A Botter Mousotrap By John Bulling afrdinner co-nma, wn Ïthe aàd noan, iýpIay abomt if.,n fa1,j it was -,i tthe3C vw-anlt a clunsa I oly nloticed if beause iha ombwlike this: Sere if is at Was! Bçat r a pathto our door, 1I îrats and mce. Double: your moey baýckiîf you f;a~ to ilirodntsau er followýing the -ripleintuios Teefolowed a 1name and ad- drsand ia request t b ndon dolrfor agcitine ' kiIl.'î il thing asgurafed.Watcod Itook the IpapIer t te ithe sud showed the ad o0 Mary.Sh iuisted that we didn't havet ny mieor rats, but 1 said ayeflt b'ut if wotuld be n1ice to hav al anit(eedmoser nyhow. Iwadd tcd ulpaillar Ull and stuick-it in anl envelope aild add!ressedL it to th1e Kil1it popeand m aaspecial tpto the post office fo mail it. 1 thoughf. of a buddy of ine, Bill Stout. He was achoicsmk erF-you know the type. ThFiewol ks bis asbfry, He had aready stant ed several exý-penive fines by lay- ing dw ieesand forgpettinig &w werbed Putothm. He had seen anr ad in dt aper for anasty guarauteed tlo Snulff forgotteu cigar.. ettes jurt de tlngfor bim Mied odrdthe lbinad wbien it camie Ci the mail bc bad found out wby it had een gu-aanteý,ed-it bad tc, e fildwth water. How w ýe'd ail laurgbed at Bill for binig caught by olck adventsig, BuLt bow Ccold a muenpb gannedto kili if t didn't d1o just that? No, I was safe enoughk from th e 1ilarity of our Crow';d. if i bouight a, lemion and the sfony hap- pened to 'lak out, I should neyer hear the end of it, particularly from 1ih Irememiiber- how niad bed been wheuIi laughed at hm.Buta moLusetrap guranecdf, ili there was no way of geting around Itried to figure out what thet thing would b !e ike. Basically a mousetnap doesn't appear capable 0f muich change. f mean f0 Sa1y, h tbing -we la -ilow as a, mouasetrap is souud, suafd seemis about thle 0only way to go abouit catcbliug licat -îhort of nuning aiten themr TChatsame unday inigbfi ;had' drasabout uoiusetraps, Vi'm oneè of those gulys Who cao always ne-î member, his dreamns wth crystal clarify i, e oserpaIhadcu - t'rtainedin y suib( onsr -sduing the ught, bilc bey Ihadsee pnety good atthe time,"wre com- Go1dbe-rg a ýffasud tnoueeof themi would have worked, L beg'an to fongefthIle beaýstly muousefnap thouigh Mr didi'i. Ap- tu ber while she was dosuai thCe aresuld sbe 1had beld up theý un1ie at teCasýhier'5 Couniter by demandîug a piuce of paper and a penil-eitelof bich ever T~FÀR F NT À ,JoIw'Qu~sseLL oei ,~ * ',- -.-~-- A dog-pretty nmucbI of a luti- sauce in a ify or towu Ibese days -is moro 4pn ls Cof a ueeý-sSify on a frm Tis is especially 50 i"o miodem t imes, iwbeu so many fanms hîave- oniy 2 or 3 people living ou then, sud prowiers and sneak Fan f00 mrauy dogs are spoiled, igbit al: the ýstýant by stuipid oricae less tnainhig; Scahperqs a f ew Wonfýdsoaiug that iu n migbt nof,, Tha powernful teu-deuicy of 4a og f0 model bis IbabaviD o pu taof hiasLý asterised f0 advanfage by trainesAnd ètb e us ifnbdfomt the tant. Wben a puppy ià to be accu Lst>'onied f0 gunts, a tr-amner w'il u aillikhood discbarge oue ai adistane of, say, ify yards, Tbe puippy jumpils, stanftleçi, Aftenwbicb, almlost iway, he- qicly ýlooks arouud f0 sec bhow-ïs Ltramer is takiuýg this tbreat. Oýýsenvi[ig thaï as- i ofbiing bad bp~athe pup fùoo Ssuif'. A'few ' epetifiouis of toin sud be may soon etibituo morecuceutanthe n. Your mïanuer ývofintrdu( ngbi in aIl uew experncesis a mor fator inurtbe do's developrIinnt. There is thle automiobile, for CX- ampl.'AfUaw dogi gefdepeaf carick, 'I arinent talking about tberi; tbey are hike Cthe srnall par- ceutage of burnlan beings unlabie f0 'opefb scaicknss, usteadI'm discussing Che sizable gnoup duit need inot bave bren ddi'el f0 caricknes 0,ts'ts nc this uew expeieuce is wbat