Vol. 15 No 31 'OPONO, ONT.. THURýSDAY, AUG. bscîpion$150per $3,00.Offered To Exhibitors At The Orono FaLl Fairl Prisa nioay toall in aithe <a'sffeedi by treDurihami central AgiclurlSociety this pear to tbetc oxlibitoirs at tiroir annual Falil Fair Te airin day o t tie fuàir. s'pleleber 8i , xvIi i nxg fo rth riuy exIirdbits wis vii eonpe L, e j Thir-respective dals'es for T'ile -wî rdiijiirbon. ltbe prize lEt off ens cla-sses fer practiaflty cvery paeoitfan ee stockand produrce. Tire iousewife fiu n eombakic'g tea neadlwerk ~cm-iconipete ri th'le raay lasses ýri rfts.. Tire yeung faru'n' l- taestis areNietatiin tireJno Drairr' fnling< and Maneac ~rrpctitiai rid çothrs pertalniug te ives-tokI. Ail i altire varietY it tireconipetition' la wida aid for- tiros de lreestet acan hoe a source oit int'oriation for beltterý farming. Parie iniplemeirts are aisanys oný ddiislay by ire vrrîsdeaers as -are olther exl-ibits in tire eleetrical filelda Hanssracing, :anitier featur '--ft Oie fain, xiiiagoi'n aake its sp-ý pearauca as ,vii ite children'sý ?-fîend Peter tire Ooi adiOie OieuBamd. The lateàt addfition. tideue reý- ,coavng aburdanc ut ofinterest, is thre Dranrabic dontes't, iviicir xiII ?e 4sta1get 4urlng tire aveniig 'at tire Tc,-,n Hall for thre tue nilits rue- ming cf tire Fair. &Y its Hi Ho( off to the fair'eore .~iaurd5.SeptcirhberS3bhl. 195à. !SPRTs NEWS TieOrono ae-ctryý in tire Otane-i Àfnste'un Sositblt 1AssOci7Lti on was1 ieiioeketi eut e)fthtir finst round by! !Baollin ilu a tir snagiseries. Fnl- day n ,g1anasatire loe-l boys basa out oiFtl cireaeaeîas Nhen ithey traveiedi te wribli itir ana defeat regiatýeret agaat hei du tire two oinut efti trce raeuliS-e. Tire Rrokil entry caitne ip agýaîne wil-th tir second sWin sttis1 iblc'e over Gmo i late O. M. S. A. CoDunties' fHea'th Irait AddS Ne Nurses To Stfff Twýo ioe' hýaath nurses. appuiuintedi by fthe Nrhselnd-uhi Bord<f Hiaaulh. aire reipoitil- for Mdsis Maurgarýet Coo.gain'. a ant o'f ýSt. JioseýpWis Hrptl etrb aid,( the Oitawai UÈilMersilty Puhuie lieal]tih nunsingcos, began wok iJh ~Auçist in the central part of the H7feauitlih Unittirea usinîg Oolourg o4fice as headouailteirs. Ms Coogan hais been Nwoirdinig wtih the Heath Ufiit in the Uliied1 Oounties of Sbr moint, Dunidais and Glenîganry, but is! nt a sitianiger rto the area in lmih sthe wil bewokn as Fhe 1ved in 'Goboing ais a chikld. ad for several years o:ied oni the ïltaff of Cobourg Miss Vil, Clark wil be carryn onut public heath . sigdutas ill 'he sýulh.lsten part outhte HeaILbt Unit area and worlkinig out it c t'hel Bilightou office sta-ring 27tU Au,,. 1Msi ClarM' aîmlyiny e sinlaSey- miour Tuwn\ýqsiip. She grndluiited f rnm lPteibaiuiChOvl itosc Al. ter gadion in la Lce public health rnsng couese at WesternUnier sl. -Lond.on. Ontaal, Miss Cbatrk had extensive e-xperie-ne with the Vie- toria-r Ooeder oit Nuirses nd recienflKy im the veho(ood nursi)ing semrdce b,~ih city oi Moptin New Brunirik Wi thiose already appoiitedi, these tira nurses viii brnig 'te 6 *ire aimaner oai ew -appoîitees. AlItirougir tira -publiceirealtlirnursinig staff oethtie fliitrUnit bas -cet yEt been brought upto tetire e mniaa oiplenieuit ta eoa'apotnisiato for rsgatoi in ne-ý whe rosigned to eit ain rtiriedi, tire1 arasa aembears oithtie staff bhave hmd a ivealitiroit piaiticatl xErixc vaïnedi un vrariousbrcesotp lc heaýlitir