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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1951, p. 7

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SimplE e UAlaTr a adap ',a0iytaan crct tarage- jýnnt, Nogas abra, t-js pnlhudewich sluhwt h jet Hypoý t0oan be ulet rl- .Nw"isDu ient calied Hypospray jet-Injctor bas bean designed ta replace tht- neele. Ansinstrurnent about tht size of a flashlight, spray passes throghSAlesuid ta bc22 tufes sinaller 't h an t ht fineso liow n'eedt.Spaygots thLrough 'baie puy U"r neu hn a needi. tCook By Cce-lau New ueof c ectric franges feu- meIs flngertip calor contraI cook- Zug. Un!its hav;e ceVen heats, con- rois runIng àn color tram dark red te pink; tisis esigedta show Paper Umb-rElla2 Paper um1ïbrellu tean be used for Yain Oo sun, s it 'ha- pla"stic vinlyl écoaing wbîch sheds Vwater, Inclu1d- tng ribe, whole umbrell is made of paper except for bandt and stick For vrityîY n clopigmeis-ý'i aýdqed ta lastic cOtingw iaso Purifies Water ed utavoe ae sterilizer is wid te purifycotmned-wtr destoyiug ailbacteia tanls eel ankcantuinisforutavle qiay tuibes aud0 baffles whbich gidel aul icmng wateu lose ta t tubes. Un 3cittds 1no atentIýÎOn bas un chericuis «dnuds naouste or IcEder tOtt tjre caprify wiuter at rates of 4100 gallonýs per h!our, andI plugc into any stndrdelctri'cal Li;gting arester is made lau[o fetdoou ad indooir use and fits eotsily inito TV and FM\ installations. Inepeniveplastic a nd imetal unit la attached witboti uttîng or spiic- qag ransm.issÏin une, -which s îa- 4'd incIaOt in tht plasýtic body. Plastic. cap caustd four prangs ta Pierce tht iýnsuLation an contact th-12 es Detets Uraniumî Peeket-size uraniium teýster for exaxinution ofradioacive ore is included ;in bit inclu'diug testing ciseical, bowtocb nd tonIge. Tester can eil apctrif nma- <trLilis Iuranium o 0r ont of amo50 othe raioaciveOres, mkr am - Lssenqs ïHumlity To elp -take tht stickinýsc Ont of Me bot sommer days is an ectri, «en remove fr-om î wo ta Oret gal- NIocf wter tram fi th troýpbere c-vry 24 bionurs. Itm s portable and wiflpllog ito ïny eetrcloutlet. ,Water colected '-an be tsi dis- po,<secI of with ernovableconanr Diomond Dance - Samn Chap- mon of the Clevlanýd Indiense wNent into thisý gracefut ad-agio le on Ottemlpt to score a run eogainst the Yankees in a recent game in New York. AIl of Sam's eco-torions were to ne avail. He wos ftgged outt by the catcher, Yogi Berra and the Yanks weni -,o towinthe game to. Te Study The Laps--Roberi N. Peh-rsein, shcon aboaird the 20,000- ton Canadian Pacific liner Emipre-ss of France which 4 ailed from Montreal for Liveýrpool te spend the next nine months in Lapland living and travelling with the nomad Laps. With the Laps Mr, Pehrson m,40 follow the migration cf the reindeer, studying the ife aind habit-s(-F the people. This is the- thircl such expedition for the young gýentlemnan, who vwas recenly awarded the Vicking Award of ieWne-rnFeundaion for Anthropological R'-esearch. tht field of sport, 10 is 0te tht cf- fecttha -prfessionl a"thees F,( iofh afthtborder t leatsod foialabouir uin fiitdw thtA.F of L. W ups,-when an"d if scba bing cre apuas, tht) r(rsO dem--and wl etm-a- J 'e 'e a1 ' 'e Ü Pu-obubly nýothin1g îlcree t;buit it seen11s riiclîons batd anyone cnnected ith sotsoi Lewis,ý sportsvie for thtClve Iund Pre'ss, srrndiOnpo btter rhun xvecan hope ta whb;woe "snrely hveno jqar.