- -.iiny dab 0"passte ng achi Thie Africýan vae ytmpre- celge. Tl3ei case the Parts l"to r ceded thc ageý of the Heb ews;. thet DN '* ticon ai rub neuditli ýî,e. cIassical p)er-iL' of thi Gýrcck-s !li so~ ithai its, libe-rs adhorç commercial epo~~~ ~ ihe Pho~1n resort hat that car , h a.Ajr oetn h cianis, thle e1,pl3ol of tbe >Rolari î i t o a winter budget prvie with eet~ o axed pager, si Emipire, thè uiitr and reiigiols a e ~ clirouit n d let dry. cru sad&i> f thc rj-àl nd thie ail- the snDw files. Later on, il> d",~t~aps ù su siei out Ellropean) scrai1bîez ici A rica Les its worth by filling aspot in a towird th&l tuar, it'ý afnot in ,c The n'fntccntl centulry. Wes!ernl ~ 4 spiing wardrobe. s ible to sec [lie iedas h tiý anthfropologists estimlate thut Abri- Th t. «ype of spring q-ýs~ ah - a8 cncviztinisoetryth r ' you choose will depend, tis year, ac sase ai bnde sadyearsý old. The( viilagc Culture . nyo.rhfo.Just as there s .,Grmdsnaipslot hiniges oDr is, in ail respects, Ille saruplle of"' great variety in hair styles~ tilere l opae tape wili 1,101 thie Africani eiviflza 1ion. Buit no Af rican ",. "" i5$atvreyjlatahos. place. A v.aluab b riks i'ç Village iri 1946 isas coolrservailve o h mob lseycopd'4< more trouble of co~lrse P 1a inideas as it wýas befoîre the head, tbere are mnaiy versions of ~ he of axdpaf>er toC w hieat'am Aihveratey ? the tricorne. The girl with the 14iinch of tlie bindiing a chianged, for good aric for bai Lets tha are<4~poWe wo tnd ort !tli' 42 < ..,.,, m pstbrush along miargiin us look back IL thle timie of 1-iy É,.e <...k tli loass tht rewrnsigset > father.. . ~~~ ~ ~. straight on And for týtl short' hci ok h ooepg and b ckswept hairsty, nie best ,p c.I&tgth wae ç My village isinm southecast Nigeria, . Y ' " btcoc soeta insIr ' ~ remiainl, close tire book, RAn1d in- coutry ba aI <4' udera weighit to, dr-y. in Thee re1)0 coutry lal- kase 01- r~r a '4( poplaio .~ -- -.a Loose Covers andi Broken Ba 0~in us vpeao e nia 6pl, l' h iipêsd~ If a book falîs un~ its edges called Ilto, alt$lough. thiert are sev~ t untrimrcoed 'white bat that' pro- loei oand facs down, boeak. eral dialects, anid it is somectimles vides a drarnatic accent for~r'4C, j ose o ak nybek flot eayfor thie different grus~.>.furs or for fabric coaýtsýidp~ în~ darepa r baclçs spring thre hc toiliderstanld oncý an.iothier. MY y rhi , colors, a v< avay fro t 'e pnle andl a groupl is ealled Archukulýi, whiich '. . . Many womýen find tla the best ~""paste. A kitngededpp easTeppepfGo L a antidote for 'winter siis pacte wl eciprsn~i Clair n ted for its ilove- of travel, the flowerhe Thiser, Rob bac to: spine, adpuit ~busîfless initiative, anld political CsmaLle thnver. 'soifok wytedy shirewdncss. are so tlniy thot they à~ Onie day 1 accomnpaiied inocthier 1ed Te a l u ~i 60c a Day to Di( to t~ E1~ maket.Stil a my~ lowers or thiey riay be ionfp a away frota the mtark& >ae The Cliniese are a thirifty ai hecard a din of noise, Wh'twl r Tesii ~âc t practical p)eepie, evenlil in attel riveti, I s;aw thýousaIAds Of people satlor is a.nother reor fs)loî»1 senitiment. LDeatht is itievitabl shiopping arotind. Thre noise was MThs double-brim felî zlche Ir n-vy. bissais -fazcei lthal's a gooàd biet tor wea r-il' SmUlotvr i d pwrplid mau1~L1ve V101et b is also soiretimies .