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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1951, p. 6

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or a Cantîn- hen tht enter- ayedi the samie rail with the Dtuing World War I, it will be recalle, ail the rubber of Soth- ast Asia fell to japan. Yet before long there was enough synthetic, pleced out by supplies ofi th natur- ai commoditty fram Ceylon, India and Africa, ta serve the greatest armies ani air fleets in history. Suik, another early casualty, son was e- placeti by nylon in parachutes an hosiery and taay is rarel'seen an a femnion leg , . . what we are con- sernei with is diemonstratian ai a simple truth about the nature I capitalism: it cannot be thrattied by turning a wheel as an oil wel can be shut off. It is as sensitive ta change as a chameleon, as flexible as a steel spring, What's mare, capitalii comes by thiese qualities honestly. For it s, after aIl, dependent not on a mas- ter plan but on the idecisions of many individuals, matie an tht Insis of cold ant ever-changing calculations of profit ani liss i ebifting markets. Far this reason it exploits ta tht uil applied science. ln a rigid planned society, instead of developing the forebcary a ta- day's 200,000 k.w. generator James .Watt might have let bis kettle bail away forever. Fînally, anti nat by chance, cPi- taism bas flaurisheti through comn- merce andi the use iofthe seven seas. Ujnlike the - . - bear, it is a sea creature, anti tht sea offers ail kints of alternatives unklnowvn ta tht landi. A train must stop when ils track is destrayea; a ship can alter its course at the twist af a rudider. If tankers can't cal) at Abadan, thay 'will put in at Kuwait, Ras Tanura, La Guaira, o Houstan, Prom "Barrns. Sear Campaign hn Washington Digging ont anti exposing om- nunists and their stooges is a wArthy piece oi public safety work. But sioe af the U.S. activities on tht job are scauialous. As the U.S. representative ai Tht Econ- Oisot af Landan puts it: "It is a technique which shocks mnany decent-minided Americans be- cause t stete ta dress the com- mittet hearings in something like the robes-ar at ieast the language -ai a court aiofaw and yet maltes nansense of tht accepteti practices of legal proceduore." Pt was at the current (McCarran) "spy triail" that one of Canada's senior ofiscals got the Communist tag. Tht meetings of tht U.S. Senate eubcommittee are supposet to be secret, but, since poitices and pub- licity are of such great irnportance ta tht prohers, a lot of news gets eut Tht Canadian public is glad t bave the assorapce of Ottawva that there was no justificatian whatever for tht allegatiîon ar insinuation thaI E. Herbert Norman io our Department aiof Externai Aairs is or was a Camnmunist or a syni- pathizer. ow did the Norman namne come Bp. He once helt a two-year scholar- ship fam the Institute of Pacific Affaire. That bady farmed a long time ago fAr stuiy of the Far East was originally no more Comnmunist than the girl guides of Omemee. OnJy i0 recent years did Commun- ists and their synpathizers succeed iii becoming influential in Institute affairs. SThat th Institute has had soie Communists isb tre. That all its members are Communists like say- ing al men are Scotsmen. Frot one intimate witb the Washington going-on we had the following: "Pinding out about Coammunists and especially those in positions af infltece is fine, but that's only a very minor part of what's really behind circuses of the McCarthy- McCaran kind. These things are all part of tht 'get Trmna'n' drive. The same thing is trueo the war on Acheson. He's one of the best meni we've ever hati in that job but smearing himi helps, they think, in tht war on Truman. Until after tht election you can expect that politîcs will diominate every- thing."r if wrise decisions an grave mal- fers affecting the w'hole world can emerge from this