HoN Vol. là NO. 36 ORONO, ONT-. THURISDAY, OCT"f M oun ting Costs BFleîing X itOrono And Betkay series Opens Fýriday Atternoon nessed B3y Towniship Counicil, Tlheo 0roao Bse G i) bascen~d1 _________________________ sthe top r g of thc South u The rcg-uhar eing cf honoma- aÈ uhm wn Cu en tisy put !Poi Hope do vito ýsip of Clarjke Cuclwas hekiin teei.Ylhcmetruh ih~ tiseý couard lchambers, Or,on iiTues Mks rdtal horýchmaonhpin ls suri esChithtie reîngand couniciliors, A. cKay,'PeBciDsarSweClbcmbkiaig1 sthfrt o .H.Davey and - F. B Lveunheng gnes te theirivale. pi-osent. ts l1o1ïe a vey cedtabe"howngat Ooo.en ot ubr lap nuPo!rHpe Falr with twenty boys MiA. Hall aJi-s given piisecmieigtheir club projets. nclre non tofcete poitinf te,- speak mith ithe council andhoiere- hybronhtouthic pair lu pure bred aneVs brtmn this bong otis bn a~te tht a nm4C-ft. road beYsssr osand tisey were judrmBelay.Btsas ovel corstucted on given ppety asa' J gc(1,by M-. Hugh M<CT Ilofths ie toigtn ere n ny itviI servce Atemew hmes that ae om tc rni e re]ca'ii tse ardll htfnlseiil bees'g built nortis of tise o-Id UNR Tefi five palstof pigsmere wIîcls en4aledged (1a siarsrw 'n property in tise Village cf Oroino. The clwn bythsefollem iag members; ThU e oenrg goase of tise Durhlans esàTd saper-iinant estimted tisatiCAEtll'elPcii, Baileboih; Lorne f4in isale fr 30 .shie si tbu rost fer coiittin0g sncb a rondiiciseas. PortHope; Gerad De w day, cieà MA M tIe !loaeie wownd be reltively enai.2As tilils Mibrok; AilanAtcinaoss.Seuil1 Ighl oBtan iteOtn pro ethad wbeen jprevîcunly approved Monaglinn; nnd Terrance Cris -schamions ýarebinpece isna byi the Poice Tuteaof OooteSuhMngn..oisniyPî.Te15 ula couci threor reoledteundr For tise total standng, Poi;no nt eehee game seriesvand Orono 1000e taethsproject n poviiontht aise givenfor judging. witnans'- foîuwvnrd te rigigti trphy hqsnie iand be deeded ta the inicplty er oten guestiens, angeentlathirfist ye'rf rgan'edbail- Measer. T. A. Reid nnd 0O, W VRoipis iiingtiseneaon fed epr, and witýh theourpl nlegeAthl in aslked fer tIseinecessas'y assstace e f Cone tisosnd po ints. On tise total Bethnvoun ilnday oltes'noon, Ot- dtosa""the DrhmCentral Ar-Ae atn ecni;EhlPr i i a la' emthts catriSociety Pals' g'reud.Gon i 1 Baili Lor qn1pý.ýýi ti n ilgrantecitancews in th ue o br; o-eHiknPot rn by aa'n iisya thirHepe; TcernceCi-use. Southi va- le cîc o s npatevd by ihs saonie crf ter ïchnry ghn GrldDmMlioýok Am lbVsFiiraironat 30 The clcs'k ma asths-ledte gveahnson, SouthsMngsn om pesniese etu Ae Lockhnrt Hm avînSulMnegian; ClifrdW e e 0 pdSch uoi c-lub te ct snfcty signers 1 w CmVfllret erle Mc- gprayua maýges for tise school -!cidre ithen Wa-i-MhonBailebr; EilwoodToHall aL A lae ayýncondriNctnvll;Loarge îMpple Crop Thserond superiestndant mas i-Mlimk cidosi ParkerNewcastLe (Onbiriand DuclrbasCeunétes, ctrte'îd (tue es-et tise puoper sgeDnl odwy emovie e-aogt beet app orcs-ddis.