0* TC~.tTl.( nr, e dien ts atian, self e îioc:a- wýantste trth,, aud go ta ini love, saî1d ed ta, dOIllIflu ....,i.. ut ît losey One of the eariiest femisîýs was Mary WVolestouecraft, vwho in 17921 publisbed her uuVifdic2tiail of the Rîights of W'omlau." Sinitî.iïg W amen Aboil lite (On1y goad thling she cou1ld find tao say abouit !man waS that bewas lbetter-tetnpered, bu-t that ws imerely hecaulse his ur suits (unilike a wnans)occupliedl the bad avwei a-s the lheart. MTa's f(irot amii, shie said, was ta take a ainan ink lower, The tivisa atenons bu' paid ber, sucli aspikig p e hoecif we amrly spprtng isqw lie viw al f Iore under the iii- fliuelceof is igrosser appetites than womausudil] additi'on, bis tyrannly seas a blaie fr tnostfenie foiiyil- decoriare, 'at aul the causso femalcenwakncesas vwelIas de- pravîty .. branich ut 'D' ol(- grad cusewantilaf cb1as i t YIin Put aI his doesn't, sLeen, ta make s" liferece.Woaîneu appear fta " 'srstu't. batverthley (do. Wriîiing ii 1928, a womiail confeos. s .sav yet ta cautravert the fc islat ruen au m 1ake sbift ta be lsappy wýithlout lus, buit we are reall verymieblwtouten. J. . An Operi Letter to PRESIDENT HARRY TRUMAN WASHINGTON, U.,, U.S.A. Dear ýMr. Presîden.t: 1 re-alize you are a Very bus a an11(lI1aiso knowv that yau probyably get plenlty of advice and ciitic-ism, eýspeciiy the 1ý'latter, froninyolur w side of Élie barder wvithaunt any Ousie elp. ?tiL, there is a Qutte s5uggesýtion 1, would like ta balld yau, ,Mr, IPresidenit, and I will try aud puit it, in as f ew wvords as pa'OS siblt:a, whicb i s mare than yu ain ayfor sonlle Cf your home-bre criins siias couhoswhotth Well5Mr Prsidntthe sugges1- tion îItwisb ta o k is regarding one of your citizeis5, jae LusBar- rowv by naine, or joe Louis; as wef will cail i hm for thie sakec ofbev ity. Mr' Louis, as you maiay baec lbeard ruuîouired, wais onice a boý-. fighter by trade and a very good one at Ohat. Whether or flot he wýas the graettat ever livedi is a-j ma(ttr for debate, and Iwou1 bec er giad ta debate it withye on sainie ocasioni when you have aîsy free, timte, nmaybe after nx November. But I1 wili , o 50far as ta sa-y that lie mas just about as good -as thiey coitne, particularly iný thiese times whcn in ost heavýy.- we-;(igbits ser, a etruîe ith the faliig sickness, But the--fact of tbie sat:ter', Mr. Presiïdent, is that Fathier Tune1 catchjes iup vith tus aIl, including aId soldiers; and the -way 'e" has caugbt u'p witb. Mr. JoeLtois tIis past cmoupofyeas is a chiiand a Soam. But untle the od sodies M, Lousis a flt contenrted ta sisnply fade away bat coutiued ta piY bis tradle as a o-fgtemu1ch te sarrw of hbicomminsof adirers rwho wýept bitte2r tears ta'eehu baving trouble witil biglogn ,who foruierly wossld Ihave passed out if lbe had given tbeei ven a çirty loor anylind of 'a look for tbat mattor. Now as I sad beor, M. ie dent, ynss are, a pretty bhîssy stin and 1rnaybe ýtias esapedyor no- tice Éthat the reason Mýr, Loiui.s Con- tiunes ta ply and trade is -nal be' cuse he enjoys making a puncbig bag of bimel, or anY desire ta bas m lie he imligbýt. N M Pidt HAID SEWN FULL SIZEI E Str1ipra ýandi ccitt, inivdelyOu Bx( if desireti ONLY $1.10 saris or 3 for $3.00 Plein shaules Initiai munegradist in tentrasin; osiers .2e aeli cxtr itisal for Chrîsmas gits. Coflors1e ue Oee. aroon, rlease sisecifs' Calr anti wheth;erp lain shedles, stripes, ýr pattertîs et t0e FRINGEO ICARVES in Wliite and CoIr- $1.50 &$20 oh Pure SI--$.0euch Sent i noley rder ol- postaIlmite, or ie e M lshilt Pareet l'si Celleeot. SATISF ACTION OU4A TEDO Ptoys "Heavy" Role - Relcxirig con location