Agile &Y Richard 8K Wigkîegu Quoetnnoril woo&s gude, toIt "Itl happeuecd shortly af er gold wias dîscovered up near ilsyden," F, c began. "it 1 wa sn't much of a "Asetteiment, howevver, spung up at!thy amret! il elntafter "A yesrafer îlEufrt cgboguid- lnIgs ieecr-ectcd the seitters decid- adcdihey ougît ta have a sehool tca~rrndthey sent down ta 01- îawýa frmac,1 .%Miîss Agiles Sldcon yonteerýCd ant! 1 wss delegated to inCd hem at the station in Twin P~orks. l was a six-day3caoe tp, ie only practical nseaîlS of sumlmer transportation. "One Jook at M-Niss Agues Sheldon, when iishe steppet! fronth;,at trainý ând 1 smiellcd trouble. Site ws vold, but bier featumes bore, -a mavturec took. Shiewr a sevee lsc!, suit, !jbane-mîimmvet! glasses,_cttonI stoc- diss laced boots. "IWhen I intsduced myself ahe looked at me as ithough 1 were orne newv kind of insect. That made me niad at the start. 1 scouted arount! the town and borrewied smre ap- parel for ber te- wesr that was suit- able for tne trip. "l oifered t1cm ta hem, ant! she goand at me as thougb Ilm callet! her a bat! naine In no uncertain ternisse assuret!me sel a caw- cble of choosing hem awn costumes. WVell, I was sort of gbad. My écn- science vas clear and 1 fIet 11alai t trip iwauldteacl hlem a munch needet! , esson)1. 1I id, lowever, Cendeavor ta preva1 IIi Ii - tshmta rub )saince ms- queItmboio on hem ski before w, startet!.Site wasn't, she "sid, going ta sinear heýrseif up ikle a savage. "The- mosquitoes M'eue pmetty, bad lh1a, year. Bpefore 1noon of thefit day Miss Sheldon wsbtten so bad- 13y it hurt Ime ta look etlhe. f offer- cd br hemIcloion agaîn and! she e- fused ii. I cauld scectieu tha- she mas stubborn. "The moning afler the firsCnt 1Iecmawle ntof My Lent a M aw and fonid tliai Miss Shieldon was up ahead of men She unss town at tlic rver, lathing hem face,.El, the looks of ber cbthes, shc'd slept in TIceainnder of that tnp wa ýý_s someithing ta wite homieabu. With Cadi psssing mile Ms Shel- don gat Mare uncamforiable aud Smore obstin-ate. Anid 1, tog itied he, gat pretty subm y self. I decidet! natta offer hemrîle lotion again uintil shie asked for ilt. I mas sure that sooner or- later she~d break dawn antdmt it eeat. But she Idn't.ý "We had a pretty bùough timle in -the Little Falil5 aids because the r ve was high that yar. e sipeda, lot aof waler ant! Miss Sedngoýt drenchedtiïu tglghta the skm. That niightiti rainedan ,;he slept in wet clothes. Teux day she brokýe her glasses, anid be- caseaInear ,sightednei.-ss was- wýay tripping ovcri hirgs. "ýVVe reachiet!Lelant! sîorîl iiler 0son Oafihesîxîl day and there Vas quite a delegation t!çwu ta metus in was fthere, beaing 'a wejcame anid ready ta miake a spech. But [at sigl of Miss Shieldon le beam ie(t 0on is lips. "'Gentlemen," I ssys, "this hecr's Wiss Agnes Sheldon, Our ncW school lealer. She amnis la bring -a bit ocf civilization ino our setle- mne nt, aot! 1 reckon she's cdonc i." "W/cil siïr, if Miss Sîcîdon htt mec before, slIc despised mealler that 1speechl. But I'mdanget! if I coud elp it. Tlhis was my fý'rstc- perience wýith a-i female and t tel you ( was nmad&Any dumbhea Wod led mosquitos bite thecltam çut oaI ber ileitha, dseve O tabe oLd wýhat uwas thonghit i)"lie.. "jni lland's %ifefetchet! hem ýsp ta thieir cabin and put hem ta becd. Sbe statyedt! tere for aimosi twvvo eeS. Mosquitos, sunlumu -iýant !we ýiatIes lad danged necar riuned ber. "Me, afler P'd cod ole! lsaine, i ý--,ît kind aIaolf etc nt!dcidet! tle best thing 1 could do was tW get ouI aIetown tifor a spell. Buit dint No0, siri 1stý1Lndthere sdfiace4xny nieicine.Tlere's "thiug bilbe iiin mrriedt! a wife osgo-,s A Jolins Hopkins phiysician ba dicvrt at it is no)t sickchut!