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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Sep 1951, p. 2

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The nXt 3yeai l au1ghit unia lt «Blbyscbooil onitside of Wnn aivight gradecs and abouit hirty To nsiy small class af farm bavy ,,emtipillicatïin tble wass'ore- thin les than itrsig So thîen I1 made 1up)a teachinigma chn.On lte aï Iputa dial tht nï-iiddle of iilOn tis was1a iiot Wit a paîntig hmn.Beo tht blJackhoard was aîil ad estrmg tan from ithe nail Up vover end aroun1d thie spool, d1'an t aa tcrew oye in the wal1'i lthrogh which dhe -Auing Went and fhei; fotwr4btahe front sear. A lon ruber baud betWer be ail and the string gave streýtcih tO the lOWr end of the strîng. 55w Cete stripg wet Up and around tht speoo and down againi when iht stnýting nmovCýedllancCoUid sit in ýl tronit seat and by pllinlg the tig sep tde'- Poiter ay any ~rnloe frm ne totevc -With this device and the probilm, saof learnin1g the sixes, Mlhn itigin th ftronit Seat, oisd pil the srin-g. If thle hand stoppledl en fourpthe first anc Who SCid twetyforwhich waýs the rightý enIswOt, got -a imarký, , _. And the W ot ne of tbe class wha got fivc Elarksicould st up front and pull tht smoig! In iN da's' tinie every pupil in lie chool, înichudinig little Frieda 'who WaSfit yct six, knew thc mul -aipficutio;i table farward anid backý- ý4rd and coldnl't ho Cstumipcd. Thuis began Ihtlechnztofo education in the rural schlso Minns'ot. -From S Wai Wet, b WllamBu shuiell Stout. saw members of the Royal eF Guardls, aristocratic, col- ~iyunit, arriving cit Horse r-ds Parade in, of ail thînigs,î ehicn bus, like ? Guards- i rbove, Gad are now, eless and wllremain 20 un- lovemnber while their stables Wh, C4 1l -e being re- paîred. giis fsbiing tori*es aehaôshe jtles jut been try-ing o el Honor For Dsg~-uigthe Canaidicin Intrain Stamp September 21 f0 29 to commnemorate the lOOth anniversary of Exhibition, being hield in the A4utomotive BuildingTrntfo Government-issued postage stcimps in, Canaida, a plaque will be erected ta the mnemory of Sir Sa-ndfor-d Fleming, the man wvho clesigned Canada's first stamp. Erected by the Conadiazn Pil- aitelic Society on the exact ste where the first stamp was designed in 1851. The plaque wili be univeiled by Sir John Wilson, Bart., C.V.O., Keeper of His Mcijesty King George Vi's Philatelic Collec- tions, Pictured here with the plaque is V. G, Greenie, presidenit of the Stamp Exhibition, and Sheila Watson, welI known Ontario model. OI(]id l,, im lliowers of theTor-i 0 t, Cvtaie Le afbabaltm took mIrone than ordinary ncrs i the rcetannioilucem-rent Iha 0marle y Gerîniger b a d akeni chaorge of 01h, front office of the,ý Dentroit Tigets. For CGehrinigcr,h- fo-re moving up to the B1ig Timel, ulsed b ùdo bis stuf! juina-Maýplo- teaf uifom ad, ýifi aurWrtes opionatleast, was the , grealcSt that Charley asin imany y YS, tbe bjest scecond s-ackcr of al lime. If ho antcyucudcount on the- tascs o!Long John ,Silv-er's timber peg Ih nmbe wo ap- ped imi. The truble was tat Gebrnge waeIongoad for bis thinga 50Scsmojoth11 l ad with 1 littie flus 01tatnine fans oidaf tel, hlardiy notciccd hthoia M iaking thle br ie o es -a eing hichGebinger excel- led - lmay hocail vcry vell from an) autistic standlpoint, butit àdaes- fi't gel fOU mucli top bUiiig or mrany headlilnes !nTri Iis cannïectia-n We aiW,ýayS thlink ofante Tor- afita pflayer a on) gaa ot fier be (in ite ring am of en crWidensaui.