Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Dec 1951, p. 2

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?tely' Makes about 20 bpai1, 2'/Ï BUTTERSCOTC-1 iucesitidime~r.1 pound brovai augar * * 2 cupbuter CREAM CARAIELS 1 tablespoon viriegar '2 cups graarilated sugar 2 tablespoons dark corn 2 cups light corn 's-yrup V cup evaporated niilk IlI E R " "cup butterf ix ingrediett loeghy ôý là-IW 1 ~12/ cipsevaporated xill(rovecr imçdimi eat uilsgri ( all cn)e _uvcstirie cons an.Cong- ~ ~i eapo1~ vni1a xtact tidliue co ýilg iltire hlard bail stage a 4re dalahst wýeek thieie -was ~COOk sulgar, sit alu syr ip 'ra- 26 ,d r, s .), stirrinlg althe a kuok our front cdoor.'Viî When 1,ell)' foii 'c nd1L u i f* openled à there stood ai] armly st, Pdl t lr bi sag 24 DwiîelRve fi ilri hetc and let ie serg'eant an4 his young w~f e-g 1geces F.), st'rring occasinii.a dd stii Wunî mxtesop b just 1- W bttbndmiklgauai otat hinig. Potir oii1y tlie candly that ocddng for a pla1ce to live. Actuate ituedosfltstop oiing wi f ri ihu'srp our lez-aehr i itk nmg ~ ' ""~ ' ayt cZok veildi i t (-,a buttered fan. Lut stLiian aout it was the bous'e to wblicb thley bad 'ettoflil al iat ý4 bee diect ..I akedtbm l an :~i~)~ Ybea 'o n hastae (42 egres itil to 1ýV oo l at otl tperaure Deu(lrctlIa' 'thi i fiFJ>, stir-rJig coi statfly because the Ut cn~ 5~o iog obn tho ' stOiny tfrey toid lme milade 's"' mixture sticks 'caiy rat'tirelast dl. Ù no a ut.g b ad n ier eart ache. Previouisiy statio la ~ ' ~ A~ot2 sde aèrq e r ili o Squares witb ýi beavy Sharp ceir Cani5 agord, a çtr s ere to 'i 1.cookilig, Add vanilia. ttcaramiel knieung'awî pton anpthwe dstrohai cu [ bad be( bduseStand tuntil' ixture stops', big POE T -rte-dsr(tal idhclî thenl pour inito a buttered pani. Cool 1hunlting ever silice-for, aitapart - a oiu'eprtrtbe lc ~'A imanl and a womlan wvcleetalk. tuentt a house, or four tilfillinîshcd 'srfîeao ni aa~ hres ing aboutiterwtn. ,roomis. There -aere pIaces w1icb eoefo crgrtr rt A, adtehn yuwm îair- thicy~ could have renitcdl-unril the panr and looseni caramlel by apply- en canlee, wiea etriihi fie owners i ear id tliat bsdsthe-mr ' ' pgcot wug u li ot water a posýtscript." in ami bisviiiw fut-3the, vesweweeaaiso, t eprie s a i wif ner thie ao s 'w-eetobtIottom and sides of pan.Lift hyswecn"herpîd sigu iatciwi ' 'aif ithe dir facerf,. dges-of caramecl wtable 1knife onii-Wieoe oyusu e o Appliaely s wu il- thiutfaes. Aspatula al d turi n)lto Clttulg board. see." "Ap3reitJ wecoiiiiiitd aClt with a hcavy', sharp knife tlsilig A few days later th1e mari re- oui-~'tite u ham~ ldre tIi i~- ' ' sa-lik mo Ion akes 2 pougnds. ied a lutter from bler, and at tijl counFage y nillg imther told î1e ' Note: 242 degrces F. ïs the idcal the end was written: S) 1Adwhat are uol ru the ' ficfinishc4 lteloperature for r ' ".S.