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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 1951, p. 6

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= iry miorni- id escap)ed .d wîith a e ring in to no chanice of mlan blas tried it, eck, andtI sholder oved too tüIIgII has been now vibs. l'ters have bueen t Ïito the air ns Irowinlg pwro oscIes. s4l tsistetIereti by M o d e r n fechnology hos reaçhed the point where ifs mechonicat instruments rnow not only perform the excoct0 functions of the five human senses, but ractuo>iIsurpassý them in accuraci. Ftere ore the instruments, seen at work ini the D u P o nt Laboratories. .IS ffIsle pesl e ettie gr Lti jrn to . ie after Deatjj. ES of Loa, $83 s S dages MARTEL -SA IIDRESSIO SCHOLS 238 lorSt. W., Trno 44 R('ngSt., H lm lcon Y 2Rda tOtw AN OEFIRlu eery nveno-Lin fo in- veti ons n ulIirOainso rs thec tiger wa the bill invari- to leati y acquire tise ns that lhe lec if lie coi0Bpily- are nleyer teacherlý. AD., îmany 0 deuf libcb- il faitb. Yet. T lestamient Let- W às of ey, ish, SmeIling escaped gases cround pipe fittings is the furncticni of the Ieak detector used heîe by un engineering d e p a r tme ntf employee. Our selior fotbll esonlis arih tiutlong !las[, ltbou'gh utI onle tinseu-whaut with tics, paof andi 50 fortb--it loolceti very muicbi as if tbey wouî1dni't be able Io get theý boys )out of £Lýe 1bn(ddles before' fairly excitinig saothe lmostI Inlenorabïe featvre possihl 'v b)einlg the fuct thut tlie -rn"e),hyr- fnlsing (0 puy foýr avinig tise tarl- pui-puit down uat Vrsy o their frtplayoff with TrigtrCats- proaby juot plain S1crooged thenaj'- Selves out of al tidy fortiune. ln fuct, alssoe miscreant remiurked, Argos' Cý'ommlited slugh-icide(O, -UCH>.) As for big timehe ythladsicý sceem to)bave heaird that il, is twice as ealsy tu get illto the play\offs ta it is f0 Stay Out oftheali, anti arec struggling, for the rurer bpo.LikeC one odltiiimur who waýs asked aboiit tise form of Cndanbe ace, hor1Ses -antil replieti, Thiini Cuniadi- aln-breds cerfaînly do bute onleun oither witb rare cnitny"And-î tvitb al due respect to "n Hocey"- Colnu Smlytbe, that is, als if youl didni't know-)\tbeso the Nationial Hlockey "Laguie getaýI rid of those tie gamles, tlic sooi;er the cash register-s hin certain arena,-s mili starf to jingle. owwe turiu to anm-other sot onle ewich we bave SOnsewvýhat ne- glecteti ini the past-tbie game, of ta)ble-tennis, Aninotil we sfudiedcc somne statistics recentfly, we hiatjino idawbat a hulge sport ch'asinig theý cellu-loiti fbarjbecome-. Inlcl1idetuly, tble table-teninisers. speem to av set tleti the perplexinig probleiniof amateuýLrism iiiln am-erthat i,,;ani examljle to Sonne other sports w mlgîbt rame. ThIy'ove the prois leml by just decfinlg ailpatcans pýaitior simon-pure, ias paes anti letting if go at tht. En-gland is a liotbed of table- fn ie ,lthlsrs,,ec s *s rcnîlaritf,, "S Feeîing maichined for scratches is done with a surface profilomieter. It is Ibeir g uoed in m.echanical developmem Ilob. chard Bergiiianu W-Vl h !ave fonti(! s~stayin <bIat counltry 'froon ceni- tral Europe ind have Ibecome n !atur- alizeti. British snbjects, are ohr who10have tlQue a great deoal to raise English prestige in-,inlternaltinal Wonld capooioai initer- Cxecho: r). Whias's Up? - Tharse whal the look on this sod - faced sýeal seemns te - sk as the creoture pops ifs head out cf ifs pool at the zoo in London,. England4, te peek ata oraerclrmon who had been wvaiting pçaîienIly for somnething like this to haiipen. The flipper a,,;Far as is kr-own, mereïy wanted