in a Paris streeî dur- ing the shcoting cf a film is Max Vaiban, known as Frctnce's "Ibiggest" movie actor. Vclban, who weighs 340 pcunds and is six feet, three inches tall, plays a butcher ini the celluIoid 5tory andi, with his thumbs; why not? the reason M Louis coninues wvorking long past quittng - tie 15 simply he is in hock to a certainl e~t ta your Incarne Tax De- pa.rtjiient - and Inaýy say hie Î3 byli n mans uniiiquiiithis respect an your side of the bor-der or ou tii5 side ejîher. Putrtiernsore, 'Mr, Preident, con- sidering bis color-whlich je s lighit. Iy- an tish ube ie -a ie conisidering fhe emtalosieba been Up aginst, Mr. Louis has ac- ted like a pretLty fair câiZel in matitt resp)ects oult>ide of thsincome Tait imro11. nfact ma-1ist fojks think lbe bas been a creditt %-Lbirce and aso ta the fighting gaine, bath of wbIch are fisry bard ta b e -a cret ,h:ta at tim1es, if you get whï!t 1 nî1caîs and T tbinly'au w'ill. oe- 11e1 atteand th1atis wha.t i arnl propasiîng ,ta you. In youir p- sitiais, Mr,. Presidel]t, youl probaly kn1 sm of the High Eass ili yarIncarnue TxDepartient nPl least ta speai ta, Sa, wby noi cail thcli n il lSuay! "Boys, in tbie past Joe Louis has conitributed ta oyauir Deparâitnsient abouit tell tinties wa tbe av-erage perrsnCes; niaybe evèén moire Thtan that. Su 110w tb:ît SOc L-ouis is in a tigbit spot, wby naCt Cal)Il ts ble tliilng oiffand giehimi a paid..iu fli receipýt." And aîter tbcuy have ageed0ta d thapt, Mr, f'esien , ucouldwrt a letter ta Joe Loulis soinietbng aloang the fallowý\ing Iunes; 'Dear M\r. Louis. Here is a sceiement of your accouint with anr -Itn Te Depacrmeut, for past services rený- dered, and if 1 ever catch yOu or hear Of ia u beig doseýr than 50 yards f roini , baxinlg ring1i wijll nake yvon very bard ta catch, 'XI fact I will cat i!up the Mairinles aiid hlave the1ii tboot yan as fuiof hales as aine of the speeces we hear in .4 Ard if action it i atîld col !y Senaitai- i possia- Colonel want ta srîty repart. WVith hest rugards aind îruisîiig youl are keepinig up, your p)iano pla- inig.as it is awfutl eaýsy ta gel rutiY ifyaunne-glect yai- raciig A, SIXBIT CRITic. Smarten That Old Lamp-shade 0f Yours il you bav-l'e sj-aM klantp sae of silk or1co0ton. tat are dilogy or faded, ihere I i a quick and eaf'ýsy way;t' ta(- reCju1irenC la te È teln1,. Pemove alîy iininitgs anid dip th Ci e sI iinta ýa deep vsslfîled wtb y'e of ariy desired color-iiot bailed dye ibt Tinitex oDr a sinsilar pr.epsratiaui. Exper-inient firsî wÎih:a Ipi(eeOf Wý,hittt cloth-tto be sure Of tile rigbit shadce and çee that ithe shades are Comp!etely subered.Reove and stanmd on a board'to dry. TFlicshape wifll1101 be altered for th-e frame prevenitssrikig DRIVE SLOWLY Wbile traveling ili a remtte paït ta c wC, antie "Flow are the roads iluis dis- trict?'t askQd lthe dr-iver.ý was t'le lnative's reply, uuWtveablishied bad road(s arouind "Tlhat wîas a big job), wasi3'tLt?" .iNat lre li'e te native. "Wbier- ver fthe goinig is specallybardwe do-n't caIll it a ,road We alj it "Are yau always su qIe ýt, Tm y"asked the visitor. uo.4't replied Tommy, -"but m1other lbas promised me a qu'arter if I don't say anytbiug about yauir ba1dld ead and red Hasze." PIRE aendi TIIEXES. Wr ihâve a .1er anti y Of etScfe, er Çabiet, 5for an: j.&xj.TAÀVLOIR LIMITEU TORONTO SAFE WDRKS LOGYî,, LISTLESSY O'4UI 0FfLOVE W1TN LIFEI*? Wouli <tYOU like teimip ouittif -Le. feefihg fine? NL'1p te par? .