- rn wlo arecsourlces aIineto TIIUÀ-RM FRONT MALEJC , HYDR1AZIDE!Souuds" ike-an ýArab-;iincurse, d'oesi-'t il? Or Maybe c'the inarine aI a nr- Asia Miýno-delegate ta the United Nations AsserrMbly. But don't let, tle ls or sound of the naine fal Yom. For Maleic hydmazide, kniowni as MMi for short, miay prove la be tle answer ta ani age-aIt! dreai-the dreair aI pots-to, turniip, carrai and othler rot-growe'rs of beiing ahle ta) store their praduýce in tle Cae Fail snd not lave ils value lahd apieces l:og sprouing. sors have onged for sosnetoing which mould prevent t uc cromn hcating in storage aS a 0Joiga valuable part of their suigar content, - Mr. MM41 mulgît lec Ile anwe t tIat ancas Well. Maleic bydrazide is anwcheoni- cal ilat Nyau simrply spray on tuber, d raop s SOM2ýfE TIM1-E BE FOR E HARV ES?. Then wheo youir tu- bers are dung sud storet!, Îtey sunq- ly refuse 'taapraut andt! retain a remiarkable feles according te WI. Law'ell Treaster, witing in TIc Couiry Getlemi-an. Tcesshave been ginýg on11ithtese prehlar- 'vest sprays for two yesrs nnaut! hia-ve been successïni to Iîle point of amrazemrent. As yet le chemiical is leing nainufacturied for expri- mienta l purposes by tle Unlited StaesRuberComp1rany, whose clmcldiv-ision says-" I-Lmited qunttisIM11-30 are avaýilalle for test-sales puirpass du-rinig the c'u'rrnt season,ý and! sabýes aie limlit- cd by law ta) organiizations witî qualiflet! tecînical personnel who wýil( supervise' lests ant! report on While îesting a nuýmber aI dîemit- cals, S. IH. Wittwer, Michligan, State liorticuilturist, two years aigcois- coec hat this comnpoutidlas properties for arresting grawt in stored vegetables. At. that tite Ile w'as Searc1in1g faomr higilat" could le uset! as !a preliarvest fo- liage spray ta preve1t sruig ~fées tests wcre on onian; laer patatoes, carrais, gardien beecs' par- snýips, tum-nips, rutabagas s sgarî beets. Al experimenîs ver, uni- fomly ý-successînl. 'I have seldoni seen tests when resuýlts were ca nearly perfect as Ibose with m naleîc hydra7ide7 Witt- wer commirented. "W/'e conit!Iart!ly believe ftIenc pssbl. Thle scienitisi liasblarge quanlities af bath Politiac aud CablIler pots- tocs in storage-lai aI tI dernttreat- cdl, tle aller hall uireatet!. As af May3 15 île treatet! wecre as sount! sud as firmi as wleu lhey came fromin le cgrýount!; lhe iuntreatet! sîivebet!,c soft sud wcarîng long spraouts, ablu1teby tunfit for use. Bath vahieties were panted las Uay ]10, 1910,atd larvested iabont SeCptembe]r i 1950. Var-i n aleic hydrazide concentrations were ap- plie! font two weeksta six weks I-e fore1- larvsi. Potatoes neceivng 2500 parts-ofAI MMjpr millon parts ofaic naeciler four or six weeks before larvesÉ refused 1o aproutt durýing cigit motîs of storage at 57 deVe . Even w -%ithIO1N0parts, per- million there was little eiec a! spraut grawtlvd. There was tic effec on 3ield oftie spayd crop. Qisin tstswere ascniuig with- trials even more conclusive as îiey ,,have bencý1 onductet! for lwo yeas. Icsaine cati le sait! for carrotsgarden beets, parniasot lu thc-onion tests tle gre'en -tops of thie variaus varieties were spray- et! in the field! about.two neels before larvest. Solution streng1ls ranget! front 500 îo 2500 parts of MM per million af waler. AlhouigI consit!erabbe inhibition of spruingll' tol place will dle 500 strenrgîls, île 2500-art solution Icît! ail of tle oin in perýpcL condition, wýitli no10sprouting, ull