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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1951, p. 2

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r Anne irt-: My lIbsban iîsabled v eteranl. Afteor five of m:na nage (su1d three ehiild oe luasbeon runniiiing aruun1id nother girl Hoasks me for ;1 divor-ce! "Wbouigbî ,, arm iand VJ've Eto ddi't wn WRS s 5 badply ie- disabled I was ~ alwaysafrad b.......i ed baurt bM in I nglected the cbildIreni use, -'ild Imyself. laisie stil]iloves am- aieoca' let tthehergirl ec wsold the fariiisnd ABRAHAM, GODYS PION,ýEER Genesis 12:1-9; 13:14-17 Mernory Se1ection- For he looked for a ciby which bath foundations, whose builder and mnaker is God. --.Hebrews 11:.-O Th-is quajrteýr beins tue fcet unit hii a comiprehiensive ctIndy uf OldI Testamient islory. The 1loýsclina sof 'Ibis unit begin witb Abrabiarn and trace the Ibegininge u,,s f Ibthe brewi nlation lun the Coniquest of Carisan tunder the leadership of Joshua,. After this quarter, thecse blistorical studos %wIl be reeumed i dmethird quarter ut 1Q52. Th'le ailliuf this quarter is luo discover the 19int- cance of God's selectionl of tle lns- pon Jsel and to knowv God as reveaed in the oaly yosrsofutthat nIation, This CIndy 15 parti cilarily intorosting today becausýoiutevonits cuoncernirIg the Jewe. Juitathe tinly land proniisod to Arbmanid his seeed royer, the jewýs bave coule at the rate of 21.000 a mlonitb durîng-1- the 6irst lmorltbs of thie or The land, about onle-telh the cisc of Eniglanld, je bing traincformned so that t t d sr j LIossom)ing as tbe rose.,cae-ronf1owýere are being pake nsd air'-freigblted to Eurp and the Uniited States. terse1an. Caionaare It-ouinytwu ra that eultivdte flowers the year r-ounid. UTbree years a,l9 5,0, acres".wcedovoted lu the got Dof vegetableýs. Nowv 43,750 acresar sus0 used. Tl'le 0otpnt of the [laits,' OjI Refine--ris ie expected tlu reacb 2,50,000tonsa yosr now thattce now vcracký-ing plant hbas go,'('ne m uperatiol, Ahrahýami is revered by mlore pëople than any other figure in] bic- tory, Hole the fathier of tile Jeýwe TUhe Mobiammeidaise resect im ho!l- cause ho was the grariatber of Easu, fron wherce camle the Ara- - bic Initions. To the ChrFistains ho i_; the "Father o Lf the Faitlfl'," Hie rigbt tlu Ibis title e s seerin Ibis esn.At God'S eali ho left bis kinidred and "wlerlt onit, flot kiw ling xviterhowo tIBt ho ho- ie1dGod iTrugbi bis seed carnec Justhe Messiab, the sù ofut arY 'Vilaconiceived of thle Hoy Gost Ilim ahil am lies outIheo oarîb arle bL)essed. Abriabarnws o'spu neer. 'Thriotigboult bis adeigsle bad bis oye on the elerna'-l reward, tbe city whose builder andIniakýer is God. CROSS WORD _PUZZLE A COSS COWN S. Kor±ls strageplace 12. hesefisc 3.iukifS aînes 13.ý Spoicen 4. Flexble head 14. S!itgle !1!ng Cov erilg 17. Qrlpl 1. .Crppî 22. S - shap Ded 2'1. Pans'. 25. AffirmtIe ',- 23. Cficv rno 34L. ing et Judni, zly. Most da nIg:e r oýrts 30 1 a - - - 4L AsumethC 43 ape 1'ice cf '47.Nj, ifv e 0 e 4Lrlokw47 49. Roky - 5 0, ok1'i 3e ar Dceares moe utc, v . 