-2 -ý9 Itere Is bis omal, true-to-IIfe fast-as- a-bulet storyl oximaefits -. toule xews BER 3-4 T1lhe W.A. me'gwas eD8dK O .co.n theR 1 of ý!Miss (C. W. Sewrtn Wed- à ýicidy aft-eni.on Septe4mber 10tih vUit fif ueen ladies present. The roll o iam n Ti t i aU1 w,-a espondkd to by n a 4hlurclh 1 s is 1notniow ina existance. mis. Wisn rend te oci .uve..... .... Therew waa nmore discussion on the Start now on your favourite Vit- baiz r aiid it w-as decided tD hold it amin Tonic to insure better health ab4uýit the 17th of Novemiber. It was Vaýried lihat a basket is now going drn odFl n itr We list ~ 4he rounds in' the, Nortih groiap, wi-en a eoftma lwsprc. an article is taken -iut fhebkt afe of them t awstprce. and a donation- placed in the n)one'y1 ROSST NEO-CHE311CAL F00D box. A preinttio1n was rmade to1 Vitamin and Minerai Food Supplenrnt F------e--e q-d-- .. .. .55, $3.35 $5.90 Mi-s. Gus Wilsoin, who is leaviuk ',;bel o dls » aslm--- ------- --$.5 6 coininunity. This to-,ok the sual form Certified Halihut Liver Oit Capsules .For-----Adu-----ts-------c--__ ......e5s- -----$6,__ .2960 of a cul) and saucer. Mus. G Cihcr Vitavax -- Vitaxuins and oral coid vac0 ;ne combimî ------------------- ----- ------- ------- $1.501 and $700 rea3h dra saigta ead's Oieum Percomorphum----95c."and $3.99 l$1.041.----an-- -$---2-5 inimbers wrere sorry t,ý lose lier and-------1$.» an $32 extendi6g aippreciation of the bel1> Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver---------- $1.25 Vi-Delta Emulsioh -----.........$1.15 and $2.2,5 she 4 given whiait in the eoin-rmnn Kepler Extract of -Malt and Cod Liver Oit- ------------------- --------------- -------$1.....0. ..and.. $_..75 ity, Aiwishiing lier and lier familly Ayerst "10> D" Cod Liver Oit-.---.- ...... $1.041 and $2.25 lita usel in er new homne. Mis,;Ste -_____________________ rt-ave a taîil on the hsotyof te eburches in the comniuniW sund School Bags ........-- ------...........$16and $2.25 EVERSHAP asir Junior Pen -1Recommendedfr ýý;priouvcEng eouifrvts4d~ -2ýhirh pr-v- Haudy nremo pads....special... for 10e sehool aut4orities. as_. the., ideal.. peni.-Proper ed mnst interesting. Mista. Ch aýs. Pocket Mlemo Books.......... c 10c, and 15e finger yip, light in weight'-Durahle., Built.. te 4Tispsôqv, andiCn thnoart helpof MATHEMATICAL SETS-Mfade in ' EngIand WA,'TEI ,,ýAN PEN AND PENCIL SETS a aitvluel drig hih scil With metal instrunments, box cemp1ete--65e Priçd from $5.041 per set te $15.40 tinie -as ~With plastie "See-Thrii" instrumet e Ch ice of colors and points. IMr. and Mrs. John Patton Vstd School Paints 8 color box with No. 81 Camel hair ýemnHlPotPnsah---_---....$5 miatives i Orilin and noith for the - brush _ ------- ---------- ----- efilis, bine or red, -each -- ------- . .......... 5 week-end, y ____________________ IMrs. Fred Fails spet two weeks STUT ENTS Enter the big Waterman Ink Contest. an IsMi. Alhert Stewart, Potemlboii L ;êp'nzir with ner daughter and husthband, Mr., v te ni n'5r&i npl aeh6colrs f aeransIn and 1-Malis4 bake Ale.xtanider joieed Smlnae6corofWtmasIk. thei fora ~10.3 Prîzes-Prizes are doubled if entry inciucles box, tops Mr. aqid Mrs. Fiýnuds Hall cof Tor- o t s eyurfeenyfrmatTrl'. oito are at present visitinig wîth Mr. - nt tfrmto aernIls Trei. -ind Mrs. Wai,. Rübinson. OR N JT M Mrs. L. Thý,,irata s visiting wit.h Mr. TYR"%'RELL'S DRmUG S*ÀoTO"7âRE NT R afnd MilsWilfred ,Roughley, Oawa. Mus. D, Vannattio and Cecil upent ___________ Sunday wlth ber daug-hïber and farft-. Mby, Mtr. and i Mrs. Il. Buirleyr and 5Saev 50.0 Poeruogand is isot alloued to D a tuo , v get up yet. Wehoue she vdlsoon be M p 91e t.