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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1951, p. 8

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oni page 0one) D, H-all; t.lkïv, k-Alma Cuittel . P'illow Cases,cr Jalker. MrIIs.Ma 7asesý, crosstitch- Tülace lMs . ~'ath 'i'owels cr.,- vlalcolin, Mrs. j) owxels, tattedA- S. lVa. 8m alh dered-iMals. Dorl- 1miy; Tea Toweis. Ias. R. Sutton, vIas. D. Hall;:lc )-Mrs. WMaicolmn, rats for hot ds~ rs. WValkea. Mas. epiece, tatted - pman, Mrs. Mal- loth, crocheàýted- -ey; Fancy Hand- Malcolm. BEDSPREAIDS qued and Emb.- Miss Leach, Ma I-Mrs. Maicoln, ced-Iýss Leac, Mrs. Maicoho: ,each, Mrs. Mai- ins; Blocks-Mas. ýeach. ýmbroidered-Mrs. crocheted-Mrs,. Hay. LADIES' %WEAR '[ouseýo-at, cotton-A. Cuttel; Housedress, 1 piece-Mrs. Mal- colm; Ktchen Apron, cotton - MLýrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Sutton ; Ap. -on1fnc -S. Doareli, MS~ Macl;Bedljacket,wolMs MconMrs. Doraefl; L-adY' Sndesand Jacket-M'\rsý. Su'- ton, MN/rs. Malcolmr;Pyas Mr-S. MailC!n; Mvitts,'ai-s'- Mrs. Dorreli; Gloves, knitted Ma'. Dorreil, Mrsý. Malcolm; Ca- digan (woo)--Mas. Stinscn, Mrs. MIc,ýloim: Pullovea.kitMs Doareil, Mrs. Malcolm. MEN'S WEAR Sports Shirt and coliaa.-Mrs. J. Rickard; Work Socks knit- Mlýrs. Malcolm; Fine Socks -Mrs Malcolmn, Mrs. Doareil; Socks, diaiinond knit-Mas. Dorreil, Mrs, Malcolm; Pyjamas, fl-annieltte- MVrs. Malcolm, Mas. Hall; Mitts, knit MaIs. Malcolm, Mrs. Do- reli; Sieeveless Sweater, ki. Mrs. Malcolm. CHILDREN'S WEARý j ChildJ's Mitts, fancy kni-M . IDorreiikÇ- hild's Socks, knit-- IChild's Twin Sweater Set, knit- iIrs'. Dorreil; Child's Cardigan- Mas. Malcolm, Mrs. Dorrel'i; Gial's Dress. cotton-Mrs. J. E. Wil- liaias, Mrs. Malcolm; Cilid's Hel- met, knit--Mas. Malcolm, Ms Dorreil; Child's Suin Dress-Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Doareil, Mas. Stin- son;Child's Play Suit-Mas. Dom- HOPE FAI R ber 28 and 29 Friday Night At Park Merchant's DisDIay Ban~d Concert -Midway Bingo Saturday Agricultuiral and Stock Ex 1bits Amateur arnd Beauty Contest Cafand Swne Clubs ilorse Races Midway Saturday Nighit Dance at Town Hall 'I reil; Child's Dress, aokd - yrs.-Mrs. illiams, Ms, Dr reiL, Mrs. Prust; Childs D-ress, smocked, 6-8 vrs.-Mrs. Prust, Mrs. Malcolmn; Infant's Dress, cot- ton, short-Maýlis. LDor-ei , 1MS. Stinson; Infant's Jacket and Eoni- net, knit-Mrs. Manoi, Mr.. Stso, rs. Hall;Inant'-S Jack' and Bonnet. crocheted-Mrs. IMal- colmn, IMrs. Stinson; Chuild's Toy-- Mrs. Mlalcolm, Mas. Doareli. FANCY WORK Cushýin, silk-Mrs.Maci; Knlitting Bal, felt-Mrs. W. B3. IHoar, Aima Cuttýeil; Dsly Articles *,or Chrisamas-A. Cut. tell, Mas. Malcolmi; Needepoint- Mrs. P. Hare, Mrs. Malcolm;, Needlewoak Picture-MVrs. Mal- colin, Mrs. Stinson; Pot Holders-- Miss Leach, Mrs. Mivalcolm;-. Kitch. en Curtains, plastic-I--Mrs. Mýlal. colm; Sheil Novelties-A, Cutteil, BOYS' WEAR Sieeveiess Pullovers - Mr3. WaIker. Mrs. Dorreli; Ovealls- Ivrs. Mvalcolmn; Cardigan. knit- Mrs. Malcolmn, IVis. Dorreil. RUGS Hearth Rug, wool, hooked- Miss Leach; H-eaath Rug, m, hooked-Mrs, D. G. Hoopea. Mis Leach; Bedroom Rug, AOK Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Mlon Orono, W. 1. Specia-Lay-ette- Mas. Dorreil, Mrs. Mlom Women's Institute Dept.-Bride Colects-Blackýstock' W. J., Bow- m anville Wl, Orono W.I. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Loaf White Baead-Mas. Tamnb- lyn, Mas. Dalton Doraefll Loaf Whole Wheat-Mrs. Tarnblyn, Mas. Dorreil; Fruit Loaf-MaIs. Tamblyvn Mrs. Dorreli; Buns- Mas. Tamblyn, Mas. Sutton; Chel- sea Buns-Mas. Tamiblyvn, Mas Hall; Tea Biscuiits-i-lrs. Hoop-e.. Mas. Sutton; Bran Muffin-Miss Leach, Mas. Malcolm; Scones- Mas. Hooper, Mrs. Sutton; Ban- ana Cake-Ma/Is. Dorreil, Mas. Mval- coim; Jelly Rol-Mrs. Malcolm, Ma-is. Hoar; Chiffon Cake-Mas. A, Waiker; Layer Cake, dJark-Mas. Tamblyn, Mas. Hall; Layer Cake. iight-Mrs. Doareil, MaIs. Tambl- lyn; Dat-e Loaf Ms liMs Hoopea; Cup Cakes-MaVls. Dor. reli, Mas. Hall; Spice Cakeý--Mrs Doameli, Mas. Hall; Fruit Cak1,1- d!aaký-Mrs. Tamublv, Mas. Mval- colm;ý Apple Pie-M aI,-s Sut, Ma.Hall; Pumpk)finPi- . Suftoni, Mas. Dorel; aiinP 7eý -Mas. Suttn.Mrs~. HaIl;Tarts Mavis. Hall, . Sutton; okis Mars. Hoa. Mas. Hall; Sanwic- es Mars. Hall, Ms oml;Po)- tato SidMs .J abyî Mas. Hall: Candv, mni ram Mas. MfalcohJ, Mas. Hoar; Saiad Dressing,-Mas. Malcolms, Mas. Sutton; Four, ways of serving? apples-Mas. Malcolm, Mas. Hall; Four ways of servingz Tom--atoes- Mas. Hall, Mas. Malcolm; Woak- ing Man's Lunch-Mas. Doareli. Ma.Hall: Chili Saue-Ms. all1. Mas. Malcolm: Pick-les, swve-f-- Mas. C. Tamnblyn, 'Mas. Suttonl: Mustard Relih- Mas. Suttn: Pickles. P, & B-Mas. Sutton. Mï- Hall; Coll. Canned 4r~ iVa Malcol',NT,,r. -Sufton; Col' Can- ned Vegetables-Mas. Mal-olrni, Mas. Sutton: .Tam11-Mas DTorrell, Mas. Sutton; JlyMs Malcolnm, MaIs. Hall. CaaaPaciçers Spýecil-Appirc Pie-Mars. Sutton. Mas. Vdo. Mas. Hall: Laerci, Ta. Tamblvn. Mas. Hall, Mas. oelJ Bmack to SehoOl Tinte '1 Dack to Vlýtamin Tinte -~ I .Start nlow on1 y1plr favourite Vit.- amin Toiic #o insure etrhat during cold Fail and Witer. 'We Eist a few of thiem a! lowest prie.. FROSST NEO-CHEMI1CAL F0011 J Vitamin aand Minerai Food SuppIemeýt. For Children - the Iiquid -......$------ $3.31 $5.9t j For AdulLs -- the capsules -----......... $1.65, S2.95, $6.6f) C-erti'fie-d Haliut LvrOi Casul4............................-- --- --- ---- --50's.- --75C l00's.-----$1.29 V'itav"ax -- Vitamins ali Oral cold v1ccinle comhined -------- ........------ ----------$1-50 and $7.00 Mead's OIeumn Percomorphum .--95c. aiud $3.99 Infantolf--------------------$L00o and $3.25 W-ampo)le's Extract of Cod Liver - ... --------$1.25 Vi-Delta Emnuision --------.----- $1.15 and- $2.25 Kepler Extract of MaIt aud Cod Liver Oil-------------- ----- --------...........--................... ...00 and $1.75 Ayerst '10 D' Cod Liver Oul ....... ------ -------...... ................................ ... 0 and $225 School Bags.................-- -------.69 and $%15 Handy miemo pads.......-- ýspecial.-------4 for 1e Pocket Menifo Boo)ks ---------------- lOC, and 15C MAITHEMAITICA-ýL SETS-Made in EnglIand With metal instruments, box complete .....65c With plastic "e-Tr"instruments, boýX ConipPete.................. ---------.........5 School Paijits 8 color box with No,, 8 Camel hair brush................................--- --- Waterman's Con test ORONO EVERSHARp Piiic Junior Pen, -Recommended by school auth lities.. as.. the.. idteal-..pen.-Proper finger gilight in .Each...e -,........ ...... ....$17 WATlER NLA PEIN AND PENCIL, SETS Priced from $5.00 per set to $15-00 Choice- of colors and points. EciaFounitain Pens...................