înconivenielt il te muoril- ~efoeni oIi hoh %Ytl fale lu whlt, bas rJereulys vlrlgs etý nowV Titis, :n na3vy, red or 4v_11te set en er 51810 rawl. Veivet potals ay wofled xesvfosrvinme e h ws cstoaryfo evryoe t îr4-scsst straw p-ezJsed Vt< elUrler ase, ausd is cari sal into spiringý for ývwa'w '*1in fogkiau te mz»ke , b5zt rtI4t'i igI dhe family - hence the 'D shonut at thre top of his voice. There . an eyve-cati'ha cs t cits tor w11nter Wear wllal'rs. o fore 1 begarl s1iotitilig a mieaniieg- floue., eas bihesO les sond.aget you are oni the very ver, Wh t's te tiatr»asked miy v\ccd control tesearïcii 1kr bis l1all wuay still be iin danger. death, your relati\-es carry yc mothier. ho bayl' e greenhoos facililti l s Finl, be i er carfu abu ,h ,nearest Dyîilg House. TJ "Arn i sot supposed ',C shdutt?" Elhudbe Constaly1 ul thýe alert ofeI g to pyfo iedical el.- is little to distitigiishi it frorla J. repiied. for pc-ssble çoiiiatiotis o1 tw,,o or pe ses i~ch at olier rrsayv be niec- ouitside. lIts entrance mlay b) "No, y son'" aisswere.d shle, cr that1 wcfýl dIo a parFtîicular we 2ýd e,ýSajry if o)thetrw-,ise tire chiild world a 170-I Of shIops il! aly bISy St quite arîuseti, but sippressigher il Lp coto il butter. F or exa'le neye reev octùr's attention, liere you are assignied a cc) smrile. E 1 11 1mxue of2,4-1) and 'l- ar u pa fo i tis s*tuationi, yori a large ward whiere youi mlaya "Howthe isthi nose ber .IN h~L-IL~..Q PJLuowsboiugproise onilaxt sol me't-e offer 0111Y inl ex- dleath in peace and soýlituideý-a produced, if people do rlot shiout" ,C U21 llul bcia weedsý and chanjýge for a genleral eesi oto ol Ocnsady "TIleanua grasses Therir-lalya ' e plrondlsev. 5 wrtig froni furithier liability. In inicluded ir the cost are drý "The~~ pepet' nral e ara ftr il] ccomb:uation any c:ase, it is alwýays safest to anid chianting by a trio of yé- the pbie ti a* goter s.vese U- trresconsls,1 your atone efore n le- robed Buddhist priests. Aise, "Whd m:11th on lu? gtaig anyý settlieent, patc- sticks are burnied for- youi at ai or prJce . tics g oudid ______" ;lrly if tlle' injur!lies mlay lbc serîouis tam piledl high3 with, meats, f, "May tIe stdsmae hg heicl\Vue(d control basý be- ovuiyc.u d aýî Ille If Y'lj eo vhul oriri'wut retnd and 'cakes as offerings tb thie soun.d." coMe bi uiesin thle fewyer qesin thaýt mnstý' be, alire e- Bie..Ç idof thie Ilereafter, "O, eti" sioce 2,4-1-, caile onl the market. fore ai new:\ her1bAcide c'In b)e reonCIrB o~ Deev eidteala i orh Shie intirodiceti lie lu lier frîenlds sY u ck eev eiidti la i ori Ioaed y and Ew CgiuluateenliÏiss !lave iente d for Ira pstiillar %weed-kill iig ncfiursmade oi paper. Thley r anid relatives, who lodare,ýians experieniccd suchi a rap'd rise ini plb. Uneu necd so lnw cropi hometl daya youre sespiisi sui mayýivl, eaie ivtiprcsellts-peaîMit5z, cassava, Ily be1opeoclidwt wihsales voluime as bias thjsý cl1enc1iCal. V L%, apoiaertsof plia rinig sudl an outralged oieigbbor un- labeo jeoCIpAwii cooI,~as lns nibn- li fart so, suiccessful baýs 2.4-D týlon, tinieÉ tu apply anid k1inds of bonl' yuý that you dog bias 51t ooks ofteii ieed irs aid. And(, affairs to atedtc yoii fl p nas S~ g~ge