sionItiety and w rnueh w -~ what to eiy e mies lim, a,- inn 1-01 cake, eot-te~ W rrrl caitered te Pv eeipts from the sien mrer e a saur bu1- we Extirvaditure k n-ext year and mas gWte i "-as as -te theit ur~forins an nienif. Tota - Menîs' lIard ~TTC 1".T1I'W ae~'x ities ai FFICELIS TPe exemi Mon~v ex page one) cnt ont a p artâon had a ba1- w~nlter mord and Dad 4h wirtfr ?i22~ OrS gong to I ovre $lOrOrMO for eonip- exnendtnres inclurlinrg and Softball ami other ounted to $ M 0-0. tirve are tî me~1- ths ning, November SVP te ogram for the coming ttwrît lý,,rniP. . . .. During the hours of your bereave- ment our aim is to dlo everything in our power to llghten your bur- den. H. BAR] .L DIRECTOR ýno, Ont. [.0W Phone 18 r 2 t' CATI US FOR E Tf IIARRY E. LYC Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - Real Estat curty oftens runs as high as iree or four tite h non POU, temortgage.unsin a îmounts froýrn five hïudred to ive tusand dollars. lif yenu hn~e fndswhtch yen weuld like te invest altthe ab Ïîi- tereet rate pmay getta you luiet eko htao yOU have available new or ex- Aet ehave hi Me near future. T'here îSii necage te you for Mhe inestmet of your fuds. Leroy ilamilton BROKER ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE In ail its branches Fire, Automobile, Liabiity, Lif e, Hospitalizatlin, Wind Plate Glass, Burglary If The W.A, are holding ~ White elephn r with a fish j ternoon Cea - 3'50 te 5:00 ai tPe P~risJ ~ dING E~ of St. Sr a sale of ln~g nf?1 i ik~givhrq ~oniverary Sr-'x vi - are te be ha]d la the Orani Un -ted Cl ni-eh, Sunday, Nov 41-h at 1 'xii a-rfi 7:5~O p.m. Gue t s-iealreî th Jol n Wiikne~rn Oalçxood. Spe ~L4TE~ ~'-u1 sanie by the ~l-oir. fi Pc Uetvd C'n' eh ksnnvrrî w E TT r y i -Il Pc heid Sxindscs N 1i il- 7 nm with t~ ONT, w <~- -q Cuînmh Chair ~n 'rltend-ia~c in fi e HeP. Ge'ï«sc Fmp-ev o ton. a- n Fxoeulive rn~etinj~ of t're Oron 4 thi fie tenoe'itnon wal ho held thi e Cern ng Monday evening at 8 char '>-tho rn ' 1)(veiylien We ça you-' type 0o COMING EVENTS ~ Art Newcaertle Oornmunity Hall , Peiday, November hOth, 1951, Ken h e ~elr Tour for Talent. Anyone ~-:~YI~g- to appear, file nantie as nana an pose b1e xv~th Mise Margaret A h, ~ Ncv eôetle, Ont. Diai 2511. a-c to ho p asent au a irecepti «s, a hirrur of Mr. md Il- e. Harry Gn1hark, '- IflYls dnff ir t]. Bally3n. if Seh V on 1-~ Sa5nr lut, November l7th. af'e-rno~ ~ro veaint~. The r .~pî i i i h n.~ held t i ee1elx~te ther gildri Wr i.- e din'~ Annheranry. a- i f c o p FOR StLE Fîeh Srx et Applc Cider in ga'lcn~ o~ keg' Ct ~ce M lnrosh and Bax ter applee Weakl< d'4ivery. Ph tir Clîrke 2h11, Muniay Exyne 10-48 DE~D FARM STOCK Picked up pr-omptly llorses, Cows. Heifers, Sheep. Pige FMi Le thp planingve ai ties, a-c (We puy f o ors n Co ) Mir. Jma Mo 4 , C .Tyrone on vlrt or toher v Oth.No1937 Phone fwmavll(,e.7 Lrt th eory nsl SALORESTLER nbeedbyre da H. strctd in A pomLunn Brii oerotl you need for. Coal or Oi' R.. E.LOGAN l'houe180 c>anitraimes. $L0-0 pel, hushiltree run, gliaded $1. 2.5. A rthuri Th'ompson, Phoile Orouo 6uIrr. - ni-r FOR SALE Oel e(etlic W~rngMachine,uel tn'eidile Sewing Machine and 2 goodl 0i111 Dimnis. Phoine 73r4, (Yroi-o.a- LIORu SAiE , 1 . 1r5O flstiul i ow mlcagprnva-ely -jm w ed. Phbnýe 52ell, Oronýo. a,-p r Ài Everythinig is NEW for Odmbl' RevluionryNEW "Rocket Ri-de"! yeas'pnnn g and work! CekoffT hese mîajor advncecens. . ody lo, wdc n andndsmlome--- Rok' a.ll that faiou0is npadsake plus e cnmnwdpnaiiy An Hyda.m, b«ic Drs c as wuta lncos Super 8"Odmhie '#1 "I1 A GENERALU MOTO RS VALUts tonai ait extr a cost. vt ic. LB GB8 LE A. F.1McKý EN ZIE, 3M1, 2.0 te4 0> pm.;6.30 te 8.00 p-m Sunda3ss anýd ednesds4 ýby PHONE 47rl, ORONO E. C. SYER, IVLD. PHYSICI ~nd SURCEON Main Street Soufli Office Heurs: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m~ 6 30 te 8.0~ p.m~. Suadays and Ilelidays h~. Appeintment PHOINE 74 r 19 LEGAL Barrteer and Solciteor Conducts Auction Salez of al alun and nt reasonable rates Communicate with hlm Éat ?P, Perry, Ontario, or see hie Cleri4 A, E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed .Auctioneer and Valuater Specialize in Farm and F urniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phione 5 r 18 - rm LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans, Eduzationial Pefceus: Protection. and Savings Planas fn Children and Aduits; Mortgage lu-. surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORZONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r i* The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Diail 3216 - P.O.' Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario M1onuments, Gae akr STAFF ORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby F'INE QUÂ-LITY MNONUMENTS AINP'I MARKERS- Let us erect a handsowie, dig- nified monumient over the rest- ing place of your~ loved unes. It's nut expensive. And sceinig this lat tibute wil] give you tncless cemfort Insure Against Such ilazards oFortunate that your home is [covered with protectinig firef O nsurance. Fortunate because gbecause you are protected against a ~complete Ioss. - CALL N.F.PORTER oi 0 ORONOOn. IF ce 4-Door Sean1*yd?-r riers, and rim sublljeet1