuau ter weevr C din tisdistrIict ai- was as usjavis-ý it a. eu1do) that ro-di coursýe I't ;isthe oui ro011om i inte bouisethbat can't ,[be shut aayfrm uli vewasi is thIma -l1in rneta thiehne Teda IY!started thýe lroom Part- uler lokdarounid at, un' gIlaonsr mn-uddie and. eakd-Losas if w are Jdue for. a visit Iromtl2e cidece cuidconitinule tao ccuIn- definitely. But the nexctatrno thiere Jbec was! fI had just îInihe puLtiug thle border 0ou the ýal- and forthlat job yVýon uo midl a te oem.rchILing atl(, sotof clîmax in iore. am; Pttingon tbelicborder i> the "worst job , so mcb trtbi anid getting fthe kink out i mv n eck biieIredflic higbijigbtïs ai the daY's neCws. t was t]hen tha'-t thef kniock cam ota te doar! Mavbe but Iwat st.A muddle thait :s a mean taacheveentdoesn't op- pear ico me -as5somietbiing 1ta be An 'I telfing you, wbenJ ldok atiur d11ig-room13 1feel ,)en f thote aidfabodram wit wod-auelngailarouud alid six doors, twa wndwsltree cýuphloards amd a bg.closed-up fi repa1,1C e. 'Sa)therej i is zplntyi o wcdokta paLixlt. Lt is a Very darkroan. asd Iwasdeterminled ta. brgt it someba.Sa, here sbewIdid it. Ceiiing peacli; waiis ligIht tulrquoise; aOite woad- wark :lighit crlpn!Trim ifor cuhar iandles aud knobs, aiso the baICki ,glass cpbar, ill b,) deepcora-weui1auget itL ie ctonnle rurtains, cottage style,. include ail the claurLis just 'l'lied Te fl or iýs mpl0e, anld is being treated ta a coat ai' bard fns-lwdrying stuif, Sc, I bad .ta eave atrack for usta-t walk onl ta get in anld ont af the, varou115roollis. Ifidut tink Part- u3er woulld take too, kiuly te> the idea ai lîavïing taogo ondte front doar first tinig in the rnorniung and- aýIl round the bhouse ta g ýet t tthe kitchien i Aifteýr alil, w em biave ta make' aur decoïatiing or- gies as possible for aur 11, i--t bad the uaar dears dont i get as mucb kick -aut (A he>seccanngas their wives. Sure it, is bard ak--but with campen-, sat"onis. Cbanmging a colauir schemcl i a romis ai aajoy-briuigs onit sa nîn ew ideas and things. Vases, Pictures, wýastepaper bas- kts, iubherited tor Ibequeathed, thiat' neyerdid fit i lu aywhýerc before, are aiten fourid te> be inst tigbt for the new-colaur woodwork or wails. And it is surprising what treasi.urec; can be unearthed iram attics and cllars. A tracked-mir- rar can b cnt and spiuared ta iorm aný attractive table ceuitre-piece; au aid vege table tutreu fCi lied witb flwrs oýrfixed up as a miniiature gdeji Completes th -pC WeUci, it is8 the week,-enid again- and by warkiug carIy anid late 1 11nau1aged ta(-)get tbie bouisestraigbt- ii- aoiind. Daugbter was ta came ont on Sunday-bnit misscd the bus. Bob was't sure w hether he, conid get bone . , . and then he camne. Our unpredictabie child- ren! This afternoan Partiler auid expiered tbe iew hcwythat mus past aur gate. Thien -we cnt across country ta tbe sanidhills front ixbeuice the construction cani- pauy operates, t beîug Sunday, Sudel he tool4 a-ter 'a s -azî!ow that y es fying io0. It zuomne ovra sandban!k. W alc 1In ey jntIIi tiule ta stop bervoomiu over thebauk ýas "%el], Tlle Ccuntry i i, Ïli very lovcly wvith Ilmuxintgr,.oth in leýld pastuIres and v>o u . he î hlat ta my srrsi led uha "DEARANNE IIST: After 30 ycar aimarIgc, i dicovre -1 huband nas hl m a,~Itrse ml'vseI f! M vpride arat'l nn i 1, 1 ize whalàeb "'vas apar-t lie bas pomsd t liie w iIj seutIte anali ersetbv Hle bas qbeeit dinkinig ex-cessveIy, probably jýtrI-ýg tforgt "AM I1 A POOL? "Aiter ane cis 50û, rsadth jtIst doesni't tbr--,ow ver a mariiriage berfore giving ,it "a chan1e tasuvi c MNy hilsbanid is 55. If arn trviog ta