M1%ay -l0. There was no evîdeuce that sprout- ing =Wouidacrin deleoar mre, ant! aIl irated oniions wreas sound! as wlen lbey came ont af île grount!. Svallarge commenrcýiil ow- crs l ichrigan and! Idiana have made lests aofIliran, and aslb ar!e enllusiaslic. Scecal are arder- inig spray for arge,r acreages tl coning season. To eamu what alechydazideý a)f 5"/,tans cacli were uset!, ant lot trecate!, file aller noîtreatet!, all f rni tise sameffildt. The,ýy were placet ii in n omage far 3,5 days. During that liime ltemperature Flighty-This unueual hat is one ofa group of feathered toppers displayed in t he - "Miliinery From Floland" show at the Netherlands Chaimiber of Com- merce. The luxuriant appean ance resuits from the removal of the coarse central quih, leav- ing only the soft barbs to shape the hot. tests \ wle rmnto sho how muclI heaing took POac. Sugar-contentL tests were taken befoleadatr storage, Most impiliortian-t wsthe finding that the prehýarest spray prevecnted loss of stugar during, storaige. T1ýe untreated beets lost more than i13 per cenlt of the total oiginlai stgar. Mhie the treated beets lost less than i Per cent. Wegh bs as hemd A virtualy nathing %n de treated beets, whllJe the untreated lot lest II.ear1y 10 per cet. aleic hydrazide also kepntbte beets froni hieatinig, w;ithAhtle treCated beets ruti- nieg several degrees cooler through- Olut the 35 days of tra Ji' the new spray continues to be- as successfulinfutre truas, the effect Upon te entire vegetable- growving and marlketing idsr wiIl be phenomn1al. Onion roer wzill b bc-le ,to tjurn ta the Ihigh-er- yielding Swecet Span1ish tyýpes of onions for a better co)nsumier imar- ket. Sweet Spanish types haven't been ucesflbecauise nof their- poor 1keeping q1alities. Retailers wiIl be able io seil onion the yesr arudwithout large nbses. House- wsves can-,boy in lre quantities withlouti fear of sprouting and si- velixtg. It, is Possible titat the e- tire; national onjin-breeding pro- -grani mniy be reie to the muid~- er ih-uity tyeswhhin >the past, have kept !norm>'Mistonage. As for potataes, goodtuesil be on the m1arket th11roughauit the year. Growers, wholesaler1s and m-c taileýrs %ill mk a sure-r profit, and hou(sewives can store withouit con- tinully eapoutigPot'toes Will ity is de-finitely super-Oiortintreaýted as ,ompaâ,ed to uintreated patatoes after aý period of storage. Potato- chlpmnuatueswil likely flot a: Constant hight-qUality source of suppy, ecaue tstsindicate ha MH-rested potatoes will miake bel- te r chips eveiltougOle potatûes hiave been in storage for some time. Color of the chip is better, and there is no ador, no effect on flavor. As part of the tests ail treatet! vegetables were estený. There were no iii eifects, and the consuiners coult! detect nio change ini flavor, Other vgtalsare soon to n- " dergo tests. Sweet comi ant! peas are naext. Both bhreak down ,quickly after 'han-est and require rapit! hmn- dling by packers to retaiti quality. Scientists believe. ma(3leic hydrazide mnay stop île enzym-ie actinwhen applied ta thiese lavegeýtabes.