hocus-pacue, wre ,vil be lucky indeedi. --Prom The Financial Post. NEW and USEFUL Too Double Duty Newest place ta carry your cig- arette iighter isin your belt. Phila- deiphia company is making a chrome-finished lighter wéhich also acts as a belt buckle, siiding on and off permanent base ai cou hide beit. Resists Spots Spot- anti water-repelilant finish is featured an rayon, rayon gab- ardines and other suiting materi- ais. Company Caiis product pre- vents stains from mast non-aily foao, beverages gree anid pers- piration. New Saw Hantiles Cyhinder shields and hand'es for a ane-man portable saw are made ai rubber pheniolic campount in- steati If magnesium» alaly. Com- poundi comes in four grades: wood- dlor-tilled, ashestos cotton flçok and fabric filled. Use f rubber redunces weight f saw ant cost af praouctian, company dlaims; aIso makte5 saw mare resistant ta biaws and shock. No Lead Needed bNew adbesive tape is sensitive ta presure; can be written an with any sharp instrument ar stencil part of typewriter, na leaid or type- writer ribbon necessary. Tape comes in four colors and withs, is made ai three parts, top layer clear acetate, bottom calorewt h a wvhite waxy substance laminatedi in between. Pressure in top in- dents vax anti exposes calored bottorn layer. Adhesive sticks ta metai, wood,, glass, plastics, etc., and can be transferreti without leaving stitking residue. Lifelike Fishing Lurcs New plastic bait gives fishermn realistic substîtutes for lîve bait, in calor reproductions with wigg.iy antennat and legs. Available in 10 types, they save trouble and cni the hook-baiting ordeal far the squeam- F Entie Windishielti Fog Cleamer vision mesults when new anti-fagging chemical is applied ta aircrait, automobile andi m mne windvshiels, windows, goggles anti eyeglasses. Easily uset, it has a chemical meaction to maisture in camman amaspheric conditions, iasts up ta 30 tiays. A plonger-type atomizer is suppliei for spmayinlg Avai(able in 4-8 oz. containers. t'-W Scallops! Here are Fashion's favorite trimmings an your newest filet crochet dailies. In fine or heavy cottan, they're simple to make from easy-to-follow charts. Filet-crochet doilies arc 12 anti 16 jnches in Na. 50 cotton. Pattern 616; chants; directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stampe cannot be accep- ted) for this patter- to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Print plainily PATTERN NUM- BER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Send Twenty-five Cents more (in coins) for aur Lana Wheeler Needlecraft Book, Illustrations of patterns frt crochet, embroidery, .knîitting, h a a s e h o- id accessamies, gI ideas. A free pattern is printet in the book. Prince And Princess To Attencd-Shriners from all over Ontario will participate in the big charity circus sponsored by Rameses Shrine in Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, from October 1 to 6. Some of the finest circus acts on the continent are being assembled for the To- ranto performance which will be attended by Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Here, Roxan Stration and Judith Bradley admire he bow..tie of clown Jack Harrison. Swivel Vacuum A tank-type vacumn cleaner with a swivel built ijta tht top males i simple for the housewife ta clean room without moving ma- chine from a central point. An 8-ft, exteosión hase reaches in a fil rircle around the cleaner. Smail Coffeemaker Good coffee when even two cups are made 1i promised by a 'toiy coffeemnaker manufactured for ise who need only 2-4 cups at a tie. Made af Pyrex ~glass, easy ta wash. Modern Etiquette Q. Are there any certain oc- casions when a mati'precedes the womian hetis accompanyingT? A. Oniy whc the way is tncer- tain or dangerous, such as when pushiog their way thraogah a bais- terouy crouwd. Ht also procedes her whtn alighting fraom a vehicle, ta tînt het tan better astit her in alighting Q. s -it