- nelatig tu Byoiws iestdeing Pî-~Lby otsMngsn Tommlytficns in tise pwroic, aiu bu<,yen- us llage 1ooeo' , hicishavUýe MllrolMaciu ec, Ida; Mcl--havy c ... -bbttes'tr vmg Yeced the ppovn c tseeat-hilease' iircl.ndcnîieai etes'tisais t' me , cfHo-mvs kýeeninami h lin, tK coe for Éli-Club il ' ai 4½r aise ~ Aý 'Jvsosc n ngwy~t~ asc eqnjýa!ty ny ise Ontanio ue- Ta reuqueýsi foira coidsnonmtsn epairvt Mssentc giutr LCgar A- ls'ning cf de2r i, thie1 suuncpaitconcîlreclvd cr-Tise teammebes cossto,-re- reesponidensce fi-oas tisîe Pisisand WidprsetDvismConntu ntý fise Tn- icife Division of Ihe. Depaihtmessit ft '~O-~î lbComiptition at L'ande ani Iret w V as stetdu- uli nOcee Oi r el finsvarlous as-ens, anI ail mi eMata emate tiken utir'c Consideratin am i a erl bate. TisedemS masan-sriedte Peach Crops Reported rpyte titis lettes' and CIfurtiser -1o1 stantite eus' rsesnefor a coeiCooLcI bt h mas found that teei no an-- thcis'iity given) in tonecsîampt C e<n1 luPnch greing ini the distict ship cuni[ eoves'rride tise reai-!sei eleforssn nsesn tionsnmade -by tMe provinen-ados' te dra ieln myas heyear gamie aëfsere Mtw ae hnd a aumber cf fIeci -------------------------- bits Ul ULy gt.twil pncdtl III tlaIh A d(caLideagosuLids fruit ms iot kn ot be groma! locally. Hmvr ,f s-ceont yearvs bear-,inig peci b ecs ar eigseposted. Some c f tise local qutbaskets of grande A fruita-i ibilîs frulit ecelettetue nid (Continued on page Ili-a Cossacl resolved T.,qnst tise D ur- Tra ContyJunon-Farmars tise a- -noisit rof tiwentyv-flve cdol!iinrcfor t-ise yea-r 195L. A Speciad l meetÉing cf cuciwili be heM] on Octber tb at 8 p.ml, l Wiisue antIcrizing tise- paymen-lt cf tise voucisers on bud, 'oulicil mvas alJas-mcd that met xpenditures 5have who id nolItspacafuladcx tosvl.acf>,Indiaýg Itat1tis i n- thoe ochrdiismis tke thse bu- melss serIoUslyý. DUeteLa) met e\ru y à has ben a favouabiegmïwing ycair adtîes are w re-pte ih n ansA crop. Tise cono I lw f c umply - sud dcmad, omeerle orkng i pre- tis iutio- stise faiàtin de- quat exorimnîikf'ts hae eca Fm-rIthe nxvfcsmek-;, an arm,[Iy cf ~ ~ ' pcesmibeokugin Ille r chards cesyfine day Depite fIl emplomymentiindustry, riarit arefidig e trotible gîtiagick- orfs. aiac thepy do neteed Vo 'ad- and store boni-e anld bous f the fiva daywckmasl prsnsar puttig tisir spro Ure te geod use pickiss applesnnd at ise sselm C oî'd ïPecentage 0f Me"nibers O o o C u h m in 1 oipetelIiiCountyCýrain Club S uh D r a C ieDuha Ginty -GinrlClub S tt u h r 1niade a very go hoigon Mn da- n'ightt wîth fourt!'eeýn ] nesuesf n* a ho ia te club out o'f',six-tieea finish n V1sriwig CW Lorn Stocks The Orono s 0% pioleet. Each mearber ri gt____jini tiheS ush DUÉ l tt a peck s'ainiple 1f his gurir and the t op,-) no u w 'E E-A. Summnlers aced as the of-Tequsiobtfhw et oMAwHop t eet n fîCial i-alue. Corn staika is a imper whIich Jas r- bru y >hetIniel ce Ue omns'iderabloe discu.shrn i Pank thei fna Th1efiit fie srapls wre