He " i tss forL bi1 L ou1b proiessed:Christian, wb cdois ol 2' bas i evgJssot1 dit hate bistn ifei et ad iha 10w. e bu îl10 eseek ('n-il h e bavle 'iiIe Trhaplewh'ylir is orf:i te, oubt v Cie todav Te bave the ;ood N cvIrehipy>N Wvrdrýtt'le si n t : suifer as au Ltl i of beai en amon'1g tbe (peopl b' flic ets.C sîns il e lu~ ~~~~~l- a, i lîog s1 rt.i oui> bsfrcn îgbfr o uiay cr I nibtss~silt ci!'rida to hlei, cebv îa n nc ueýv o expi icc- t i inger il'ai itbreslîothr iwat, aîî tbcn a haer toble te bstrs. thi expes in t1ie ïoi sos at least vie bavi ei't got ît 10 woi ivabout ami mol e-and 110 t1ire i cP'g ieals in rbinN ,about \e o ere ver-s uiidecided, as 10 wimitiv's Cthe better wvo f hav- ing, the îw ben combined-by the houe or by the acre. Scnic of the fumniers Partner s1îoke to about it tbouiurone i-ay.and somne an- othecr. We finally got an operator (, !oth cvi bythe bour-and neý ,îe la ie id. h os agood ~ ea---andh îok oulia fîv ouirs excielie lebin uv.andfrom'inoh- serScitonsviehav a e vehave it 01:rcouItIi'vayToComn- bnli ie b loniis taýi1o bt li~ 1~5fauî iîd Ibc Lor1o- îlepeticlc i e L!c. f te ield is clcaîî nd casl L1eut.tb iifainer a Ijo 4ic<r.I ic iIeld os rougbor vry svcdx.tPe cmbin lîndairnue v'ho Paad fil,-L of bine 1) t!Pe aicre.. îgtunen Dauglitr pot rp idiinfor anme erork tIbis ickn. aturand I inouStudy u on ona lege ni lelpiug b get thein n d tmiladd-udaloof liigmc crs iIlget tue ies vilist sit arouimd sud sai c al hic nddjobs oui cte'l c 1 o vii ,arouni id hcî cnobody ,takes aiey niotice of Nvhkt 1 say. For instance, wh mîy hopefuls were going out to thie field Partner said it would. give Danghter a chance te leara todrv the tractor, once they got awyfrom the ,lane. Anid she cant ven drive l'"or heavenis saL, dn' lenbr do that," y catine. Ilis't sf- h ha befre. Wih tat finl adrniionisho ment tbev en off to the field- out of sigh1t and( sound. When thcy camne dowvn again Partner said, 'W i, our dugbter is prctty good You didin't Ict iber drive it?" "'Sure," rEýp1ied Partncr with a grin, "she ýcouldn't do sny more than knock down a fence!" .1 gave up. Was Monday a Civic holiday? t'mi jnstt~vonderinig. Besides dcalînc vith straw and washing the June- 1BuLg, wc- liad ani electrician liere al th ieno iiingthe stove. Tlice' stv hdbcome ,-SlightlY tceq)e would't. Ten1Itook a frýiekâ& do',11to Brolte tu catch the ý f ivý pin bu an onthe wiay home 1 discovred ancw bauty Spot. At laiit wsnw1 esdonly tvvnt miuts div fruvhomel Wa IoftCn sec 0a 1f1eW cars tarke ou vl' bu cu ciedt ii wjindïiug footpaili took me-(,dowoù the banka niC a;îravinle t3the Batsbc-- lo lithough hih owdwhat ivnonas the Tclv Mile Creck. Th c rel foPClowS a vwindinig cou zsc surd itsls baks are fianked by trees% of evcry csritin.Lt was peace- fui and beauiful',. Th'ere viere seyv eral p iople Iiising nd picnicking. 1 askeýd one of thie womicn what her cc'Il-!)13d lbee). Nothing, se fari" shc e pb;ed unhapjpily. Then 1 asked a misuivat kîind of fish wert ususlly 1found thcrc., "Mostly piki 21nd bakbass ý. but tbey arent iing," hlile icd, Certainlty I rould sce f0sig of fish. cither i; orqont of ic wlc.Ail I sav vw-ss a littimudJturîle. But il sur, was lovlvpot for scencry. 1H I d"c r 0 h.w y o( nie l ý,er e 4"') e cfi 'i . Simrply print Our m un nddE Cs1 o-n .a.-1yplain shýeat of papee,. 2. Mail this,, together with a la;bel (or reazsonaible facimle) frorn ci package of Bno' Corn Starch or CaniaaCr Starch tom THE BNOSas CANADA\ CORN STARi-PCH CONEST STATION 'H-', M/,ONTREAI, QUE. 3. B certaiîin thait your entiry has sufficient postage. T AU L YOU DO-NOVW, HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS Thisý exciîimvg contest closes October 31, 1 951. At this limeic 04 eries- will be drajwn, cf randoma, from tive mail received ai lthe cotest address, These 10-4 people will b. iDtif(-d by mail and asked to smbmnit aoleter -giving threce reasons why Yhey preýfer uing Canada oruGn .Starch or 3ens's Corn Starch. Theýn, based on the mentt cof these r eples t 104 prizes wW 6e b Awarded cas flo i T $-0 00- 2NPrize: $25O0 3RDrz:1 5000 'rpze:1 Ù0'0 and 100 PRIZES of $10.00 each 1s YEs;' 104 LUCKYPELEWL HR THIS GIANT JACKPOT OF ý2,G00! MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR ENTRIES IN QUICKLY, S6ND AS MANY AS YOU IIKE -LETTERS WILL BE DRAWN AT RANDOM . .. THE MORE ENTRIES YOU SUBMIT, TFHE GREATER ARE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING! ACT NOW-! 7 lE C A NA D A S'fTAPC H COM N Monfrecâl OPE pli Cas hdý wit pro par n. laébel or cDOrion le§% cl a, i, 0Prix., will b. $50,00 and eb". uent prizes $5.00. The conï(eet hi epn ta ail1 canadians oxcepi oem. lyoes and theu fcimliiaof The nada Starth Compiny oataf t dverfising agency. Judg0q e, Iel il b. final. AIl entries becfoe lb. >perty of VlTifi.canideStmrçb &m iny. mail 90 doiys ofer the close . qf4 confosi. A complete lirt cf PAl". winngra Witt b.availciblo,)"n e quesi autlthe close of the conq2,U, IT'S TME CONTEST FOR EV/E2Y- BODY BECAUSE ITIS EASY AND EVERY MEMBER Of TEE FAM1LY CAN WIN! ENTER NOW AUD ENfER OFFEMI P-1ANmy tLIm 1rE m