aursin- ina differenit parts nit WILLIÂM EDGAR SOIJCil j IAW--WRICIT NUPT IALS There pLbssed away ln Oshiawa GeneralHopia on Tuesday,Ag.7, 1951î, Willtiami Edigar Soucirk 7 I haýrt St., Oshnwa, beloved uad oft Miartha E. Thortoný. He uas' inibisi 85th*er andi was the eldest son ofi] thre late Mrjj. aed Mrs. Charies Soueth oft Dalnt townsîhip.1 The lite MUr. Sonoli' lid been in! povir irealtir for sie years. A\t e)n( inie lire ias employeti by tire C. G. Armstrearg Genira 1 Store , Orono., Frox tirera te wenlt int parýtieinsip withthOe tata J. R. CooYper )eeupyîngiý tire store musa owned bpi Mr. Chas. Froat. In 19W>3lie iroved to Osawa ai -wsnt no a geeybuie for hiusif be horan successitully until hbssirealth f aliedi. He issuvet by bis -wido,aind anmd t-o broLthers, Hfidire J. Sowcir and 1 SuIas ýD. Soichi, otir. of Orone. The ýfunarai was belti at tire Morris tksierail qhane, P'Bwmanrville on Thairsdaiy, Au 'g. 9. Internent in' Orone eemetery. Pictorial .Review 0f '50 Fair Presentel To Board On Mocdây ofittins week, Mn. J. C. Gaimey, s3ecretary ofittire Duiiaxe Ceraitý Agnicufitural Soriety re - ceiived, on tire behaftofthtireFair board a mouaitatd displ'ay which gises pictonial review oit last ycars Fin beld in the village. Tire revi'ew o thtie 19,50 Pair- are photos wlhiclx wene takou by tire Mie Iou Phojtogiraph)ier arnd ii'ese nu-1 mnbening itouiteen lanalli areaniontat iii a laige display, mneasurnag 3 by 4 teet. ThiLs dikpl'ay is part oit tire lMeo,s PublicreilaitiîoRîas'pil-igrfani andi is prvesentet ta tire Orono Pair by W! ilsors Publishirig Coieparry arad tire Oa'ono WeeklyTie. iTire display is to bu used as tire Flair boaird sens lit du advhertiug 11'tire appileai oi ttiis yaars f air and2aise as a souivenir oit thre 15 xiiin Tis -reviow laon display lu thir Oronro Tiaries windo andl festuresý niii1aLcallexiibitors 'of ~tireDriat Central AncitnlExhibition. W.C.T.U._MEETING Tire regular moxtly meeting oi tire W'ascsC'hnsîstto:a'n Teaupeaancel Union wiss ieldi at tireiroie eo MrX W. J. Lycetit, Augaut 2Olst. Tira priestideniit, Muis. H. WïulisIr opeurath ie moeting wvith the hymn "I neet Tire every he-ur". Mis-s E. Shenwin rend fraie the book uf Genesis, chapien 4 versýes 1 10 14. Miss. F. Keiey grive a reaading "Max iaade la tire imnage oft Gied». Misa- E. Shervi l ead inaiprayer Tire xueigcontinuet iritir hymear"O for 'a-,faitir 4uitt xvi amati shrinik". Aitter a discussion groîiip tire aret-'- ing closeit saitir inr"Wil your archecr hoMi in tire ïtoraus ot lite" andi Oie Mi7zp-ah bniedlbUctioni. Three very initerestinxr contets mare gAe meýbAhthOe ladies eijDryed 'vry mauch. Isnkey Ivades Farmer's Field Northi 0f Kirbyl Farnmiinl provides many andi vary- in-g experlenrea for miepatcg thre professi4on Furtien, dts contacI iritir nature ha' often close ai re- ponts DIt varions breedis cfi animais have bceen breugirt forth cirver a nunber of, yetnais. Lynx-.. porcupines, %volveis and dean- hava 'matie contacet -Chetir tam irha is tieldi. Net u'nili atr tire Ilast ee mai w aven t-ýr eard ot a seoaikey SsirowiaIg up in ireditrit--but it Irappýeni. L Ir WiIlim Bnrstow saullle s liggrain on-,liris tarse onl thieRStir ,Iflce cortir oit irlybsenIvetý ana in;lutirle fiel'd wsitir lue, fils ( Iog cone c4 iecreture uand sath qontaiuung boekIg is iBarstow inesigitt.To(> b rpi se tire an- d'nlm nn c tIrer tita-n