sowntween IPrt Hope ew The f A fie snnbý cue a .t.aeW yea rs pauzticujalymince the"" ly4lie timoiugiubeus; (1) Dou1g ci ihrba on neSucl prom-wentto tIhe fulifiv heald and Merle Brofwn, Nwaiie .Seody ecterof octhe Wetern he otorcr (3 AecMatiNeenti; 4 A- ntrj aprienalFarm eat Rid- ti ia onm lin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u Osee ot oe 5 wo eoný , eprchemis rather ciple gainen- "00eOrn SeltbyNewcanstle. in lt h ltjeory a mlatter of ar - acito victory d(il F i- the totl sanding, points were anue. In the first pice e felstatmhnsfothla al ive'n foi- Eield soe iedmtoetaoriper, qunentne-1aur's gam Id fiIaiýCial teent. clgig iessar. Howee i., adj LuStm 1e litS onbt &e wt conipeition anwe tetenqustins e eceeaxyun the plow FUIrstly, the e dginti~v d ate aceat meig.withaotpeplow Shoud hme a hoImiban 0) n"4 asmo s totalof 10 nns n le tia httheei;s no chnre of4)rthe coruloui ie score tIne stan1ding ma asmo os tak acigoru IIggînig theior s ae u1th Base 3rwm Neca'te.Harld'l t esecond place, ~iiesarerighcflrr e BrownNewcasletie f seondcouter can be used. Ia mout cases rthersien" held bcisnourd for. ens'Ile; Aluin Ore Port Hoplye; R.1ance cd lowinjg in the Sa'ne drc-idmwsb nti 'Port Hope; Keit.h Sta i . Hm-Aohrugsinle putsfor1h is cfhitnemas ton; Doligil cshnk apo.tat ftepoigi olonelthsorwudhaee Glen Saplto, Nwtovife;Fracisfali1 may be a'1goýod ideato -g; over Stapieton Newtonvile, the ield witha roueronceagt Ornwiln n Tise ,pize Imý nev foi týisa CIlubis sham 1c'led equnlly byth e On tairiec)De - patrtient cf'Agiicultue., teDm nioý Dea-m o f Apicultu're <aisd teDurmans Ceunty Junior Faicrv'eý TJise t',enhr hse - e te'County ý'ClubCmpetin a BrownansIRay Sta;lpîcton. The umontly meetng cf tise Even- inîg Ail-ra ieda tchm Tie busýiness beingcncueM. Ivisýon Tamb)lynTede of the Chirie- ln-n Stcmaýrdship gironp, Voolk ciargeý cftie eein.Th-is oýpened mivti n hysnfoloedby pr-ayer l b-yMrs. S. Relsesfor tad rsonierending, MinJii Tmbyngave 'a îeaýdinlg and~~ Mrri oter -exvi,,-,ed tie fýimetfourt, apt r fous' item citudy Mrs. Gleunn Aluin and Miss Bett Cliapenan faoured itls n duet. Mira-. A,. Drmo*d astie speakler for tise evening ni gv n spleniýd taiSj on OrsinStemaý,-rdlsiip. Ms WV. E Ainstrngsowed moebsg pic- us-sfcf tisedesitruction cf the olsi chas-ch and tieerto f tise emas ,ncl aa nparty cf Mrs- T. Tansblin's After hInsCls andI a social:lheur 3Mm,. Taimblyn gave a-tvoýte(cf thake t Mme. Reid for tisen-se cf ber borne. icestlfor-thse a hoes by D. four1ras.Bar- game maovýs qujte Bhre biter.Sel- tbhdeig h iceýt tise Nostli Bethan , erie colri piher.Tf tese imple mies arecimpasp of Duirharn Ceu1nty. fol edhefeltatlle width and AO im fwi ing the ateso'- f' deptlh for iag are netimlporitanlt. tisseiesae neto[ ai ve J. M Jams prsentduati- pby -for Ia cordluicon3Mr. Steclyrecomi- rural asealnlatIle cnnty ,of Dur-~ mnda thuitanayone pliowig cor-1 n am for wbioh botlh Orono and Belli- talsundcrl for