proper ta eat the lettuce an which a saladtisj served? A, It ctrîain!y is ail right. FL lettuce is as much a part iof that salad as any ather ai tht ingredi- Q. la it good form» to mail a wedding invitation ta "Miss Shirley Smith and Brother?" A. Ntver. Tht correct pracedure is ta mail a separate invitation ta each ai these persons. Q. Is a woman always supposed to be seated at a table ta the right of her maie companion? A. WhnC ptactical yes. The few definite rile about it include the seating of a guest i hanor on the right ofi the hst or hastess or chairman, and the military rule by which the senior officer walks as well as sits ou his juniar's right. Q. When a marriage engagement has been broken, isn't a girl entitled ta consider the gifts and engage- ment, ring ber former fiance has given her as belonging to ber? A. Na; good fart» requires that she return all these. Q. Is it proper to mail ont for- mally engraved invitations to a christening? A. No; only tht family ani inti- mate friends are invited. Q. On formai occasions, when many people are prsent, is it es- sential that any one person be in- troduced ta every member o the group? ' A. No. An arrival may be intro- ducedi to anc or twa persons, or he may be left ta talk with those near- by w ithout exchangiug namts. Q. Should a person insist upon giving a tip in a restaurant that ob- serves a "no tipping" rule? A, No. It is not only unneces- sary ta give a tip, bot it is incon- siderate to the management for one to insist upon breaking irues. Q. Would it be proper ta write a note of condolence te the parents of a friend who has died, even if you do not kriow the parents? A. There is never anytiing im- proper about any act o thought- fulness andi sinctrety. Here'sthe easy, proved way to combat sthmna's distressing symptoms. Tht aromatic fumes of R. Schiffmsnn's ASTEMADOR help lear up congrstio-hring amaziig relief. Se easy t uste, se economical you an't afford tobe without it. Powder cr cigarette form-at ail drug stores in Canada snd L. S. The Fading Season Smmer begins ta fade. Nat as calors fade, or as beauty fades in a face, but as a day past miiafter- noon begins to fade away toward evereing. The pcak is past, the elush and tager growth that surges ont oi spring reaching toward matur- ity. Much io the flowering is ac- complished and the fruiting is at handi. ThE leaves, whose prime function is growth and the sus- tenance ai growth, begin to look a little worn; their job is ail but toine for another year. Tht grass heads ripen. Milkwed thicikens its pods. Asters begin t blooii, anti golidenrad, tht festoans af early autunmn. Yaou sec a mort pronouncedi lush or scarlet in the sumac clumps. Sumat is na reliable index, ta be sor; ont frnti will tur in an otherwise normal clump even in June. lit when who!c clumps be- gin to put an range, something is happeîng to tht season. From» a distance, tht dagwoods seemi on- touched; but came coser and yau set the age-lines in tht teaves, the rtd veining o October. And tmen mare significant, the buds fo next season's dogwaad bloom» are alreatiy formed there on tht twigs. The eus have been ragged for several weeks, bot now they are sheising those firit leaves not al ai them insect casualities. ,hich faull before the color change strikes the whole tret. Even the maples begin to look weary and dusty; their leaves have last that glass which was theirs when the chloro- phyli was new and ul iof vigor. Lîttle signs, tht lesser signais of a season's change. Tht green pro- cesses are slowing down; ripening accelerates. And earliest oi ail ta recognize ihis are tht insects. At summer's peak they were loud, but with a lazy overtone of satiety, Now they are insistetoy loud. Tht katydid and tht cricket outdo the droning bumblebte. Time shortens, in their lives, and soie uier cam- pulsion bid them t haste. The season comes to late afternon, and sunset approaches. A