Îquette icb tb.ç waýter in ébun r ber guests notiess ýai lb~ Ic ve etaf a ro'tlp trgesta whom you have tbceus intraduceti, (doyou et- ipt -,csay "good-by" te ailcf io. No lYu csrey bow "ood atU youlbt you do not attempîj, attralcit the attention f tos C, are- Unaýware t01a11 you are lta the problemr eavy Supplies tac ýinimum nof imne, inc îr, mare cand [ouble-chule type isport. A pair of kinug, silken, 100- iabave, gently rda pallet wvith ýd fighting equîp- ýbat 'supply drap Boxcar in Korecu. IbatT il crit ti l b fi t] g il s' v n il: ai 1.1 w St tS le ,t s nvw .Luruey Wvas 'jrýeece riýns cf Housser. Here was n the plains ef Iliu1m, fere: rus of Ephestus anti Perga ininf mamy" her chies of d Greeký,- Here Strabo wes itit iiogeneps. Here passeti utu; with bis Ten husni cr Alexantier on bis cenqutest, :ern Asieý. Heri-;t a that der cur Itle Ger-diari kuet C1Cep iri Anatelia, na ie os'ercame Pbamnes-tbe ôf wbýAicb bfe seiti: "I came, 1 colnquieretI." IiiTarsuis, cxcavaliens are neow expos- ýý-remaiins o e tlres Ibal. Id in the ealy Egyptian s, StL Paul wes born anti ae be set ont on thse ex- s, wbvidi preduce is Ep-1 a beeGaais anti the Ephe- feeaîbers nethIe -presenit aybill lsmnuetsc Ri oan 1ow () nti t lter tune petercoli alonie the dlaim t 'hat Tu -rkey ssuprclee istorical ners Y, An Ecemnmicpruai, t eînThbornbirv, Ga junior sheirec tr f,. abie 10 get very mchkick eut cf any sort cf sport takn via te air- wa'cves. In fact we worild sooner watcbi a bunch oft veiles bang- iing each oîh'r r ound on the vil-. luge dam or playing corner lot footbadj ll ~an isten te a. StItaly Cup 1maior wtcb-ver V-any "Boi" ameiblat ever was con- tcsîed, StlI hat is jus;t amatiterof- tase, 'ntiWeCknow ttaonhere' sport witbi a daslh of ether addWed. Tfyou bhappen to be one of these mybe in&eeîdi some re- mUarks by ithe noted basebal wtriter Dacn DaiLaspuischet inluthe Baseafl-n's Blie, otberwise knne las Thle Sporîîng News. Mr. Daili' wriing 1abota certain hi rieA îs lot onty te ket p i withih !e pLay but a a rd or-.-8 'ai o il, ani w is prone tu teu bis lisenrouiata ceain p+Y ta>a l bit-r anerro-witýott it ir'g for word from th fce officiai scoreýr. i he lbas a wrdo l0 10e ayabolat tbe ,sort of player WhO tiems to make th offciaIscorer look baui What wýj' Itb one bing or anotheruj scorers-,of tbe ma'jor lausbv sîurck their ioýýggiiutn f tbe pes boxetmbsome csmlall promlinen'ce of laie'. -A, certaýin cubba snLt:a Iietp o ils r-adio and tlvso cr. Tb'le pra[ctice of secoind glessinlg Jlb- guy wlo cailis the blitsý andi'à- rots bs gainleticosdral ou in e th ig t lime and thewrtes Îrom wbosmle Iranks t 'he soesare Thle sCorersare under some res both e tltr day JianMcule f b Brooklyîgave an infeldr an e- or onl a haýll bit ]by PeeueeReesec f tIheDoierT!Iiis nde aeese alýtÈýig stieak ýat2 gam S. ee Veeei \hdbensbooting for tbce gamn,,set by 7Zacb W!baf iiin 1916. otifie d MCle f their displeas.. ire. Elbe scorer bt dqaesup- ýOr- for is csio1jn lu tbe pres Ile.