the firt tirne any wll bo fightin1g to) bring to their chul pply crefr o î-respeucye villages. rogen fertilier. Ths fertler, when shetierplayeda steady game by- plowedl inwith thecernai uks, w i ind tVue late giing support Ytos aj'ssst int heir dsnepainand pthsD. MWesrt tco !h nlymr alco increase 'the smil friiy tsr-dsfrnbreinwt rsrn by ncreasing thep yild the following nad Robinson drivipg a double and 'ea P o riyt1i's statenieýnt he of ths ontstwns 8 Vo 3 oats seddon l]nnd wýher1e cnem tav0% had been plowed in with irge feiize hepev sf ail ghav gwen welknowniocilThje tiheive's rrable eiaits'. The incrnse in bound Mis1%1s Wel ih eleci yile anlting frce itig epinitise ord ind demand e mny end ewei- hnan s-nas isïgh as 2n Vo 25 busper iery. Leaving M MMis ade J~te acr. buse brealersifurtlsered their ________Se'niidh in the 1roomm of Mrfs. Mýariha Gaie, wlio', as asoboinld by th1em, Miss M. Wadell'soTorono Mis ndel d e t he attetio HoeEntered By Thi*eves 0e11hbuwiho cam e oies the~theveshaýd lefi sith ýa sa C"f' 'Llie of a ils¶ount of nmo1nyî nsidandiam-ond! tranýe iinto the Tornto home of Missi ss VWAd;Ilwas taken tA the Mary Wdel nathematielecturrToronto Westrn hhopitalwith a. at theUninrst of Toronto, nd in tîe1lb Disintve lagFor Canlada Ti peu tIr-s pactil y don-bled v-or a pas-bld cf Ts cu dorndtem, a is C: a few yae~Sncb i ters ts an 'ç- Te ouol djuwdtoiI e LibeIUIs To CLIoWe tw turc, pernn- etiatng u ,segain con iNovemnber 6tls n - an ,aiý, spi"Caddae'i~ At Mé.S. é gM adâ eOctober 1w ant Organizai'on mas tha Soya te cf a a n n IS"llrltln a 'R e ppe rýTheAntulo lThank-offerng 1meV- imeeting of tiseaxuio f tisa Dur y ma cfe W.ýM.S. macliselci on Tures- ïniParitTLiC1a1hl T 'T~ ~ uI*I .r" i da'y Oitchar 2nd in tire auditor irutohe Community H , evetlei e i n m vvim or ~ re of tise U 'ted Ciurcis. - Mal- oalnOTo e a Al'a Thpresident, Mm. Cisaiileý, Wood, inunucplities lu tise Ccnnty cf Du- Rems n-y e-nreai filsngfo retea aumn e ak sttal i andi catVo -sbIup, thiîs mn-efol- b- aerp-spa ydlg ten i 1l'aly ca wca DAI foi esor salemtaIckeby a hynin anid payer in un- frcm i)tâiseçespectie localLiberi As Aenc èmn W1ncý, CreknaureTtiscosen.ybee'Pist»L te peldeiiannounemecithis ecin-dons. Mr. -E. Woîyns-, " is e1 Atati taisustseWlsct oCrack watcrn L tleomolyheliea, howVIlesy prees- nb hednd wish usselnlong utmn fVs iaeamo mgaaiV iec-,he-Pabtra al ob a 'et a c.f tise CoLinty LiberiAssocia- 'Vilage. Poselbly net tune innny, for ever otiser causas have aise been Sci-EAen-e"EChurcis onm-tie 2%htbof Oct, tienpresisnat th ireFmtng. Dur-s-- Mie Imnt remc f-ctlg a samsavancaci as Vo btirs disappeanrance. jragistratici beitlg ant 9:3 Op.m. bnm Cunty Fadeain-I muer John pose la t-lbtay c Ot-re as re-, Tu 144tise Oinaie 1)epariusentcf Tise Liter-tare Soecrsmary, Mssi N. Jamets %itctided tdenmetig antifl- niu cdainla'S96 audbies fis mns an-a Fomente han beaui carry- Portes- gava a bief reviam cf t ha lî, vec ufp