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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1951, p. 7

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and wn Ocý1 (tobe-r corns e wt how thiley turiln ce -id adgold and tel11 oreesthiattIlle color -is gr and this yaorth at it isni't quitc as; good a.s it was last yeari1. Anld we ,glýice at tlte orange 'of thie as and the deeýp crlimn of thle oaks %tith quick appr-aisal. 'Thle wood are doing pre(tty weIll, we think;ý if heaývy rins or hiard winds bloid off, ,kIley woni't be bare for aqfew morae wees.Buil nth i le lait of Ille leaves areil Cdownl, we'Il1 have toiak and buru 11thiem anld tidy 1up)for thej, tvintier. Thiat, w thinik, is the ric we pay ]for haing trLees., Bult thetre aire othiers whlo have lvdwjtthose trees aud are 1now fi;- awayv. Thiere isý for ;impe M, ao iin Englanld 'vho rote bon1~b ase,' 'tyupes usend aj m1aple leaf iniyour inet ltter? just one leaf,. or m eto I wan-t to ,see atumn iiagaîin,th w,,ay 1irmemibeýr il. neeaor two, froi-1auAen cO m naple InI Octobeýr meanls auitumu111, \vwhel you are f-ar awa from hoýcme. 'Thle Amtcican utmu which covers thle h like a car-pet, am-ti whichi has, no cuteprtay- whelre else il] the wor. e forget, havîng it alIway s, eveni as wve forget the who; l )1bcouniity of atunal a)cros;s th-e land. Theconhks thie ptimlpkcins, the pkty of the apple oiCrcrds the b)rowing liay s;tac(ks, thp towercing elevaltors ýoverT- fliwjing wtht grain. And somehow, by the magic of rcebrd autumln, it is al SYmbçlCized iIl a malp/ie leaf or- two espiotchled wýith1 red ald goid. 'l'li red of lift, Ithe goid of plenty, litia land where even thle trees ccicbraite the baruvest seasoni. -Prom Th'le New ý,YorteIbnmes She ravors Wearing OId Cloth"es So fia-ny peope take i frgran eýdthaal omian who does flt lboy One Orre ueco%ýshtmesa seasoli is , nut d of smp thyitat wanit to eniter a proteat. I arn in fvro wearing Saidches, Speifially, et os consîder an oild]suit. nold sI ui conforms to a w ansaciv tics as no0nelloe dc.Theo)ld siit i iterallypat of heir e oality. Eve br ifrieulds reogie ir fi imistan eb- cuetheUy 11ow the suiad thIere by she is mre)ftcu ied O)verIh[1wyear-s the old siu i ma Perhaps it sarted ont with two, blouss; uoLit bs ix. G;loivesare e'qually numiierons, .Acrs ta and frnch daisis concth lolg=v the suýIit a ýnwu-S for spri]ug2; thec freshenelId fItt nd a om geicr maeit ,equally apropiate for fi wnîts..1Nelie IferyVattsin The hita cineMnýiter. ThefIl d oe mot are thlose whlo mak ustink welof ouIrselvesý, Ian ethe ldworsted si compiilimient oes eseofvlu Wýeherit: bas be onfor five orte yar ihsa-, newil o k we lI it core fromthe cleanriIs. Au acquiaïntance may -ay: "*Ho)ý,w wellyou look in thlatsuit. Is thistCe flfh seasn youhave wornit, in y dar?ý" To this rem'ark thres caner of the suit imay vconfidenitly couritcn, 1 mltiut ioduLce you to m-y tailor, my iear. 1 was sn snry to suce your pointinent to you." Finially cornes the daywhn the good sit u ýIbc or ov yae timeaheteenpïresing. it's tuime to contemiplate a new onle: its wevColo.st3le, tailor.No,çt that the (ld it îiùl be sumailydi- carded. Oh, of On col, foggyý dasaindof, rainy days t oss Sor' anri ithe old suit wiIl be com]- forîbly ozy nder a 1bright ntain- For lothes ogrwohldin tbe ba1rnIess they and the ueaner lhave. b)éeen in hco ld clothes h!ave a saifcinafl terown.I Men Cooldng By Miriam