'c' ou' 'ou 1$' Oc g' a e, e' te c te e' e' e', 0' 'e et .5 S o. No More Burnt Toasct Compaly dims fo bave sheiper is. luserteriho itlly 50 hat I lae F entosttioTaseri ndeof1het rsitatgla'ss so shas tbWtasig pnoces Ca'be Wwached For Tempora2ry Wallpa'per ors anti sceneny doconators isnove fullyoropntioii itîilre of gly- twee atiesin sud flexibijly Ilu ite elluose ilm ftcr it: tries. Gérnds Cofee txsfee cubcky sd easily at hoîne, crc Ingltebeu) ef":Ifl]ahe gnidîîg Maieof cluet ice gi-inding frctm coaso1to;flueBot- om ofoiiblis T'i Iite traspr ont rdLustet clip t hwms j 1emet u o Cfc Hoprols be n lfor12 u. uýiý ilk Saerolsi12 paren liquti coticng11I rsh on surace oatthcan ho emo c poelig Ifoff Iaimeoc f0kee flu:tel, coatiug resists fume,dtaI exposei f0 VfYoti . cthe Es pecaly is i1igîeteorauooil seybolc, cheoMiclmp ounti s s i.ic PigtritAlPrcf-And psooil tonc theit a fish is no mnatch for' ,e mon even ,when the fellow isn't lying. The fishermian is Bob Rood, 0 photogrelpher Who is 48 icestalland weighs 80 pounids. The fswhich Rodd actucIlty caught, is c Salmon '38 inche-s long ond wveighs 29 pounds. As ihie photo s2ýhow/s, fsi ng is probobly thse orîly srtin the world where bot- tesweigh in cfter thse fïght Tary l;n Trunkls And Temper-Whi!e aall gr ç!-oup cof sprectutrs éo4 on, ai mate Winiston Chiurchili,acmpne by h;is wife, wades taward the pivacy of deep w ciaSteVenice1 Lid in Venice, lal. TheeC pim inser bpdectingta hOfrq )en-s picturing hlmi- in h-,is ned swiming tnunks had guwas seesm fOis, spiashedothercameramen who came un on hiWT r -t oa millins otbaseaî fats1til spendý similar estalis meîît, blointho or-,hoth - bat1gos0on ini1the 1 \Vord'sSeros.In htîvoistinesq foilk s1 oulie ee replnt obLaîksp.s u111baeh !luam inL pi of theî efforts of theÎmio of~~':I w a bkow sidead 'r"--- ther> wille nt f ic o argmeft. 1nd jeing of1 the mootbits run, an so orth tfics whicb youcan cutout î 1î uy IVt, toeb îcs 1s-st es methoîk0f illoig p Blumu nex ori Mentret inurumcessiAn b olo 190 Baostn() 13 1 Mogst cbateng vel-gmeseason - Hugb v--oDufi Bossn New) or 184..................... 5 Mogst lba tng ae (1 r or years)'-lTyCohh. Detri',aud Cohh............... .....2 Most ts Ty Cohhe---------4,191. Mvost t, bsesoneorge--Sîsler, SIt Louis(A),r1920..........157 Most cona setie btsgs-Wil ert R oisonîs, B189i;oreDe- 1892........................7ýT) 1896 (,igs, Boo (yn, 1938 . -.12 Most oensutiegaesuthtt.71 saft, ewJooDiMagioCNw-.or Mîvost long hitsB1 ae-tbLos- toit sud; New York (iiA, ostN 19()iii-),1143(06, 136 h, C714a Motgot(Al), (Ily ohb. ,863- Most toaba issn, Jason - Bahei' tht , 11w)0rk-(), 191..45 Most tota base is, sgame l- Bb Wllt,Piadphs()186 Most 2home rn aE.Rub S -71 Most 2home rus,sesn-Bh RuSh, NwYok(A), 191 - __60 Most home rns, ...gme .Lo, ( BWostong(), 1894; Droleabanfy Phil. (N),11896;..e.. ig,1N9Y (A), 1932; Kiej,Phila,2(N) otr(s A), 1948 (11 innigo) Most r3-sbaei, seaon- ckî WVilsonI,Chicaug (N), 1912 _36 M ItS-bSEbits-ri ESeaer M rî s bteiii, singlega - çN) vs. Brolcl, Sept. 16 194..................1 _t-Ia- strsceiJpea1, 195,r nt Lcngst srvie asplayerEdi go A), 10630 ohhy Wslla.ce, Cleelati N)andt St. Lois() jti4-91..............25y. n Mot times at bat-Ty Coh1b1 Mostbase on alls - Bab Ruthi .