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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1951, p. 7

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r w- -A' - *r- - .--~ -~ The Len 1Longrc, ai î! cr he12:ý07 fhad mroved ouf of sîgt ;around Il bl(k MonýIItaIn,. tilly p nmAhove ttbc, crekî on ihingesthe ig ra1d -"Tun er, Jocton"Wind aswir le ccd aroulud thm hrshly.JeReod, statinema ssayd discretly lu- side the tcktoffice. H- e hd aî cd! fobs, for twenIty yeais P-tie eieren ldtait frst ionu The traii inhd lpaused for onliy a inute. Thlenl, with Rab Cailleron waýivug sud sfnîhing on thle rearpa- ad made its nioisy den.-r- "Musi !,e-nearly dawnilthe -valley ta hetonb 0W"john ,said. Sar1-a (cluched the sh1iny black7 leather ourse tigbtcr. It was ob), bastgof. "Feels liS -e siow iluIthe air, Mo- thIer." John'Is gray bead ýjh( nt ta 'Tuke wcaIther." "Yes Thaksgiîng' sîiosý iclhe again." Sara looked deep inta his ces. 'John, be'li bc gone for a long J e RynodsCamle oui on fthe platform anjid watcbied ltlhcm climhi inoathe aid bline sedan. Tl'le nid car, 111e)u and cleared its throiat. zNe ome anti-freeze, i do." John pulled ont the choSe "Maybe a slte coffee ight hlp," Sara smiileýd, buit f\was Oanl er lipstbat imoved. Thcy drove seveu metp astf brownied sud crisped maos Johni slowed down nea a white, low- farmbouse. There was a snal sigu on tir(-side ai ;ialn ec- Mr.Whitely's Famlous Dýinners. SaraînoMdcdnlurepiy fo bis iun- asked quescýtioni. Shie stratgghteiïediher biat lu the rear view mirrCor suld punt an ]ter gloves, taking a long timle witb eacb finger. Rab', train mustia be rnearly ita Coddipgtoni. There were ln,siefnnts betwcen soup and cbiicken ~ des- sert. AMter dir, 9they went ont behinid the haro tao sec the mbtsiks, Sept in orderly, cages. Mrs. WVhitc- ly'shayfishd lut the ponid for stun- fish ita feed tbem.Sarasbent ver ta sec the finy creatures and bier hair played icte viind. The gray sfreaks were liSe a ligbt touch af snaw, ShN coiutcd tht minus Two larg anles, oanc smIai oe, srendoff by bimsclf. A famlily? Th'Ieir faily bad hbeen treJbRab,. Sara. "Mse, fbey arc beautifuni" she said, 1iwshIcouild look a t bemliwifhocut tbinking of the coafs hey aregoing ta MIke" She smbidapalgctialy. "If scecms ick;cd, ta kýilI themil Wr,.Whifly riuud. Weil, Mrs. amera, i sed tof0 fel sarry for fbemn, but af er the flrst cbeck, camre in, I neyer fbougbt about if agaîn. The train meusfbeat GorgeCîty now. Aia her bur anld be'dbe Phere. She closed bier eyes. jaoniarm was sround ber. Ifeci as if I'd hen rnnie, she mnurmured "-Guerss I laued o trfo long ioolking at the Tbley settled tesevsin fic olId car ag_,aî. Tbey couild suecthe fatrm an a distant bill. -l Still lave it, johnII. IstillliSeI camîIung laroudtatcre and sec- ing if, kuaw'in)g îf'll beche, The car wbbned lu selfpîty as if climhcd rltlie ilI. John dove p ita thle front door. Île ic fumbled for- t: ekey asudc lthen julstfIleldci f ini bis baud. Somethig seemed to hod imi bacS. Uc didn'f waut to go dne bce lame. le Icaned down, ta patflice aid collie who too waitng fere-nd asvthetinote, Pinud ta tue dog's cubearnwa