-el ith lubor uiiion.s. 1Ibeîong itoufont. Hýower, labouir uin r dctdtoimi- proveme11nt ofwrigcodtns the eliinai;tion cof wuge inequialities and, in gene)ru! , 1;-a rise fu- living stadards for ail. TUS. pro- fessional uhtebas alil theeH is tie meut paipered a-id upoiled perfermrer ini tht amusement field." u. Lewiscertainly said a large rotflther-e; and if eewr mo-e sprtswriteus like un, and tewer of1thtbr-osbpknw wondn' hae scbsoruy zspectacles as fanls get-tin1g ufcp rSeýS ta ein0 b)urse athits wh have hee"n finedý for breint'lg thtrule fOhe 1:ýgarnets froni hib ,je erîvecb soft livings. Mos t everyone aguets that boxing budly needs a sjhat in tht aýrm- in tact here are îuny vwho think that artificiai respiration wonald be more ta tht point. For tht old flght game, on this side of tht At- lantic, anyw*ay, buhs for sonie tume been in a bad wuy, and rupidly get- ilgworse. If you areclie o dîcagret, just cnierti.YOn can ipro-. bablyreebr htaWrls -vas somitth-ing tha-t ,Tas halnd by connutles as , bath beferc and Wtllj, Oenast year there eu eýxaCtly 12 -cun hern, 12 EOle grey cclîs udltry tinrn just hait et ter. play fir end don't ýcek ,a1Oie laut paraýgrapih etf thia eoe nwrig e pe- sonaiiy wudnthave believed there weý're haif"t atrnny if we badn't sin t least sceenis ta, h av ere cei'ed tat baýdlyT-nee-ded .shot inoitd Jot ouis 'IknIockýout ictory ve Le ýSa-vold. The fight dJrew twaor th,-ree timies asv anycash custameirs as wer eete- u prtof tu »iay have ben (due ta the fact rthat !I thetlevý,ision wasconfin)ed tacer tajin thetre iwhre people had .ta puy ta see whIat wen1an.NO cît- ting ii-JncetaverIu and trinIg 1ta whnthey gfive yen the gla ce whichmean, "Prtty ear rne At al evutsMadison Sur qGarden was jarnmed, imatW~r whu atthtreason, Bu tbtose wha wnent! out ùf ile curiosity ciede zp w7iýly etuisi ove-r Louis' SelveS about a mircl pssibly abu abc passed-the triracle o r; abeaten World Capdojingïa suic- ceSSful c 'orne-baýckDepecol Btdo it. Nor colid unyvorceltse. HOWCAIN 1 ? B3y Anne Ashiey Q. Hlew icon 1rmvemie frmwhite Clathes? APuta aleponaf hloride of imeino agalonof water. Dis- salv throuhly, Put thc garmîent iii anýd stir ntIîfi te nide dsap.. pea'rS. Rinice thiorouighly. As cir ïde of lm bleachecs, do -iotus Q-Hüw eau 1I dean leather pice- ture iranies, portfolios, and other ieather ;articles? - A.Apply ben)zinel withi a softî clothi, Shoud t-he benziiine rm tec palich, upply thlewhite of ïan egg, well beateni. Q.How can I strengthen mfy hair ? A . A ut lernon rubbed into tht roots of tht hir and followed bya us h-t in w, soft water, -wÏi strengtheni tht hair and heip ta Q.How can I rernevç rust stains from a washable garment? A. Rince the garment ;in cold water, sprirkle the stfaîn1s withi lein juice, then jIcaver the staiued ara it athin layer of saidt.Let the gvarmjent lie i-,the sun ifor two days before washiig àt again, Q. How eau I s'ecure nmore juice fro'm Ilemens? A. Heat ttemon0torouIghly before eue 'igty drapping'thIeTI 11100hot cwater for sevr-al mnuntes> and(1t!ey illyieid zalmost double the qtaLtity of Juiîcc th-at thley w if niot heaîed.I Q. HOw cauri destroy persPfra- tieon thle body?? A. Baith1e in a baiofwr w tertawhich bhas bEeen added tw tabl~poofneof compound spirits of amoi.This wlilavethf: Skin clpdean andfreîsh. due ta fighit Izza-)rd lChlaules. l woï'tdra a illo olar gate, Îin ilprobubiiity. 