emqYty Cl u~?O~CC t> an day SIXTEEN CAN DIDýATES ,F OFFICE INNECSL .lVknday, -Deembiler vdwHb later a b)usy dayinthev1'ý g~o ,Newcasitl.ewithreien u k their blos adn bi hie pelt t Ail for 5% g g g 8 odi MUITY t i t n tis na MEANS T( Ao iaf o opou t h More colc spcsce . .. more regol beauty , more utiiity and quality. .and CIiifor Iess money .. More thon 163 square feet of sheif room . . more fthon 834I/ cubic feet of coId soa~sae THE GREATEST RAME lNU- ny Different Modlels To Cheoo LOW A'S $115;-.041 DOWN -- t e e e ~AL ort- gbow PhoneiS r 7 t AR5 STRONG'S *~~ crps rcotuine, s etas Blanket 0 th.Ailc s ;%Aof y go cntS pante pose8 Imatch. sire 5 an faix I Prj9 $150 Meyn'asstipe flannelette pi- $15O fr 9.40 M hPrice------ -- ---$5 OnQe Coat, short egh$,0 Bbs IeeIndsepr ladies' fowered or stripd Sue 1-4 Ptic $1 K69 19 patteras ,iann4kro pyjamas; Station Wagon Cents, Price- ---- ------ s$,i, 3"ienigthqil ted atinm 1ining, IL W Lai Rfowered fannelette colors of sard bIne, wiae, grent "JNightgown, Emtbr-oid!ered Ike Pricd at $85 0. fl Deserts, 3 for. .. 'a Dec A <' fi ce. E set' o 5:00 p.m. Ourfo or ofTo CLECTRIC B Ql c Comne 1