icrap of ppe.Togetheýr John sud Sara rcald if, inrdlotis. Drawni fui faces soe igl-in odes, t Ioîn was cluftcinig the black ilrse D--ad bis Sc'ys. lBeneath(the picture Rab baid writfeulu- ilarg~e black lef- 'CHEER UP -_ YQU SURE tepetel-sd john began tao grirs. Sart alughted J, t crybody lieý Ulemonbut- a~ ~~~~~~C fiiu o atseî,dopping' it0 the hear af oia slightlY 1hollow- ed ot cp caepre dg'bt le. A gaod ide stam up a bacho li adkepit in the1 ,rý- frgeatr r thrcool paercaidy for uevhe, ede.Te o w- ing rcipevield abot twosudà half c l,]ndi', 1er 1"r1ch ad 'lEGON EBU TTERP Grated indfo eas : cnp water 11clips, granulated sugar 2 talesponscarn starcb ¼cup ls abeponstrain- cd lemon juice 4abeoons butter or enargar- inao -Cd place Iin mî suea;add tbe wt.~rand eat just taIloiinýg poinit. Ruio. e f rom beat asud strain throuýgIia ver-y'finle sieve; k,-eept aer u discardth 1e:1tCeeggs unitil î acrsd lighit ýl('the ppcr pani of a d ouble houler; sti-illm thle sugar and Cori] st1rch. lowlsir ilu tle sfraiued lefion julice; stir utewfrfo t e lemon irinld. Cook 'the mixýture avrci oling wa dtecr, stiîir r ing, canils tantly 1, v un-i t smoo 0tly vth1i c k Cincd au]d ,nù ra1W fLavour of sarh emains. Remlov e frol heatiand stir in the u lLtter or marIIgarinec, bit lby bit Tl !I ii. ir a , aid c,ý bruhy.Store in a-1cold place. Nwforsmercesfrcais and thle lk-i s ort f big that are sa baurd ta kcep ou11 baud, especially wben thase s chloo Iiluncs-suýd aftcr-scbool ncs seu sumaniy. PECAN PUFFS 1 cup shartening ý,2 cup sifted confection)erý', sugar 2¼ ýcups, sifted Pour 1,teaspoon Sait i tear poon vanilla 3/4 cup chopped pecans Additional confectiQisers' sugar crn Iishortcnliing iaud Itle al clip ga.Stir Ii ifour, saIt,va nilsa and pecans. Biculd wel Miod ioa oue c aî;place ou greussed cooky b tan ae12-15 ilmites ut 375 degrees F. Rail l iftbied cofetines sgar iiimmaciy after hakiuig. Cookies may be re- rolled iu sugar after cooling if desýired. M1kestwoand- one-haîf DATE BARS 1 cup -pitted dates 1 cup nuts Icup sfe confectioners' sugar 2eggs 1 tablesýpoon melted shartcning 1 tables;paon lemaon juice /1 Cup) sifted flour ~teaspoon sait Puit dates aud nuts tbrougb food chopper-, or dice lu small pieces. Blend with sugar aiud bae eggs. Add mei.lted sbortening, lemon juice, flour- sud saît. Mix tblorouigbly, Place ini 10 x 6) x 2 loch gr-eased, pan. l3ake at 375 degrees F. 30-35 mintes Wile wsrim, cnt into 1 x -oc tr-ips. Rail inodee sgar. Mks or 20cookis MELT ING MOMENTS 1/4 pauind butter or margarine. 5 tablespoans canfectioners' sugar .1 teaspoan almond fiavoring ý4 teasl)oon sait 1 cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking pawder Gum draps (iream butter, sugar and almonld flvuiguntil iighit and fluffffy. CmiewitIh sait, flaur anid bk p de.Chli. RaltaponuI iio bails. Place ou unigreased cooky sheet, press fial t witfors ipc -, tour. Dcrf ibslce of gum iidrap. Bake 10 iimiiuts at 350 degrees F. Cool beor emv in -g fromi paît. Makesfbeedoe S UGAR COOKIES 2/~up sifted flour iteaspoon bakzing powder orflted cooky cutte,2 .place on ungrase coky~she(et sud sprinle hgtlith sungar-. iaSe 6-8 