Sky White With IWings menil dsice (at faxgtul giu. forgive this xay "It net euly lift pmshr1Ineutt ram the ajfenIele bt r estera t anunesettl pac in the sa ectieus etftOie eended. une" 'aO0W U NFlAIR!k "ersinice my huba d iadia affair wianther wmu"wie eule distracted ýviteý. "iibalbe a lnodel hubadryiug lu ev'e ry way ta make 1np)thle bertch h aeral thiese yarsist t teve thurt. SIRTi Yes, î eu cuîy- oaië yard of 54-incb tabriic ic fr àany, etf Its szswiit24, 25, 26,28 , 0 1L00k7 at tie sstb.te d u frottflaps; thlebckcsug lh makeýs this the bs-ltu kr e ever lhad! Look a[ te iara above, [two ig piec, tbfýreeite eues! Fa;shiioni, 0t t adas y sewýillg lluiPatýýtecu4899'. Ibis patteru easy te us, esn- pIe te Sem, is testedfor ft a Send THITY-FIVE c ENTMs (35e l eis sam1ps cna cb accepte) for th1ispatteru. Pr intî latiinly SIZE, NAME, ADDRELSS, STYLE NUMVBER. Send erder te box 1% 123 Eighi teuhSi., Ne 010ar1nt,On cvery'ipretthegirlCin theplae.s cant. een t gl back He iself- cnfidec nebd rttly mouse tha etvercep cesmh Unioor! make ie see thookat In imagining Buî,t aI just vc a sem tetiht t menstlilak I i e tceis oullte wan oer menSi antungume! I oa n ur e agai,lýltisio.ý- the didhtorgive lmbt an foret i am u depair î 1t c bep s te in thîs11 * kiv lonyas e10 dettien, * -ý stilI ceali t i ieisarî Cal evey ayma be their ùlasu t da *i a - v hawk,1expeAtil te0sec agaîn *itl! gileamlu bCis rye fer sem * thel i rl. Si i stil susIlu("d! *al metonbs u dxrtrfo * ý th "r}T,1 E 1-[ud ' ai, epetuty *oll fer the nex '. thn he has lesbeslfcn * Cband osre of o trvewthn * hseçodays thae can Le ed rat *e vilh a tIeennany wi wiiomthe * Te "TH Ae HITtE O UE" *O If yenwanl"e1kee ye usa,- * ý pede23eposiitStleiw 'm a ;failure! Alil ican d o i i10. Spray 5.. Cambînln 9. enî 77. 14MMieslee 5-' . C i r a c k I 1 s 6 a t l o2 . à m p t e-1, IF,. ST t a tn.Pesa fly vvI2lh .0. Poioýn 4>2, Relî1i' J4 D' ititl L nedo ayanisainé1 is neot always" simaliboetland surrol1udd, by atr"At-,seve\ rai1i poinltsao th outhern sea-rm et Louisanad,i getsubterneandeosis tait wer focedupwcdlubygoueI agsby te ri 1fi! prsursf gush et ufsait ltt samle surfa bce lauld ta form îse laekulis ethig grouud. Que et thesecamie juta the psse oeu t the Avey tmily maethua tCentryago, auid thait Arisslnwhoise si i pepersaue acteryoh filds, unge grdes, aimbea graves ad bidsancluacy hýave given lit"wrd reetyre.tucnied trnm 1the Arctic, went eut m thesamsanid marcsI suc ,irounlldi11g Aer s1id. By' vdint t o;ardunus sarhigdy CpLturseensuwyegrets alive, Over thie lake thaýt is 10w 1Bird City -a Iig fiyilig cage et virewa hauit. Thi eve 1sowy egrets iu the fliug cage werweýi " 1l e( w i th shciiimp aiijnd innwýs. Tbree paj,ýirs, the age ith ue rustr-ated bache- ence. Thce-e broods et younig werc reare1-d in capi'livity, Then came1 thle great eprmn.Tec age tht emedthem111inl was desýtrey- edil eLy NI v erau.d thle reeaedbeonls took wiu1g. BuLt the tollowing spin1g they and a uum111 beret othiers returuned te A-very