co)unts. Wln you frsf put your puppy (as youn11g as possil)ýinfto tle car, pbasyou ontdomoethaïn place i 0ou tbe floor for twýo or threa mfinute, ýIlvTe nxitiime, stant the otor buot nflc.hecar; lk and p~ywitb im iiiin a ulormal way, giig hie a lidoiatibif to asso- cate witb the strange souud sud vibration. The followiug sap-as a i:bne 0iv-mnu ejoIuruey, du- uig wbicb you 1,111,to iin aî i uiatter-of-if oiceGraduaily, the ength of0the tnpis irea(ý-sed, o boiîd soon bave apuippy v,,,h o lu ýThe 1rear, if 0tbat's where',Youl -out 1bunIf0 St. it is- then"I, te os nciato f0 copy, to tkeou the attCi builtes of tho)se about h1im, whinch ouigbt alasto be iin yolur mmld. For if is you who ctdteýrmines wbahýt !bis cuvirounmnt s f Alu b ouise- odswber-e the people nmove su1d spakquefythe aeaedog will be likeiy f0 acfthe ý.saile way)IO the other b auld, a uloisy esfablish1- mente ifull of rnenvous excitalient,- is, ailmo'sf certain to bouse jusf haf Sort of dog. Watch ê4i ontiil amlong +our fnirend(s auc(t ieilr pets. inlfjluence. Yýou caninot e*ýpact a pup- py Of Stolid pretsfabe bigbt sud vivacious, or the ot'han wa-y anouuid, Dogs differ ueacly as miucb as peoiple, sud Cuvironnment aoe a big part, boýwever, thereino douibf. *1 It is 'ýequtaily Certain thafyu u Youm iamily coustitutie themFi important eleimsns i your dog's envýiroum'ient. 1lt gelueral, ha takasýc blis cuies from yýou, Give bu the' Why They're CalIed Several Cenifuniasago, thea i1M a Freuch politanamed E1tenme de Silhouletta. A s Secntarïy of the Treasury, hahanîr qvst aoutsiý of mropy. But hbu sas so sfiugy thaf ha did nof eujoys speding eveu public funds, King Louis IV gave buoa finle palajce in Parisbt th ld miser refulsed of0 furis1bif ýluthe Customiary 1mauneior. Ha býou-gh t he cheet possible fumniureý,,ud se- lected Sboddy canýpating. ToCtp i ail, the w "alls were actually bung wif h inxpeusive oulne portraits insteadi of tha f"customary ouint ingS. When ariien e erurd oi Suj- bouetf's liaest ecouomy, fbey dlid not klinw wbether toba ausd r ingy.luShops asud cales, ou thei boulevards sud ceea witin 1fib kig' s lce, the Treasurer'sbar gain-styf 'liack otatswnçh subject of cnestoI a n evifbie o thtby sbod coma f0 ba kuown s'imply ias sloets Q. How is the public aninouncet- ment of an engagement made? A. Th1ýis shuld e madle bythe parnts of the bide-elect, and is doue in1ti1niatel] y lyut, anld pujljs Eicy tbrogb hde ewspapens, an veblyto-,frienda inidividuially 0or collecfively. Enigraved ainnouniice_- meunts ;are flot oret Q.How are canapes c aten? A Wencanlapes areteve e for a eal (witbi cocktails iu tbe living room), fhe(y are eatenca thle finigers. At' the table ily r caten, as are otbecr hors d'oeuvres, Mitba frk. Q. 1s it proper to use a visifing card for wvriting one's regrets, to a form.ai invitation? A. No, If anl answer isreu- ted ou [lie invitationl, àif mut b ety. tive bidiegrcoo's family is sup- pedto r-1i -,on bride-to-be as soon as the ngge ment is announced. But what if the a' family lives in a dis- tant City? A, Teof courseý, 1letters e- excbanged, Q. What Ghould a h1ostesi do when a caller brings lier a box of flwers? tbankl s, sh1e SIboul d arnethe foesimnmedîatly in a vase of Water 1sud dslythem roin Q. Should ;a pitcher, o n other receptle with a handle, ai1- ways bc passed to a penson wi,*th the hanL)die. towards that persoin? A. telas, ays Q. How nmny course-s doca thDe mod-eriidinuer consist of? A. No')matter how formaid, Io mod0(em inniiier couisisf of mrethan rFisbi( orEnne;( )assf 4 S!aad; (5) Deüssert. And aiter-din per coffee. Q. Whaf w -vould1 be an aàppropr!- ate note of condolence. to write to a bere-aved relative or close friend? A. 'per Rtb: WQnds Iýare sOj amrptlI Jf oily I knew 1,ow to teli tbm itb love auçi Seud thasu to you.Al4pIy fbogbfts. 