imiin- ue ai400 deesF.Remonve to~~~ caeacs (Maes4dozeni CH-OCOLATE DROP COOKIES Yacup shiort euiug 1 cnp sftdbrawn sugar, i egg 2 squaez, melted chacolte 1'ceps sifted four 'tea3poon SA ¼teàa7pOOn sodia '2cup saur milS, '2cuip chocppe-d nuts anid egg; dmeited Iorlt.Add dryinrdnswibhv he siî tohrateutl îtb PBake >12- 15 mninutes- at 375ders F. [ce wthchocolate if desired. GINGER CRISPS /cup 4buror margarie ' colp light mr.1ýses /,cup )Sulgar itablesýpoon ngr 2 cu-ps fouir. sifted 1 teas-poon cinnamon /,teaspoon ing 1,teaspoons soda Cmiebuffecr, ols rsisgar and innega lu sacepan sand bail thee inuites, stirriug caulstautl-,, Remove'fro heat and cool: Comn- bille cnaosoda, and gin1ge? w ith flour and sift svritintes. Add ta coolcd butter mixture and blend -ell. Wrap iin waxed paper and coiliseveral bours or overnigb. Roir very ith.Cnt wsth 2ic cuItter, placeý on greasedi coaky setand bake ell ilmites at, 375dgre F. Remnove frQmn shet Mhie arm and place on cake rA Mks10 do-zen papIler-thlin cookies, Buys Fireflies Dr. WillaiamD. McElr-oy, ou topme iouoistA1,payig a boty of -25 cents for a hiiiundred firefies, with cash prizes cofred ta youngsfers wbo catch the most. He wanî haif a miillioni firetiies, if ie caoi gef theml, taý studly thir miethiod of producing Ilghit. S far be bas establishcd tutthe energy sourlceý for liit produlction in the firly(i is theie as that ulsdd for animais buindoing wr.This mieanis t-hat tvtamins wicblu a inimi-ais free energy aure nccary for igbit production. Sa are certain trace elements, sncb as magnesimand cobalt. D)r.MCE11roy is prinal intereýsted lunisolafinig a miysfery factor wich appears ta have th-, propertlies -of certin vitain-s, liSe ribofiavin and niacin. The niature of thiis -\'actr remains ta be dccermiéned. For-get Samefling?--A baby parakeet breaks out of ifs shne'î into what someone once called "a cold world," a logical description considering such a nude aipproach to if. This littie "ugly dî',cktîng" of the parrbf world-parakeets are close relatives of pc,'rofs- Will, when fully grown, be slightly larger than oa cananî. TIFARM FRONT As aFrule lIli]a sbit' duhions bou thee 'irace" ruiits snd vegeahie11ausomletimies 5sec ad- vrie.So whieu a frienid of rme -w-ha1 dabbles in rabsing sund selling plantis ias ta ideulie-told mIle that be %%as 'LryîuFg ouf a ew variety of sfrawýbcrFryý, )anc that wauild kepi- acr rii thrau(-ghlouf the summe1ir, 1.- told hl if tsoundl(ed mach oo gaod ta he truc. seen sd spld the fruit, sontle af if picled iiu late September. Su i aSeim fr-iend 1ta write s br-ief deciton fbis expeýrbence wt teebernies,, knowinig that manyal of my ýreaýders will bc intcresýted. b' roughî1t the ýplants inl fram thle State's asud planlted them inii abolit May 20 this y-ca r. Began pickbng fruit about Jiy 10. WIiIl kýeep or, bcariug tili froaf. Mfany bernFes twa inches ini diamieter. Onlé plaidflhad 13 bnches, athelir il builcs. Sppsedfstand winIer temrperafuires down ta 30 tbelowv. Pro)duLce runu ters samile as rother varietieýS. rFlavoulr very sweet-, irbt wild hrr lavauùjr mc ci deuce. Keeiîtng qulifies eclet Our 24 planltsIhave prodiiced )ver six quartta date."