ý ccbr nI ie galden for several1 1n101nt1S. aud t1c fil-st sevei irontîs, sud Icefîrst yelsfrontl Cle ealy v ptante t vegetable-plot lave already peae!at tîle table. Successivle planltinigs aI bath Pame non il- order ta, fili bale pgaps iii tIcý flowcr barer sd rounld ont tîle season wÏiapeniusppy I fresh vegetal les. A1,hinita eines-al ee taîb)es sanuasiijls neet!sfrca ok - ikg, goot! soi! iin an op)en situations il results are ta leC wortlb the cf- fort. Smmrpilnting may have ta le douie during adry lime, Wlen tbis is s,0, it is a gaod plan ta LilI îlte drills witl water so that îl te seedsý are in dir*ect conitact with ioist eartb. TIe dry soil w i t1l w ic tev are Ocvret!wilI laid mrOistume su aid 1lclp eihaîn A rnumber ofamI naisls frotays Smlntotazinnula tiay le sawnnoaw. Jif t :eyarcbeing growu for ut tghis kuwslby marc ovein 10 sOW thent i n drilîs weet1ley are taoon.Secds sliould be sw sparse1y and!lise seed1lngs Pthinet! camby 50 ilat eacî plant is ai leas' ' si few inldes fronl t ineigîlbor. This is lest don n and cy day if possible, but if 11t, illenl in tIc 'ienn,0ta hebp sc!usrecover, frost passible noom di tturbance. Where a mnass tffeCi is desired, sedA of sucb kinds as alysuoi, ciandytidt.. Caionapoppy and prtla l ay bhiUMy boadc s ndvery ligty rakcd in Wheme space is mady ini the Dow- er border, seeds May be sown Ai rectly. For a mi-xet! groupfing, fo1ur or five seeds are placed in stations spacet! accordiïig to tie size of tlet. plants whien grown. Th1fe seedliÂ1gs from ecach clp eare tinddw ta oneý as sýooný as possile. ln cases wl,,ere the spaýce is t yet available but wl be befQre the summer is over, seeds should be sown in a pKearedseed bad àn order ta have the plants on hand la fUi gaps later on, The seedHisg4 are moved t ats, or singly mi smsl pots, as soan as posible They hou011d have good sou ta en~- courae growthan a" tering is necessary ta prevent dryinig ont. Suchi kinds as China aster, drssrn- inond phlox, balsalin, Cosmos, gail- Jardia, coreopsis miarigoît!, scabio-sa qiud zinnia îranisplaitlediy Even if 1no vegetables hae bC1n planted yet, a sufficienit vaiet1y ma'y le grawnfrom seed now ta malce the venture worthile A ga-odfly supply of snlap beans can bcenjoe& by maigSow\iligs at a' aui two week intervals up ta sixty dlays be.. fore tlic fîrst frost issnîpae Varieties With round or flat anti green or ycllw pods may bce choses accordilig te prefer-ence. Seeds are1 placed tirece inches apart an-d caver- A4 about iwo incdes dcep. Soon aftcr germi-ination file plants shlould e thinnet! ta six incises spart. Beets sud carnots May be sowa tp ta mid-JIIIy ta supply tendier roots î fr luse. Seeds aescaàtter- ed rathler sparsely and coveret! about anl inch Jieep ' hl h î,, tbiîcd soon to sùnd t(WO fa-' îseei a ICÏ-es spart. Early varieties of Ibath ar1e 1lest for 14e lasi plantling. The caihae trie offers seveal goot! vegetables for- laP1Uus.Seeti- sown ini late May gives strousg plants ta set ont in eary JOsy. Oftin 'it is more convenintta, h tain seedflings fr-oli a cmeca Source at planling tilie. Sprouti*îg broccoli wil give a goat! crop e1 tender headsý before frost. Purpie cauili fbower ba- ses its urtusual caler- ing when, cooked, and! saini people consier it Mme delcio n tsa ic white. Bmulssels sprouts are hardier -and cati stand ciýonSfoCrable frost.ý Tiese al nleed su velenice w.,ith organlic ïmatet-iab. Chinjese cabbage is ý ,à elccà5 salat! plant for atle. Mid-jufr Started carlier, plants -aabl, kte seed instead of ileadil]K - p .Seed!