i-, 3Q0,finm25. Sure-ly bhe 1ave a md ýlof Ibis n ise(-, ol lnh .ating, a girl whion i s jpar- elic and ave etertain'ed l hlmii. Onie oîdi frienld nOw wnts t0 lmar Ille; bis fasnily are- wori- derfil. I am Onfly fond of h Ilm, but i 1kno0x hecwouild be.good ta "ease aviseme Shlah, 1 stop othier boy? ýOr leave tQwnl? uive- J hlm nas its uIvanitages tut>. IL giVec youi a clearer persp)ec- and Caer on may inclne you rd th'is ther one ho lve, too, let him n ow)ý you are fon'd cf hlmi, and flot in l ove. ut sesuain 1at home, !his at- 'Osý will bec. omifotig--andt yil nleed ai l tht com-fortyo v't PUl surely comne to youi -Doni'fiarry anyhody youi at love, even thongh you're for himor Cthinkhe'lmake m hushand. it voud notbe o you nor ta hlm. .thing comecs between vanl dd1gcLs ita bis family it consisted of 22 cats e, Now !hebas oily the( ca i wif leithlm eacn guest ecrect.,-ana naoimngi 't exactly as at anl afterniooil tea. Q, If a persan has leCft a tele- phone itumber for you, ta cali, vvithaut leavljng hi,,narne, wa should you say when caUling that number? A. Merelysa', T i isGeorge Gordoli< Did somleone at this nm ber calm? Q. At a wedding receptian, whose place is t to propose the toast ta, the newly-m.,arrled couple? A. Thtc best manl. [igs of o Put you h ny s ,tFucl of imaiai could Imîlk he a s intctreigas Aiý ri can violets? Sulre, I knloW is ilore profitable ,,. ,but intees in.-g! otoe~a wou)ld lbe -abel- ttc word to des;cribe it. Thie lk q, uestion ]is about as ui- settled as the ceas-fire nego6a- tions at tht U.N. Conference. Weltht R oyal Tour lhas ndd 1 hocpe everyone Ihea rd Pr inc ess Elizabeth s fyweîaddress.« It seemed t nme there was a rathr sad, wistfui ualyin fher voice that hlid no-, heen there on previ- ous occasions. ih waýS thtcvo0oe of shîcer-ity, givinig exresin oà heartfelt feeling of apprcciation amd gratitud.e for th~e royal way lr' 1on- A. Not wh eil he is alone. I, hùevt h acmpiie y i wife he e.gsier ~a' Mr, and M Ilg .Marfini. Q. How should one show re- cognýitîin of a frienci or acquain- tance while in church? Q. At a ha4iday dinner, such a Thanksgiving or Christmnas, where, the service might be called semi- formai, le It caiisidered proper ta offer tht guests a second helping of turkey?, A, Yes, and vwhy not- Q. It s ail right for a widowed mother at lier second wedding ta, have lier ownï daughter serve as hia;d of honor antd ber son, who is 21, give- ber away? A, Yes, thlis is quitc alil right.ý MERRY s.lil)ig nd slin oastosay not wonderfl womlanl homoe! Ecept Thil io nift suibie at tayed a hat wv'as g on1 tht, pnoraly )-ut unltil e along 1(ion't 1 took aride enl and onte -, ted în tein dhe fact t'hat Placed themin iIl By "Rev. R. B. Warsen, B.A. BD. A DOUBýI-NO AND DISOBEDIENT PEOPLE Number 14: 16- 1-11 Memory Selection: If we confes Otr sinis, hle ; faithful and :iust ta fargive us aur sins, and ta- cleanse us from ail unirigWýeousness. I John 1 :9, Whe thechildren àof l buha spenit na a year-twelve mn ont fromn each tribe, spied out thie landI. lu forty days thsyý returnecd briniging of the fruit of the lan(I. AiMl agreed that it wasý a land flo ing withi milk and honey, Butte men \were --ýfearfui Cll the iahitanlts and proceeded to isupart their fear to thle people. Caleh said, Letus go up at onlce, anid possess It." The majoriy report won and the people longed to be back lu Egvptc, Intdeed Mhen joshua and Caleb fur ther urigeýd flic people saying, "h Lord is wîthl us; fear thiem nt, the congregation was about to stone thempvihen tht glory of tufe Lord " appreaired in,,the tabernamcle. God threatened ta destroy tht peope and raiîse u p a nation to Moses, u .Moses iinterceded ila Prayer, Godl forgave but determiine i tat il the adults except Caleb and! Joshua woulld die ili tht -wilderness la forty years of wanderings. Hlow strang is birman aue hu te er God's lverdict they peuudta-en- ter the land. 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Si s' INIeuntalu l IMARTEST tihin, tit eý mie moreSC v biýs righii Te nIo g ro0", rowu Z5ompass point Corse gnd - ~jt~ giveCi go fo ttsrce-inch1 a tbep -fed from lito li thirouý"gh as2 thýeir feýt il, kfldaso hIavng gon( ani our froin Imine, orý walliý sut us j goiîng ,hall r. riî age ýotorcycle, mode cf wegither, --l-