The Squ~are Dance gs havý e hlpC topfi, rve or, neriçac li1(.1ofi it r icli s sud earlY ture. For-eitost uof- ailfur-ins of -.' -bLa isilpoSsiïbI'ê her. lu goit# thse delails of; the stepýs, tut wIiik -- gay dancers 'vwhirl to sund ro kee- issg thue wv;I h temuicaS srun- Mmng away un banjos smd. gours oýr 011ngonfiddles, tey al ise apace witit bcesaoen. He shunts AIL bauds up sud circIe 1db. Swing yocir partuer s0d liseunue * yotm mcCl. Tha17t'siwba maes ibbc sigsu sweet. <Fimst cope ead nutI Lady 'rouind thetaldy sud tht'gents go slow. Lady 'round gcuth sud gentsdo%' go. (Ibieet conlthe ceniter suld sig Laischange sud gents -,bi( same.ý RIght bauds cross sud "indo you do?" Opposites swing, sud do-%t forget -ouxr honley l te en of- bc ring. (Seconid cnupkle led 0I) Another iformaition i eads ont wiîh '? solicwbat more rapid stride )?bere is bite fainous "Old ucer formation, a reaLly heautitu iun.- n1ing dance set. "Ml Tcir"i su odd mnuà dehtring vwho bu- cuîihes ýa potential iobber of evcmy mnan's girlaud asMbuth 1e calmérs ad libituin 1joies > ']- Thsereare nearly tlwenjty raIls o tIiS eancce.- 1 tlbegins: AIlba )s ansd circîr Lfi. Ail the way 'round, t Hait Way 'n hack, 1--lncc-, Timeuir, daîce,. Swing youir partuer once on(th corner. AIL ay 'rounýd. Hait ws-y 'n Sci.' These dn-s otntl o lovers ut tie prim'itive dauce, ae AUillpopular ini thetmuper iKen.- -Fucky Vàley-From "'Tht Ken- tuky" y Thion-as D. Cak Tbmec good Sststm yonr puy Lite!Bmtop),wapsir ithsand- awypockets, sud wondeJrtul la. cd shrts hat re fensnnesd It terIngl Mi toet, erilocîlotr Pattemu 4539 in sizcs 11,16 1M 20.,Sîze 16 bra snd shrf,476 yads35-incb; shorts, lskyads This pteu aytou use., simpl lu scw, la tesýted for fit. Lia Àscon- plýebe ilu1s11tatetinistructionis. Sced THIRTY-FIVE CENTS "35C) in Coins (stam-lpa au bcS ccpd)for Ibis p)attesn. PVi-lut pinjiyiý SIZE NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM-BER. Send ordet ilu1Box 1, 13Egt teeulihStreet, New ,Tjoron1t, Ot It's ready for youl Ourc ne-W Aunýe AaaSummeii(r Pattertu B-ooki Rýead all1abouit yonr new vcto waýrdrocbe, buw easyil la b se-wl GLmu-.tshonillusztrations ni thbt-uft patterna in ah sizes. es andayl FrceePattrcdu rs suinsuit primbted ilu boni. Th e eper o! the elePaIcns aI - obtuCCs at Bieilefeld, Germany, sie-Pt 4 their enclosure 01#c i~ igiat.Whemt tt awvio Ishe foutidthat his hre h;d eaten bis bat, COat, walLet ansi teOdiabatCld on 'lis rur. old fudçly-0 jo "odes, lin Cnideredquibe rilodem.Bu causCe unrmen bodayý sens1 be atatdoi by the cliap sort, SAhY doc ASh aie ch an impresion?1 \Vtch ber saucuns iaugbter -!berl igar cton. er fiity st(10swhy o th Cmea clute aot lier? Theitrigcb retitme sud cituredgilJ ccol nleyer imake ncb s aisI is efi out. even l-tbnghshe mnasbeLovI to' looýk at sud iàleîcstiîlg t(-'Se "Lias tee qnality oftOunr mn" sil su l (w-OrI- j if bblC girls 'i1 l1ý brougbt is Iab)out? "f matalossbu-Iraid