-stdid 1 tel you?' 1r.. icaiti ie ýI tn iiquicCi.240, degrees Y; . rmakes a very soft eSý ÙOie c. 'd ir bt ler grand- c41. V#iW~aramiel tIiat es inot lold its shape, Joe; " oirohave bot water lu ler roter;t,ý0 rotur lvtwilimyverv wellt. le245 dtegrees F. yonirbos? SUT AaEAUTIUL TABLE. Naoees dute whule Mei "W at i AiSterA 'ud 111nesu st1 a1us 't at l'mity fitbink thas ow týig at< au ' lotec irbclilireb it tb"" aile "Le'af'.doilics! Test Nut Caramels: s_______________'tu ____________l ý area ranid' ew'fashion and yoi Ad Clp eno boy arl6v ou ti' n ta o letist tIi have 'tbemol halves just, before'fou'rinigcaramnel E EE >ofyoui oilj c olc hi lî(- c eHc irem'1 iwautcd to telflc, Ol iuse tai !ntb'fes for buffet lito Pan) tocool. ycugt haco 'hei'rd ra favcurite chair!lCfe aa~s Sn a, dl e yjgh i. pYe nd w'et s I'Pattecrn 566bas cohtdirce-' Dissolve 1.1tablespopn soluble cof'- sorr orti osfor -tilics' in tsorsSi'es. fee ilY4 hoiling veter. i- Ad "ta YSU Ei- hofeii»s 5 taIe a ln' licOSi <stWENTp caunCT S $yrup mixture gaulywitbth t n O lier- in CGil ta eaaamp catliiot !) ac- butteran-diilk then tproceed as T1 IPE ïý,,r.e'coghrop,'1' ru, cepted) for this p4tcr lto Bo-x iýelv rogr01ýi, tuIbtaoc FZ'V A self, yct hiol u isilo aC4aited for' tw1,o 12Onlteitln 'ýNew PTorERN " UseChocolate Caramels-: i Ont. Priiàl y i 'ixçwcATTrRN Use 3 squares (3 aunices) zun- ' I.chI, Iru - fanle-'tspecal xecncrs NMBE ,y ur N A 1* and 'sSeeterled chocolatte.\Meet clioco- odtru ihave b'èi ' d io a city houe. ADDRESS. olrwhwr la Country Sp"hii 'nblig ts'elf _ir entis 'late' over hot %water ilu tht sauice- q l WItbwnn that cuie pr '--,,i .A aep" 'tantk 'crilot 'parilunvehi h htlt -anidy is to be e ffctie S éUid The-, quit tae th plce o 's veiagccooked. Add' sugar, sait"anid corn USDFO>R 85YEARS )1c ii -tah re2c T'4ABLE TIJLNt> syrtlp, then piro(-ed las abo've 1'geater' respect-affd that iS ' i ~ Rb< aaes qeý thiiÙ City people' neyer 'scellIil ý .Make 'a 'eeipc cof Cream iCara- ONt lis - Àiiz'Ad there s a av~'s t~he - 1 -kuow eY cl thatit's tc> adaau1aecpe i hoclae ,- tb si i t fawth -brý'coet teBgDy'a ebc<,-- 1Caranlels. Afler Carailels bhave Cool- dc 'ivirg tir, a ipusuiberlr )~oli5.-"Yn y' V're-fo-IFut dlu inuttered, panis ta rooint tein- t alsp uteans a reorgallizatroi Ofrlt it' hih fc is uru t etale lcnfeorspatuilla ,dtrn'onto ixlctvn CISI foraiail's -wa a bi- .n CakePi iPddinig'and ftic like. peatre lcoo-sn airame'layetrs "ith ov~ ekn fari l wa of liý-rig -ai(l Stijli, çi b 'yoiliigsters h me forteP e'ir, ttislra't aiiv&ys- exsy, Cri a fnf lic tholida's i n'ally ofi theai îong- ,voo'den board. Place a lay'ýer of Sextra r taonsncc frs 15 la 'ay . h 'hocalate 'Caramel aito tire Crearu) Jobs -ghed nceded'fôr rooxu' iji' trtl tio' coiliang, e uch Carainel and press ta gether. 'Thienr, rJob-.-' bg t ashting g: ïciarugfo r m I'fvand ~ place l"refrigerator to ibardcnu b- .9'd'9 W de occasînial ired blp; spacs. fog"a5fore? 