~2056 1,o cs[ bases ýon halls,seonBh Rufh 193..............170 Mootbacs o als, ame(Imodern noîtrstoben S.etea,-,ecso) (mod àem- Mc ~tceuscutie yen manger, 1A1, 101 3050 W1. A Dieoîxe 1,)b. sal sotlraîdor 1hsapL I a Illis b iîbn waer. 5î0 abut hoket oSwan wte ilî n ub tilpuin above ld slu-I Qio . Nex,v dissolv e t forb clloriten of limue bîuO1 qtboling wt 1'Loi s1-efflothr on thbsub et ibw v.i u hn pu mbtub , iipessin dowu. LetI soak for a bor o ssantly xvthestck.is~ u5v eoal changes of ovtwrîugpres li o o cdry, JEurning anspokin Q.How au I clafeafortarde furitu er.ae torigif aay or A. Rub ile the furiture well withý bti linsee, ti ou; ticts will mprov Heolonarif1the2woatightprven eFig int 'veaeys iowhlen a pooing (ýthe bai? we (ý u A. Grose thearea arou mndth i n eyes t aeiejel rcl enansbeorq un ng the L! sha-> poo fati sosp viii t, nter the Q. Slow can I remnove rahesotsr ofrom velvet? hebret a. Spong0 preywih leaIug fluit Q. ars5ïlow can I cuiJavnfear tha has hecome amaged from mo ~'EFULTo BEAUTIFUL - LUXURI US JOIINSON MAIL OR- Plumbing and Hecating Supplies Streetsville, cnt, PLEASE sENO CATALOGUE eAND PRICE DER I s I f Address .... ' i OPtieoodimen of thie Germni and Auistrian orst scret]-y ask for- gie.es f a tree befeoro tbey eult To tbemIi, it is amotcnminiai tcdsfo , gulns of tefo1Ceots, for theIy bleeshteey rc as Thlis 1hel'ief is by n mansun uommon. iiNaives ý,ofDutcb Sumali- tlrI, Ilbewýilg dw,', ree, ease 2thir cnlscienIlces by pufistt ing ItileibjlaIe oni the , DutcbIlsutholisies. -iSpir-it whllcoýItsi hste runs shir lformuiiila of oclain itike :s Io l at cIiet t\Iow tno w'isb of4ImI bt hy rderof 11he contle '1,r. fropical s:te of Mxioisineti ýAl de la Mala Mujer" (rc putoily ono teulis f00in the wrd Anon wotouchecs îthis tree îs lIkely 1to coîîsra;ct evr sir ois oning andomi ls wihare: often iîual.So barmf liwas tîteir t ffe f1ou'lalthl!] Itat ail these trees wrolhelexee r fb( ound, vîih he LtlcirdDagerous 'j Naf~vee aoiti tbem 1-f;[ -exi-o, hare Ille itici onf fru ii, shottîe ie of a larg 1;rie w1ith alioln Ie, u îy mentsrIISy o hailyinred 110 Jausîeseivet1hit woi' diforUt roeris.Patîu Iarthy ornInousisthe tkni foc for, acoringt aansly tholog, the bes of tistreejl porteni <bthwbîîve teyflP inuothe il8tbIentuyibtton las sumed a stmil moeimpotat o pen l]\*(',iod, o maked y1te chai)i-ug wfims of 1stg1 le, butfoIîs;rlalyc alýi tICIS u Auerca eeiînv rda il, 1733,shlow's tha'tCasrGilu foethattme buttos er eerwlcr m itb evideuc(e, t ilug i.thene wen mny hatisoiesoit slvr uon, es-ý pecially nogth vfh As the ceutuoI-y rgesei is toins iîrae uszb ubr sud b aieyienIltril p peareti, sud new usesfor oltima- teîiaîs. There wr utn fmn casife sud cut steel, oSrlue once lain antiWegevodofilaid fr toise shil, cenaul, patesc, sud ail the se-preicious stoes besdos ai the