Wh-Iat wouLda 1ion lît te ma-,rm-ir sucli a girl? "How horriib t ie iin empty 1111e ml Thre1an"s dio, good book~ s tadý, fine uîus tu ejoy! l crtiilvdotnt any in&!! gnue bu MA punitea exhiition of oncîtf. "W hqc onbsbrglttiaot" A. wM1, i * Mau1y s iCe (sud cI>gr '~il, shec s mciîienutfeqýual bîirrh * sud breeding maiie 1fouis o1 thein- *selves oser a flaPS1y fie '-- wbu( * moisal 15e ivl garisy utý Smde tunes. A te \, bcrazzied *ytegirl's ery dleecmi > die p1iStake t aryig-u *fiud tlislested tbu acoarse *and gaudy ,-creatmme --b ît a few mnh eoe igs *tedIly repuignan1t. Il ;t Snot, bowever, ascomu *as tfitis wriber seenistri tii. 't It ia particularl l.y v ounog 1 lad, iuex:iper ienced rsud Jciur; uus *who i hr lý'lai yte show o (-f shee * animalainrissd misled 1by -,he *unmcstrainýed emotional xii * flou. "My" be cci uhlm.- 'te sel,1ths girl ta mor-e fun!1" Anid *lie proceeds tu sow bis firî cildi * aIs in ignrac, fnuodfat e o tuprove be ila St las a min. * Later, ot course, bis inouate re- *fineCnt openis is ey-, asud lie 't tees thie gilfor w'11h,1is.Re-C *voiltd asud asbiamed. lie gvs be *thec qtimCi rn of * tis run c olîder shait nie grl * iketis une howrtemear *diîscnrsged sud alarued(. NeCg- * etd bythe n ice e n tbcy acston sud come to belive that it * is more i cmiop ISsu I>Tasaliv 't ind v iacxfliý ed inýcç il, *ýiji0' usau i bt mjoit.h m- 0'sntteiriapparenýitll,,!on de- *-eule lC 1, sies vh d * Pý fie her oi clivitS whin * prupte big,1s. *~ ~ ~~~eý To". .C.:T(rn reLt PUZZLE 1 Dry -. oKsa 7. MWe oe Abe 23. Weeti 21. Âud nul CA MebilaS 14, Wobe du 5,p v es scSý au. lgntt08 4j, Thmrow 41i NEar 4%2.Wagou 48 icukon. bo sa UV" 1N 01 AïAmecei z Plate ru ont 5~ Clusas pi 4 Boat 5. Dine 8, Inctuan c bsrmy 7. Fit 8. Atast tiqi now m toenougb1i abm LYou cil, * illo weei. oi grl chtii as yosî do, s(ud w-o kioî uly1 *ni nîu tîtt apreiaig:Tctsd ,A grl ba-t inumin *hs Don'fce iscipougd. llgii pr oectvourbnida iffret lid * u fred. Thr'1 ougb týLIenIc 'on P, icsir sud yua illwouder a-, hy t yoneve tliIîet1cejw la 't1 ,v hti-rcoieo thed.CutvI ýc lthse;ayou cn ue joIl(, csud à,u prteî osef frm Ie wrfoig klnd . .. Ti -troubles yi!t,- AuneHit.baren ber!a(, Biox ll. 123, lt pSt.,me w Tmn will a ive herd, gor rcad, utI týe- dii,sricisr cei 1 H ,1ncyis!about 10 inse od-tc troinocre, yc uI lrst ýccnt n bctrrbe dm age was oik yp rad. We badun mi i)ing tc olb ecuge exiiithugbth w~nd sud am rbaipctlybad cuita i crs o ewl cnthay insu e wow er b HoguO. 