How They Corne Dressed: bled, pickýed, buit nat flot dra-wn, 1 cad nd f eet Don. Ready -to -cok: pickedl, fully drwn chadd ftcLet remmov4d. -May be fresh ocrfren ROASTING TIME Set oven for mode: 3 t(-,25 Pounds mottAlo PetSrvn uiod Dressed W6ight 4- 9 pud thje ( lai To Stuf Whole Turkey Aillow about '. cup of sttsffing per pauind of 1ready-ta-cook turkey, or Ci/ l cuper pounid, rseweht A potind boaf of vwhite bread ma"kes abjout 2 quarts of f/-iuich cub1es'.LUse bread 2 aor3 idays a1d . FCktff JOaseiy. Fi p eck c2vtv-; fasten ileck :skin ta baçck. F111 body cavity; sew' up- Tie legs .ta tail; place, Prune anid Nit Staffngi ,3 lup butter or margarine 12cuPs ecopped wamiUts oï pecans 4teaspoons sait 'AteaspOon pepper 3 teaspoon nutmneg 2ta 3 quarts bread cub or cubes 3 cups chiopped prunes Meit !bute10 i, a skille2t, uts f- and c ok aen Iow !heat, mil Sa nprssd as Sir jJ. PThan- soi]\ wi t these resu1titat he triedl taO ilnt 'eest1buVS inesmenin their7 comm-,iert iia1 duevlopmnclt. But il l thlose ie apoce were inicredu- Inus ua(1I Ruthenlford Nent an ithiîI othen wonU1k, Foýr Ihill] ineless lhad iitt:ie frthr initerest. The First Message Well, thlueeare ,he facts. Mac- coi' irat message wýas LtnapsmjittedI ini thie eanly summerct of 19.Rli- caile inu out 'the1 t eeý r aph)Il3 is 'rf e of chob be buil naloto a bil',lnt ( usen a vented erVe enli- le oIdestf ns, anld ,way the 1o ta carr- even tiil rats froil Canlditi twenityy Cufllen tc on Iisli against1 thlan nrei aithrneiti fi gej Chtirchi eeplba voted a£ hanigingf ed( at s 21 ta 1832-aui outt of si, "Sucýli brugli igfaorini' hie had sucb ar