4, oitawal Subseription $1.50 ,hed January, 1937.' Publisher. R C ]ForresËte sadly under, ecreat- T1'e fionbmjaioi of the Orono Amaàture Atletptic Aes'yciation, a 'mbrof years ago,rwas iriended nt that timie te o lcith the jurThro" youthl of the coînulity brinptgiJng te then tihe opparunity of wiaerI -a'nd sm e spo-rts. This plan would give the cdde an in- ni,'gbtiito sportsnýInsip, an oulilet for - yoithfl enulry aMd the 'nndn f aound cdaractter. Tie Assiocition bûosever. seemns to hame grown with las yeuh of Bes tue of Cs forn7a;oi M te resu-it ht hie niew genernA-tion s b(einginegloèted, Sure1ly lt would hoc a sipevetr o hiave oee atemon q ýoftbaII for the boys At Ve PUIarwith prioper supervision acid run onl n tourniamnt scale 'th a couple of tecan.s frýom Orono adohr ýxgaie ý ports as its pacbuit'Ive siiWant a prograln wi .l an au ak%é pmatlanwhethey Ctppy bems-r of the gaime or no(t.!Etp'. elAbl ~old interest bc taken 'in the c(l'"dren fron eight yenoe- t. n~V~¶The youflh of ths age gnopp should fnet beh 't ont of sp. y"L yprcgnàar' as j-,aenn to-day fo&r their- inter.-st t s lkee'i and vith ýSo(Unid and proper s1p vlýonTh rWardsil[ cihara 1ci' -o r buLIil(iag Baek çC3ir ni s. miîo-ne 15 r19 Oruioa-c F~OR SALE Ladis' B~?c<~,alïnostne.ea eon lePone &ronio 57 r9 - WA$TED 'O BUY One used E1ectriçc Wuin a -chire. Aipply Oron-ji,ý Fleotjnic.Phn MJLO-.ani M-Il.Ed - wardMi1son Ornareh'appy tol anotinî(e thet riovf rtbeir daugh-L ter, Ellen E1z b t OsawaG- eltali HospiJtll <in Su iday, JUly 8th. ENGAGE1WKNT iMr. and M-7 'M. Il( Staie.Ooo Ont. oairnoune,h te( ggeeto 'Aifr datug1tep ,Apnu Mret Arthur Abýa1fEavfStisno ofL, BownlMý- illfï ), Mor Euand s. WjimR!St1 The -narÉia<,wia Atake placevol July 28 l Oo ite Cureh. DEAD IVE STOCK Plcked up pronptly lorseq, Olw, Hilfers, £heep, Pigsi ana n ew brn Casves We pay fog or,ýs! Cows and Heifers As an' dded sc-àe rIÇwe wJilco-ý operate with yott vtciiara mi 2i/sc per~ lb. fýr livehrs . CaifeoHk Bomanvlle2P79 MAlýRGVIL FUR FAUMS' Tyrone 49-tf FOR SALE 1100 Red Rtock Pullets, r-eead3ýty Vlay Les Coonibes. Phone 251Bo mn RKeal Estate $2 200 -- 50 acres choice Pas- ture land, cunvenieutly located, water well fencedf. j an daily having inqiies for farms of aIl sizes and town homes-. If youi are tiin-ig of selling ma1Isuggest thlat you let me know. $25. For, rent, farm hou)tse and garden close to 35 Ilighi- way at -Enterprise, -4 rooms, good water, electriciy. Key at office. I have considerable mnoney avaijable for f*grst mortgages on imnproved favams. Leroy Hamilton. BROKEN Phone. *Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 0rono, Ontario In aUl its branchesý Fire, Autom-obile, LiaLbility, Lîfe, nos pitalizatiorî, Wind Plate Glass, Burglary HOLIDAY NOTICE Dr. A. F. ,MicKnzies Office wî1l hie ciosKd from July S te July 22 nnd fiomi Aiu-gst ,12 tV Au-uïst 19. Orono Tinshop Sec the new Air Circulator can be used for cooling, or warm-inz a room. Just the thing for Sum- mner Cottage or siek room. R. E. LOGAN Pluanbilng and Rot Water HeatIng CALL UES FOR ESTIMÂTES HARRY E. LYCETT Phcne 84 r 12 OROcýNO - ONT. Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M. PHYXCANan-d SUIRGEONS 2,00 te 4.00 e-m . m .L86p.m, Suildays and âqb appointment mlr PHONE 47 r] S E. C. S Y ER, NI Ti PHYSICIAIN and SURGWIP*Y Main Street 'omtlà 2.00 te 4.040 p.m.. 6.30 to 8.00 pn.- Sundays and Helidaye hy Appointmenjt PHONE 74 r 19 .oRONOo LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWNVILE.ONT. Phones Office 688 Hme553ý TED JACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of rül @&ce@ and at reasonable rate.l Communicate -with hlm Bt FP" PerrIy, Ontario, or sec bis Clork. à- E. Morton, at Orono, for date. -JA CK vý R E ID Oronos Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmi and Furaiture sales Coislt me for terlm and dates, Phone 5 r 18 - LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edutational PdIIcles; Protection ,and Savinge Planas W- Children and Aduits; Mortgag.e la-- surance Plans. F. E. LYCE¶'1 ORONO. Out.- Phone 20 r 1#ý The RUTTER GRANITE, COMPANY Dia1 3216 - P.0, Box 61122 Port Hep.e, Ontario Monuments, Gravenuarkem , Fýngravinff. IGoldleafinLr STAFFORD BROS MemumentaI'Works Phone Whitbiy 552 318 J3undas St. E., Wkitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP MARKERS Let us ereet, a handsomre, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of youtr loed onffl. It's not expensive. And seeing this !st tr-ihute will give you sndless coxfort Orono Electric Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and liOUS1E WIRING Free Eh*fiaates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt 'and Guaranteed ftepg;rkw te al makes of Electrical Bqwlpmeut- and Apphances Sncb as 110tors, Wat*er N.atoe,. U sd1 teve.. Inaw. ett We will be pleascd te' pick up dead or crippled farmn animatl. and lpay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service telephone colleet Brooki 62, Cobourig 1266,w, Toronto Empire 8-8686 GORDON YOUNG Lbd. Here-in the exclusive Pontiace Chieftain-is luxury motoring indeed! Its performaance and~ comfort can only be deseribed as remarkale-smnooth, easy and sure. And ini ouiward appearance this senior Pontiac is kighly individual-a car that's brilliantly styled in every detail. Its price? We say willhout hesitation that thie Pontiae Chieftain "6" and Chieftain ee8"' costs hundreds of dollars less than any comparable car. Examine it dlosely at your Pontiac dealer's.