1 e aomou talust i!eli liabe. Tbouandscu d llas amn a lu tbee tarin, a the bouse su baruog uesMaiIl- hoildi. Vet u oli-;n'as vicied or Detaîils baeàheu gven u a- t papersbut aFawoditcsve es-i[ capeýtd. Ntie. Fori, T i-e i on(t- lacuisn fmnbttr wîî iln' 15e i ý smict s "ht idL M ocum tarin there Cü'gs a gr at umberip 'tfin nd tes.,Mary ee tme upuby the s-o1soer said in hdingad lu Ise trs yqp 5Sun, go4, 22i. On\of-mn 2I4. Co, 26, - ant to ' u j, Sathte s-t Derme, bsrous~ nanti St. W ortO5es~ 1,avlng 52 Lught brown colo, 15. *triling c5(d as. Separate 55. Irrîgate 37. Veliiets as xînat $0, Titi 42, By way ut 55 Sound o! cattit 44. luseet's egg 46. Myseti 47. That ttutug Aabawer Etaewhere on Titis Page ed coms.e'.t t otn sta"t motfsr) t 613' inches: crochet in coin) (samp canno1t b a4 et cd( fr ti> patteru tlo Box 1 1 ?3 figteenth St, New Tolonto, Ot. lPyint laiiPATTERN ïNUM- BE-R, orNAý;.E land ADDREýýSS. Send 1wety-'leCentls 1mor1t (iu cons) or ouir Lauýtra hei pattern~ tor rochet, emhridy gif icas Xfre pu trnis printed ald two litie ldelug wr yippjr-g i a"h'c a cole ot iost cdon o-v ne of thbarn strigers frcorn whiebIbe rof radbeen 11fE4 ed. 'WrC asonue louly pigeon- and a littie h-starn heC, . tn hapypjcin[teir way amog th ielsl ore th1a1 n iikeiydeiighted à-, beiiî alloëcd s muchl iberty. had filoit e ignetoroOst. so the caslty r i Ist on thýat tahnwasno mn o"ha,,. Across the road a ré hen was f1lotolucky. There was nnth0 'il- îug eP o thepeuthat had'h nedo bis40( ca onsad vr MAC ;the cbi iftheens.u So fa ir as ve nos noe o th farnîc>s carried1w1n isuraw n(e too ba ciCd nsuraice i SO tte pene.It cns to e !ste He thoe ti file neil oy pay ahu am. cut if te;negas'i tdos laie then thpelîcf opensto 13nrth ail th premiins atw'rc ever paid P Lincrmad a ew bs wvaions that had flo oicur t e.H w1as comparigcthesefcqtiiinow toý wbat f wa 20 ears ago.20 At that psialiy dependnt o bis 1br ofe"1co1nlain't cary on without if t!But coope, with bof buidnings one aý1c farmer' feied 1vork eed flotý- top. sicnle îshadbe ay sta thKes ales He a comAbines andrapssel thbgranhand baethe stravr. Lti'even a oncsay1g u lipuran.other hibak ar, s woththe tise bof moemsiacdiery hay aud gvrain, cro hs reie iess a big-, barodaysxig hshas oo uc ai -ir pGce-an e tha luantteifin Sundy wewentbackto -Jryt towht bc a b acompisuhe mst tec operaton of gd neibprs e aw ay, uywt axs 'ad ,croscu sws nAéos rofe. e awa ouarcosef Yo have uo iesnac. t thUe Nelt bb0bckyador t~ arm ent o ism15ssa ut 3 Inchesandg al o n tht ccty wau heu b h~oreedt un ad cas. Oný litioui chs aouadl 0.00008 inchs lnge th ieha bren 10 y cars pcosiy wrt John8AIlan Mav Plain he Chris ilar iltidyb. temtooit t T 4eyad asme ltal Ssc in 1878 y ac utPaliaeu.,li a fneaibr. dpse nLno kitb mt<- Boar dcu rae, chewan th tcmprrt nr ofIle br Npe- Farehi tiyae s1o- An ein vcvraia!l rttype surIthe î'Iý Sept St$ 3sires near asihicii derein f i.ob Iecrbdltr' "Ulim ately rvy tmciesaoue sud iitric sigu teres t niietne ýaidg from unhaeo hthhr,"f tht NP ive laietry ucoertityotthe m ocr a ceimete yrdwre kt it fore Rppalliug 10 thoe loloc'b tev notie(wAs the admilet osad, bu wi hetot hini o lothers fli belilitamy cpiesn teun- Railiil 1-wliMte oyalSieby mie 'I Tadi"nprepoiiclarts."neoy saiymre ar the sta(> rîiiras oaf si-g toiftis -gibte ois uf th Honte of Cunionc) prap o 11)r192years