Island, And each spriugthereatter their nmbrs icucreascd, WOther b)i rds sha re the eloun, 1 Y w-itb1 the' SnHUwy, egrets. C)c cats i ul ly ani egret' s bospit'ality i s abused su " 1d then reseu1tment tiares mb augry"ÏÏ a ctionl. Fer ins-tanice, when an eut lier invades almthe ere'suet shje dtnsit as tsh1 ý'l Iie can wiie hecmaete iles te herrescu adthlei, r irieuds ivea gelneral alac. Prsenly, te1sY is whlite, wltb w\%in]gs,. The tîli( s eouste'd thie sîartie pcnt sehe and ( thle egrets draup swvifiy ý eta liir down sud irýd City is hs[d or the ight-From "A- IlThs s Leusiaa,"byFrancesPaisn Doub,>ly Dangerous-Peering from behind their Bren gon in o,ý for ward entrench-ment somewvhere in a hot sector-of the battifont, two lads of the Royal Canadian Regiment in Kurea keei. their eyes sharply open for Communist trooPs These fightinq lads, spelling trouble for the enemny, are Pvt. Richard DeMoilfort, left, and Harold DeMontford, 22-year-old twin.s from S;oUth Hamilten, Ontario. C'HRONICLES Mub e nc rMe DCet e ddet see Pruîcss hîbl u Duke etof Edin]bu'gb. But e toi- lae'îeml by caieutl e gotý oya vsîArsbl sthirtied, iwilh thle oftic* Plom for ils farn dliscegard iet eepesdwse et t'e yaunig couple for a, visit ý"wit "sli tt1e formla 1ity a s possible" T iufor a inuite. jHere 8 yauuggirl wo, ivice dung chi ladt tew yer 'as beLlcmea moîh- e r. Add o t tlte strlu e t te Kin'silnes-andposii te unpknfear tbat ail te ea se iighî b1e calied 11n(i o ta takeover claIe. 'Then cmeis Ibis tour et th Doiiuîcnrosydes- cribe ' as "alialu aaal 0cr daug"hter said' Elizabeth loek'- ed %r ver icd 0on atuciday. But I veuture ta say il veolidua(" be the thonsands et cbertinig cbildreu1 1-, b tired flbelr, n e etinig tlie paýtius at Snnlnybraek 'Hespita-i, utrte the SIaleý func'tionis wt heir nui- mcants g ae]ts (sud te Const 1antl bar-rage e 'tgape' bls E'e nlSnnidsy thi-eews icI c1- upj-ne privacy, ceMe"n t cbulrcb.iý don't tuis ay Oetuns are se curis Prinice Pii a etil o graný.t pepulatriryfrbisl.W weece glad la hearbis splenId ad- diresa te the Beard oet Trade u te koethe cae ýSlatlin~e b1is prinices wt Auid n'i techg tto[ ' subite' I1aeavsswue te gpo teéh suid lat ridasy1I d i ust that. t enijoved I'be( ai osplhece et îo e eventf. eyaewas fren ly, tr wsa net tee mach no isenemid- way, ne locînîiter, sudlien idnî ee pusbed cr1around Thce ewas p1enly etcmmrilidftiig buit il vea te raithýig-u]ot iusî sanie- Iig lcctc te Cy. Ehbî fanra p-a-dtewith niod1eru m1la- cinery. As a ce]traitthiece veas "au nid thiresbii' ischinle driv-en ily a steam iernie-auld bath wer o ing a good ([joîb. As ibe shcieîS w"ctd mb otýe nmachiiine iv. euie ma'is job tencl ithe' baulds o ceguilar fihe shiilwould ae sixte mente eeptemacin geiuig. 1 veas wishiug Pactuer ba11 been there t e eàilbut Ae bs heen te thec p.lon1ighi mali tch eI(eryearsF sud il make1ts le-S rush iif oee t u sîsys i home. A uu'miber et Irulcks sud ( 1-tr r- trailer-s were takinig people e ,a tour et. inispection et the etr grounda. ;ýi gel aboard ileefet theni suid ha)d nmy 1cough ide along wltbl the rest, AIl1 the plougbing lokeýd sen nice 1 asglad f did't 1have te decide whicb was the best. Thil ta'ri pond w-7,as întjeestîng , , «.