The lad ha Vie &laimys rouht 10O2 stiteet. th. tlrtliflrplantusta Edmlontonl, T fiiias Bellamiy i n t'im t -i fifty ye-aras -go, in tl£he Coun!tvy Dvn4hann,, Onbai fae of assu ace tlit "liacss wil lvoti and ihis eai ELECTION RESULT'S WILL BE GIX' FCASH nlîPIZEll.S 21 Gamies and Jackpot-ÂU for 50c Special Games and Share the WeaItI Thursdmy, xNov. 21 8 ..SHARP NEWCASTLE COMIJNITY uAL tally, thse roa 1als î'-a" " amer-"- se «y hoýme on, pent firs ilani Mtobî 1K)02 to Edm'iontoni. Fou was boru rl rhe mwentito tabusiness f( rii, aind had bis As a acesflbusi rly experience Bllaycoetributed im F E I I o g g g g g g iidg g '<i inan, Mr. 1 0- toe ourlyf During the hours of your bereave- mient our aim is to do everything în our power to lighten your bur- den. HARTLEY Re BARLOW JFUNERAL DIRCOR Phone 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 ines in its field! '2e-noîgs f alil ow-prîcecl cars - 198¼ incheLî frýOw busmper to bumpex t With its long, sleek Ihecombined with extra-spacious interiors and4 balançed weighit distribution, Chevrolt is the Leader for comfort and elegance, insîde and cuti. Yes, Chevrolet looks and rides berter ,. its buift to be stronger and last Io gr.. than ocXherî in its field. o drlvlnq iným its field'. fines? styling ...with excra-be-autiful Bodies by Fisher .. . found elsewhere only on higher- priced cars. fines? thrills with thrift . . . on11Y low. priced car with Valve-in. Hleacl Eag4pe . . trend- leader for the industry! fInest Action ( exclusive costiier( finest vision . served the comniunity as sesooal trus- tee aïnd a rdss id laito-r was reg- Istrar of thve deparimeintof ceduca- tisa. Mr. Belmy was a baritiver. COnCoiwi'S IDiOke Of -a!re for the neiw Isitl ronad ts thas veiry fitti'ug. the *more so bOa~use the roadi passes r 2throaigh oneoif thve oItdeaL t re£t.ons of Iits home. g,# ,Pr Miced line in its fild'. Chevrolet looks better and rides better because it's the largest and finesti car in its field. la evey detail, it's builti ti be stronger and last longer. What's m~ore, Chevrolet gives yoti big- car roadability, and hias that sleck big-car appearance. Yes, here are the wvorld's lowest- f'riced full-siz cars ... extrernely economical Cobuy, operate and inaintain. , . so why pay moe, why accepti fris! Corne in, place your order for 2anadas lrges# and j$pei ow. -J Hr. TBarrowe oitg'h. Sirtiday. Mr. E. Bariiowclough.Mer bert, Hsrotid, .and' Arnold A¶ue4 turned home from t1heir hutthii Tlhe(v Nwee for-tu-Wate ta baz t.-,v tMocndav evening a eets heýld,, at The bhome of Ms.E. 13, ctygh where it wadcddt lvearseis would beimmedîitc a Plav to be presented at the fi *of MNr. C. P avn nd v nwaf Vthe Tues ray. Oursthltech. Mrs. .111 -whe ig st;ii ktth heitl. reledby Mi,ýS H Il tiln Ba clo-uzh. Tbe reçuiar WA en +b(, at th hnme of MsToimr Mrs. Tainie, Mr. T'ue Dinng, Real Estate- Very freqjuentfly 1 have opotuiyof pl ,ig Fi Mortgages on chierai-ni town, properties where the eurity oftens ruils as high three or four tisses the amou of the saortgage. The current interest rate five and one-haif per cent r annum andd i4 payable ser annually. 1 arn usîvally able place mortgage fund--4 i molunts from five hiuldred five tliôusand dollars. If y have fundls whîch yent woli like to invest ut the aboveÏ tecres4t rate may 1 sugg-est ti you Jet me kaiov;wh wa aov vou have available now orc pect to hiave i the near fiuu There is no charge to youf the inivestmet of your fundý Leroy IHamilton I3ROKER Phone:- ORONO 1 RING 16 Plate .Ti5U, »urgiairy Orono Electric Phone 30r 16 C-i'si a inewuaauwille 10 a.m. Surday &Shool Gi.O aini. Morninkg Serv ROy