- juldginig ;a fly balil by afar Widcr margin tltan anly ot vtlrW iave ever seni. Bultbel(asspryv onl bis foot, andwaevrsiny caoverinig acres o! gr-ou,iileain biigh mblitbctairor diing imbi the turf,-ad pliingoff mi, au lous ctces. Th ù late rharcey Goo, ritir.g mn bth ongdefuincl TO RONTO N EWS, used ta Jok- ing'y du1)bhim WndrulWy Readiersq ook ià serioiis1vy.'The fiaMe stt '1Ik; anid 1mOSt OftLbe faftis wha Ic remember fan back prob- ahty îbýink o! im ias 'a'c1bailiaw o!f nupscdclbe and prob- ably woder ly ho overcauscd5C aynatiin the ic g ZLeagues. CaeyGebinger as the rexat oIpposite. He wenit about i ls busi- bother anMd lnoise., OneCplayer -WhÇa ha is tenamab for ay er said tha1;t Charley oudsa1"a are you" Mwl ]IL horpre or thc season, ý"So long"wenh was packing is lI ips-Irien of il, and tihalthiose ivewords csntte thesum itota-[l of bis *o i ili Tha, tndobtelywas anmi x agerathion-but ulsncb a g! roat one (,aI thIat.Do0c C ramer i7camle c le as umm L y Ijlilg chaie y Up he hocracke, iAlyou needý day and ho.rul enils on antid 0on,dog T2es .bn young Geilrïisger- brokein aI Det)roit, anid 01 ô basebli's ot idelY circuiabescl pegdCharley as "adfed u bit"aisdpreicte ba h'ssba în tb majors; o o id ho shor The trubleis tat bctaIe(, likec irtia îit. Co bb spenit r,-apy a long hnour thaIt first year wo"rkinîg on Gebringer in the lbatter's 'box. Ho WraSstrsumentasiin gettng Gebrifiger to change his stye and Sinally adopt tbc batti'i sance, xchih made hdm a 0.21 lifeilp1 blitter ïl the 'AmericanLeaue pcriod '-fisCýeee' yCalsthec Coachring ms aebe ol Anywy, Gbriger is , b1ack wilIbe0he imancoiefly rsas ib fr ting t g el the TigersF onto!the p' it io Whichth haebeen tlubled. Everyone Who admiresa fineWorkmnafi and a grand sporsmnu sou Wi5h him wcll inludig te inianly admirersD be ~ad urig bis labors ani nar o sil. WbVIetbe- rr fo CIba rle ebigr ilbe sc ce~fulin is ard tas'k, onIy timie can telI, to cain a phrvas'e. Butt .we doii't sind iedclngtat wb1c- thlerUhenmakes il or whetheCr hle flops, ibc'll (tdo 5 vitàh le very m'ninium of eitbicr - 01.n o buasing.Thatis,>ulcss dtepas- sage of the yca(,ýrs bas cbanged im- a 'whle iýlot mrethan we imagie it bas. 