\ ý-'- u - v ] emenclt protesî. Othe'nrs il jusI lare aI flic scorer %wb ee me ito he lubbuseor dugout. It1 le1 au3unrs w tite Vane, wh waned eerybit be lade, and lnotblingmoe When Pal, wbo got 3,152 bits i b lis major career, poked (I No,3,0 tFoObes Field; , be sent -word tec ie scoI-r e t hCe Iid not aàgree- itbý hbs ticision. IPaul injsisteti at thieplay shoulti h1,avpecbee ored a-.s an error. I vatyou 1 kçe thiat bit awýay býcaiuse 1n- nd No.s3,000 to be the reaitbing, insiseti ....... ... . .. '... .. up, l( ie wacked ithe stuiffing ,ouit oýf a bai1 i andannioLunced, "Thlis is No. 3,001 becîsetrie scorer hlad soo by is riinl3,000 decîion.-j sufre yJohn . Kieran, bý ack ini tnhedys when heas writng ban.~ balfor the ,-Amýerica,, lu 1922, George SiWslecon thle Ame2rica Leauebattingcamin ,ship with .402 Seconidfplaýcewn to Iy- CoAbbwitb .401, his third 00or avrgas hie had baitted 42Q0 lu 191 ad .410U e fiioingseason.1 Onie day a'tlthe PloGrons weethe ankesstili l ee ly ng bbrappcd a sapgrounder to ~ ~ ~ i DecbSot h omue sh1ort- stop. F-red ie, theAÎP manaîl-. badgon it the stan]ds to get out o the wet.Jonsrdila When1 he noficiaiavrages câcame ot aI'the end oý f theseon Cobh was h ,iîtinig .401.On thi bass f the officiai sc'oriýg i a Ben ohson pesi n 1etth Amercan eagu, dcided to ac- cepir the Lieb vesin s agains the iern sori~,So you s ee the- far back as 1922 great huitting srekby one lofba- ball's grv1ettdos S-coring drigjoe DlLgi' record 56-game cbatting trakin 11941, was onle of thle ImOst ner-ve- racking cbores inib e bistory of big leagua scoing, and certaiiy t miost rugged( job aiong tbiose lunes doue by tbe wori- 1 was the Scorex in Yankee 'Sta.- diium-i tuing most 'Of tire'tek vind tie tensionswreterrific. DiMaggio Wenit aion, G te tbe24- gaiemark wtiout exciting tee mu1cb attenItion, Thien it StruIck theC press bo'x tt Joe was nearing the 30-gme stge, andzthat bis streak hbad ]becomIle news. On-,JUne 8, be gt wobts, otffGeor.ge Cs ter and Jack KIrame1r oft tbe Browns, tci make ià 24 consecuive gamecc Tbinigs ottorrid on Juily 1. Hof went mb toa douibie-beader witb thec Red Sox withi 42 games. Fr-om Ibený on it was imore tbaan c-,ci Li the Stadjium, aà buni-cb f i Maggio super-rooter-s -,as tio'ei day ate dy.Evry lime Joe bit tlebe hll, fthese bioltet-gn.ys ,ýqnld jump 1their feetanti 'sbut,"Wbat is it? WVhat is il?" Il tf nbe corer buing up ithe "E," no matter lhow palpable tre msiy ier lo waýs terrifie. 