'But àt ill com-,e Joser -ta doing so thian auiy filht attraction in ýa long time. 0f course, Lee Savotd neveu ws aybal-et-flue. He's almolst as aid as Liouis and has fouighit obod!y of any ote il-, ecent years-that is, looke'd ýl a gret flghtLer til l th openinýïg gon'g 1rang thlen seemediC 'te bc niosywaijtin1g for thie bedtime ~ ~ ' cai.Stl n mtter how bu ont smurtCfiiy, ndoiig S(, looked like tLouis lof id. W that goan iepty hskth parson Th u re no acmle answers. ouis hanled his rival [Il as , He beut him taCithe punc. HeproIe y vey i- on the tar-get lms ut wiil. Twîce Saol îgged Ilht Bom1ber withl Ohetu ihut b1linkinig or retreu,-tinlg. C(IdJo o ag1in1St Chuaries whuiýt hedid againsýt Sa1vold Thil chances 'are-Cthut h codnt beaue zzrd tht GîCzzard is fast- moing, flot htstationeury pUn1c!l4ng bug tht ancienit Suvold is. Ypt fthere waa es Ciiougb Shuown by fthtfadling chumlpion of yseya for glimi- metrs oif hope terenaini for him ianld tht vaà 'st uumiy of i, adirers. After aittblond S -avold snIpposedly iS a far, btter-ilihter ohan ithie Agra- natsand aIl thoseothersis that foecoudntstiffen. On'e op-ffousavoid as atre Ccame iýin thte flth l hei Loulis "ihiret.w " P a jb ut ii. Techniically Speukin1g ;ajab nieyeCr is hrown.11 It is a puitj or, ;as ria meim plies, ajab,. But Oaid Jatreured buck like a man tiin a rocIking- chair and rolitd a-il thle wuy f ortvurd unitil his lefO fist tcollided riudeiy .w7Ih the, lready sc-rmbled prafle of hic bleeding foc. The rpoterneer remnembers '~ig a.jb qielike that, old Lois tradcitli, Hti set up Lee woith a righo and then expladedC 'iitèfOhook îlhut had cvercy 0ounce offclie "Ccouîd cnrnand Savold pirauetttd gracefuilly a1 rouudc, bounc- îng genitly off tht rapta s htbcfeul and it -was iri-nmediateîy evidenit that tht referte, Rub dtein, wasl bistiug hic tuein counting ove Tht capacity, bouse was a tribute ta Louis, thteolyreul drani left inî tht beak-buýstinig ta-t last whien bc hasu'Otelev-isian ta cbop himi down ta normai size. If tht Jo;ter were even fveyear-syune there would be no doubt about wbat bce rngbt dûo taCharles, But there is na gettiug awuy frorn the 1faict thut he is 32 years ald. A facter foe May reveal hîim ta be tht bubb- ling aid man hbe hus Iooked tai be dnrin g Most -of hic comeback. Nwwih a deep obeýisanice in the direction- of Arlthur Daiey for tht ïSsist, here are those 12 Worid Ca'rnlipionchip.filhts coýntCsted dur- iing 1950 we spjý-of e if arier., Ir. january, Willie Pep kuacked eut Charley Riley in fi,ve round-, for tht featherweight titie, lu the sanie month Joey Maxim K.O.'d Freeidie Mills iii ten-a ight heavy- weight affair. Wiilie Pep saw action agai iiu March, decisionîng Ray Famechion in 15 heats. In thse- flr-. weight division Terry Allen teck the title frem Honore Pratesïin ua 15-rounder. That was fin Aprïýil and the fallowing menntis Vie Toweel llfted Élhe bantamnweight crown from the head ef Manuel Ortiz, 15 .Classified Advertisinge* zGGS ;tii gingtopand lllgo bigber. Polty eat for broilers or reûasters h1igh lup pce and to ut sta th. Don't iseueder cika neto. WeVocao shlp promptly ait popular bree,c n on-sexed, pullets or cockerelu. Also Turkey PouitS, Older Pullets..Frea Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Haltcheries Llmited. Fergus. Ontarlo. POULTRYIEN-get yoir