(la Possbly ou ay thiIII thîs saundliSe a ,"lu"or the berrnes suld for ypatgown red WelI. if' '11vrdi l;tha--for whIen I toId 1hum1-i'd liS-e tuget a couple of dozenI plants ux Spring lie i-eplied that lhe very mutcb douh-,ted if bc'd ilave auly ta spare for '1C. Doon se MacDonald College, near AMoutreal, Dr. Robert Fisher îs eugagcd n an infcresfbug proect. HIe's m1akinig exerien s gned ta discovér hot, the commuon blouse- 1y hilds u lp resistauce ta powverfi iinsecticidet>suscb as DDT, insayofkilog flis, te youn entoolobstraises sud(- cares for tbcmi as carfily as if tbiey wýere prèze livsotof0make certin fhey are unîform lu nsize sud sturdy asud vigorous-. Thîs primiary rcsearchi -was abm fiuldinig ouf fa what part of the fly's hd DDT shonid be applid ta bc mort effeI n preparing bis fic for the tests, Dr. Fîsher first anaesth.ýti,ýed themi. Tlîey werc then plsccd in grouipa of fève on glass sldes and held il place by cellulose tape. les ilu tbe taple madeif itpossihie for a s'iingle cg, thie head or ally part of a fly-'s büI odyfaheexosdtoa sspeck of DD)TIlu soine caises s? miIIteý flap )of ekhn was raised ;sud su in- ocula-'tion mad13(e tnudcrneatbi. WieDr. Fisher bfilo lt Imade pulic ail the resu,,-ifs of bis - pe the fbas definitely esta- l~ished that ai fly's fect are 00f the Mast effective points of euitry for theinsiecticideý; but that the necarer the head the chemical is appibed the mnore killinig po-wer if seemas ta Ave. The akbn alosa ems la bave somnethting ta do with making DDT efective but fic flis inoculat- cd unlder the skiu did flot die f romn Hlavbnig iade thesec findînigs, Dr, Fiser ilattempfta oestsblîsb whIfics ibecomie resistaurtot DDT -Snowledge that is bopcd wil cou- tributerta te developmentof sup- eiofysprays. A foul of beef per acre souls liSe a-, al of a lot of h)eef, But that', the amnounuf af poduction that ba-s hen ahie'ved ai the Ever- glades xermn Station ow il' Flor0ida bu tests made over s feyarperiod. The average pro- d1cfiou for dhefive yearswas 1804 ponsof heef per acre per year sud the hligbiest wvas 20,"9 poundýS the Ostcii' statmeutsas, Tfids ýrecrd as acbiieved thruogh preiprveet aIofgras sd sud Pmanagemenýrt. The uise of limne sud ferftilizer, carefuil seicctioi sund ftreatmeuti of grass sec, sd lwi-seý 'choice of cattie hrceds were other contribu-tinig factors , iin ohtaining this phnenal wegbt in beef Th"!e grassliand programmeni had a further advanfagc of conserviug thle muck and p)eat souls in that ares-sous which were hbnlg rap- idly dcstroyed by triick, canee sud other ra crops, Dutriig ithe last 25 years th-e depthi of the soul on mao f the farmus wa's redccd hY as mullcb as 25 per cent. wJaxz ,rýN '5 ( A dyor so after paintin-g sip,ý wc saW aarm% runni pwubeorea the wïind, auid as she evdesl wsh- ed tao speak iota us, ar maisaiwa hauid up and the malyard hove aback. As she apr ucbd S, exeryone was comeu'ting aor ber laaks, qïlh sncb exc"lmations ast "La ther square ad:'"ol at hier Sharp bws"look< ai h and look atitmat. until she swept by across our Stern, hnams everyonle broke ont like anc vaice: "Haw beautifu!" 