've ilakýen afac toyjoblu keep ounr i1ttIe home togoîhor.7 ' 1 loe y ibubantd, adol ask a hacetushow bim I îcan d co whi al is righlt . , I 'iwiing th1is letter in bed. MRS. j Y LOYALTIY TO WHOM? *life lelp'ing -your huiýsbandtid 'ret ou ',nl thfarm, n low in Ibte oy * ou bave dune tbis tlupruteet * to peeeis frailstegb *Wtfl l ho!bas îfoud etrenigtî * ~ ~ ~ i -Adnwh elle yeu thj't on youSbonld rbavien ureti *t libe 1 ;ouse snd chiîdrel! A * nigh1t ilo yon wrec wibb the * ebjîdrer)i ad getîing suie lbouse. %%* work dune, ho w11as miaking. lovet * Youiisil! lbave to .face a semplýe, *devaeýLating faci : * Yu arried ibis mari belore ý%]a ouke aîSort fbe w'as. No-w * on knrovw *Despitc his lproteýS ts- *l' 11251 ho eu loves you, lhe wouîd ~deserî ouard bsciîdren-anid !lbis tiri excue-i thlat lho cano-t * dotte otheir girl don! b l linid vyh sblould certailtly be el fair 1 ei ugh lu ngiv e you the *: ch]an1ce tcprov e yoi, Cari bho Ib * srt Cofwioh ats ne fhowiil inot (do this, thon lyou * must fgtan!yvattemlpt 'ho maïkesç tc to eirk lbis resp-onsibih11lies. 1Il îe * our u iture, aid ibe offreu * yonrudrenthalt ijprtn StQ yonl, and ilu me. * Firid ont whaî your legal rihteý *are anl 1 d Isggs, otaiou *talk tibînge ,Overi wlitb pasto)r. [Te When a mulan wartï lu get rid of a wife hie eau think lui ail sorts of exuss.Bt at least he Should give ber another chance to be the sort of wife he wants. If this prob- lern faces you, tell Aune H-irsi about i-qt Box 1, 1123 Eighleenith St,Ne Tororito, Ont, We Have Themn Here ln Canada Too! Washingîr atronis are pietlured as naneuîvering lu gel ini on -the big sinidige slalod for corne tirne iri c)tober. whien rice Eliza-« beth ai l iheDuofutEdînbnrgb wÀill be gu]e'sîs i thtý nationlal cap i- tal.1 W' Xe ilbthosrpisdif there are some (mon in on)Ibe cwire pull- ingj 00 Trdîîonalyivoenare the once wh seàt groal store by njiaters uto social pomip arid proce- dene, angingin vitations sud geerll einig lîreated witb the de- feruieno ltbvyf igure s due their taink. Mon lîkc to pose as scorufu-l of sncbi carrying on. Atayplerity of mon are as sunsitive ,,s lny ilwager or del i- tante about notd being inviled alid other lghs real or fanicicil. And thie fury of aoa nl scornedlis noth0inig com]pared wïtb ibtat 0f'lbe rnu!w1ho dues nul 'akýe t1le l- miitîce iet ee- ehojeelitlod tu, -Mont1gome1ry Al.)Advertiser. à. PU iýoe WOil iL9 ubs-* 6. Kjrîid of rifle 30. .âlîstake,- 7ý EnL'ü"I1n L Wiid tiower 7. ioteatns l.Property 5.~ ~ ~~l Achle 4.Anhigh liquio- 4Chlarge r-itb U3 - geaas S0 'ia rIlbue r 5 Mathemiaticai L. Cilmeea instrument 2I4. Cravat 4. icmple 26. FundamentaýL î 441-, NuL n iny 28. Writing 1uS 6. Mingle ONEC yard of 35-incb for 02e small sio! LWtte moro for the uther As sbown à idiaganm, this aprou isl ONE picce, plus ties alidi poCkcUts. Whip np seeral fr giftS -ttecuet, uots of thanike! Paîtorri 4718 cornles in i s maî 14, 10:;iand medin, 18, 20. Sriallý Ciscfc yard 35-illcil. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (5 in coins (Clampe caniol ho accepted) for Ibis pitterni. Prili plsirily SIZE, NAME, ADDRSS, STYLE 7NUMBE R. Send or-der to Uns L, 13 hîIt- eelihSt, NwToronito, COnt. Pawned Her Shawl For PlioneL Nickel I sîpeilopen Ie rielpeanid reýai: TELE, -,PHIO(-N 1,, IM ME- Dj-ITEL11Y FOR A ýN \APPO(IN-T METTO DilSCU1 SS -\OTFOŽH PICTURE RIGHTrS 0É .,HuN HAlrigr-y Harts bad becon my tirest book. If had be(en praised( by the( clics, estemed 1 s literaînlre. That meat ildidri'î s,,1. Afleýr sponiding theotlwo bundred lars1Ihsd ne- pnortfanwbeu 1I bad Slarted! \11llng. Weahll I 1colilget l ieordor the pniico off a llphonle cil!.... I nee(ded a nickel for llpoig teln Corilsforcaeae zsrotsky, Ille pwbokr a bal-bededdwarf, grown 1glay witb the ye l] iii the dak ibasemleril - tiýib-skiinned and crooked frorn1 squezin g pennies ont o>f desýpairing I watched lus dirty, boniy lingers appaio ebcsbaul. "An\ld ralg!" be grnnlted, Ipecnînlg aI me l]Ct1ronlgb bstbick-rilined glaSsss.leHoail awy ilirnidaîed ime before, bilt Iislie tho egram i my hnd made me bod "Secbore Zartsky"1Issid, "Ibis salis raro(r thlanl iamlonde an1 atqefrom Po1ýlnd, puire wool. The1c ider it gels. fice fi1er--thje Peopb's lves re wvoillmb it.", "For whsat is past obodypas Nwit's junkil-fallinlg apart'., "I'rn illy;askiig a dlarLt's wor-tb ton limes thz1at irnuchi. 