t Q. How cati I .nl wri Swithi le shad] onl 'Vllicli is sp ded coconlut. neyer kniown- so good. r li :loth.', If thie shades I. prepare a simple an nour, cor u cornles cool. Q. How cati I f.avor to prunes? A.\ A deliciousa the resuit if a s n imn11 C Il l (jSC\e 1-ril 10w these boa rd s toù fold dowýn when niot linse.A narrow ,Slot i the dresser ends milI allow a thin board, about three inchtes widle, to pull out and fit Unider thle drop eaves, to hob ther n inplace when ini use, If table work-space is likewvisec neeedbu not al of the tine, a widier boaird, or piece of wood mnade be astenied 'to the Iback of 'tit dresser xih Ihinges. fThus, when conpaniy cornes, and you want to bave luncheon or supper already,, on the plates, puill out tbe dresser frorn the ivaIl, lift -up tise board at lhe back, as wel) as the~ two 01n the ends, and thiýrù's pnty of roons for piecruist makling, and later sttng ot plates. amnate) 1 eooked' iargarinec ,4 cup chg drint i 34cup evaporated niilk V'cup) water 2 egg yolks slightly teaten 3cup browa sugar, firnily pack- cd /teaspoon sait /4teaspoori gingcer Steaspoon eaých, nutrneg and cinniarnon 2 egg whites 1 cup shredcled cocoinut, toasted 1 baked 9-inch pie shell Ycup creamr whipped and swveet- ened %teaspoon vanillà Softenl gelatin ini Iýj cup watcr, Combine pumllpkili, niik, ¼ clip WaitLer, egg ,ok,~cuip of thâe siugar, saIt anid Spic es îin top of double boier. Çoo)k over boilinig vaIer' 10 milittes, st*rring con- stantly. AdId gelatin snd stir unitît dIifSsolyedChil ut'il lsliglitly thic- enied. Beat egg whlites unltil fo-amy. A\dd rernaiing suigar graduially, beatinig iuntil stiff. Fllin puimpkiii ixture, vanilla ai 3,1 f toasted coconu1t. Tuirn into coldj pie shieil anid cifli until firni. just before serv:ing, top %vith whlippýed creain spriikled over withi remtainihig co- Conut. Q. lJow can I treat- a head Col4? A". Try snui-ff-lng powdeýred borayx uip inito the ose it wîil l id Con- siderably hi drying ont a cold. Q. How can 1I make a substi- tute sizing for plastered walls arw1 ceili-ngs that are to be painted A. When nlo commeircial siziig i s a Va'iable, lthese w làl ay be withl a large qllantity of water. Q. What cati I do if the nietal tips of a sboe strig corne off? A. Dip the endicl of the strinigs inito multc;iage. This w'ill stiffeil thicii and ak it eýasy to put thern thirovgh the eyelets. Q. How can I1niake the task cof rernoving old paint easier? A. Dalipen the Salidpaper wit Il benzlinle, and it w\ill llihten thie wOrk of rernoving old paint. Q. How can I clean woodwork or, furniture that is ooued or var- nished? A. Clean wt a soft coj mois- t-ieedlwith lemlon Oi. Then mrb A~. :vake a vcir S ui ,ste Dc portlanld cernent an1d1 water . CleanE threege of the 11arble t1horouJlghly, apply ithe cernent toboth rol e edlges, press thet2edges togctheýr very tighItly, 2a1d tie securely uintil thec cerneunt lias set. 5Qdi hi b lui use v,'&al friendals Ned to uise- it is a diets