'Tbe scorcr tiefoiitely las a burgar Your correspondent et losing weight 1, antigrowing 1m-ore aild Mme irrtabeas tje strai o0 te Etreak bore dwnon 1bi11,apar eutly mï-ore vioiently 4lan on D- Mvlggio bmef 1 neyer- bave drawn a Ccohp 1l I on scorinig romu a recally great, bit. ter.1Idid draw a glower fhum Tony Lazzeri, anld !lie was rigl. ~'~3L TABLE TALKS dcvr~c Ad~e~ws~. To- say 11IbeSwssare tliamos for theirceseis about ou-,apar wihsayinig 't1attloey grew peachies aroui Niagara. Anti altboughi cheese actuially im1porletI t r 0oim Swizeiatiis beyonid -the ibudget ot nmost et us, wce bave pdeuty of tbe "Swis-typ" kind availae AS Ibese recipes, somne ot ,whicb b1ave ben auded doiv f1«reiýn Swýi s s m-'oîlier nSsis daigler fer nmany geneyaîions, wili le bc step ting anti satistactory if madie rg here inaCanadian klchen. CHEESE CROQUETTES 2 oz, (4 tablespoonis> buttr 6 tablespoons flour l~Cups milk Sait. pepper tc teýste- /3Pound Swiss-type chee ez r- ted 3egg yolks beateni FRYING MIXTURE Flour te coat iegg Y4cup nsilk 1 tablespoon ilÀ Cri-umbeS Butter or fat Mdi bu ')tter eoverlwfreati oranti1 stir mmlii golden col- ti, Tin i î mil'k anti stir until sme]oth, Coo l wlyfer bout 10 inut-iýîes, stirr-in.g constanit- y' SeaIson and take oüff belirei. C Adj thec cheese atid.stir until dis-. solveti. Adt egg yelks lstand tir -weil!,Sp r eatdii mb well but- eret, sballew ts about 6 xý 9 in- cer, Let cool, then cover m»t waxeti paper anti ehuli for about heburs, or until nedet. Cut wm 8-20 equal potions. Form; inte' proquetes. Now bean egg witb mlk anti ifor. -fying. Roll eaebr3 'oquette iordip îmo eggmiture, drain 0 u: 1' À Cr s- has er completély withL fine. br-e'at crumnib SFry lu butter over du fîre on-,al sities until golden brow, or lu deep faýt wbicb must )u(),be tee ototi, wsecroquettesma sîiOpen). Serve witb yeur fav- CHEESE PIE Pii2crust, for 9-inch pie. Slb. Swiss-type cheese, gýratet 1 teblespoon flcuur 1i cup milk or cream 3 eggs, weIl beeteus Salt, pepper 10 baste tine pie disb w-,itb paSlry. rtg cbeese Wit'b fieur.,PDisls'ibutc cheese eveilly lu oie djisbi. Ret eggs weii, mlnxi- "itb miIlk'seson 'igbîly at pour ir ixtuu'e ever Vbe,4se.Be 15 1minlutes lu bot even (ý4000F> iben reduce bieat te 300-325 Eant bake an tatiditional 30> minutes, or unlil knlife insertetlinluCentre et pie cernes oeut dean.Serwe bo;(-)t o Wrrmiie ver, Follow bakimigi- structions crfulai d do ne1,t evecrbake ! * * CHEESE STRAWS 12 oz. pastry (approximra'tely enough for 9-inch pie) 'lb. Swiss-style checese, grateti i, egg, beaten, Knleati3 tablespoü1 onfetil],, gmtý- et ch'eesýe ito paistry crnist, Roil eut thin ant i cul stipýs aot incb witie anti 6 inchies long.,îm them, spmiral tashion, arcouni but- teret wýoo)den ske aouti/ inchittbick. Bruish ibe raî it egg yolk anti rolli lu eai n grateti cheee, Bakeon cookýie shlc at 400'.F. 10 iimiiues, or uil iliglit browni, Remiove sewrsani bakelç aterfvinute s,or 1untul srW are dry îinside, Seve waV;1 rm or t- bealeti. Sîrawýs wil1 keep ici sev' frail weeýs if storet ;inlin