Experience Imiportant LOVINCIAL AFFA Yc L Ci .w 1 C.41 îORGE LTON r BACKGROUND rce e ars Reeve of Newcastle for the past nwpIofficiais that le iels elect- vnties foir11-2 ibli f!u tie adwiI oa goo(d ob for you foCEORGE1 WALlON en Nov. 22 Dt~ RHAM iEAL ASSIATiO %1OOD GO atl rm fogress stand whicli is thle $ectorate in this carnpaign foýrm (of assurances constructed ex- ion. 'Vlie goverilment cornes to the îdyi 1being, carried out. It lias a r- 01 1n the liistory of this province create a new era of progress an~d t9) take pleaise Noveni- duits 25., C FILIM The Iurhan liMtes all te: 'eaders tý) ai n Satuhrday. ý;ovc tecass aïd w (rest if) ail sîihoo 0110 United e ýehàzaar ta'1 ýfm-n"er &th. of the Wo- please pre- fancvyMwo'rk * n-c you wi,ýwih tt . typdqým eiosf eatin you need foe R .E. LGA1,5i utn i a~ rvtl Phone 19-10 o-e.Poe5i Ooo qsh Sweetà-lTh -Ciîde /n gallons .egs. Chç ce Muilqto and Bax- applesý. eekW d (1wiery. Phone -ke '2811, ury ye10-48-~C Pie.ed up proniptly-5 es, C cis. Heifers, p.'Ilg and Caves/ eFg ie pay for Horses ýii Cows) - ail uis colilt h Ïre o3ee per ib. for crippt d and 9d horses MARG ILL F R FARMS Phione P anville 26W' your own MORE POWER TOTHE When you.1 farm opera: That's wheý Commerce naniiy yearsi farming Be sureu They are avi jeep up with agricultura ý,progress your nion becomres a good- ying business. te The Commerce cantep you. Your -,Maanager represents a Pink that lias forý aena keen îtrs n o igbetter A in Iooking after C "nadian )fres ,ds. Why not pay hlm a.Nisit? ask for your copies qf thesebokes àiialble at a.ny Comumercî e brandi. Power tQ' ýechajnizciý ýusinc.ss '>' J Keeping the F' shows aow i profit-sharing p( J Pasture on th deals with grazi conservation neý land use. ýYou" expleins ýion in keeping withi raclice. ýrm in the Faminity mr rail be run as a rtnership, Production Line" ;79 cQftrol and sai ,essary fo, better and SURGEON 2.00 te 4.00 Via.; LU te.&A»N p. Sundays and W.Iiw.dale b appointuent 0m17 PHlON E 47rI <bONQ tone 84 r l: "Good Breedi g Shows" cutlfines the. combination a factors which help you tc, realizd top production. "Quality Makes Sales" feils how Io get quality with volumne aitan economnical production cost. CALL wipl E. C. SYRMýD. PIW5ICIAN andl SURGEUON Main Street South Office Houri:- 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.040 pi.. Sundays and Holiday. b- Appointient - PHONE 74 r 19 ORON0 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Soficitor BOWM.AN VILLE. ONT. Phone : Office 688 Home 553 TED JACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuater Conducts Auction Salem of al afin and at- reasonable rates Commjiunicate with hlm ut FPnB Perry, Ontario, or Bee his Clert ,L E. Morton, at Oroio, for date. JACK REM Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Spe4ialze la Farm and f Furn - ture sales Consult me for term and dates Phone 5 r 18-9 LIFE INSEURANCE Pension Plans; Edu'cational Poflt.es. Protection and Savings Pla. f« Child'ren and Adufts; Mortgagoe la- sllranice Plans. F. E. LYCETT 0ORONO, Ont. . Phonîe M0 r 19 The 'RUTTER GRANITE COM'kPANY Dm1 32"16 - P.O. Box C,22 Port 1Hope, ontarlO ST-AFFORD BROIS Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E.., Whitby FINE QUTALITY MONUMENTS ANP 31ARKERS Let uo- Lrono 400. NU E FROST'S le «I h L