so- kawy, ýa breed g(eai-ilv -dtaso- -imteýti ui, nr Canaidan 6disate. Tphe aiime at vassuidued kby oui' surrw'nisetifarnier~, caie iiant-put in isaira.Laton lt svas fnd fIlat tirexonheyaýa, p4îet owiied by Mi, NeilOtmtis ~ of nýtypol. sahicir ad escl 110 di, - Basliteis of oveysunmiier lowers clecoatet Bay 1Vsew kiaptis iUhrchi 0l'wUI Oinltemunoef WteflRem. A. uae ine s ImMnage ,iaaes Chno~ inau WtLightý ý, iasighrtaroit MI.James W agliraanltielaite far. Jallles Wirighrt 0f0e11La.s Otand Alr- drwEaLu j-, hw, sionift Oie lute AMr. ani i Wîl iu, hissaoit Ovoar0, Ont. Gýiven ian niaiug b'hler brotber-' l-wALi ikur ouythre bride was eaýveiy iar beautilui ()fwu i ihr tilve\f îoered orgunduy andi a tinger- d-P ve!lIl±ewdIli pILace ,jîlurorngeý blsoe'andislie cairniet a bouquet I ~I meic l eauly ruses. 1 Tire bridesesaid was, Miss Bennice Joniey, neice oifttire bidgosanecili Alowered blue silk, xitir Wlitenat tens ami fieîaed bîsai bad. Ste camniet pink cairnatiksxs. Walter Pattierson, nepd'ew, of ùtie bridte was 'best ma l.hie unibîr was ieînry Rasa, brettier oft te grýoom- Mrs. Kerr pllyed tirle wetiig ir anti MEss June Joiley sang "TIiel Lord's Pae"anid "'ecausel" dur- inig tire sîgaing oi t the register, A receoptioam follooed attChe home oit tirebte' sister, Mis. Aritiur Jolley i thre e iride's table was beauiifuly dcoratc-et witir pick roses andi pansies aind a forir-tiereti wed- dIing cake. Tiare sacre ttuuty gucasits fpsesent. M:rs James Wrighit, ntier oit Oie briide rece-ive inla a blue flou- erietidresse ivit.ir btack accessories antI corsage oit rat roses. Mca. Mar- garet Pette, auxm it Oi te groom ne- ceived hi a gray figureti tress iritir black aiccess'oa'les and l ,orsage coit rot roses. Foilier honeyaioon Oie bride c-hose a gray gabardine'suit withi navy accessea-las. MnI. andI Mrs. Hsa will maae tirir (ironie at Noitir Branici, Otario. Oht oit tomai guests werve Mina. Janies L. Wright, Mn. Walten Pst- tensooiit fDesibarlats, Ont., Mrs. flan- Py4 Haugli aird agirtrs i Sse VTerai, Gladys andl Heileaoit Guelphr, Ont., Mna. Margaret Peaite oit Orono, Ont., Miss Sadie Dunti et o Beatdtn, lOnt., Mn, and. Miss. lenry Haw, Mrn. anal Mis. Kennetir fair oitToronato, Ont. Burwash -Convict Captured Near Cobourg An effective pace Af police ce-1 operation wais responsible Aug. 19 fonr tire capture of a conviet wiro escapet i freini BuririsffirRetoratony on1 August 10. lTe chaise xvinieýir h-1 tonr, elsat oit Cobouig whden tlira 31- yeain-oîI&1din, 'who wsurfleeaiain a stodIen jeep, mars itrcetiaven ta thre side" oit"tiseradyapl Proixiiai Constable Komwai tBuwimaviile I slesicching fer som-e teimea f who ire thouagitwaas respoi a seatles oft tiref ts tir fe v. Saturday sidglitte--sarva ii ig oui a clan at Alexaniinc -at nvetatd Tire manr eoot. Thise police- officer f in ut Irle mainbut wais neot ib ,hiie before iea gotlite a i imrg au iAimelicalr license a away. It turne'dieut tirait tfre il 'itrprovoal te te Ted 1R wans worng on an car Iraî Brnr'y' sed car u llu ville. fIle iras tryinlg toena buttery andl uthleriiseco car f5or a tar'it. Ulicabie te aippre-IPied Coitaible Kownil Issuedi, oveir tire radio in iris' car. xr Inis irked up in a ot.iro euteep ~rai Final Series Opens In South Durham League With Oroi four Cases Ot Poýiomylitis Tc SutrDlirx l Kep.rted In Unit Area lieagne lhais j1o'x aipproachled i tira -Ait