'A1une." Q. Are there any mlsof eti- quotte or good behavior to) follow when bowlig, good porsmashi ,tera isYone irouýclad rule to -bev.Neyer at.- temipt to deIivacr yourý bail m theý saerime a bowi?ýer ae îther sd of you, is dc!eliîg bi. Tis is distacfiugY to him> ,,and wotud bea thugtas ct (ou7,your part If you apris 1te whole-se- ilence of Cold w ar delopm 1 ncuits if ilbe fouu11d Th11at th e estas wnauiun- brke srisC4 ucetesinWes- tern ,Europe dunriing tle past tbreec Tba;tItbe So)viet Unibasexri en1ced an nbi k series of no- sucse uing thle pasfuw elvec Lts tkea Ilook atthe s-ignifi- Mocwbs faîle cd, a fecr Lusiîn1g veydevceshiort of var sud as- sigfiatîou," to get rid of Titoi Mosýýcow bsfaldtovwresfSot ora frorný the deiceiu e oftbe Uni- rny el hvelost control of Nortb orea to oruuitChinia. Moco as failed uttarly to se- ducaWesernGeranyinto auyv relationsip )wif b ConIlmuisf E-ast GCermcansd has fabied to keep Wstrn Gemany tom joiuug WCt .Moscow b'as foa Iof0break up thle Norfb Atlantic 'llicc sud f0 bait itSgthigremme. Moscow failed f0olblock the -ja- panese Peace Treafy Moscow faiied to tbwant itbe new djefensýe1allianjces i] inle Pacific. Moco(w is findýing if mosil feo thie naw I(talian peacc treaty. PUZZLE tu aWthessoui oke <Bblcal) M arW par s lpen.....tti 6,. Stl, Ean i, tu. pisean l4,Tketletenh ~-- - pa"rt ofmi Timie Saver 'ou don t have to rlMumage tbroug drawes or look Lunde spane parts box, mioddof dear platic dsiged o old Hsma,-liparts scres, ewenyfishliug flyýs, etc. The box ba a sniap-tight lid wifh rutno injges-. iý ario e keep artilesintbe righit place. Quick Finît Aid Now (lLI ontecosm r raret a guaze bandage impregnafedwif Vaslie pefoleum for qick easy bore application f0 burued skin surfae.Develoed durig the war, if was iu!)tcovno 01onyaaibe inl hospitals. cliulics and frolihyl- c-ians.IfsisappearauICe ou lýthe -drug shalves is in sml] auinnfi wvrapping for- hanidymein-ab- et soaa Metal Label Desiguied fr th grderfor planit identipficationl, auimlabel wiltake imlprints fnombal-pin peul or- pencril; ideutiify'ing Imarks- are ebse into the meltal. 1Tb1e label is asïplial orvriu inidustria-l iobs, esPeCia!iy ontrc tin, 1Du Dmp ?1ï.Glf f.Dutch 0.,Nthil commune ore thau 18 icsour Il. Sui 21 ecaulal 45. Portai bax~~ 47, oe 28 les t ep 5. ow ter E4làiewher-e on This Page s 4. a >4 s 4' -4 44' '4 -4 4. 44 4' 4' 4. 4' 4. 4" 4' 4' 44 4' 4' 4' -4 4. 4' -4 4' 4' 4. 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4 4' 44 4' 4' 's. 4' 4' 4' *4 ~4 4' 4' 4' 4' -4 4' 44 4' 4. 4' 4. 4.4 4' 4' 4. 4' 4' 4' 4' .4 *4 4' 44 4' .4 4' .4 44 thogot teconr are leur - dng tutatmessnes of apenaane dues netneeary denote a cas-e Aualreal noncIWhalancIe is more fýoften the ofshon e-I- assuance aboutyour oksta heresult of tumledfrosinessý. A nagging wryY that yor ap- peaanc is'tup ta par,dept tecur-rent trend, canw dr~n -you r po)iS e.j proper hair care doesnt niean a young girl is ta plasr Mlw oksU clow -,u ormaiiffre.it does %vean that a fly-away ari*rngemen-,-t * is ma excuse for unclennesaor lack 0f gloss.Kep youmair-do youthfu, but suggest yeur latent - maturity by fANItfldence to a outine 0fD fr,-qruent shnampoos; Na well-brushed cthes and eapolished shoes are an mdi- A bIt of fra catio, too of ~our eveloing tebd Uty arO sée-rid.I ousaeth rd- fslho xo tina sdde xfrdencrustcld f-kJethro wff hxrime and dir, start a new hveso fad li your 1.school for sbiin.g whlte rather tha,,n tti-aegraly. cm an eding of W rc'uesy to keep your totn ln u rw sha parkling with a miimum shore. Any mis4 of mearS adItrulprovided w hit',e o IswIll lm -),ou rmme this simple trics. whcb ca be ripp Before applyingthe vhite polishý ,,whei)the Job is Èdn