Dewey By cule and boo iAidoilowa recîipe Vithprcsin AdIjtiuig a sten To srejuIst two N aýn itiCaIte rblmini long The meat to an accurate ouince they wei, Andý quaritercacl a leaif of bay. Alarm doks ar1-C set0fr the momýIlent to bse (heyshuder t phIraSsslikýe sesntotae" And torI1t tlie kitChuý- Wihviolent A rtand (creatli1ve Instinct, not esOig Ditfates thie saoî~ Ci'dul torel dici-ee that anyone- planred oi! af a easpoon is good, ithen a t able- spoon's fne! F-ling on soe alaon 1ury b peas, BrIOn hestAeak ulh a topinugof chleese!l 'le, omiei en cook By cule andbok Aind other b istnc b gsh o by guiess. But whoever the mie 1,7on11cari tell witb u ~ Thalut a wmnstue otmre wbo will deanil np tle mess! -From BttnJiig -qw- Thtcookie ian cmp11tyagainl? If niot, it soLon will h-hts suppas- iuig youn faly ý ý, islk- the mj or- îty. So, witont uhr epa tion or apology benec are a fe recipe s l'm surce yo1ul11al 1i ke. APRICOT-F'ILLED COOKIES 5/ cup shortenbng 1 cap ,:Ugar 1ils teasp)coons vanilla flavorinig 2 eggs, beaten 21 '_ ciaps sfted f lour Iteas;poon haking powder / teaspoon saipt Set oven iforu odrae b ot, 37.5 vanila ud egsbai gwelSit dryinYigretiins tgte;aidi t cneamd mixure.Mix weil. Rol ouh -kicb th1ick 0on floureud huard. 'Cnt wth3-iuch (cnt- ter. Cltnt holes b haîf ithe round1(s wlitb aýppl caner. laeplain rouullds On ugesei ain heeýts; 1top i iglad c0ver w-0ith reaii a flouredi fo,r lee 8to10 miinultes or 1until c7ookies are cligbitbow eks2 cota,,, 5zCup suga-, 1tbepo fleotn, 2taeson conui, ?n tablespoouis orangze jnic:e inl a amîl etn~eau.ilingta aboil, stirig~comsrntyandi cuook5 nnueOn unitil ticStinin 2 ped nus. Cool befone 1plliug îon CHOCOLATE' PINýWHErELS 111cup Shotening. 1 Cup sagar. iegg î5steaspoons vanilla flavoring, 11,/4caps sifted floaur Vteaspoon Sait / tea.spoon baking powder I . quare tunsw,,eetenedl chiocolate, melteil Set oveton mlotieatl ot,3 degree!s F.,rentsbortelïiug and s[ugarioethe unil'flluffy. Blenti in pg >:and vaniilla. Si!'t dry itindi- enta ogethecr and add tn -ceamet mitr.Dividtie heougbin haîluf; addchoolae olanc part Mix Suez C. 0 igdrK. l. Dar- Iin, abcve, coînmarn-.s tke Bri ti5h 16.F'- archteBrigade-, which f lew into the Suez Canal Zonte frorn the islan'4 of Cyprus ta reinfoî'çzee ritk. roc iý.-. il- *ý,empting fo keE-p ordei there agcinst riutingq Fgrticrix, and bock up Britair's determiriation nïfot to be esoce'd tom ëFhé' Mal -Less "Welfare State" More'Self,Reliance Gennîauwy, Biisb lti a~îlSir William Siiînsai b connlectianl wilitb te wlfae tate qaap-ta- inig bcgoniforsoies "Thle rden outh lbas lont been taaIgltIta n ok aý Ierbiselif-he eer bah5 m lore thaq 110 fuet acroýsara dît'N'ýStneet olr fnomthe bcketai ofa -inçtna. YTherefare lelbats bat ita!be tau, ht en e -sanes ntatheArorly ta lie a prac- 'tical uiifit bimsh, osnatale ýOta oalýl i aterhiseifU nico lei of obisn"weapas This is nt ltopgtlien a diqparge- metof tie wlfare state. 