theidNPLcm say,"toleam tht(oe tbers ni- riae rstaff w-urkcdit ise equ iaint ut theti," sud lbey are'l right. It does Du 1922 in MoNPL aiso " tkthe su»d he netr.Thymdfoud theact- uail crati did o gree ith >ýothe lega dluches. They've scarccly dared alo urer compl f t-icton1 Bluint nacpies had gradually sl-ort îben during"tme pasb 2 yas by neary two p lartl mio." o ncb-rý Metlt cours,cs i orsis querting. t Ire]"rcp. u shl nesbiblueeeti0tla e ISSUE 29 - liS Feimous Paining At Toronto Art Gallery-The ,world famnous paint- ing "The Artist in his Studio," painted by the great Dutch artist, Jan Vermneer, about three centuries ago, is includled in the 80.-million dollar exhibiion of Art Treasures from the Vinmno Collectioni in the Art Gallery cf Toronto, Augusl 5 to etene 16. Titis is the only Cctnadin showýing cf this fabu ons coleîO" of rare pintingslr and nIl-ur art trciaýures. Amerca(n ý ýNation al Bureau. oal Sadrswlth the gift to NPL cd a lamp ni inercury transm'ited oWt ut go ,,inanatornic pile.lis- wveCs p)rove to be "the ideal meaur 0 letb."Th,'staLiing' If to-dsy mtrologists stili oreý legli m~sre nWth ine km- perai o jupigStandcard, 1 galber tbey now Sf lïeïst cnmeat- sure ifsecncte ior ccur "One cy weiivlhave 2a law passud iuakinIg this a toînIic ih wav our sadadmeasure. TIs yard wil ihen be)Cstabjle. That -,il be in 100 y 'ecars, 1 imagine." 1 wss migbty relieve-d toîearit, Really Big "Pile" By areetwt aaaas the 'United Stiates 3ritaiiCs Min- istry o;f Suppiy discloses bcew ta unclear ratrof the iatesî typf à construictel. 'the heart nif aL- 1ig "pile" o reaýctor is a huge blôck - o! graphite in3to which spears- Of ir ninsu iare inertd ad whiïCh is i- clusdi in a jacket A steel and re-, înforced conicrete, Among the hun- dreds of different materiais that g*o into th,: reactor are 5,000 -tons of grap)hite, 3,000 tons of coucrete, 6», tons ni See! anid for-ty tons of ura- niumi. More ttan 1.800 channels; are bored ilbiotlic luge gratphite cuibt. Hlait of these carry rods of tira.- uiumr. Boron rîods are iserted ;nt& thie remnaîniiîl chanels tc, conýtrol or neutralize tise atomilc reaction. The surrouuidiug graphite reflect, neutrons that woid ->tàerwift escape from, the central core. Ra- diation inside the pile is blocked tsy lte outer casing, a asel mIatie of reinforced con1crete J!iIiet i wtl cast-iren plates six inches lhick. BETTER -FLAVOR A choicc- secret ini preserving hak combînation of flavors.,The boiling together- of bwo or more tmuits -re- sults lu a Superior produti "of inde.- Scr-ibabie flavor., Th£ frits tsat, bilind best ýin ,II expieriieuice for pi-e- serves and m uarmualades are the fol- Apples and grapes Appies aîîd black curransî Apples and quinces Rhbr'and currants Green- age nsd lemon% Grpfutand oranges aagr nesad oage rgrae- Ornesnd rhb!arb wi sor wihot strawberryv juice> Rseresand red crat Plnssdand -its. ,ý Upsiedon bPi-iet Peekiný,g ~OVL.9O' 7_