to know whaf the wenther was like Tastinq soiutiOnb f0 dete.. mine amount cf acidity is a job for the pH meter, being opeiafed >iere by a Du Pont reseorch chemiat. bas been uinder suispenision b)y bis national as soci ationi, is t o re ceive special attention when the ist is reviseti at the timie of thewol Top three wolen are qozCalnul (tnnaFarkas (un ary)dt Neuber-ger (U.S.A.). Enigland's uip- and(-consliing Rowe twills are well! placetl. Thie righlt-hIanded Rsln 4s eLIglthantidhIeCtiaild i» elcveil ' È*il A nit(i bel etr fte rnk- Iings is \h$it eighýt of the fîrst 14 mnen an)d seven of the topdon womeni are. from countries ehn the Tronl Curtaiin.Cecooaka HuIngar y antiRd naareune- tionlablyý the stronlgeotcunCes4 the preýsent time ant il-if i eark-. able hlow easilyvthe Troll Curtuin, can be liftedl in the cause of table tenniis. Trwice ini the past four yers have the orJ ld championlshlipstae plaice east of it andtitwiCVc,1west ant pl'ayers lbav\e alwaysintrniglt Whlicbl is all the dope we have u pres;ent on table .en>sis wi chl fromu a ladylik-e pastîrnle-b!as dvl opetCIi htfo re of the-f'asteýt and mos t arduouls sports there los(on earth., If youl doni't bCeiev i, just tr-y a cotlpLeof sets wiývth a Lfairly speedy opponeo(,t. If yuae' ready to bholier *'nicle" atterthlle betrconuilion thun lweCare, Gunga FRifSALEI G -ERMAN SEHB TP o ae il on bred glifeio ilarant -dç . J. A. OJIDLEFI NOW for sopring plaoting. osaW patened Rd Srils" srware.See John Rueeeîa cou,0"Oc. '4t 1-. wri 'lte fo pr-els al elmo Park Parennial G;ardens, Weaton. Ont. SNWSHIOEIS;Al aizea no styles. Bales' "HUMANE" nwsseHamacs Pal. ino mrebl "mr trs'FolerS'Sow Snosbee ep..W.. MetegamaOnt, UlSHINKAL ilfanS 1-,! ol 10ylo re- enocdwoolfor- eaes si lnee 1, anada. Foýr ifrainand CLESS BURON SLV-oramang h:, pion brd.L x.wek. urray EtEAUTIFUL littîs ButeIs pupies, lilta Ma, rl I'vtsvslla Ont. pauked jin atrung wn o. da ift foi-hida 4l 1:By direct froin Frne, uri 'e 10.C...Satis- CRAFTIr , 5 lui Steet. atcosP PORT STANLEY 0030 ~'AESboling lry.1-bols in iaue golf cours, dorýIt gam nSfis poods standing sum E.,vaationplrud For, fntcherPtc; huar apply: fie m 000 RingSt.e,.. I lmito, Ontci lssllelao lp ,oCl sale nabsC QII MO IUNGý-theasy way rse Tc,- bacco Elfîintor. as s-esnlllictreatment PQlllCKly ellininat'emtise cravng fo, oaco ride thseystem G nicotine Kïng Orua Pharmaýceuijeai liChmist2 Alet) O Bo 73 ondon. OntaIrIo. PEP Up T C 6. C. and B, TONJO abite or vltait'y and gneral debIity. Atdogst One Dollar Canada. Square Dlcredit Aju.,tIIInt Agnc lSa una eWs, oronto $ STA1M$es fral.CataloguIe v'alue ove $.50 Bar"gain at "1l0. r a Phillirb, 287-A Dunda Steet aotTormito. lAI hrema tes ytre tlosasnd. Ws pi)c-k upý. Write Lloyd brnd Aider.- Sot. TUPRKEY 13ATCING GS WATD san.Good picoaidanS l ong , ei Ne, Toronto. IWsNearly Crazy UnilIdiseoverdDr, .D.DnnsaaanI ly fast relief 1)B, D. D.Prsitn.od pOpqUlar, thia purs, epsnIsus eicto apeels acoandcorIort from cruelitin foot sud other it"ls trOubleS. Tial bottia, 15é. raela.Fir.,tuaasoha hsk a e P11,h.or monay 'ak sk<drgiav for BD DD Prscitin odinIarY or extra srntî Heres rt eiesy, proved' way to combat asthmas, disîressing sympoms. The a(rmartj fumes of R. Schiffmanno, ASTHMADOR help cicat u-.p conigesîson-lsrsng amaring relief. Soeasy P)u ue, so conoonscal cu can'i afford ro be wirhouî i. Powder or cgarette foro-ar il drus sýor& iv Canadai and U. S, ÉMÜ= I I E AND PRICUS -............................................................-1--..........-.-' 5.. 4 each f e, se <Ou I 1 1 ýl-ý

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