'l'ire eb marýlsl im itat it lbas11,11aoyai- Uatgs e melýCy says that it ïss't gooti fon sldera. I t is a wnng tpat even inh ai-proviti ing Army selfreliance ant icdan , n Iýd l aaitinkiuig l nedt ,~tut it cao ah aso lie taken as a re- mintien that in tie paternjaljstic state less àa requinet of intivitial effort, anti thiat lesa niecessity ita sacceeti nay faster lesa inclinadi to put fonth efort, On tbie basis ofsttmnslk that of Itle fieldti marahial wemaiqy wel quasion %hewisdm of placng mre responsilty for the individu- S ai on tie stst Army service le es nly ne ofdthi es à aran'Ws ieel) lie niay be calBed i pon -,0 uCse4isown ingenuy. (.ut 4 s1]ects of wxdpaper 12, x 8". Rail chocolate dotgb be)twN'een twvo Sheects, to edgeb ai paper. Re- peat wt vanilla, dougbi.Rmv top shecets of paper, and invent vaulIao chocolate dlougb-, match- inig rectangles.,emveremiainiing aptir fcom vanrilla dougbi. Trnim il dou1ýtgli startinig at wvidec egreýmov1ing paper trigroll- iu V rap roli iu axtipaper aiý ch'ili ovcrnligbt. Cntlu 4-ich uce. Paceon greaed akiig hees. ake 10 ini- uites, or until bond ae bu 4 iozen cookies. ORA N GE DROP COQIES 1's cup shorteninig 3/4caip sagar 1e g g 1'cap sifted flour / teaspoori -brilîýittgpýow der 5teaspoon b4king soda 2 tabeiaýQs oGage juice lsteaspoQngafNtetiorange rind - St aeufoi- iotî, 400 dgcsF Creaisothn n ua o gether outilfluffyv. AtlIi eg; blenid orng jice antl i nid; ix wel DmpbyteasponfIs, 2 inýches apant, on gýreased baknîg shueets. W \ithIlsmalý1!il,, msuring spoanl, it- dent th c-en1te2r of eacb okyli oranige juIicý: trop a1 scanit 14 tea- spcolo f mxtrelueach denit. B'akýe R to 10 i mites oc unill ligbtbon kiaçt 25/z dê,z- PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES 5cap shortening uACp peanut butter Vcup brown sagar, firmnly packed 'Acap gnanalatecd sugpan iegg 114 ças sifted flour /4teaspoon 1bakirig soda / teaspoon 1baking powder 1teaspoon sait Set ove l o)tonmoterateiy]hot, 375 dere .Cemshartený.iulg atii peanut butter. ACHti sugansý, mix iiig at]f1lnffy. Batin c(gg. Sif t dry inigredierts tgte;atti tocra c ixtu;mi x weii Ciil. Roil i bu -inch bail de lc 2 lcesapn on gre1seti bakinig shetsF1at~nwtb gratelr' onp- tata maher iBae 8 ta 10 min- utes or ai] iilghit bow.Makes aot3doencookýies. Neyver Saw white rMan A mstang,1walt-i jungle village Dlutcb goveumenI)cIt mission loto Cie -vibst interior of New Guineca. The ex-.plorers say for rnan11Y day1s tbey bi -dfollowed vine grave traîjS beset witb booby trpswbie Irs of panatlise fl'ashietiaosgthe junlgle greenl. Sudeny teyfouni tbem1selves a tiny' village soirjcundeti byý hig paisades. Flicv (nati a alne juat biîg enanoIgb for anic of their ouimber ta craw! ltoghi. t led noder a trceetruuk curt iiïaiii ta tire campotd. As thie warriora whbd bail beent iNani thin mlovemlenits, sprang fomdng ani snlrraatdeti thelin, iimnybran-dieb1iing lrlog otn- nogcispeýars. left-' moCre (alble faCib' ion, horse sho v and rodeo, four blue- Livestock Queen Coraleen Jurion. (O),tlhe ri6 . inati ves, practicaily naked, caried bows almost as big as (teselves, anld quIiver1s of weirdiy -decorated arrows. By varOnS Asin the leader of the Da)Itcbmllen explainiedtit the natives that they we-re on a peaceful mis- sion anmi bad not comec to fight. lie- began ta Sing Iasonig of Pece wIcl the susicions natives listened ta, slowl1y b-comînilg lussa beligernt à thecir attitude. Thenl the Ditchmen canveyeti to thcm fbat tbey had bohtgifts fnorn ,a pael-n clne 1wite qupen Juina who reigned acnross thec blue water and liadt their welfare at heant. Tlh,- wariors were impIr(essed. With lef, the eiiplorens waýtched tbeým so I ower their weapons. The gft.koives anti tomahawýks, were Irairdeti to the .iitives who be- AnastLoisblinjgfac rvualed is tbat Cltough Australians fongbt the -aa 1 -,sle cvwýibiualm1o'st ant arrow5 flght o thestrange wli et-n ilae 1obatiy ,stiliibledl apn hi