FRtEE copy ef the 86-page *'!Pultry Disease Manual.' Write fer dtalisj nov.' tedda, Box 116, Long Branch. Outarie. CASH -1in the heCAHNG IN 1 GOOD. ThIis Is the year te buy cbckis and Turke--y Pouits. Ton can't mss on ak m1onc.y. Prompt deivcrîy on at opla breeds etfcbicks sudTrky out. is Owlder Pullet., el Catlogu Gu-p Ontarli o. BUSINESSlIrP1RTNITÏIES _UEAL ESTATE Ir F ïLT lS REAL ESTATE BUSINESS et any kind ixi wbib you ae Interested cihe s uyrorelr - ou e r farms - Writ.te Phîlie en.itatr DYEI:NG AND CLýEANINO lue Wrtete s or Inform-iation. W,ï are glad-teanower your oustieiii.D- Dartmen'î lil 8arkýer'a Bye Wrkî iuid 791 Venge St., Toronto J.34 ACRE _tratrfai, 2 are;rain. 26 acres bay. balance pstr,ose bush god bickbouse a"d bildings -lt ydr, oýater -lu h aroa. Price 8'ý11,000 witrep .K by any ..1 8e-ARE PRM. goed buildinéîgs, hydýre Ibrouaut, u paemnent. 1,2 mlsfreInï Goderich.Immediate pqssson. M.Ra- .ouf. R.t 3.Auburn, Ont.Prc $500 4100 ACRES, b8,0cutvtd baneti- ber, a loatu lake shore, geed bild- H1unteville 12 Miles. Price 860000ý. Hfý cai.Cdrc oge. Huntaville, Rote 1 FVOR SALE autemai wle e pc-u.Ail 'nin neW conitin. ox umber 7-..1.23-lIth St., rlewTo Tronte. Ont. linge. sAalal ael ear areund, Ux-Sering Parmi Llmnited, ïUxbridge 0ont. ICIE CREAM CBNT ]Boy direct frmnf actrerwhie up- ply ljaste. Cshor trm, very cabinet guaraueed, Wite fori re catalogue'. Modem Devices f. C.,1226 St. Ur- b'ain St,. Montrent 19. Read lncudin stc. uiptaniand cas Iflll-bealth. AepIlyWila Me lois1le"a'rm. Ont. ERt. ga.iepowear iak'e-eVf f easen- able. Will eacbange fer, livestecle. E. M., Llcbty. it. 2. aterlee. On KTHNsinks. toblieprcanontel aýdO reistant enamel. 125 x 66«douleI botol double drýain beard ýom"pee lU erumnb cue tra-iner and faucýet, cabinet extra, 817.60; 215 m 64 singl.e bot. oïloble dralIn board witb emnm)b cue tanr cabinet exýtra. $54.55; 25 x 42 si-ngla bowl alniedri. bar.right or lefi baud wltb cumib -eue siraluer and faucjet, vwoj 'cabinet. 8109.80; 25 z 42, sane pas ab>eve, with Arborite top and 16 x 20 sink anD"( lý'n.00odcabinet. 88q.50. Write for sp'- cial prices on somplete bathreotu sets, Ai tems m oay 1be purcsed sepa1rately, leouiry i hieofrtutrade. PO. Box" 071, Lendlon. Otarlo. 1"ORSale1841Bixeen ansegerSebool Bus. cu stt-buit. Apply Adro ai Pembrûke. nt MASSY-HARIS25 Tractoerion steel: Casee NM ieltpick-u blr;ni oe Massey 22 y 36, Tbreaer with nover milI, al lungood con1dit1in; 2Firestone 13 x 24 Tracter Tre ui5table for r.oduse. K FairbanksheýMrse 8,000 watts. aon Powered.Bagn.8.0.-ct$18. Âero Marine IdsreQkilOt COLLIE pupe, registersd, and growu stock. ieom lesding bjlood hues; reasonably p1iced, Maple CGale Keonels, Penelia, ont. PROFITABLE h'om.e fumishinge and gift- gare store; good location lu Western 0Ontarlo ttoon. ýNica dean stock lu modemn stor'e, This le agoodbusiness, wellesa- blised. Ferpatclr apply te: kil.c .0 MaLEAN VEAL ESTAI!EIE BOKEI; WNHMONn~ tbree meth. Miead fmaairea- senably pied rt Hwarvd ortIer, Plresco)ti.Otro BEAUTIF111L Scotch Colia puppies. geld- en sblïnd r-ooe wt efc wbite markiîngs, Show classe type. Excel- letblood îunes fromrgltre tock, Brdfeu"TbiousaBd land Jprinicese' FiIENTURE.andEecrclAlics wlbr1cord bar. Toton 1i 4,u000, 80 nîles rortb ef Toronto, i2.00êovlueti year. Elabteen boaadcash, ,Hand,111 ail stock "nudlense. Orly erIoue epera- tien fre et.Wonld accept toalI loeai- ed rl et or few acres ou pnv-ted bgh wNay 1ns part enyent. Box 77. 