Tact meck's romnirseV a 'ru takea ,Lflomi tish ne t c. iag eut an expesiment te datai-mine Libmn-ry Btoks, inviting tise ladits ta Pot Hope meeting by telliag lantin Fomapubilcatic,-- is y ls D--Catieror ntA-ln-tcsaîmon eamt okhm di ietng-teniieetiug tht it hpropes or-- sais paraintcflande anrd Pcrans m0e -ei e-nrduca iinto tira trhhutàrsy1 Ms .Eu ce teck tishevo- g-ini tl-iontie LiberatiCandaeler lain tisa-tin Ccllomaldaye tnsii trnmOf Lakite Onaie,. Tie sa c- A otaaelmiti a hymnes andI cani m-i hsvota.,mtee spare, in Dur- 1cir4 Safume me-e bu-sd-ai haLate n-t peimnji ias bùeau puciai bot 2g0 niptare s-ending. She teck for hem lbai Couty att tise naxi Provincialites-y arie and ancetudecithe stroall n-h ieustsiof Teonto in Dfl tsm,"Gratituide", fitsst s-anding a pks-tâi.pon anusetn Vospima.Hom -ver in tiseak, and in 1944 te £.947 apprcx- pons b-y He-,n!iy Van !Dyke andI gave ITisa mnca-ig fixeti tibeadata cf ts 18601 a ses-on-s d-rns- n o-inmretly 4011110V> saimon fs-y mae- plant- a vcr iifui massagme ling wse lt ominaton Meeting for tse pus-pose Meî't sveiand titis led te thc deveuop- cY into Ait waters en-ch yen-r. Ex- tise prayar cf panes-ai Thaaksgiving'cf esIooýslng a candcidante for tise Pi--m reinitise lTynnarytan-cin n tision. I (Continue! frcm page four) rT nient off a lYominîmlo FinirHatlhesý-ype-im n t he tse trvivai cf tise s'y Mr-M.J ruely uteuedts irckni 1618h6 bntl-foStsis llecye-rst- l la tc-rnpu- seaerMn Mluicrt pkt emrithsaidsmii mscn eclu-d o nay'¶merttsstaimas- SiuMS-ed o esaaadriaiasIae tlei-:cfOia-%a. Miss Laite npoSe off ne-Ikeap in ton-cilsaotisaIt tiray may Jack. WliltrotGrtis mnt f emien-tie. b-a- ton tAtise laite was settn-Ia Vt 1 ex- g bee n luOslo ins leyeam" go s-nicNe tise-yan-e stilIla panrt cf tise ien-No. 2 aîgs nnad tise par- pacaci iathutussefies miiicsetra msaisshe Visitedthie- late Mlles Mast--1atv o-.cm atlat n-i t no ais cf it. A M.Xi-tise crack furs spamwadng bn-tte dategaiWaes.MsLue. lod-- Mss.Cronan a -promiekp nut as l in-tgecf tise uÎ.îllery neoa5i-pounid f ensale lins appens-- eretbaci iserself a s De-wo es.,n-V le.smaa sn auishean wl-Vi M-s. M sdfor sneaîrliy teiypas a ept cdà SAitis eafour tIboueaird eggs. lar ersu wsacii Waneg anIap ies ait tiso-pn. rMaie. Dumiend 19. T iLeseeait.'so-i h affer Tire prejet tisatn-ras beau pus--Troete oflore colmmug tec baà our SeadiipSetcetary gave a tinet sativagin s-auappeas'ed lIs-yIye3priattl faduit Sn-imei n-se, Si.saspoke oce ia nny bllesing mebrlef seviem cf titis yenss o-sk ansI ta Swratne but 4V b-ceatti s i-re srtIy f ound tVo nscen-sDuff-s ii nr- n rn- inCnaaenjomy. ranin pUStistainaouties f th(,mo-k fer 952. mliIl di t o o elttis-in eggsfor iahissg1bore, itlaà proponsci Vo stock notable t-liess iseh-n-g esponimes and Mse. Woîod tisassiteti Mise Luise fer gn In poce T 179, 1,500,P0O aggs pa As cf _a- s-unero f soutlieres-n Oni op-otnties. Miss Luise aiosenpoSe Ies-0,ledid msaeantitsdee-Jd were emous sed