give lhim b is last cebance, "T-elreason I rite you is a asC. do you tbInk anbing a fol?, According ta my fernale-eindsl'us a iîîl, ; l " ,i ;-il i u 'rm . if th!eir blils taiui woui neyr go baCk a0î 1'!hank you tfor itý. "ËE RP L _ ED" * " ca uprsrv s rm u * Make urp, irow imli. 011 Ouy ou k,11w thema yo lila\cmarried. ILt is -raSyfo a othrs ta advisc, but it is yau who *havelvc itýbhilli for- neari a *~~' geeaio.Tougb bis iufidei1ity- Luass, ce aud lburt ýou, vyau aret oo just ta sbpt the door iusis, faceCïl iî e confesrss bis ne- ~'Olyyon kuow hlow ynPave e misse nuî t ap theselon '~Onessi-tggesýtcton: Lnsýist that leito(pdiung d poetlhajtlbeCiau, hefore yoilak * willIrejoiiCcefor the tCest cai your * Iii that you w-lere chalritale. SIf lie ~cs nn at, t ast yon cuv bicsbowncour willngness Ita avtr agaiî-which is a unfe gesture *fori any loyal w\iýfc ta ae * Makenf.< our ow'umd To "G.Mi.: ou bve lots-ac)= i pau3"'! IMost nice votrieldo î notds cu5s tbleir pr-ivate iives %wit11ee close ifrieids, ind reseut avcamu- ment's or entquIirIes about it. i s lreya oafer 'cntepera- meut, ad of thir home tuiong. 'fou wa-me brougbt op ta beileve tayorprivate hf e is youm owuDý0, toc, intîmate fýcor open !discussioîk. TO tPose 0!0 perst lucormment ing, say; "msorry, btL'm just on'uefai ioýse idiabinc irls who dont aM aboutit'c-aud change the suhlccî. Ost ai theus xviiigetth point. Those wilio are toci thlick- skiucd re ot -wortil yaurýfrien-ý t sa delicato situatlin. and I symathzeUIf ouloakabout asud fndiue c[ naCeIllthink ou xiidiscover tlat these ýideicate pceople re luin e inoiy If your husbüand has- off ended, niakde up your own mind whether ta forgive hini or nat. Friend-à are eager ta advise, but OniAyoyu know your rjy,,i heýare .Annie Mirsel here ta hCip, if- you write her a Boxý 1, 123 E' ,ighteenth Street.,Nw Toronto, Ont, SMART A fae ouigbt a ipaîrot- iet tbmee pnoutids at anau.cî-tian sale. Wheuth sale was --ver lie.askeî the auctionleer, 'Does this bird talk "You augbittako" said thse anctianeer-. "es t oiy one- that xvas biddiug against yaut" A hospÏtal iin Meinphis uepci ediy recc ived a, $25,000 gift fram ai aged.,ail ïman. 1He plidle owed it ta the lusititution becausr, he.bad becu a cbamity patient thre sîxty,years b efore. 4 A Tribute from Calvert to Canadians'of Icelandie descent CANADA'Ss trength &teins largely 11ro111lier ability to blend ithie racial and cultural hieritages of)evl from m Iany land", Icelanidic culture marches cord- ially with that of settlers from other nations, proudly linked by a common cl) itizenship in the great Cïïaaian Family. Thle first settlers from Iceland arrivecd in 1870. Withir a few years they wvere joined by hundreds more and setled at Gimlî on the shores of Lake Wininipeg. One ofE the morfamfwous Icelandic Canadians, 3'a Vilhjalmur Stefantsson, arded mucki toCa0 d' kn-owled(ge of ler Nrh land, by his ArctIc exploratios The Icelanders, whose forefathers, founded pariamnentairy institutions., over a thousanid years ago, are prominent in business as bankers, grain brokers and merdhants, and have made notable progress in the professions as.doctors, engineers, Iawyers and teachers. Amoral, law-abiding, studious people, they have, by, their love of literature, added muwci to Canada's progress and culture. AMHER-STBURG * ONTAItio Calv/ert, heod ofE the famous Calvert famîïy, founcled one oECanada's first colonies in Newfoundland in S1,522> The Cclver t ideals ofE freedom and tolerance hepe ette oîenof ted crc enow8 enjoy. Perfect teat is so easy to ïmake twith

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