NVE £ý PrIce fLogan, lamt of in. sent f ree. ot Attor Baies> lu' home ~.D.. de- 118 E. for price u' Creek. h garden Avenue. ies aid anlong1119atcnîng 12 ýghteenith Stree, >usand bees ma<Ie z al 2sigil near a iHoIiy- store. Thle sign read WC 1) 1CA à jre's ReIp -- Dixon's Remiedy for imatk Pains, Neuritis. Thousands inq it. Mirnro's Dïivg Store, 335 El. Ottawaî. $1 .25 Express Prepcid. ings wnen they ývbecamlewrt I lise. Natur-alI iy h ope e exac-t. Th'e Chr'stianswod idelect ai- esseiltial chianl'ge.7 iiwatwe possess today- fii copies of the books both tthe New and Oid: Testament, ,on.. s s j .,- , -,