'flc asic prmnilciple of weaCiving i bc a warp and vWOO or weft whichi is wovn trongb the w ý'arp 'ta farmi a etie\isa there muit inevtai bea frasùe or loom u lponl which ta stning th w'arp and ta oid h hrasin place wbii te f t is wov e hagh it Tal'Otbe clltoaay arp adwa the lindian weave-rs adda -Iditic- t'ivechniquewhichwas rrly ilfvrcswect o bsev Tbcycmloyed a variety of hast fihers (vcar-iaus vegelable fibers) plus hiairs )f crtaini anIimaýis, skýins and 11 furs of ai ais id ipluma,,ge of birds. These wre ddcd ta the, nli a r e coetinl fudto threcads fo)r iven maerialof lnn wool anld cottan. Frýomil theseCýý Some or the alestkow x am11ples of AmierîcanIndanwev- ing arerep-l)iud tabe-finer thanio I]lbse aun inany a)tIIer pla-jce i th o.The vnsurpasemdth texile waen 1y 0the bighiy sild CoîcweaverCs of nintEyt whase work ha"s long bee celbrat ed or its mavllou-ï"s tcnqe and çusm of livingas erth niatio$is ofet rp 'In rm o hadcAftthe m weeweaving tries, of aiasfor their coc,-ri1jgs eid not do wnveavn.Some ofthmnwre almnosýt ecuieydvtdta sucih occupations cas ihuuitfng9and fsig whiIe others speut lcher ltimeeat farmning, Thr Nvaj p ople of ur sauthest hv onl llcif f ame among allilteNrh Aeia tribes as weavers The first Navatjü ineswi made ta wear oertL ,laidr and iightstripes ofnaua-ord oo.A hundred years ago the siupe tripes wrebroken bv zig- zag lines making a deiga known as the tterraCe patterfi."!ilthlema, -the techiquc of weaving Navaja- patterus cvas ta work directly on the arpasthe actual wft1)y Using thle dainig type of stitCh. Soetweinty years later tfhe T- diaus tired of these p)atterns anýd The Indians were particuiarly aI- traeted ta brght red, and, when the Spaniards came,, itadcd anyýtingii tbey had for a bitco red baize, Tis abric was lie billiard table clathi and is thoughit ta hlave been1 part of the Spaniish uniformi. The baize and cthon wove t itc, their textiles, The dye iust have been excellen snciites crl "a- eta" (ted!) blaikels hveneyer , i:s ther rich couor, nd coilerspize therà highlly. Later the ava'o found out how leo make other1 colors from n ative roals adbarbez, iand werc given i ndigo wit icht poduce blue. Just as (!le Nvj rg wr reaily blnkets, so, týDC, 1up)ta about 1800 people both Indian and non- Tuia wpspok'e of ,rugs oýCddiy euoughi did flot refer to floar co- eringe. henthee arily records men- tionied ruqgs, thicy we referigta any coars)e heavy ,worï fabrics, iiuch as bcd covers, ch-imniey Clotbs, wifli dow-sill cover-s or maore lkcyt able covers. 01n1y if called a fnoar ug or cieariy described as for a bed- lide or fblar, can one ho sure tat the rug in rthe , iuvnaybs aur modemn cannoatlian.-- Fron-)i enican Rugs," by Estelle H. RiÎes. PluCky Piie-9-eodGil- bert Provenchier, whý iosýýe one- mon artiho wsho howrso! proise from New York criics.' Victlm of on auto accident that left his hands and le-gs prlz ed, lroyencher points from a wheel-chciir with a brush sIrop- peçi *0 his ebw uaiy GOVE'RNMENT APPROVRO PULLORUM TESTED brCeIeers.AU Popu- lar ïbreeds, non-sex. pllts cckres Dalyaid, started. i and Iad4wo ulid Tnrkey poults, ider puliets. Fe catalogue. TWmEDDLE CilICE ATHRISLTD. DAY od click, startedcbiktr poi1s.ader PLletýs Mthseeywe 1irecirculair, 10? NOTCH ilCESAE RAV'0E you n3 fything Dne0medidsns or ceh ln0 rIe o ifr infrmration. We Sqe.,a 10 aSsf101nteslfl. e FOR ýSALE sLars T rDruzggist se]il CRES, qirmlted auantlty of Registý.eed Daw,,ýbuils avfaie c-. R MçEra reLde, On1-tarlo. RECESSED 1tAT11Ul3ýS $609 le~Ie