0O113 a dollar!" "A qu:arter. V'ýon ýýwt il?' Vos or 1 grabbd tho quare n d fOed. Whiîbii a haIt-bour i vwae aIth'le agonls osfce. 'vo,- greatt necws for you,h said, dlr;awirig upl a chair niear hie deek. "'epra1ctically sold youlr bouklu t HolywodGuldwýyn 1wante il. Fox îe rnlakinig offere, too, bui:fthI tbk Uolwnjeunr best bot. 'Tboy uto- fered five Lihousand dollars. I'rn holdinig out for bon[." I had pawnied Motbe-r'esbawl lu gel there, anld Ibis mlanl talk£d of thusande ot dollas, Five, boip lhousanid dolla(rs wae aý fortunie ini 192y0.. "Maye waî uu'r saingis rosi," I1 said, " àfi ethn auk you advanco me one dollar on ail these Ihoucande?" Siirg, he handed me a bilI, I wvabkedo'lt of ics office starîig ai the ton-dollar bihlui myhad ---From "-Red Rib on u3a White Hoce" Y Aýuzi eies corrying it on -ca tray as the- rutes regquire'. HROICLES ~' e rî4l-ii e D C ýstii Wo1l, came dwn l 'ccanîlillvit avnnc set îî ek ca ing blorne and l ' l ike s cal runingiii afler its bail. IESp-ecially whcn aI-j lon1g corns e oditori-ial letton reu- m1in1ding m e tha, t aprmeed arIticle for ,ihe October isue f a CertinI mnagazine hald no! ye rechcuth Office. \Notsrpiigslc 1ta limie il was'l evontypoil! Buit "I'(e fal IL, S arclwu îhtil work i t muillcil ssor Ad ar rý-ien i't pitiilig il! ily ".il heaýt s wOn n- i farrit, ere are yOnigàformer busylai i Iol crp ping te ot f os that l dot show, as il Ivcc. foI isane Parîner w a1mîted to turi, the col, fore lho could do t there were litorally bu Iels t svld applesia had lu ho picked 1'lp ard kr wy Cows lveiul, ap Iples and 1morev than one goodco1 bsdicd as a recuIlt 7Notlîr,îakgoies allho'ugh wo baseïI baditu local lu11be vetol onmore [Ibari une ocaioi. A a p p le à a é id a y il n o v y t k e i e c away Ever lie1 cn r up 1 indfails onut lig grass-? fi iqite a jb ParIner is îlîr'eai,lning lu cl dowruý the trocs ias tie qiks u u ost vi oyiut daiing wiîbthepr- ides. Strange ti[ovi quckly îrds eiý changing csos.I1stw ek InoV"since thoari eahoslct One day îhey were breth cxî day tbhoy wceo gone. And iwe mriss îhem-d,ari-ig jr su ad ontut o bbe barri or silini, n a row aburg th hydro wires or thecolesuethr satiny plumange gleainig iiith sur. Tie ls two days thiere blas been onei lontely liltie trou salo sibîing arouniid on the C 1 n 1eelioC Tl prop J. I%,,ondur whla t 1halppezns wh, lai pace of ihehalpy Hi ebarri swllows wýehaeteniybu jàýys. taniccbfd ,nudbt bt,certainly dsubr of the eae At his inutlie fthere is a bine a screeching from t to of ani oak, trec near the bouse-mnore than Sie- l'y he je ,scoling asuirl-o whIich the3re are plenlty. Baksur res ,ge quIirreUls, brownsqiel -an Tppybaksat thom a1Il. 1Bt flot onyseisni't intierested in equire-l-hr fblnning field 1, fthe pasture wýhere sheu wi1ll lhsnly unlsnispe)ctinig bird witbin range. Hjonoy is a fumlny litIledo-h loves p'-ellbt aCtively dislikes al other dogs. Orie day Partner went donw for the mail and met our îîighbour from atcross