12 81gb- 8y12 tbeaded escreen 8i5.00. Strembe.rg carîgon orabe mplIfier with spenieraý $160-00. 1', rie, uEletri InerCo-u Oýrilîlfa. Ont. I4OLLANI> MARSHl fIAS station, -arw ee,,t uglw Triple building 54 64fi., 12 ervie trucks, equiermeniýan1d Stoçk. Wortbý. $17.000. Hydre, ototater, sboletc, siekness. Muet ael1nilmeiately. ustn tiel dowilnyen.Balance eay trme. Kake efer. ee 1H.Fiale .R. 2 Newmarket, ÙOnt. plone 182 El ndfrd S8IELLCRAFTS 90r mltgTIEN beatutiful. useful and axciýtîna ovttes Pstgepad 3. sien RI.., Teyrto, Ont. iIOTRNATONALW.D. ise.At SOOU RESULTS - very suýfFerer f am ÏheumatIc poins pr NeýUritis hud r MNOSDRUG STORE $1.25 ExpreeseFrPaidc;z BUFFFEiERSf rom EbReumtle o'r Artbr iia 1palnsý 1 Yoau cannaot getrlif wi Box 123.Wn, og faioa POST'S ECZE MA SALVEN BAN LH he orment t 'dr- Y LecMs ahý and waeplrg ein troubl(es. POS1%'s Bezema N SavewlluidsaontY. piiet ega5rdiese et 110w stubborn r b ;eee bcy seerl.N POE 8 2.600 PRrn, I POST'S R-EMEDIES Sent PkPee resonReell Pic 889 Queen e S. E.Cre fLgn eei WANT lovLy eýkin, glisteulngeyes Ira merves? Send, for amazing Kerfo ta-blet2 -$1.00 - $1,00 - $5.00. ImipeiL industries. F-'.Box901, Wjnnleg, an, uGfWwoudr flwrgrwwtoutcas Munree o gant bloomes, fasiilng N cou.Send for fi-ee catalogue wt "P1'IITUNITIES FORN ENAND WO (lIEN BïE PAHAIRDRESSER -;Irent OlportCnity Lear'nN IltatdCatalcoe Free 12 Rideau St . Ot1 -aw.9 OPPOTUNIIESfor, iten anId Wome, MIL Order BsnesCan Be Touir F~ ttiUre. "«IHow ,te Bll Vur O nMil erder Belee hos you stepi st INew /-FI ,iio25e. lll's Sric.321 ,-V Thbe ltmsay Ce.,, tgses aet&tr k1eýye. 2Î3 BankSre. taa ery Sret Trot. eoet et nforma- ti0len hon reeat.N QUXT CIGARETTES - The easy tny, Use TbcoEilininiator, a etiIN treatuet, qicky elmîntestho cravins for tebacee. rids ta ystetu efp nicotin e., King Dra Phajrmacauticiil Chemisîs. - L'ondon. Ont. LON1ýEL7Yl Depressed? Peel thiat yeunueed a N friand1? FItIENDSRIP UNLIMITEV hbas hee1lpad îmanr1po epl InO penees.Par.. býapa tbe-y cmnhelp yen. N biain IPar Details, ivrite or phone Frvieudmrblp bnlîmitedi, 41 V,ee trt.Trt- TJIACBERS WNE TPEACHýERS 1WANTIED -- 2.xaa Prin- pals in school Area ro, Ï, yarimoutb.. ' Elgn ounty. duties to commiyence Sept.î 41û5-1,alryEchedlula Mlinum 8-2000, Maximum $50. Dges teoned Sheena Smth, SRTra .Rt. Ne, il St. Triomas, Ont. MAýLAHIjDE - Proteetanit taheior eolSection Noe , Malabide, Elgi, County. Brick, withi, sd toilets, hy1r, piano. etc. Enrolm.enttirysx Eib grads, alar $2,2f)0 per aninm. Api rations receive un-Til Jly lt WmVI. Irtoin.Se.TrasAlymier, Ol, &S, Ne. f, 1..2 Mtd.Onit.N RIELP %WAN'TIE T!1ERI8YS mûneyT for. enluprttire, ~elnAmaz$uig gaatemakes e ebieer Nylons and uttcene2olr essy te seI. Aise LngeiadMe' WAKE Up VOURN LIVER BILE Wi;thoUt doe-AYouý'I lump Ote BEd linltheMoenlng Rakýxn o Go The ILver ehaul'd pouir ,ut about 2 pinta, bile juices ayu digestive ftract etvery 0ay. Ifit bi o-îüïionet fwinag frey yaurfoodmnyo n1et digest. It Meay luit decoy in tb dig estive trc.Tben gas bloats np YOUr atomach, Yoi jetcs ie. olfeel saur, sun ad thum mild, thoo gent!, Carter'a IJttl LvrPis ta get thea" 2 pinte of bile flow- ing freely ta maee n feel "uip and up." Get t dus' ,Effecive tm a3 Msk bà.e?.W pUîY AùIlr Caier'.Litile Lyvn

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