Y 350 TICKETUS SOLD ity Hall oPow,1, FIcyii an.d linhe' wre Sun- day visitors wthMr. L. D. 13e11and Mr fand Mil.E.< J. T~urner and gMr. aiA Mrs. Low,ý and kkmily. O We are pieasod to lbear that -Mr,. J. Pttoi-i le tnuch better and we hbope ae-ilcniuet npoe Mr.wl conine to nero)fTornt o0t lxnero oot flr)n the weekmid Nwiffl bIis parents. SMr. and Mýrs. Blaike Alex,,nder. Û Mr. JaokSwrbickto'kum -anew ip, Po i uffalo, N. Y. or Moriday1 IJ and bis fmily ho4pe tio join hini soon. wp W wisfbh him evi'v sures O Mr. and YMos. Normanîiri~ sno o Osawaind _Mr. and Mrs. Geo. O Zmith of Nvs were5,du ,i ' f~r ith Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tb A. in'eetna Ll be held at fl41- hrnie (af VMý P. e.El tt ou held next iansi. nsud ýii wlil ,e dastie. The Kii1bv cihol" will rne n~a u ini Wb wrmnn nd-the Orono quar- lu ý-ir vn4~ Th, foniuliHee fl'rlhe HaPsow- eerPan, t,.~1pdon Wd -sdV 4'VOug O4o~r ""'~t at th qad+;ýed fr.. s ch ellrre of 2ý:: will b 'lewl"qf for 1' enet in c'est- «ne.Pri7zos w1*11 h- ' gven for the bhest Onpflires, Ooje f r aut.~o- for obludresi and o for tbe, most sroo-_raminiýe anid ere.TIepParty îe beiu noP sored bv elle W. A. meal ttweoo1-14 on uslvan Fnidn ft~~'v 'f Icgst week ins NI-hP hine--~ Wm.MecrMe' la~n omd.JnineFip nnatof I-f3 oron~ T'sttiue rai'hand Pil-inB'o'is 5evo ~ 4 Ontarl Dena'm eutlfAniIte rcPnb-t4thd ¶e da srtos Imiporitnt points about the oven, the neceesity of~ good oven utensils irrarging pans, in tîhe oven and theý pln Tng ill euls were 1s1nle Of the 1points explained. OnThsay a- cd stuffedM lver, macaroni ind cheuese, plui-i roi! and fruitsuc were demIlonstraensd on Fnida the mecnu wNas tomato juice. baked mrust patties, bal<ed carrota. raisin oi nd iial r tesa'fçLp,r ch tRESI m onu [G SHORTS fron with 30 spectacle cand 19 action oriy. iown on the .(yn'sarauitons. a5150 cer for lending ocainand to rThanikc; werea laidies who alfiten -- The W. A. beld a verv suens.-ful siroqper and clbatzaar on Thainkogiving,- f11owed'( by pictures shw by Mr. Kilrby ChulrlIh held its Tbanlk- Offeini sevices ou Sunday after- noon and evenling when Re-v. Lce cf Caeotdeliv(,red two exel- le ermns nd -cur own ilchoir Miss Maiin MrKelvey.1Toronto szpert i couple of dayis tis wcek w -liMr,. nd Mrs.-riaen. Mn. ~ti~Pa e~ou eturned bcrne lfter spending al couple of w wistb a sstesinBrt. -Mi% aind Mrs. Bih Wannman and Bosanid Mrs-at-orson iitdwith Mr. a ndiM F. d. LîsoYelver-ton sd attwtlhd Aniiierisary servies there. - Mr. and Mns.flaney IM lga, Orono, itteiidp(l riniver-sary srie OPvi Sium4SÇVand visited witMn au M. the i 13 cfcadM.G bride to b,Mis NewcastIPP, were e e ITAMINS,. Tah-en now will ben'efit YOU mwith better health during the late fali and1 the winter days ahead. They assure you a greater i,-nmittity front cou.ghs and common cold. Here are a few of our complete stoei: of Vitamin Toinics. FR0551? NEO-CHE'MfC--'L FOOD For Children, the Iiquid --- $1.55------- $3.E - 5,9 For Aduits, the Capsules -- 50's, $1.65; 100's, $2q5; 25OYs, $66 VI-DELTA IEMULSION----------- ---- .....