owre~ tobty en ili sotiiVg ilnytbee contmnl î1el ild iunbrrslLWat, stulp, sbld thle equpe t ecsnry is already Whenr deatl finslly octsrs1 w'batever 1. wanited. She1 haid ini- stmttcted Dit alwayre- to thaniýk those problenlis that il seenlis dobw f~* *yutkboth ',i belp thîe chlild a1 biaud hi rnst hoe~good hi- ever, they1 are notifleti1 ;imedi:l who~av buts SQetlVIC wen any othier lierbicidc iicw onr the Asmlbpdoelre wmi a best you ea andý to proreet brary paste or a pot ofý gluie, scis- Tire body, mieaniwhiïle, is dress( the-1i gaoy o r e'tdng tgiflne crowd- Market wIl be as-i-, l usdwbcatorbslon xte cy orellrm the ealcIs- orCellophiane tape, suid waNed a n1ew suit, new sirit and news * Il - aubei cenn ne; hierbcds une of wba1;t yor dog lias pae.A paeof glass or ani oid -ill made of' paper-nid is eti gratitude oti of my lipse shieSU- ladcio -alb al C, scoldIingly, reinlded îieý "Kene Ya On1 theC ote. adthm re 11IMny wVl be ecrbedbeflY. Ano1 douerriuic go , d-2Say 1 han< ypu'." .ee conrl prbet bc ae wtîgeno s spc and a god sth eoio situation is fatc. with a paper shieet inibred TbTi rletplceC_ cr;uas locbeaslvd y ,4D.Lak f nasrkpryr aodoIbs or lkey b tlîe u tmprsTo Pge Cinsechrates orailledEv pe o coIirno- control ov grasse 2,44d Cnur tain t ite cnbshr, il is best ta be thesilf Ces ti fclohaetp h eaie abrl dit ha it spcha loaton ud anyhrodleve crop lr pa t y ta"trlý,sympa)itbyý, aud co-oper1Ïathlin1. down tble center, gummied side out, cceea h oto h slaý" v, Atl( theo sani tie e.h amt sdappîyil avsd of trm ing and w-ailinig bortheb presci ev1ery tradler bis or brbooth, 2,4-J) are two main reasonis wbiy Teipratcraps jin whIich a noml 1eyyu w epnîiiy Thlen caefll atchi print oni thie lcriod. Pots of cookell food t' ~~Chickenis, g0abs pies, sheceplb, several le-w her-bicidesý are heinig wedpol exisîs in 'acli ares, Yuna aego esnt a atadsikdw h te fee o h ogjme groceries, od or, eartllieiiaware, stuidied extensively.uerlo lciii),-aitY u i1ý i% ýo raci ci trlplsal tc d w- eotlr of r-d fr ti on iiie 1u seeaifte motn ees duttat !t wýas acually you dg. side. A iagý,ged -car le best icndc(ld Hereafter. hardware, dress goods, bi)lidin-g * * *I0l these clrops<, are planlted fl tbree- Or1 wn h hl 0qeto, b eea tio elpaetp uilu nyfrtevr nifaterials,- guni-powder, stationieiy, In flhc Prairie provinîlces anci Of i1lci plots, Twýo kindcs ofapîc- inayse nnkeytt wa îaaodpatgAmrpobs byNraly heoyisq farml ýîipniplets, etc., wefre eIcach thle biggesýt probienlis is tihal of lin r ae 11pee ierece; the do wo as as fault. Bu1t for- sinal rib îs donc .%-tli a special caileft for b b atho-rities displayed hli a, partieullar. locale. coîtraling an'?l)rsesi ie 2 posbt-uillnrgence. Threi-e pots of bcmneti sbs a aebc n dn îsepae hc ae rmtt Hlonesty and fair çlealilg a crop , sd ill 1 ori tcilua mp t ~î plan rpce ar gie cchs ne gbor at bier word, suid ta save prcbly muehl talkcn fer gatdini 2,4-D ais )en nrscd sicccssfully treatmlenti. * icsinfor a 'ie ,'rlscs ltmperiss the r.1arkt. Yon coldi price a ro- oùIl lecrhwres ~hv olt miodity antci theni take il on 1o tlic- hiave beenl fceti(!, thlerefoire [0 Ti- plots arcecoe to ani Fîr1st, tIsel çhlild shioli imiuet'd,! " îsii< seller's sighit ice ask bbcý_ opniont serh o thrcemclst on mty' corridor o-r aubtdoors sd aeyb xmnt yarotr '"' ~~ ai your fics , article puir- trotl bath madee anid grass place-J in anl ares shlat is a de hiMly appearurncesay buit chiaseti and fa uiti bat coulti beç me- wed ntemain, rifrn crop fiuube portioni of anl atcre. Thle area fra LI ea onto iwSo tluriet for à -efund wtbi four spcisBei caly then Ibee mt s aS th1 tip aydpufrul dI~ mxb a on aIl af e co-y~-v~~~-h~ day.