the road aitb bis two big doge and four- ba&- grown Jcollie pups. Dir(ctbly sbe saw tbem Honeys fr brited, and thenl barking furiously, she took after thepupe. Any ue of them cold have rolud led Ho ni the dulst wîth une pawc, încd of %bch bhey ail 1anye1-n1baktu the fhouse. I4aving puit the pjups ttoout Hon111ey camile bac-k and went ifter tbe twýo big doge. They, too, tuirnedj tail and fied. Tippy st by the si;de of the roadcn peol drd by thie antics of the othier dogeý. Anothier timie a neiglbbour camer to eaul-a dglvr if ever therec was onle-with plentýy of ber- own. Aftor she hlad Ieft for humire,wlk iKgacrose hdfeldà, 1 wenîup to the hIen-pen. Wben 1 camne ont there Was nu sigri of unr two dogs-unîiil Ï looked acros the front field and tecre wae tour peighbour bringing the doge back homle because tboy wouldn't bave ber. , . two doge that balenver foÎlowed snyonec befue-tht j, oultside of Ounr wn farnily, 0 oloneetaying ini tbe b1ouse. I suppo)(se we bave got elnougb domeellctic animtale arourid hiere but %, iha woldspecially like i5 a Wolsl Cogiplup and( a Sia- meno ktPen! Speýakýging agiin of equlirrelsý - a fewý days ago0I1vais îkiga basket of applos to a fricend in to-a n. Along t1ae 1iowlki meta jittle brown equirrel. Fe stopped and I1stopped. He St up and 1 stoopod down, holdingp ont my band(. Alonig came Sqi1irretl, iurnped mbt the palm of mny harid, did a uIfle învostigating, and tbep.l ran ntrin-îy armi, acrose the back of ly ineck and sat on tbe opposite eboulder. I olffýed him an apple. FHe took a littie nibble and thon jmpddown mb totbe baSket. Ilow long b le wold bave stayed- witb mle I doli't ko.Unfor-ttu iate- ly 1 bad sboppîg to do and bad to lot bim go. 'Bye foîk-be seeing yon agairi next wock . . .Ihpe SAVE MONEY NOW! Blanket Prices are ai record highsl Now's the lime tause the money-savin! Fa;rReld Plan. Yau juet send your old knitted or waven woollen-al- wool sac-e, sweaters, suite, underwear, etc. ta the Fairhield Wooilen Milîs, fil return, you reýceive Iavely NEY/ BLANKETS, COMFORTERS ow SATIN-BOUND BEDTHROIWS ai a fraction af tliei, normal cast. Fair- ReIds' improved methads af fashioninq ni>w bIan<ets fram a)Id waallsn mean greater teig oday than1 ever befareI SMART NEW CON VOY COATS!, Save, too, an Ihese warm, rugged Cn* Coats. Feiraids malte Ihemi,compIets wïKl1 hood, in s;zes fat mien, wOmen and vauth5. ferm yaur aid waallens. Act naw! Send the coupon Ioda y for ful details af the FairPield Plan. DISTANCE MEANS NOIHING! FAIRFIELD & SONS LTON WIN'NIPEG WOOLLEN MILLS WINNIPEG Fairrïeld & Sans Ltd., Winnipeg 163 5end mie yaur fuli-colar catalogue givlng f ull detaile about new biankets and Canvay Caats tram aid woI4rns. ..AM..... ....... ......... -------------SS--- -------------- ------ - - - For fast, prolonged reUief frotte headache get INSTANTIIS.I Thitc prescriplyion-like tablet countainannot just Que, but three proveiln medical4 ingredients thLit ease the pain fast. And the relief ise, in znost cases, lastin-g. Try INSTANTINE just Once for pais relief and youi'll say as thious.ands en that there'e one thingiv for headache'S INSTANTINSI And try !:fINSTINE for other aches, too... for neuritic or neuralgic pan . .. or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A cingle tab!(et usually bringas prompt lif and aIwaye kepb indy 12-To blet Tin 25ý â-cOnon1iccgl 18ill,84t O UpJidedowo to Prevent Peeking ISSUE 40 -

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