tiIasýeasoar ofithie year paletsand final sc-vies wUlii e piaye are Doinl(e-,ejii i bout ttc dangersoft tween Orone anti Put Hpe. poillomytiitis. Thirrehave ,ibeell, 4Last 'xvsok -ir rpoîrteldtItat K, case sieporited inithe Northirunber- >no ard Port biope wou'd P îadDrimHea-lllirUnik t tits ye r ound robins soie ith all Ilt is ieil 1ht tparents Shl id be--co- tcaers i, ee1ug.Tins:zz a ceaiei about tinsise- las tliey rtled out andi Port Hope andti shroilal hbc vlbt regard vo aiyoithtie were statedtl-i teirer xvith Ose, iaigeroludiseases, but îitî ils alsdo ceivng a bye anti to play thu xval1 birat parenuts sh'oulld base theirn ens- of tire Keardal, Pont Hopei attlitulde p 1r' ondrtonotOe In, thre teoitut ft)irr7easoiÀ fa£ts knbwu afout tbi d"isease. AI- wirlh Kendal ani Pont Il: pe pl eth i iedilca science bas strhl Kendail caire oit on tire shorte nl chte îearn labou)tiitpoliierlth Ie ýfiestckbeiîarg deiteateti twoe-stn <pulicisioui1c reiuie irat dfinteTh, iotdeteait for Kenil,- c aT proegmesa blas been seade hlu Oc liiynigtoit f st irak whe-,r ionwltigeregarding ti diseaise dwere dieteion their homieg düring the i lst ton years. One faet lr ai tCefi 14 te 5. Tre se or vihichirshould bie relassurinig te al111niig y a sU, ascait enni u iparenits is tiatd fanr feirer pleýlploe,&1 in a 5 te 4 score. velepe paralysdis after an abtack of peliiorniyliltdls' than rais prevýiously be- Tire final serles btenOn" Jl o.During a recenit 5 yolar peri-d, pltHop ý il1 pe ir e o)rer 90% et oail reponited cases ýoit'park on Tiurs4ay night ait4,13C polioinjynlilis in, Octarieo wene aidftiei Tins round xvi'llrrilng ene c te, ho-svital for tenaei nioittof esthe liurels -et ttcSouth itrose, ortly l1% bat residuai 1, l p ae ilague andi idibthiinl wslis oft amvy l raupon dischlalrge visire &l siarpe-n the coar,-PE frowl hospîial. Ibetwean tIre tmie teais. lTev Reentanafiysis oit ca1seis hais siroivn oit aie Northr Duirne besiague. tirait rhlme more severe forma iCf parai- 1'oit is mto tire park to 'ysis tend to doceur îli uoeptients (Thuriisdlav) when the, openini salie have entapdte te active aitter I xili be f ired feirtirle «pening tire irtsnstrsavedeoee.finl1 seKqes. This wol iniialt VIat dlurnng thçeý poliionr;lditis sasinpairmnts siroultI bp paurtcll carefuLl to ensare bhat Devine Service Being He4 ellia siroulti ha kept at enriy ritter tire nsat utla)jl tvaniTr's[l - At Federation Cani cndtieiwhiîit in c, t ho ie v alystage oit a baglaniriig ,acak oit1 A sýpe-Caîl Devine Service is poiioni~~~l1litia h~leld this Siundly, Arugusit StiJiiIlg~ JU~~ Jij'~- u3ue~n e tihe aee b-nd or carel'-,isaness on thie ounty [eterlIon f >k oither, parents slionid kealil ea-Thîsservice 4i -to e anec onable piecau,'iiosnz te icrol(t(t ebl-sevc eM lit he F, reint agaîinit hnes oft Polhdom-n- Cainp-Srte at 3:30~su Ia~T-ire Relverenid 2S Ilend Prevniton it pfio~~litii nelude I Tinty United Oýhurch, ahi nveasares +toe maiitain heattfh and atetkrntepersonail hygien-e nd lville, *wiiIbe the gueuqts spE gier, . ýtih is ouýC ïslil. -A nilisica geealdatatinclnhding proper gon ii b umýýe rai~ieoititod nd IshsavodiaceJerry and Merriili Brown a of fides, can,ýe oi t gariage ani privieýls, boys i further izisýdt m pro<peIr wvnhinag oit raiw fruit "' a 'mn duri-thje service p veçgaýiblhes, protection of t water p- plies, avoiance- ofi 11,1n eceCs Sary ý Piicnic