prcbousInaeral. lue tu a rich ar) haecalieti cobalt ,was thle mot avrtioonat ;!ilis founiM Msykinis of mtnal xre buttons. LittIeý ,nus fsewe aunl tiuy oelîsl,o rse u bug on bu-Lttenrfl are soug lthemI. Paqiufiugý,s sd nwigsl dffr onit miums wertr ate buthIis ivory* , oten 1s igilueti hy vfamious iames , aiiainity ntscaesiu] gouace, tht decate iiof baeclrdu ihsnte r il R Il ( 1111 1 JIi S sxtOoc cf nur spial boleL hik.,ve breiere FouteeCao avethe amere- dette,1 1 11 fiant1 LgItiSusCIx ata TMRDECIE ACEISLTD. as r ec OtCa-rie iee tAeroldrchico, ver wek Seta cil w ie fli]tac. iee we lisî,ld Rat- ced ock on sxef 20.9 1pulete 45 9 AIsetayîg cc reay teîas'ellta.Cta Nl, 0A exd pllta orerle pe cal Bart(rdRokRd ck e trs ý Iotrae $4109. nonceteedI $'lal.l I, cokerle s$28 51, Ao- patered heoies. 1 ,00 -,riest- one d alYe Seud fer epdeclal 1. i 1re.Dr . EAcCNO3eee motti e eehr fuî or re I tîv te tare rmanc]biiheitee 25 goaro Iv evely dreeeee aud.ihnerie SmreaOtan CEAN uflne-lng sermeceu roc seccCîty.Qtei, OVIfNIIAMi LE Ii a BAvf cs aclrhise eedetisctn cecia t id Wril'- :sfo ",ttr IttOe , arc ciao te eeswc y,,tai i Ie..tiS D. sertmi~ BPacCe s Ov fi aSe t.mite. Ceto1 Pttrn 2eevri frame 60 L,:een qar 1 $ Wte eeo G corvce Oder no ,ItI lar,,ite. DetaW. 144011teurs'nitontrea foitedîvot fr ceke cEate, iebyr. Oul'S2e n Ctoce. Sent anywier l Canda eriniforl,,atten eddcampes tenteTht. teicetfnitina e fied.er. Otite rie cR um l CRES OR SL FrSAVElif 10$ ACR fart nar MackaeGrem Octa rie.rie WRE br ex erier matbltea fonc, roie- tered c'ampienctoch, eonale. es. TOBACO FASStI fr cal ou ory Ootae "ï Ne agent1c. 'tir PEOIESetoneroec,3-5 ees, ,caih dit7n, fer $1 '55 Postpatd -Kuveer'. 1l' U RIJNTIES FOB1 1 N AND tVOAIEN B3E A ÎAIRDRESSER Oec, ppeiuîfyLeradpp Plesan dgîilldSIîîtcerocOd wge Amrs Gcaîcr S sI e 'rtiC osCati ley Sr,,,, a ranuciGH i ce c-tC.ieg St Oý,,taniliten tep ,Pin Rideau S ox 542,SitaiW n Gel futICSfarteteasurSiaoe prefid,îewu istucouse Frc atalogue. amls 25c- KidceHerbua'Ctulege Cod.491765 h3ravc leStEt Varncouvr6. rtetO ba pins tono te Succeee.n Bio 5542,Statio B. V inîpe litnilha.pe-S PLASTCS fr pÏaccreer pefit.Rar Inerccixecaa[oce ndCaplea 25eri. 11,dr -uacuIV Cýe. 40 Ricymond St.EtI, Torent4,Fre AN Oi FEl . e vcl ner-rLitnIC.. W,\eutiîrne Pd frks teIrmý atn e re,.i ThtRcaiC eicrerce nPelý -d, eenAs. t&'î- the YRaereetn1. Ot 1'"Iewe lmi rep.ls hSoli u is iusia itsirit-L89. 15 Bey Streetl ue nt,. R" 1,a2l',aiInfec-ts, flou 'Co Iecet0 PES0AI 77 JEU G re at MHeaut îAec r s G-reat Fuel Saivers! Exclusive-, patented interior con- sfrucftin makes WARM MORNING 1-ecters great leat-makers and fuel- savers. Heat ail day an-d night without relueling. Hold ire seveial days on closed draft. Burn ony kind of coal, coke, briquets. Require less attention thon most furnaces. Low flrst cost.. kow operating cost. More thon a mil- lion ;il use, See yaur local WARM MORNING dealer' BOONýi--TïRA11,CHAN (GAIM(O3., LTD., Oo ,eininl i d,,, Id .Mn,el 2, Os- gtYne. Ct. d, Ont. . P t Ue int.td O,nin Gionts,,, 111,. Wi.ipeg, M-n en