suiset, how- ever, of gold and crimson on al tht hiîlsides where sommer s re- cently took its Case. - Froi the New York Times. One Way Traffie Three yaung Poles anid a girl successfully escaped fron Pland to Swedien tht other day in a home-made airplane, This' was tht fourth escape p Sweden in a single ronth. Ail along the iron curtain there is a constant trickle f peaple will- ing ta take the enormopr risks and the bleak uncertainties rather than submit longer ta Muscavite tyranny. And, of course, \' hear anly af a few who are soccessful Haw LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Then wake op your iver bile . . jump Out of bed rari' te go Lie not worth living' It may e the liver! ¯¯t's a fact! If your lia bila is not fowing freely your food may net digest . . . gas bloata up your stomach . . . you feel con- etipated and ail the func and sparkle go eut of lie. That's whan y ou oeed mil4, gentle Carters Little Liver Pilla. You see Carters help etimulate your liver bile till once again it ispuringutat arate et up to two pints day int your digestive ttract. ThIis shoIld fix you righit up, malte you feel that happy days are here again. So don't s'ty suek, gei Carters Little Lver Pilla Aiways hava thse on bacnd. Oniy 3c front an' dnggist ..Classified Advertising.. MEDICAL UREELAX For sleenlessness due to tired, tance nerves, Siteeoundly, awake refresied. Mail $2 00 pospaid te W. GRANT MIL- LER & 00.. Peterborough. Ontario. BABY CR1014S STARTED, CICKOS, two, three and four~ week old, non-sexed, .pullets, cekerels, apeqinl prices ou l to 6 week old while they last. Earred Rocks, Red Xe Barred Rocks, Pullets. $47.5, non-sed 038.95, coIkerels, 010.95. Assorte-d IIavy Breede. 01 00 par hundred less. Send fer list of Spatials. TWEDDLE CICK HATttERIES LTD. Fergus, Ontarte MATCHES E0VERY WEEK the year round, Spécial chlcks for brellera, others for layera and special breeds fer roasters, Started chik.a eIder pullets Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICE HATCHERIES LT». le'rgus, Ontaro ORDER CHTCCS NlOW. Matches every week. Ail nenular breedo. Started akas, two three and four weeks old. Sépecial prtices ou tîve weck oid whsile they last. arred Rock, non-sexed. $,95, pullets, 84S.95. Catalogue. TOP NOTCII CilICK SALES Gueloh, Ontario lROIER RAISES: More and more large and amai breller ralsers are orderind Tweddie Special i ht coloured New Hampa. They report wonderful results. We aise have New Hamp White Wyaudotte. Naw Hamp X Light Susex, Lîht Sussex X New Hamp. New Itamp Xe Iarred Rtock. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CIIEK HATCHIIRIES LT», l'anus, Ontario BUSINESS OPPIITUNITIES DRESS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EARtN 8300 a month lu either full or part time work as direct factory- represen- tative for large compauy established over 25 years. Lovely dresses and lingerie styles nwest range 'r colours and fabries, aise chlldren's sud men's wear. Every ,arment factory guaranteed. High- est commissions, bonuses ERITISU ENITWEAR LTD., timeei Ontarie. DVEING AN» CLEANING HAVE you anytlng nceads dyeins or clean- Ing? Write te us for informatIon. we are glad to answer your questions. De- vartment H. Parksr's Dye Werks Llmlted. 791 Yenge St.. Toronto. F0OR SALE DEER Fohunud nons, lie months. e-. fused $100 for mother. over 200 deer shet ahead tather. Malts $20. Females $20. F0,.1. Ear! Givens. Footes Bay, Ontarie. PLNCHlwORK SUPPLIES MARE your Chrisimas gifts nersonai, Order material direct. Needles 30e, Cotton Patterns 25e, work trames 60e. valveteen sqluare 01.00. Wide selection cf ratterus-omnee accesser:ts - one day service-Order now. I Clarke. Dent. W, 1440 Bleury. Montreal. CRESS CO:RN SALVE - e sure relief. Tour Dru:aist relis CRESS. ENITTING VARN Unshriukable 7 nd 4 ply nylon rt-an,- forced weel fer snoks, swaters, babwear. Only '11e anounce. .nt auywhere ln Canada. For information and samples Write: Tht Amline Kuitting Ce , Ktchener, Ontarlo. MOTOR MOUN TED Gehi Enrage Harves- ter comnlIte vth cern sud hay attache- ment, blewer and vines, u excellent working condition. Clarence Lyons, Chatl- tenham. Phene Victoria 6i r 22. OIEDlCAL It's proven - every suffarer cf Rheumetic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munr's Drug Strs, 335 Egin, Otlowa. $1.25 Express Prepaidl. F011 EEAD COLDS, tIay Paver, tray Corasol. Surs relief. 