The easit s site oîf a in exteu. je exp support. LEVEL of Australi4a -AOOsquare ri -o TIIUSDAY- FRDAY-JULY 20 -21 k pWf SECOND ENTERTAINING FEATURE ROY ROGERS IN TRIJCOLOR IFRIDAY EVENING AND SATIURDAY MATINEE WILL START THE NEW EXCITING SERIAL "WJLD BILL HICXOCK' MO0N.,- TUES.- WED.- JULY 23-24-25 l~o dn'tnow how to quit I MOVIEýTO-NE ,NEWS 0RONO ELECTRIC ,ýPIIONE 93r1 E~ . Duval - - ORONO G.Duval SCROOL REPORT SS. No. 21I Sixth Liei tion (on)Rolland Mnig() Pasedto Grad(e8Jake aiy (o), Merle Sapho Hn) GwenBai.ey(P). Pasd to Grd i osGa Hn M.),BilH Mil(F). Haadto rae5--Jurue Madili (P).ý Passed tinGade -Ronilie Gaiy (H tPnny Mdill?-(ao) , RIun Passed to Grade 2-Grant Green- wvood (P), Bililstapletop (P), G Woson (P).1 C. W. Stewanit, teacher Mâter Miarvin and Miasi Sharon Souticott are io1idayinig luith their Aitnit, MArs. N. ed. ' Roherit Oollîett ssfiuvýïng with lis, brother Grinet Coliebýt of -Port Credit. Miss Catiherine Stemîart hüsa re- %-wvn,, hn' d'te apenrtvisit withi Miss, Allie, Cootper of C-Abone. Cingravýtulations to H-elýen Soy and ~z"rt olltt in passdig Ilieir (ex- laiinationsa alBovoianviile ilih Misses p-Maryeand JenLoîftrhouse of Oslaua aue viisiting with Mis CJae ind 'U r NiStewa1rt. Mr. and Me«s Jia Rnsbrry, Morravi.srtetP r sopir Lloyd riîsd iasoDJae6erty.1 Mite Vq laA¶ýliread bas ;return- cmd fm Peterbosjough nafteir vWli- in fiÏends there. Mr. Gourdion .-MOrffatJ't atifamily l3ci~r~iiliviîsited hieants on MssB-lty Allkre<aqd1,Neiast îs vîsitn M.r. and i MNrs. H. Ransý- MA W omd~MmIà~.Loyd RiançbNrry nnd Me. and cMhs. Hrold Aifln lnen ýhe'we-ndn) t 4lh Ali- iMeKenzl We'Vage. Mi e sDýorlothiy Succee atifren' orf Osihala qpen~t S&n,diay wtilier Prom ensO.f S.S. No. 19(En- teen~e) a~ns follows; Grade8 1»9, Viol'O lira. Ciande 41to l5. Grade 3 to ,-1 Billie Moore. Grade 2 to 3 Carnet Geroiux. MuirrayAide, ù-aj o 2, DmleieRanebery. BAin s ograde 1, Betty Al- COW ANVILLE TheWoans AssomorIo mmt ati th cbk dhfo thePir egularr M- thly mWetnig. lans heren made to hdld an ice Crean -kîàI in athe chuwdh basement on Thursday eve- lning, Jully l9th. M-r. Crveh of 'Nwta ftl~e l hwiittisanti oter oalprograniwil e gien -Recent visitcrs with M,,. anti MrsI Skid H owdi mre; Alan H ) f Emo, Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Bro(ati- wcith, Mr. Low Brud(mo lth of Rtýeeieth, Mr. aint Mire. fleniry Rusk of Port ]Tope. M.Wm. KisininofSaskatioon is viditi n g Iis mnae, Mir. Thomsai Kiiusntean t Mîlicn's. DEaPEaa ND--- Baa- -a EFFICIEN ECONOICAt TO i 23 yarsexpeiene bok o ià To EFFICIENT CONOMyTeiCALTOO- arshae 23 ear exerinSubpplofi Osý-hawa Phone 3-3481 Forc Comple information Loeally _BILL IRWIN 17r16 k ~ PARK ST. UNITED CHIJ1RII. oA. E. Esatace ministoe 1 ul 501 andi 221ld No Se'rvice 0 oJuIy 29th, ,Atgtqet 5th anti l2th R. R ,Nicholson. O 00A Miss Kae Kinisman, Sakatoon j i anoftremot "ise Kn 1" visting wthHeln Haiowei. asrend by Mes. F. Anderson. Miss, visiltinig wh, Héle HaFioaieneAndei-on sang "Tbe(, Od R-ag-1 Mnr John Holliiagsweritj of To r-- ged Cros." luGlo ilsvacuiIiûns .J0 wieni,,; nomn- ow-el on paeing lier Gradbe pin exanintioiswitih hau GrId Hfalloweld b1as ,returied liîoee fron visitdngm1 wiiih hie as palnsin PortHoe WESLEY 'VILLE The reuiar W. -A.metgwa held at thre hume of M-rs. Franik An- deealst We'dnesday eftiernojoýn, The meletiing was unde,,tie' rof mrs. R. est witlh Mi,sBenic emâ , ediia he group. Co n ts weve given h y Mrs Mef. Iîla andi Mrs. R. BeSt. lle toryof the Mr. ajnti Ilrs Murray Payne viiit- ed with Mr. and Mirs. A. G. Duff of Myrtle, oerthe w ,eek-e-nd., The EFstoniien famiiy hai'e arrived wilh feiliow euatyme lethat ýcity. Mine. EBdg'ar Banroweiough ivisiteti these e citizenis, Saturday' MisNn a H oldnay, kon vacation, is visiting wiih ler niother. Miss Rutli Payne, Toronito, mas hum'e for tie week-enld. Mi%. and Mrsî. Albert RoIi'in4gs, Pe{eerbuoruugh, viisited wit'h mr. anldl Miie. H. Ra)rrow jcougb, Sunday. Me and M-rd. Du;wson eebc, Mior- rish were StuInday guests ifMr. and MArs. C. Paynle. Week-çend visitlo,- witb. Mr. an"i UMirgýMER NEEDS HEALT SALT ... efreshing ard Cooling, h~ to0 liver and bloti, 1 lb. tinl for --.