-. flings transplant readily. Cancer Researchers Find Improved Methocis of Treatment But Surgery and Radiation SI.tili Offer Best Chance of Cure EDITOR'S NOTE. I-ere's the seond af two aricles on the proqress of cincer reseatrch, writen by fie Science Editor aof the Amiriiicanacter Saciefy worcn completed a three-month survey of research supparfted by tii. Saciety. Mi in- vestigatfion took hMm ta most of tlh, universifies and hospitals in places vh'ere the Cancer S iety has invested in research a-.bout $,3,50Q00OOif collcfed lasi yeor. By PAT MACGRADY .... Science Editor, American Cancer Society If you have a cancer which hasn't yet spread to other paris ofý the bodly, urgery is, yourjý best bet, Such cancers con be re- ..... moved as a rule, and the cure rates az cre often high. If the cancer involves vitail orgn n hesrenCa Ut it Dut, X-rays or radium .still may cure you. * Surgery and radiation bave been the taindard melhodis cf curirlg canicer for years:. Anld each year ilhey becomne imore and J more effective. Speialsi incanercereas ol New OlenChlicago, St.Loi and SaitFranicisco uaw ea - moe rea l masses of tissue ant! an 2ýaazng numbeIjr ofimpor-tan't Or- gus ta cut(oi tIcheroats sud- branches a ped acr Monîis asud ycars later an aPpre- are withouitcacrymti. And in, aimost aIlcae-]e \chai tIe cancer seeds have migraI- al. ýG other parts oa ic elaypain is relievet! land! patien-,ts live relJative- ly inormal, r-outinlvesforuayn perrids. Surgîcai prore s sbrecn made possie by improvet! ancehesias ntew tchIniquecs and! apparatus, c" on- trai of infection by anltibioies, sud plentifu i Wot! transfusions. Rapdiation, therapy is ovn alceat!deryquilrl , iu sudi centres as Camlridge, Clicago aud New York, X-ry muaclines Whîdcl generate 2,0000 or more voltsnarchitig cancer whicb -,týcannI e reacet! by tîle scalpel or cnetinlX-ray, in addiin ta Cbisthc patient ma5it ia chairwibmose sbowby he eX-ray.s are aime aI îfcle lmor. Tumoars tIhus arc ven a mutiple- aticle normal X-ray dos- mceie oiy :afraction of il-ta [le dccidet!( beouefit nf tle patient,ý Radioa"ctive iodl!ý ine las shown tremendous posters of -rciiving thyroit! cancer ini a f civ acses but ,otfieri-radioa1ctive miaterials s5 f ar hawe ual lived lup ta saiefIthc early rasy prediciions They ýarec1no, \Ct uncncer. A r ud gr-owiig nube io chemicas have came up tramtIe ilams-atories, wbiere ilhey hveshown in animial epeitet-ht hy do mIore goo t tan hlar-Il. Tsigthlein on untancankcer1 ta ebpanckint! of cancer by a meacpns iicates that they wili e useiessîin aller 1kinçis as Wias a fcexpriietesare learning. Sailie clemicails cdeclar-et! usce3ess lasI year are soWn po isea atller ilumlor types Ibis year. One aI tlIc newer effJorts in e clem-ýical treatlment oaI cancer is conýcenet! Withi.kezeping tne txct oI drtugs dawn io a mlrinimum. Usui- aii"y wlen Ibte poison is dllt so is îlet anitm effeet. A siigbt slart ntay lave beeni miade, lowevdr A vitamiulke agent cailedt! tIccitrovouni factor scentS taý h1ave ircdu1ced îletoxicity ofIoane Homne oninuiie ita le île nie,st effcctïvfmelmntlorsan linuds oI inoperable and! boeess canersfembe ormlone. for cani- ccyt I îl prstaemaie or femus-be larmrone for c ccer aI le hbreasi, a femae hormone cabe!progese- ancü for cn1cer aIf lIeu t ori- souse foretc ýpâ c'treifa dl Mdm s havs-e oýevc-dl thýat sanim cal itleners Wýhich resislcdX-,y ham m- spýonsive ta X-ra3y eîi le îlet patient 'a ýs gvnmi lemale hormones. And!rogeteone - has slNunkup soe iîû erale ien de Wmonsthtecpoint n hen sr- g(ery waS passible asud 'na1y have bensuccessfl. VimuýsesaIaiussrsrebg tumnet!against cancers insevemal biz centres. ý Everynow sot! ýý tIen a virus (MIetoat aI cîticl pox Ou esIs h ropftdrn- cer; but îeeffect flas ultbieen ast- in . Nw avsiely 0a vîmuses ý lIaI Will destroy cce nt! not lePatient. lun w NomI las ut!l iei i-Mo,. nguihd iisc snswfont tancer eaui na1W lecontroîlt!C ih out ncoiesin virtua-ily'ailcases Psychv(iatý,rie problems ass ociateýd witl cncrbave Ileenuuovre suid sanie are beiug sçul,'e-çi lt s e sc i tistlcs, ItOl e A maîl stseps- l s cnI !!i ca cF. -f ca %