bo aks12 te .5. iPUllfLLETS FOR SALE 200 Roc X lied, -1 -.aÉh 83J.00 D e li v e y O S e , % -t , phono78m Eeter BUINSSOPORTUNVLERS DRESS BUSINESS OPPOR7UNITy taie o lro op ny orablsbedeve BRTIU $TIN TWEAI5LT U imoeOntrlo lifTfl fiOO LAT NOAuct,llonein. rm on. ree1 toon Ctty, ,Io2oD yiia p.I Wstern Ontarlo ich farmio coo it, lrg akryrut, plyt JoiloNi Sarriston. Ontr 1l llt 8e0eiierEc a rmumusy owprce MME myuuhredyCaoalsobe owns i mail. te Itoas teg'd,"7 Napole n e w0.1,Nfoi LI CLANy-tn 7ire: Tne C St.Îot DhEER oIb0kdl, ur, Ove mou' ls. le oue 10 o obeloe-50de ehor abead1, at er Mae $2. eoae $2.F...Mari GTOeST otsBy 1 lb. Swiss-type cheese grated 2 eggs, separared 1 scant teaspoon gratedl onian, 6 suces white breadi Pînich of. Salt Butter or shorteuing itabiespoon creýam or evapa- ated niflk if needeti enion. Bleat egg twhites!iigbîy ati add10itur, f ixtreis t100 sifi, addj creaý,i nor evap)orajted ik Spread mixturle ibcîrtly onene çiie of ec bread suce anti fry utmlii golden bou spreaded side first. This toast cap ie eb atetnd aesa wOý irflappetîzer WbelI cu nhaIt or mb t iangles,!( WENT TO HEADQUARTERS An eIderly lada tte flr long trips au ou t oýt w aitiig, w a p em i e tese iigbi-up laýssistanjt in ie Deparmentof Agricltuire. "'But I anroI ee the iise bisl,"-se prolesiti., "Hes nt in i tnow, adm, sadieofficiai."antyd el mec whIat i's ouwanI te secc "WVelI bave agraum ta i'tiing 50wel. HELP WA1NTED IIIGL isufer fruit C;arm. Tracter expeiene neessry.Stat waes.expert- ene.arences if aniy , R, M.pickett, MASiEIEDMAIN te aage and eperate 216acr fam snckd wih ,Ayrshires.' 43 ils ren ourel n tieCharn.. MEDICAI. SATIFY Y8JRSLP -Ever suferer of Rheumak PiemorNeuriiîjs shuldtry DiXen'e: Rem-fedy. MUNROU'S DRUG STOpR 131 kPIig Omfa POTSECZEMA SALVF eAIOISJutitmntO r ncisrse ladeel aotrblsPofeeem Salv wll 00 diapput 0c', FUMOE 8s.m0 FER JAR POST'S RMDE Sent Poýî Frso Rcl tirlce fi~ oen t.B, Crny S ugn e nfte CURSERv T 50C 70"z, S for1$2,0, TUL-Or-sRal:_o mRinANS) WOMEN BA HAIRDRESSER 110E CEADA' [ADIa CROOL Plitau igidS rfesin,500wse Amerca'sGreae-Homste Oiustrated Ctalogue Dom- 17raecheave 04 Mlp Si, iam In. 52RdekSt itw R ADITaeîso, omuIales eStr bg ens ad ucrede deds WHATI s YOUR NET pPlROiT A DAY? "LE RO 'âS" Machineries Is offiering you $70 PROFIT A DAY Why? B ouewe are iii. only.i detay Wrie. lioe 'j*re l-d . CEMENi BLOCK<at M1AACHINERIES SUPPLV R)EG'D 227,RalSre Tel: 4M7 iS'SUE 39 - 19sl Served A Lak Flaming Sword-l-l, Parr, right. generalmage of sle,-eping and dining car service for Canaclian aonl Rail- ways, shovWs interest in the trciditional fiamning wodtechnique for roczst chicken and exotic dinners being exp loined by chef Guida o nr left. The railwqy serves more than two million m(-04 annually in its diningq cars, but it is flot likety ta adopit te IuuKury service shown above,