bas-kdts wilI bc in ivgllgh crowds. The fainily phy- tbias outing and an ýenjoyýai i îcian Ahuld be consulted il any sug- noon may ibe spent with fi gestïve syniptouns deveape. ths Cen nite. Dîiemand On Provincial N urseries Greatly caiser. Onitiario iIspend moeamnney In la1950 expend tures for refuo estimaçted to e b 180,OO-- ohn ne- 1Ibi a nsed tihe i-nli)inmaia Sfoirestaîtioein and 3'eiaited wGork daiing I$1,08-5 430. laisit yeil aal $1,1 ýiad beain the Pregisenit fiscal year thain ever be- -hile tMhs yeýar's "estiimaited re oir a Mails fore ina ay twelve-înionth period lu mrntjs on fainds illo4ýted"' are. isible for the relcehistoiry, e ord fo thel$1,3O6,Ol0. illrage. OOn ta)rio D, atmijent vof Lanxds ad! Mcieethantwventy iadilýidoi 11191n WOrk Foreaýts show. %vil! have ben-isent -eut ftihis 'Gïrage The anrount, based on furids alvlot- for pnigf rom the Depaiti fledi "n ted, is aprxmtl twelve pir et e-PlaIding nailsory f aci -d a shot oft the to-tal expenditure budgct for icludlag Oie pniow aticnat ýle to stOP ttiIe ntire cml Depaitanmenit jAutbur, ami officials antiipai jep bear- which îs res!pensible for 1oest pr-o-ififty inihlion cseedllxlags inay1 idI droDV' et jn C j0,Vlanis, Crownthbrjpose i n a enrs alwaid ,s» anJd fisihiaiiidliu. hs becmiie ilie puilil's i.iter oaa wioYMoat ofithel recordsui will be Oihe canAdian Forestry AS,ýe( Zimbrandt. sotfor fonesîttreen nu1rser-ieIs arnd retorestatýioîi. SIae -1 troi quipxnent for the grosing, Supply- lTeDeame'tonrvt Ebwnan- ng .ad panting oft yoming trees bW clln novusaddge hiango~ frmes and Lmon on po)or and sPO-rtýsmei andI other coi, tditicn the ba . c for f arm sýhûIterbel'Us anid for tioi raniaioi have p,'a, iîmrovxg snuicpaiy-wne oniagepnit la wakeingres-idP the miln Se o eitIas hecoimetire deiard a injrrveig eîoio iaý alarnr taitr jees tirat despite the temenou lssioi su. eser'ving ga7ne ai Th iu mangilowtlh oit Prový,icial f~Sttrîýee ab i-antI proteciting ide toe.car nurseries sire 143 tih.- eprte titiiter suipply. Zay~ Meadi- hais' eahard pressed to keep pace A separvate suIe Ioft $98 0010 oit ehatwith requests for setig.trl pitf r-T i, rfDiSta'I, iTihe growlth ;)f e rstato n-la he otdt tc T)ePaI ~~ f i ivities epclilywit1iiiu tIre pnst few )for thecotair. this ,yOar - faeyaiars.i la c4iaily showN hu y the De- puhlîie !ppeafis le tIre fýoi-niof eftin d-parltiîimt's aenur-ia<L 1oiitilaîysfor r Ie- liactur[je touris, piiblîca,,Îis. itrom t'he touestatioias fomews:raiorelaionýs and otier tintes Ir, 1949& $3517.315. in 1944 $359,- ad edrciitional meanms on tore '242, increaised iila 1945 to(48-,>5 by preiventoni, fist cii wilIfifee ntesig194,6 hces4to $W9,241, du7g 1ation ani4tÀ) toi futher enc )w have a 1047 it j-Lxup-ledi to $777,P4, ii, 1948 public init e uthe2 neeti fori loc) $817,245 anti by 1040q ti $9-71.444. ing trenia. ............ ACWhether you flve in the ctiy or the country you can enjoy the comforf and convenience of a KEMAC frstaled in your kitchen range. A KEMAC is as easy to light as a ýas steve, as easy te operate as eleectricty . . and so smple a chîld cari operate If. 11S grates are not remnoved from your steve. AUl gar- b>age is dîsposed of while the burner is in oematîon. If C;s ne longer neoessary to worry about ashes or uncertain op«.tion. PH-ONE, WRITE OR SEE US TODAY FOR FURTH*R DETAILS ROLPK HHARDWARE Phone 43 - 1 0Orono, Ont. immtrn