ý tetdeep sud, by meacns et a fce pnmlp, wsth'e imain snpply for aul wvard. Tvwo firemien stood by, haosc ;;n bu.just as you begin te feel scared ini case thle 11fi ighit ra getayt he en wenltotework' with thir ha!ise. lu a littie while theý fire w as com-'pietely ex'tinqishedÙ. imlagine it was't ore than tre inuiiites- Ct"qu1ite an attractionl. l ieft m(y cotfor. the Fam l erld te-" look afteýr bt i as disappoiuited no)e et te editors were ou- hanud te me 1"et 1the public. lIn the W1, tent ÉMrs. Thomras Mye-rs, Zurâih auidMrs. JH.L cCuloc ,1yamp-1 tonl, wrekept b isytlking t inter es'ted Visitor1s a'dse(rvin1g tea. i- detlythere wleeseveral attrac- tiverest r sselrviug1tea freec L'or yasi bv hadof 1the wanerfl jo f cateriulg doue by two epaatechurch organlization]s n eyfar tiram helire. Se I set eu ainlvesigate. Womderîtul is an nndestatmeu I wnldcail i', a istup~iwLons iudertku.I n a4nd women jiiiin hre-n lore ef thern knew me tbou h is cal- umu. Mauyof themlo 1oked îrd qteafew vrar fram ynng but they weý re ail in good spirits." cmgie akiug trulckload etne cessary equipment avec80 mles tabls, sove, beche, ctand bedingtosay nlothing oet the f(ood auld bku ecsayta feed 'a coni- stanit strear et'hngy inrs maiethle wok thoepea ig for. the 'eveut'. Adthen leav- in oe bing'ou1your fe t îfor fordys wor-king witbault accus- tomned convenlieuces; leigaa fromyouir 1('(befi ad tkiga chanlce on thEle wethr.Bu Iar gatesayI ws'tal ette the -in tact o eemnasi-ot lokdreally cule, \watin1g ounh ta1bles wt a pretty ltl red andc whV1ite apron tied arounld lis wit Q.What is the proper f ee te give the clerg-ymani for a baptiarn? A. Ba'ptismu is a sacrameiint eofthe chiurch, or 1i10nefee is evet requiredi. A donation to thie chuirc,ý however, m n e gvien-whaâtever ameunltyo wih Q.How can J( rezùove spots anci stoins froin sUl1 without iniji-ring the celer? A. Take five parts of w'ater and s;ix parts of alum, weliCL oundedî. Boil a shlorit tme, auidHen poui, inkto na vessel te COOL.Previous te Lisinig, [the ixtuire muist be imadce warm. Then ws teStained art Q.It is ail righit 1te Write mïvi- tations te tea on one's visiting card? A. Yes, thiis is efetypreper. And the R-EIF 15LAST1NG For fast, prelenged relief fromn headache get INSIANTINE. Thi8 prescriptioni-like tabiet centainis net just eue, but three proveCn IediCalý inrdetthat enase the pain fast. And the relief is, in mnost cases, lating. Try INSTANTINE jUSt once for pain relief sud yeu'll say as thousands do that there'a one thing for headache , . iS INSTANTIJNEI And try INSTANTINE for other aches, te ... foc neucitic or neuralgie pain o. r for thepainIs and aches that accomrpany a cold. A single tablet usually bringa' prompt relief. Get Instastins teday 4. m ;çesp il Iatidy ' 111st-an-iteInsa *