Vol. Herb Ogdeni rmiadùiii the ,,P<I odsrequire of the f(ede!ý andi provin Strict parlianî, utary r-ul offered xm- Sother pa1ýj-inejj> x liptheria and tc Pvie"' 1vaceination Mhile the aec, t is or w case of in- the enmpasis is ~pa children, th e e anuilocula- The speech frýýnjthe 7 eProtection Jpressed the peirsco- hdipthepriafihe sir l o1-en tion against' 'alid int'roduced suchib egi . Theéiiiodern th 1e boys-' work su-pport 1 lu ~war c'm- Etin y ovntion )f smal e- and thý -thance act. [oses at it The n-bey called for adlst tebuldget As faised by the bc, carngut oncmn~s end greatly given to tihe A new feaýtiir 1hs yei Zecordt 1 lbs. milk con-r otual 1and ï ?6., ýý9d incetioýns 3asof 45 12 s dhere. iaie tini eM,& The' avler ni religion bieali'ty. o you islationi ing Ch: progrg or in >y5 s Mth wlprseant Shor~t briefs to parli mient on, amog ther things, tl pi'olonm or drinking, the nationi lstleýticcnts sponsored~ by tl hoys'workboard and the - their 28 camps, hosp~i ets W(, tthe an uaddition are a j2-heiur course, in eadrsîp triaiga Bible study ore d-ata and a ser»ies cOf lecturest on t i cral anid urbaýn boys' wnirk, ce Tl Welcom Farm orum isited Dy French, DeI'egatetoey Tfhe F1?nmForum of WelIcoixne hd T4 two dis inquished guests forté T.4 Iat eetilig hleld receiitly 'in thped C h-me of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rel og $ TPhe guýt e Mr. pierre N, ea -g' atswe1dVýeice one of .Franc's delegates I ' th ht NationUNESCOizato,(Il, t ý-operat ss tha ispd t se fo r e p:rote