1-1erSharp bowsý cMt tomgh the water.hardiy tura- ing a ralilof faam the sîze of a, iecktie from them. and this ainoat disappeared as 1? if pped nder b4, couniters, thiat couid carry nac dead water there. [fer sides wer-e paintcd in fancy calors like a yachit Wbuwithlq hiaill. aur Cpa raised bis'speakýiug truimpesta bisï ,ip)s,nd bliüd ont: "Bark abay 1" 1Tile 2answer reLtrud ws"Uiallcd UWha: ship is tht ", "Ship) Charies- W. M'ýorg-an offNc Býedford." sayâýs aur Capta-ýlu VTa bark is that?"' "Baxk Sea Wx dfWespmrt.How, lonig arc ybon lt?" are yvot? "Twa outhls. . Wntyo corne on bouard. ?" "No, the iud is far and we want to gethome as soan as pos- sile" aid aur Captain. Te waved thir trumnpets ta each other as the iast sainte, we braced or- wvard aur minard andset dthe studding-sails, after boardinig the mnain tack. The bhark hauied ta ai the opposite tack and mat sooni unlosttamen.intde distance. The appe'aance of tblis vesselwa tbe subject of taik for haurs after- w7ards. -It %vas toalal of nis ike La vision of beauty, as tis was the, fist clipper ship auy of ns had seen. The bulding Aon be badcom- mrenced in its fiullest cexteutwhl we werx away, and duoirnadelsO different frami the aidstyle of Square boxlike Ships, maide thec'n trast imore srklg ti i,3said th-at' Donald MKy who buiiit ships c4. tblat description. sedthe huiles of dhe canoes tbat the Indians an th Nortbwest coDaSt of Amnericahae aud on seing ,tbem, anc can bc- Jieve the report correct. Fru "WaeHtint," byNlsnCalet Plants That Grow By Leaps and Bcuinds Plans graw by leaps and bonids wbichi are deterined by periodis oi ligbit anudark,, tbe United States, Departmnt of Agr-icltuLrerepo)rt. Ligbt- periods dnriing tbe dayýtimejc mnake a difference, Dr. Byron T. Shaiw of the departnieint's rsac adsmminsr tiontad te lolmintin Entgineeýring 'Society in Wsîg tou, buit cantinuity' of the dark- perîod appears ta be the contra- iing facstor in plant growth. For instance, he Said, as Eltte as 25 foot-candles of ight for-anc or Wa imirnes in the Midle of the ight is enoucgb ta st o loering and secd production of soybeans. Ac itti as twnoneII-hundicredtbis of a foot- canie of ligbt duiring the dr period will prevent 11,1ny pat Irom'Ilo rig.Piboto -Pe riod i smis- directed b y 'a key plant pigmnit, rceý-nt research ýindicates, Tise pig- menlt is bnperhaps related ta to pigmrents of bile. Apparently it acts as a catailysftot set in mlotion an- other -sublstance, stil icta be identi- fethlat stimiaiil-tes flowevrinig d other phases of plant d"eepment, Alredycontaiof the length ofwi the dy and tbe night 1 is pt l special cases.Chynheusar miade to blootilon time forbi football gamnes anld flot be-fore, for instance. Artificial lighit adjusts theý d1aylightan a iighit-praoCf cnp adusts the darkness. St. Auigustine grass -,as ones of the best poues altbouigb Plîa- gala, Coastal BrudCari,Pr -and Psaoa aaifittediotai-c somie situations. Braham, Angus -A n -- Devo -weeltu-ppuir- ctt H4AROLD SILENCE HUM OF 6CREF-N oooïR, S PRING 8Y INSEPR-rlNG PIECE OPFaUSSER. UBETWEEP4 TE HOOKS AN',D PRJNG.

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