tibl!owres.Bmes flown over the ane a may timiea, 1ut t t1 wthe dense junigle b1ad rri maged to presen e its secret. Left-Hancled FoIks Said Superior resnfor feelig supeiOr wh-1en comnpareti with their cluîie ight- baddbrothiers. htathe ticverdiýct of a team of pscoa ist t the Uiliversity(of \Wis(cousii, who Ibaveý eeegagetd in makug atborouigb irIvestiga1tionin lto the ae-lpo- blem of left(an nigb adecea Durl-iiug ,tle experimuts ,it waS' fbiliuti tat lf-addpensons wr suco r igb11-t hnded uales two diffreut pays. These wý( e: "Seei t ovi3g thie bauds (cithen o ýf itbemi) froin onle place te another pwhijLlý pefornsiug task: antiseeiat turin-gami conutolpanel knobs." t mas fouud that leut 1hautiens 011,e-able to mve thin eIft band nrient, anucicnIcxau t, tuannleîrig or even ;usanity werte deCiib)ed a "oud wivsies" Somne ?ague that peernefor right or Ift originlates from iflte way a ba rlis %beî ys Amothen., if a moàber carnesber baby-1à ber ltýf t 4m thie baby's right armvl wvOund en4circle bier nec, wiîe it, -left wo 14 be h frceetosntb t thigs. Thuit 1m ligbit be expected to bet- cone left-handed. Bult carefl epriet by tilt scien1tistshae- roedthait it Just does ont wrkont ftatway' Tailpiece: Uniqule anong JahIthe races Of thie wortd arectef Atanc a tfMaldagasca'r. AMiost eery snernii- bec of this tribe of 100,000 is lef t- handed, Must Eat Every Hour Or Starve To Death that it can ~be beld in a ciosed fist blas beenl making natuiralists t',i wihaiinazcetLt is the Short- tziiled ahew, and it was aIrt-ady re miurkable enlouighi0 that it bas an- appetite for twice its weV'igbit veîy daand i bas a distressing habù Of dyingof sbIock wbieni i) danger of 1- being cauight by mlan. But the Iatest news abouitAtr sbnewý is evenl more remlankabie.Ilt basbeen dciscov'ered that it Ca;nriesý a nerve poison as deady as that uised by a-n Indian cobrai, and that g1landIso4 a siiglesrw c:arry enougb doses of it to kili 200~ ThA daer fdonm the sbrw's -veniomi is smailI, bowever,5 so far as Mani is concerrnet. For somne reason, the sh-Irew is practicaily paraiyscd with fearic eni Ie is detccteti by i uanbeing, and scielitists hiave hialtdied ýdozenls of te ibu beîîî' i jreiiiuamywy Whien face to face with ot1ler creatures of garden and mneadpow thre shrew beccimes a ecociorts buirife of furny deatb. One scieniti-t was focdish enouigl to puithtbee'sbne-ws together - l thl same cage .%Afew hours laer lC foui oniy one sbiew ieft-atj id h"d a very fat tomach., In fact 'Iis storniachi is the brw' greatest enemly, foritf ut be fhl 24 tiimes- aday. If nle of the meal' is delaiyeti for two or three hounj he dis of starvatin. A CaniadiannauriitCoiirat Ca;ini, haS descc-ibed Ilhe activîties o. a-bi wihh oserveti whibý wstornoud in bs caon on Smokî- Rvrin theic anadian RjocIes ,Olr4 day he tbrew ulpon thei cabin flooîý a ded qu1inel. A sbrew bga, t fe lonit. Th< littIele fliow camec houcfly foýr la mea anti ;1n five cdays lhe hati nte1a bones. Thle squinreîwighed about o004 pcund. So that inspace of fis days the shreî lad epten 128 tinte hiso wu weigb!n Bully Qut-rte-t-- Arrivinq for thýe Nuionoil Livestock blooded Hereford huils receiv~e a grocicus welcom l-, TABLE TÂLts N N N N N 'I N N 'N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N i N N N N N N s N 'N N N -s N s' 'N N N N N N N N N N N s 'N -s 'N N N 'N 'N N N N t N s N N

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