--1----------- Eno's, FRUIT SALT'- SAL HPAIC ---------------------- --------- 43c., 79C .and $1.173 Anrw' VER S ýALT'------------ ---- ------------- - --- 45C and 75e KkvhHEALTH SýýALT-----------29c., -19c. and 79c' ALK-SÊTER------------------ ---------- 34e. ali 68C BROO.ELTER29e., 5e, 1c ali$.9 Puees SAE afflets (A.S.A.)--------- tie of 100 65<e BviAPIINTABLETS --- -------- --- --------- 19c., 29C ani 79( Caladryl Lto -Tak'es the buril out -ITakes fthe iteh 'out of inscct bites- -Takes the itiel out of Poison i. Easy Lo use ..fastj and effective. Learn To Swim In 4 H-ours Buoy-O-Boy Safety Floats THREE SIZES Yeuth's $248 BATHING CAPS--------------- 69e to $1.50 each UC £ot R lRd%»"ONTAI0 - -- w w w - Ladies' Blouses, Broadcloth, sport style, short sleeve colors of white, powder or maize, sizes 12 to 20 each selling for ..... a..............18 Ladies' Rayon'Biefs, assorted styles and colors Each selling, for..... ... ....... ...... Ladies' Sanforized Drill Shorts, asst. colors .-9 Children's Wool Bathing Trunks ........... $1.29 Tumblers, floral decorated, 9 oz. size, a large as- sortment to choose from .......... .. .... 10c. Fountain Pens, Wearever, assorted colors each. 69e X-ray winidow Moth ProofGarment Bags .... 45c. Men'ýs T Shirts, colors white, sand, blue or yellow Each selling for .................. 85e. Men's Sport Shirts, colors yellow, red, sand, navy and blue, each selling f or........$3.98 Extension Cranies for Side Drapes, 8 prongs Pair f or............ ................. 75c. 11T PAYS TO PAY CASH- Fancyr Red Sockeye Salmon,-!/2 lb. 43e. Kr-aft Dinner containing grated cheese and mîacaroni, a mieal for four 2 pkgs. f or.......... ..... 29c.- Orange Juice, f ancy 20 oz- tin, 2 for 29c Ileinz- Ketchup, 13 oz. bottles.. 26C. Libby's C3anadian Boiled Dinner for a quick meal, 15'oz.,tins ...... 29c* New Zero Dessert discovery,ý pkg. 15c. 18C. Specisal-- Sodas, salted, lb. box, regular 25c. for 15c- New Lfipton's Fr'ostee Dessert Mix, 2 pkgs..... 29c. Lyon's Quoffy, good-coffee in aninstant, large 4 ounce jar.............. ....... 65,e. Fresh Peanut Cookies, 11 ounce pkg......... 29c, "ORONO 5c.TO $100 STORE YOUR POP'rr "11 SHOPPING CENTRE Duriiig the hours of your bereave- ment our aim i s to do everything in ouîr power to lighten your bur-- den. HARTLEY H. BARLOW IlFUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phione 18 r 2 NEW ARRIVALS; Wbon tihe Ceimad6ai Vtesqtroyer i~û~~ekai etune4fi-oinKoiefl taqst Mýay, 15rnmb Yr f hel-~e me-it rew aditions t'O teir fai- p1 MLs. Cliaaence Niiohols were Mr. and' M.Chakrlie Doiiaý,Ion and Sonl Montreal and M, Sid LookhArtI Port HIope. Miýs foir the first t1iae. S -OS F THE TIMES Rensember Wheri s\'weetbreatia were e-onisdtered a delieaey? Nw. days t-,hey costilége than a pounidof the sDst ordinary eut of beef. Check your bittcher tio see iftis isn't Bo. Kiddies $1.98 WALK ON PILLOWS Dr. seholles Air-PilIow Insoles Maeof latex foam rubber, they Sare ligîit and >self venitilating.. They .reIieve tireti, aehing feet, callouses and tender lheels. ~'AIsizes for- men andi women only 65c. a pair Wide stlye for work shoes 8ý5c. TANGEL .. For Suniburni-------- ---------tube 65C. NOXEMA CREA-M -------- 26c., 65c. 79c- andi $169 CALIGESTC OINTMENT, for hurns and bites tube sel-ling for ----- -------------------------$ . u "622" Inseet Repellant Liquiti---- 59c. Crcam S50e. Rexaîl "GYSPY CREAM" for sunhuru, tube 85c. ORONO nTYRRElLL'S iv Adulte $2.98 Blum ----------------- ----------- ---------- -- 59c. and FUR LN