sainpsatbre.pecebatbroosn etp oafers ta pimbers 3an1J bujideý M5ant alabedolar, buy ibcnie an bvea ier borne. Steato u ae$,Exýtra dS1couts it qaaloueriçe Ifwe u iy%erytbinýg 3;:op1need frdm piste vpLumbins o -rbetn saiaon Ctouein.clOes itbho photqS cýf ain diga select ietYle Cf lk.caiee $aunr s, sboers.soe.rfîea seie antI ou orrite obsnMail Order DÏis!DoR.Streýetsvyili Hard~wareStreetavilOiario. Pho)ne 61 APPLE ORCHARD ùiEfne rchav r bDmora Cunyon County Roand noar vlaeand solsol- scbiool bus passes door-li_7 acre farm. fine modern 7 room bick borne. sood barn and out buildnge-lO0 acres new orebard. 15 acres prime orcbard. malnly sprs andI mcs -Pressure syýstem furmoace, bath- room ln bouse. Write for fu!ll crtculars. LONG BROS. REALIORS - DIAL 3505 - PORI HOPE on-ilrour earing, Al size.s. One buit. doe O14 International wtb ydraulle blao Ir.goodshape. .1 !,'Leduc. phone 7I.i,ifred, Ont. l'OR Sale-Long establis'hed weidia7!g andI blacicsmith general repaei iop. M4andiing leading Canadian farm Iniplensents andI ather lUnes. Repajr shop, modjem and, ,omnpletes witb ail tois. Emplioys bre namci. Serving laugo terrntory topstin Wri-teutaJohn PSundus. Ashroft, S O. HîILLMAN STATION WAGON 1950, 15,- 000 moiles. Useful as car or va.Bo 82, 12.1 Eighteenth St., New Taýrane ont MARE EVERTI DAY A FAY, DAT E7AIN a FRtEE SUIT~ by selling matIe-to- ,measui;e clothes in your district. Sln dd -opataity for amnbitious individual. Afew oeils a day will Put cash in your pýockets and a FREE 1SUTIT on your ak A real 'opprunity 10 go loto business, wtn investment. FREE samplo set cd hunre f n sathesstlebook, etc No -xesec, mney eedd rite lm- meditol for the most opot ae ta easre lotingsamloset and for DEERFoxhundpues, Sve rn onths. Me. tued$10 tal,,inlother, over 200 ldeor shatahed fthe. Mies$25. Femalesý CRCIIX0fni',c des in 2 Icouirast- las wodsglos l darlc $2 each. CarlMyso 1 Ave.. 'Brant- far. Ot Peas iot ya3iur name,ad sueurte 'C Eg a ti ieiOre' H ll wome BAINISH i be carment Ai r cears eBtii epoiyg skia ruts oisSzm SalIve wiUsi îapootyu respond readl- ta bestloesodris olptImenregadie" fbw tbrad bovel"ýeýeieY sem. PICE $2700 eER à"A PO'ST'S REMEDIES Seol Fat Wrsea ecelpi 0"f rc :TOBACCO ELIMINATO tgQuzaCII ofan;ucemanenzýt!reaiae i Pba maetca. Chomatst lbemt. o arilasWrite Bor81.Lan, Ont. B&EVrA HAIRDESGSERIO G25a8 P'rtnt .Lerct Bances*n Pi4asant ig St.,profssio,Iocvr &I venlousrad lCatoi atloe Fsenfre TheRaLuzrCoWriereClatetli tr 188 VýBnorSt. W., Toato Company. Pa Bay Rideau PSt., Iof taws m i-k OFil)'EN 10Ue1eR OinEno-ListED lo- venic o-a, flIlfor ansItten free ThkesXRalimeCa, egstrelteePO.l i 1,11c- 0ee1211ai, Sret tica These otrethe heat- ers you v s been hcOea ng -ocmuch het okers! Fuel patenteé nter otý WArMý' MORNING CcAc Heaters burr any Icind of coau, coke, briquets. Heat il ýday and ail night withoui refueing, Sarca lire but once-,aoyear. Your ho>me -is W'ARM cevery mORNING, te fit neacàrly'Every heaIing eqiemn See teWR MONN atyoui dealer's, ISSUE3 15 *Cl assified Advertising.

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