------$1.00 Wateilan Bail Point Pen& each ..........$5 Refils, blue or red. each.... .....................50c STUDEN2T5 Enter lfhe big Waterman Ink Contest. $2000.00 in Cash Prizes, Simpéfy name 6 colora of Waterman'sInks. 103~ Prizes-Prizes aire doubled if entry includes box tops from two Waterman InIKS. Get your f ree entry formâat Tyrrell's. TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE . WESIEY VILLE Sul]day vstoswith lMa. nd Ms Ar.nod Tiotanl yke wvere Ma. and Ms CaroliNiholsGloiaand Jean, Ma.1 Sh.ïi4ds, Ma. anvd Mas. Grenrvi'lle Flettý aud clare Thsursday- evening Ma. and MaIs. H. payne entîertainedl, Ma. and Mars. A. Poters and tJaine of Morrisl, Ma. and Mrs. W. L, iligMa. and MaIs. J. Tin-kesýs, Mas. R. Tiýnkess aund Biliy of asie', BritisiCimba Mxis. C. Paye, Ms Rut-h Pavne ndI Mal. and Mas. H. Pay'ne weae ai- moclng thýe guesifs attenIding thie Gar- rison-Beanwedd in Biamnpton on. Mîs Hle Baaaowclough is hiomel biihler parents, Mr. antd Ma-S. E. Baaaorrrwclqougýh.1 'Miss Doyintht Mason was homne fo- tiheweked LE WTON VILLE M"s. W. Ugffow aeurned toNe- orlîeon- Salturdav evening affieri vl'sit;izg Me'.anjd Mas. CEc oe end two aug4ltes.Tororto nare Mi- nnrl msý. Wi'ltb,,t Lnstif ,pfndin a weel- h ¶iliday wvihMr,. Tv'e T ~ inf'O ando Ms.A A umibea of peoip1cfrei here ai- tonldëd lepnig and Dedication jServic-es cf the Oaoio UnitedChit on) Sundcay. The C Lrc~ IInd ase menit wýere flllbed Voojverf,(Yoiig.To wonid:eiful -neetings weae enjoyed by everyoine. Mr. and Mas. Jack Gloyvea are set- 'tle fin~ their hofme iin the vil- jle.Jack ,villi in'ow di-vide biýs ie ly leiswoak la Linidsay anud "I 0Oslawa. Lab(r day we-n they vilslted' wlih BMY Darlirgton in bisi ONTÂIJO 'I uew eali on White Lake, near 0V- Mr. and Mrs, Wayie, Elliott re- )tuirnied Saturday evendung from nhi5 work up near Barrie. Mrs. W. Hl. Darlingtoi ,visited ori ýSunday wilth Mr. anid Mis. C., 1T, CovýpeYr, Oronu and dttended 'the De- ialinServices of the new United Mises Doaotfhy Browý%n %wns howic fro ao Pteioo for the weàk-end. Socks, Boys' Cotton Fancy Pattern, regular style like mens'. Regular socks, sizes 8 to 1O¼Iý, pr. 53c. Sleepers. Childs' fleeced lined, drop seat- size 1 to 4, Gar-ment.............$ 1.75 Ankie Soeks, Ladies' Nylon, elastie knit top, size 9 to 111/2, assorted colors and white .... ý. .pr. 69c. Brassieres, white rayon, satin cup sizes, brocaded fr-ont, lace trimmed, formn fitting, size 30-38, 98C. Pin-on Boutonniers for dress or blouise, new assoit- ment. Priced at........>..... 45c. and 55c. flankets, Falcon, color pinl< or blue, plaid, size 70"x84". Each ... . .........$2.79 It, color coat colors, red, navy, green, brown, black ox-blood, silver, gold and white, bottle....35e.~ Vests, Ladlie'sî Snuggies, no sleeves, sizes,, small miedium ai-d large, each ......... 89e, Paurd Dog Foodf, 2 tins ......... 27c. Fry' Cocoa, lb- lýtin ............. 65c. M~argarine Gobcd Luck, lb.....42c, Mitchell's Apffle Juice, choice quality tin f Kra'f Velvetta Gheese, 8 oz. pkg. 32c. Peanu 43uiter, Mason jars ... .. 39c- Aeroxon F4y Coils, 3 for 10c., doz 35c. 35e. Brown 56c. lb. carton 34c. URONO 5c.TO $100 STORE "OUR POP"'TSOPIGCYR BINO CASH PRIZES 21 Games and JacktAI for 51)e Special Ga<mes and Share th-e Wealth Thursday, Sept. I3th

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