-- eRERGE AOR4AO feelling beétt(or. ,[ regular plc 4693-00, -- reduced tool>$1.0 Youn Ra C(,urox bs rtiwnc-dNewaste 1only at this Special Price frion, a weele in the Hospiita1 for o1Hall on ha lepgs. We 'hope lie wiill soon belofif 25 p.c. OFF:-- On ail Sunworthy and Su îested Wall restotred toi heath awain. 0 Pfes -m-i. reev tokoat Mr. Stan Falis of Toîoonto and Mr. o iO0mx-Fails, lkrvey and MarAiy of f3 r1,, Sept. 28 ý aes- hl reetsoklss Sta-kvilecaledonMr an Ms.T.0 F r .vi'nter Comafo,.. 1'; s n !J ndRuss Creighton's Orchestra g Fo0W- vi.Hila Pritchard of T-ironto ~[ FINDLAY - FESS and MONARCHO Ivi'aited wilh lier 'ýareniis, Mr, and Mrs D IL SPACE H 'ATERg P . Warren for, a few- days 7 M0 DELS - - - 7 PRICES i buvriici'oned th ail Vte, churehes , n riced from $81.0 eto $1,5-00 'f tie Gomni on \wealt in prayiung for C) thie recoveryv o helth cour KXý g e~All Coal Und Wood Stove, and Coal and Wood ý o Ieaters 'stock [JI WESLEY VILLE g0 lOp. CASH SALE AnnverarySerace wee hld Th s -Fr1- Spt 28 0 Now is the, time to cons t us on the installation of Rev. Turner of Nemwcastie as guest l OfgO2eIAv au fl , Pln ntgrntm euy-- -spea,-ker. Music in theie orning w-as f 1"J Plntonte flfor $ -proided by the Wesieyville Choir. O o LA D U B,- ups1-ycnh afoi C M. aa re ain Joues C dNVisitera1atlb 0hand Nes rand sus N Fsther. CanipbellUi~rd, calied on Mr. <> oieus O hePlis andMîrsýHoward Paya-ie, Suuday af-' -Ot.Y, 1anw1i~ and Helieneg accumpanedMr. Reg. Bee, ?r Uope, on a tritp through the north- eus sîýtates and wsenCanada. lTheyU UIIUKUa Ieft Frýid;Lay and will visit many Starng Vaui Johnson g frieuds andl relatives o(m r tnp. me WOUU* Mr. and Mi-. Ek. Mariiyn sudso O W US IUI ual. Welecoree, were Sunday guestes Wed. - Thurs - Oct 3 - 4o ofMr1- ad Miaz. C.Payle. gf Vistors ,vîth aunsd YMms. Win. f3TUE lTIIPTEENTU LETTERo ManSun-day w"e, Mr sud Mra.G- "THI E DARK CITY" (Aduit) [ Maty .VLyna a21d a-ry. WFeoone.f3 Robinson -Tu pin ight 0 indi Msses Poarothày andl Murieli Mason01, Port Hope, . '~fr~vvuvwLce oe~ heysionçe of Mlain Slri The towvns of Canadia are friendly phIces. There's the dr g store, the post office .. and your 'bank, wvhere youi meet youir friends and exchange a neighbourly word with the people who serve you. a-Your. Coimaerce manager is a man to know .. aman who a o know you. You can trust hirn keep your confidence. You can trust the men and women who work with hm.. tVi.ey are trainedc to 'be discreet about your business. Ves, our Canadianj towns are friendly places .. and the 'men suad witmen ai our 'ommrerce brandi are good people to kniow. Extension Cranes for Side Drapes, pair. ...c G-'eneral Electric Bulbs, sizes 72 to 200, popul ' r sizes 40 and 60 watts, carton of 4 for....80e. Flashlights,' 2 celi, prefocussed, case and buI only, sel ing for...... .....$9 Holland B lbs, Tulips colors ye'llow, red, white, pink and mauve, priceed at....5c. each; dozen 50c. Daff odils, for 15c.; Narcissus, 2 for 15c. Hyacinths 10c. Toni Hlome ermnanent Refils ............ $150 lot Waer tties, guaranteed against defeets, colors red r blue, each............... $1.15 Susneniders, hildren'is elastic webb, clip-on 25c.-49c Mený's Union ork Socks, red heel and toe, P r 55C. Bets, Men's eather, assorted oolor, each,. $1.00 Chisma L, Away Club. A small deposit wilI froid any arti lè until Christmnas- Roger% Golden Cane Syrup dlelliious on pari cakes etp,, 2 IL tin...3c Libby's Pork ariýean-s, deep browned in tomyato sadée, 20 ounce&tins .). Chioride of Lime, 2 tins/-.......ý . 27c. Peaniut Butter, 1homogeïnized], i lb Mason lb 57C. Cooked Disjointed Chicken inigelatir, jelly, W-s Wasty, 21 tini for !E One regular package of Chipits -ehse apackage of Nan Krk Cook-ieI regularprc,5e kjc.O $100 STO0RE iWith ~- -