01.00 Postpaid, Proplatary Patent Registerdt lin) Rama- dias. 2206 Church Avenue. Miontreah. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISiH the tonnentm dry ecze rashes . and weeplEg skie troublas. Pst'e Eezede Salve wtt ot disappeoet you. [tehîng. ealing. hurnins eczema, rene. rlngwom, pimples anc athlete's foot. ei respect readll te tia stalease, odorles olntmesnt. regadlesa of hon etubborn d hoease thiey seem PRICE $2,00 ERt JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Pesi Fre n Reteint of Prics 880 Quean St. R., Cerner of Loan, Tarante "'TOBACCO ELIMINATO R" QUICELY and permanently aradieates ain oraving for CIGARETTES. Ring Drusg, Pharmaceutical Chemists. Alberta. Fer particulars write Box 673. bondon. Ont. many athers have tried and failed ta penetrate the waIl ai barbed antd electrified fences, bioodhounds andi gnurd with olers ta shoot an sight ? NUTRSERt STOCK- PEONIES-strong roots, 3-5 eyes, each 70e, 3 for $2.00. TULIPS - Rainbow collection of )utstanding varieties, ? dozen for 01.20. Postpald - Kuyper's Bulbs, HTaîzie, R. COLCHICUMS. Large bulbs, each 500 delivered. write for Fal bulb price list. Ruyper's Bulbe. H7atzie, B.C OPPORTUNITIES FOIl IEN AN» WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Gras Opportunlty Leara Haîrdressing Pienan dlgonied profession, good wagee Thousands of sucessful Marvel graduates Amerlca's Greatest System tustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cal] MARVEL IHAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 258 Bloer St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Haniton - 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa RADI Television, Communieations, now offer big money and unerowded fields Get full farts today. State age, educatien. Radio College of Canada, 80 Batbirst St Toronto. Dent. WSB. BECOME a Herbalist. Complete IHome Study Course Free Catalogue. Dom- Inion "Herbal" College Ltd., 1765 Grave- ley Street, Vancouver t. British Columbia. MARE CHRISTMAS CANDIES protes- slonally and profitably ln yonr kitchen, ne extra e<ouinment. Cream-center cboeq- late drops, honbons, mint pattiet, divinity.. Funitnstructions, $1 00, ELOISE TIM- SON, 60-B Holt Street. Dayton, Ohie. PATENTS &N OFFER te evers mnventor-Ltst af On. ventIons amI foll Information sent free. The lRamsay Co. Reglistered Patent Atr- neye. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company. Pa- tent Selicitors, Establlshed 1890, 850 Bay Street. Toronto. Beol:let et Innfrm- tion on requst. WHAT Is YOUR NET PROFT A DAY? Machineries is offering you $70 PROFIT A DAY How? In monufocturineg the most modem concrete blocks with the fineat and simpleso concrets block Why? Bacouse we ore the ehly manufocturers cf complete plant at e very low investmient cost. You wont te make money. Don't deloy. Write, phone or wire to-day. CEMENT BLOCK and MACHINERIES SUPPLYt REG'D 227, Royal Street, Sorel, P.Q. Tel: 4171 There's clean, healthy,friend. ly warmth in your home when you have a WARM MORNING Heater. Amazing, potented in- terior construction . . a great heat-maker and fuel saver! Burns any kind ofPcoal, coke, briquets. Heats ail day and night with- eut refueling. Stort a fire but once a year. More thon a mil- lion in usel See your dealer. 900NSTRACHAN COAL CO., 1TD. Oqaotrnon squore SIdg., Montreal 2, Que. c7 vange st., Toronte, Ont. Prori. Dstt.: Unitaed Grain Graowero, tid. ISSUE 38 - 1951

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