cenpsi t 40 nei reAl-a icSatien-r gain in Ont-11- SeCUr>ýg- Sirada- - Selal tcanchers t ien cf 'clia socialiii -o--rm ut Vseatanoue f ttsa t l e ats-. n-deur dutiesc te thses tjs -dmsen lieni se Lioins Clubs cf Canada are" g vil ont teufoster a miore(on- ins-tie sirtof Ptite hr an1ada. As ai n importnt to ars-d matioýnîil nsty, tisi, ns )ired by thi )cd f citizenisip patiotin, naîmo-ly on- ed a design for na itntv idian fing n-tbVier recent Nat- i- Convention m -esMs'. Jc P. îoas', cf WoltcOtroWas ited Prosident ocf tise Canadian iciatiion cf Lins clubs. lis desiga consiseof a fieldi c bans, fiee bm-e aad fie mlite oting ns' tae prvice, itU1s Uniýon Jack la tise upper ef ai red Miaqle Leaf in tiseField ta avtiita iir-j-lespr d Lipoin lt. Tie fln-gs-inetise na] cl~ours. cfreimisitie andI le Lions ýfeel tiaitisis dsigul erethai-men'y miùthl ie Canad- Cent-cf-Arme an11si, ins In le idic f assion, toile s tciiy cf cosmantry, ite traditionls ansilbus- Tt nhîould hbseenbrethey 1t on-t, ftlînt it mas ie Pre-n(s o'penes Caada nip f 1rmitise times te tise Priides nad, le tise Bitsi mn tise si gst te Onundion tlIe Plans c f Abs-a- tSe Frencis mere given fir- nri emuality -undfes ' ise n-o k. c-Cndmnirfoupist al- tstýjde ftoirs-E 1n'ýigIlsspýakiîg pats-hnte boactisema'of 1812 t rThe main tiinîg tisa Lissas ikeý tù tiuis desýigu leis 1at it is dis-1 icvCanadian. Tswpeint lït- tLîue flaýg mntdi not ha Coilfiuce-d is-e Ro,-4BinMe, orm'WhiteF- ýs cf EsigliantI yat tie Ui ov-e aus vspiins c olonial- andi, 1ping des-k M'ue andi mwhite! moli aditnciefrn ise 1rCd basof tise U. S. Stars sud Sripe nndtie pale bine bars on ise Gr-cS"- Wsiie t'ise Uio!Jcka -de Ensg hav ben miely sedhere ia - anadfa, tocLiensfeai tia-t Tsey rensinti:us11isat tiseUno 'Jacis le a, îland ifiagn-ad cannot 1be floula by oui.r chips ai cen, a while tiseRes Enesign!, primaiiyý a miarine' lagjef'omss by all sliýps of tis cýhips Of al caaemat ain flî ýiý-ii mustise badge cf thais-dos isin, peeco lt or i, naa tertîyil] tise field os- fly. To ieiewhc feel ttl isn-vhng 014d War sym[bi'ole o cs-flag ile a siga cf colonialieiatisa Li ins in- si tiat stheeaircnoV MarS of susrerie os' Picvicialfn -- thayaremark cfquai jty like tise t-n~aaî1 rS~eIlg"on -'ýIlvojr - lcgaîciesebandedi deis to usý. Nat- n-na-i pide, tbey eay. holdpromipt us te have a fl'ag tirai mon id (ltell tisa st-st of tise orl mcisave this henmitage 'anti, mw ssom i th flog f etier tintions, us'flag sàousld en-yv cf iteCf, "Tlsiý T Cana " -raec it as-first sent to tocSr- ta o f State la)Oi imain 19q neas ablie te moz-Ccilandmn-s Sncetho mary s'cminîet Caiadinnn ave ceuit amsi opaniy axresse her apprivaDL.Iti ias boeau endorsed many Vîimesan-ess e ceoury by uss-os eVice club'rS, n emn oirgainlzaîioli asmcl' as1t'lPrv- incial Gosimdis cf tise Casonsa Lcogqbn. 'Pieis' endoismenst are, ail mitir tIse Secs'etary cf Stnt4 tli~ T-f- Ille 'Pllize, 111"lLtýY 1-Ur WMS ý,IUIU 1b 1 albn!t- ý