'ffy pl 'i' n7 1>-LidVINcNtt.910 gh o e'ariss, ht'h art ce$of aout,"," lt'c>Fondant hbbon, Caramels:d3 bo hthe iei af , c (i'"""o 'AR*M L4PPLSa recipe oiýcrean'x Caramuels sta tire .eatiler-rufl der o( rr rth 5te 0aplsor one of tire valationsF. Wheu 7 3 .ts N .,l 1.9 hter ailois cats and dogs 1t a iete, ugr caIramel mlixtulre stops bnI-bbliug, letl, tht bfouise for war-llu1atid cullort p(4 c a) d ugrpour equal amlolunts iinto 2 but- t SV V3 t lit wiuitcr tinit . . auniials, that (4cuup igt oi yua tered 8-inc ipans. After caramnel v 0 J ItTnC 1iay lie fre f d easpets but ar, e yet ntcu, lgh crnmup bas ,cooied ta rooiitmertue Bo 1ecessities for $fe. i Uloosen caramiel layers witb table aRM N À9 T-O alking' it o ci- witb ?lartne Sletanai ppesirsfrr kif e or spatulla auld turc>onto d'i 0O afowrds and saing how, selfis13 nu miebes, Wasl and drir thor'- wodiboard.Prss a a laer of wî.2 e I aqgV i 1 fet in flout inlvitillg this vynu.g ghiy ,and tstick oiwoodeu skelv4 fonldan'taver a layer ar caramnel WW i couple ta share o r hioie, Pat ers, Put sugar, srup and A Cu't atd coer witb a second layer o, wîtb yýour -jui k-h'au reed a 1b, hcallvykett1e. Stir ta bend weILl taareieorcttn.ISE -91 oe ~~ o ail ite stliff yau leep He1-Iat sioowiy untîi sugar is dîssolv- ISU 1 15 - ~ars'd el tlint -hidie stuiip c' d, sil ngconista'ntl iyTeiYcook "rl' -(dI!May be 1 ain itnawo s r n, riki-t ti tick cvrtp. stir mli Il i t& friiruswf- dnt ail tht whliIe. Add r'i-cm der 'Mi"q ice, koawbut rtaniy manae to' rilk low y, epinig lmbture' boilI he spread tbngsarond. 'Buit evenitu- îgbîky u okt it i au aly 1 i akýe use of wfiat lbas been stage - f242 degree-s F.), stîrrinlg r- saved. 'TIins week ,for inistanice i1 costanitly ta vetscoýrcilg. arlfn hpîng to senid awVay 24 ' ins Rerniove frai heat ai l!et Stand thc of wnlngoods toa afactor'y ta nî aae tpsbb nWr ]l e coniverted inito lakesBut, 241. ing quicldy, dip -appies, ance at a acb pouds i oolensol sobs nd tîme, iii carameitl and twýirl ta get r'id of suirplus- cotinlg and ilake the swetrs-c-anpat lie, acciuïated ah oil ighit, an thieyare natuLlra >ý, smrooath llace aroeayuaxdpa- liedîg usne omcf"se per tal sCet. I'f coatilig hecoies toc> asîî Bt women iare tht 'npîyv bard for' dippiuig, add a little tva- tht luteo~uper- yV goIllds, Jparu- c>atd'tot'and reheat, si'rr-iug ner ha lo ugh odluils 'aririd ta aicr tTh a'mlsxu b 'kcpt'quite hot 50 that' coaýtilsxg arc be"' ra ld ruty',V i wi» '1nt Il(-tac'.eavy ,i'aes"15- ou lchi'ts'- e 'uscd 'ava. et t 0crmlape. er.y - r ah4dri. ~ -To deorate skewpi-a ' "Àibihe enail û' tl h iisec with narrow' col- - sed'And B]'ob bas a five-,gallou nred Sco h a c clor,e viee;ng c'Ilifulil(Àf n ts anIld bolts-Mid io appies, betidle any nfius. wbio throw& c-en CRAE , noli-f thleia way. But if yau i ltiCe* w tvra 'c'nsaves ; al-

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