-ram _M frc," b inliportlnt tiihig in tibc testiuig of i ie rate eraetsigan] aIl- seunefith ie vni Mhoq Oile. ewhericdesista flddfrn rs npskprayer- withi a bas hl' onihni agaaeb ....kintds of> selicctivc_ action. Chei-ias niorzle. lhas !cnbuirnmd Hie _sible o tire iter to gve are liddtÂ'il to ie to iie 'as -1-ttl as o-oe liin PIQl 0flâ itpllc mdbéaio cale Thrf'ej.v '~ In 0uelstbshnora Soutls Africa- a important wee spcies. iii thie parli- soilutioni Thýe Fpraver is washeid yoýu s itild it an - do tor. hîékia wl'il gav.e lrltbi-- talirce cular gÉ pown" 1 accord ng tlrlgii u I c cen arîlsEs;ter Mo eyosaiakîhed- kitteos ii t cý puVc gsitîto! carried to G of Puirlc neUliver- form~ulations are ual n led sui thlese soi s o unio ts wbcltherf or sioit iota, thec socialJ servýice fieat sîy a (Iltelgiuttri ste to iie ilngc of injury hei iruju,, aictn1ally us a- tog 1) Ilt e.' abanldi1 cd iftIbere. Iistî [la4 ada meeting iin t allier plants frrm li zbo -c iyuh Id ummeiidiaf llv ~ ."I ~ r11) eg. o1 bbc hVb uchav yor dog t stet! for r-a1lai s. 2' If i porta st taua tiltest . o~ Forbt ia-tL agm>i llîirahl Chemical la esls e tee muc fate mie as 1 0 ae pt sule r du1 copneare n ow up{ylgra-yv anloecn it n01ta! use1 Of 1il. aurcome niyd peund tlie type $ 2 p~lroiiiuig lew her-bicides ý -wicb at toues T1iere aieatie ai , bretill tec hut e shwa grq' t ,rucby db selective gootimtoi nuebu h f ci actia) fin facit most wccd kullers tbm rqa onieal pca Tid f îl ususfly be thýe shw0se ta e l t fIe ennet . ihe test shows ra, lies' ilolw Multiple Use Borinber-Bult by Douglais this is, tie new AD 5SI pr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý- peiocalno ebd f ~ ~ sbcpoerlm 'ete rîer "Mýultiplex" bomber, said ta be-h ife most versatile airpIc appictin ued lurae ass, cslt h te gcehosc ot qus io fwebr waral ver ta f ly. Emibodyiung a rtew design cept, basir Skyra-d "'2 cursn î Lscl,(l sel onitsi are ý e alI1st ri o- çsrefie prdue oss a'al ebiero chsc/ lrî ibp Cof t(tlS1Il suletivitv i o f fo cùlirse, ud .1ýt b-ie saie a ouit- yali dôLg wI icbl ditl tl bitin-lg, r rd c d a u ies l h si, lfc ih p c "-alu1le, For ipethere is oee dloors. Bytlis prldueiowe2ver, CliIrenl bave Ieenc now te b.e i conversion kits. Aboard Navy rarriers, they mo-y be con,,erîýej par ularfa ~ulac n f ae h ide ily Ilpm of worlt i i h ficît miistak1enIn th1 iri it etifri n am re of a dozeni different combat ty>pes accordîngta rn tliat lias le dail weeds suid Cr-ope haVe beeni Saved anI- Sevra pro iulai-ly ti circilinstsi ces Of cinoc- diate neecl. This '12-in-V' utility aircraft supplies the fleet dire( or, w1hici it has becsu tried excp nisn'elct e cds hae11,11sts Pdn <tttayu with a basic attaick plane; photographic plane; tow target p-la latj uaes)been, fountd wyÂhi coult iflot hiave niieglbar -tbat if-de flic 1ild- is m-is-