$165- $.8 KEPLER'S Extract of 11alt and CAd Liver Oit1-$1.00 ~$1.75 W'AMPOLES Ex tract of Ccd Liver -------..bottie-------- INFANTOL-------------------------------------------- .2 OLEIJM P ERCOM'ýORPHUM'ý ------------- 5 c -... -I Waterbury's Comtpound, $1.25, Calcium "A" Capsules, Me0s $2.5 Certfied Hlalibut Liver Oit Capsules, 50's- 75c; 10s $1.29 Vitavax Capsules, $1.50 and $7.00; Scott's Emnulsion, 6,3c and$15 FARMERS Deficiesicies cause PIG PRIPBLEMS It ia the lack of ce0tain vitamins.. and- min- erais that cause most bog kaising trouble. NIXON'S PELLAGREX contains vit4'mina, minerais and trace elements that hielp yen raisf piga profitably. Ask iws for literature on this new pi*actical mnethod foi<rais- ing pigs. PELLAGREX Solýtin, 16yz-.. 1 PELLAGREX Tablets (For mainig the s )lui Bott1e of 25--------------- --. - ------....... ...$9.50 0101<0 Special Nope-à-'3 Way" Shaving Creant Large lý oz. jar Limited Supply White thiey last Chrlstnias Boxof 0 ardsReg, 35 2 Boxes for---------... 36 Box of 14 carda, Reg,. 5 2 boxes for------ Box af 12 cards. De -Lux assortm<ent. Regular $1.0 2 boxes for -------- _$. TYRRELL'S DRUG with a loLvely trflight a.nd cup und inotre to Torontn Sunday to yîsit ,saucer as a tokei -of best «,,hst teir son Jnmes Who being treated frtheir Brys-on relativres. A de- tTefrScChlen ili-ous Juncli brought the soia t TeHort1 e ic hldex ~vuu i ~Plan to attend the large I 7L L V I 5.F L IV L.LL Gqre. ts withi Mr. and -Mrs. Murray Payne, Sunday , wvere MIr. and MrS. A. G. Duff ved Ph.v1is; 'Mvrtle, Mr. aind Mrs. Jerry Ly7mer. Oshiawa. JMiss,;Ruth P'ýayne výisit(,d' with jMiss -Muriel A-usitin on Sundiy. jTe Wesloyville choir pi-or-vided the stpeciai imusic at Shilo Ann4versary Mm. ,Jim 11411 and son cf Toronsto 1are, visitiing with Mr. and Mrs. iToppi. IMr. aund Mrs. clarence Nicliols so v0iorIeu~iY so c', Fuinituré Sale at the Durhaufl County,_ SALÉ'S ARENA Commeù ing aL7:3(1 Thusda O : 25 MI Livestocý wi old fin the afteriinoon Cernencing at 1:30 p.m. It la our intent 7ol, ta hold a Furniture Sale e c liand eer Thursdny evenlilin tii further notice. JACK REID A, L. HALL Auctioneer Manager ,-Il Fri. - Cardigans, Ladies' cotton kInit, long sleeves, round neck, 8 button front, assorted coIors- Sizes smnall, -mediumi and large. Each . .ý. . ........... $2.45 Misses flaninelette Pyjamnas, Asstortedci olor.s- Sizes 8 tL-o 14. Pair...........$2.98 Air Plants, Live ',nd go vratig ihu water, retain t4i1eirIl atural color. Eac....9 Halloween Cand, false faces, costu dr-" lesses, etc. Seholis Latex fqamn insoles, washable. Al sizes Pair................ý. ......35C -Deliejous Log bi Chocolates., bard and soft centres, 1 p o ud bo... ......7c SFresShipmen't, Glace Cherries, Maras- çhi oü Cherries, cut imixed peels,eu i edl fruits, dIates, raisins, walnus sh dIded coco#nut etc. ~( U Coffee, 4 oz. ing pJlntf Thoutsandi up 'to 25ýc costs, too! rn-ere's a Automnati tyýpe and youir homri Fresur, [Ckages f or ilian Raisins, jars 67r, 1kidnley, tin.., 45e soap, 2 giant cakes iron-i -a-ndci ýheèée..l macaroni dininer .~19C Parkay Margarline madle by Kraft.- 1ilb.....4~ ORONO 5c.TuO $1.O00 OE )3UP POP- T SIVIN NR f $