--y0i Maay iýfier frpm et upset syFiessa, If "11 sare CoÔna'tË"pîstedou focid my not digesýt frely-gas may bloat up your tAniah.. ai lihe fu,ýP d pri g0e, out Of lire, Th*'swhen ,'o, nest Carter's Little Lîver Pille. Theess milS yegetsble rpiLiabring Yen u i(kkrelief froni constipatin an1(is. O helP fpromote te flowv Of digestive ,jices.Soon you'il feel taIS 1 a y e h- s ie r r a g a i n t h eL rak t . a Cr, ' t W y t; unt? GlCarter's Lîtile Liver Pila. la e as.them 01on bond(. Qtly i,7e trolusnyrsgst HARNESS & COLLARS GGOodi deoler Tise goeds are rpo ond sa arie OU? priCeS W enu far(urs lis.3oue fcctwrîs-P Hrsss HorsetC70lïr". Sweà Poâ-id 0 Hras Blonkýeta, and Leçtthes Trvlln Go)od ý r-i lastCon StaoeBraisd radt Merksd Goods Lend you gel seisfac. tien Mùde only by SAmuEL TREES Cr),, LD 412 wellnglon t. E.. Torene -Write For Ca;taloavue-. Gi EIGHT week GAINS seitiie Witite Legitoru Austnaionp X Banreti Hock e puilets. .'igitt s TWEDDLR Oit Fengus OHiCIt SALES Ontanlo lanteti citieke. BAIS.- igat. Barreti Ro~sk, Bert~ed Rock. Black e Legitoro, 047.5S, <eut Oas 95. Assotteti $44 95. ITATC.HERIES LTD, Ontenlo. 1 r Hees tue as c o, vedW to1 ma0 atm' diuesnssypom.Tite asomai ifum"es o! R. Scbïiffmanns STMADR elp dgar up îiongeston-brigaing relief. So easy ta,' so econorival )ou tant iafford 10 be îiou t powder or cgrtefrm1-4 ifl dnug stres in C.an 'ba nd Ui!Sý BýE A HAIRDRESSER ,î 3 u c A ecfut MLRADIOSHO lo f1l.ýisras1 fsiLngus 1Pro ,,,i in; I . Hem run cU t 9 FlitisollSr <tTswE SW P ay S tt aeur6 rtstClmta LO tI? EN AN> WOME clbi4Zi< 0Fe . YOI1neCKTIES? Ii WHïy 00 sa t itei In etun yu os Prn eui numiterofemrifet." dry-cianetil n esreientoeI fromC.C yourîlesplusa 1 il8 a lu "ESIAP 1A.IOFFil tuta's îi r vin g four-L t 15' cui., e eni li ifortin en, iruS. WETHERTONHAIOH O Omiuan. P. n iotr '.-itrbLte snt W1 dNELY? ýLite!'cAlNb1e>A'S W.rieTeST TcoaC.l. f'rven eWute snI'es124for et, itarlitulre lu lin seaýNit entvelopeC.C. QUSITISOKINo-titrs as ywaUsTo quieîs'eliinaes itecr,1av iin for, toitacco Dox675 Lntion. ntaro. YWneesuifer wbears ointribes and1 lée tilslPbu4e 1reil ble e hera Srt eï lrom ite Purelent orBe Seil Se. Marie. 1Onteriio. One uollar e Loy ,11ST off ie, esl One oflitegrate book '.iis ee uliahe Ë::'Fa p')el ad-e Box'l95, Terinit" ritl nt il 's on oge. als RurIlepal ugria Bec-s,. Brs ien otrDlyn Farmina. miFruit.GreIe utig, etc. Catalogue I fre . lMorgane. and onlOtitando blisheti plant wiit oot anoalurnver H. B. OILE CAENCYD mile cf amilon wtl~ xcelent an1ua2 carsusti arsaindv serie qg ragSi once ncluds buitiins anf lndan ettutomern,.tFor mped. e conildeislu- fomtQu o it ioe, ilgptil Tly excusiv sCou. rgitS'l [L S pIl. . 1IPPelC,, 'lTdO N 11u,0sS: St. S 3 AMilTO . snt t. Ptn 219 parimei B Paleris'l i naWirks ii, iid tilt Tonse' lit Tur,,lui- B5ld. TîF L cot.onpinte. a',Bou ian si1e1-nbs.i,! 9 osiai i.incidig elin or en ne ' re ur et .o ve"s r 20 ye .. 5211Quee Stret emanTorouto.al GARAGE busik- ne, iri, I12x40. 2 pumpe antipit modm bsa.,13 are A1efo "iake. GeltikesGr, foiHI, Cifrd suNYLs Oi s: ue,Ful esiioet 92gags d o u ble ed ge ite or iB let Le c$ 1 1 . A e a Norfoil, Virgit2ia Cleiaptiford.intitrNew iisstoani or nising. 4,00 ReiFColteRa Estte Cmoeifoti PURE.-BR divTeworteit ie,4 mnh CALLTG AL WOENE ?,CImRiretfa'r reprsentalve fo I Was Nearïly Crazy Wtith Fiery Itch- T-Iltil 1 ieveeiDr. 0.13.Den' m sy fa ts relief -- 0. 1). D. Peeiuie.Wnd poua.titis puýr, iu, lîquiti edicalion speti pst s niisl t romcrel lcisin;!ý, causleti b ', ta pm ie, r t 1ite slcle;' foot anti otiter itole troubles. "tboItte. 'Po 1 I.celj, appul.atiop le inth, emeet intense lît on mne3 bd.As!i relfor 1). 1D Prsciion(rtilnry or extra et,.sgli ISSUE 45 - 1951 CPA IFROW h A kf,- ROYAL HORSE SHOW ta' OULTRY FLOWER SHOW '.' SCORES 0F OT H E R1INTERESTI NG F EA U RES