"M"77 y "WHAT 0F iME?" "I cannlot belie-ve m3y husba.-W n tre for ime ut ail, with àlal hea t inslta-a n C il ia t ia0nl he o s hea ipe upan nieSometimes I des- it pîse myscîf Ufor lputtîng up1) eili Iliea loncl]y liie. I can_3camre and g as I chioase, as lhe is not jelas.Ihave Pgôod heali aod c caid 1make imy 0oea way, thcxuighi I ain a spriua vreck , . . 1 shld( tel! yo.ci-tatie neyer had aytue for biis clid1r ea1, an d naw he bas nrine for his grand- ch]ildrcn. Ulesyas aiways gieratus witb mncyhbtthtlere is150un()ove nar mpanionship for ayof us. "15threallqr hj opeiatthis kindJ ofa iman? NOT AN OLD FOGY" Whna nîaiibias beeninathu for lari e il Pprabably rconi-. tinue ta be -anlti! bis teue tetcns ThIat 1may put 2an3end taO tïh allait becanise lic, sbriaks fram tise pubicicty if, wanld aronse, Cer- taialy lu ycur case, il is ýyen ehalic wciuld have the sympatby af ail" yaur mutual fricuds. * ifi yau stili tare or hlM, and *(do nat vwau[t ta divorCce hlmn,I * urge yo 'tùmk a luie for *yourself. * Fiad a posifîtia on n Uw *o yacan EUl, and tbraw aIl your * eergies jutath le work, Stunds * the business, cnsiplay your expeiri- *ente and imagination tA niake *yourseif valurabie. The d,'aiily con- *tact with people and ideýas will *give yau wancrfn 111, and, * rccstblih your self-conifidenice. *Since yoitr hulsbaad laont se * mah ook Up, yaur aid fricnds, *plan theater Or nmavie parties, *cards, or whatcver pesrsyau our, hlas baa ld t an live ila- ha( wiij wc- loti: laon lig about it. .'w-.. ex lUe na Q il.fl.qf>i shec an do s'ornethinig abouit it , If yoï are I6txe1y for tJiis reasoft, ask Aneý Hirst for ide-as . . , Ad- dress ber Et Box 1, 1123 Eigh'teenthý Street, New; Toronto, 0Ont. XEEÎrAP HER IHOME la a buls was adiuilc an carlrinllg a;'pair ai wamen'1%shsocs, Uc had eîelycoilectcd thcm fron,i te repair sbop, aad ýwas ak iug then-i bhonte ta blis w F But lbe biad nthe npidwt akn dizii 11uýe wa"s iîater estýed. ýC over tapped the tise kalce, ando said, via: Tha'srigbt.- Iabolit,gv'a" jote1 desk, bell-boy; ve minutes ta Roni fGo tai ( thie wrm. C(Ilv. tt cs of somle cneyplaces ànd <y-ou wvili mcc(-etfine aI(id fragran lce, thle mi ai dry-i1lg he:bs, Sage andro - mlary, and 4Cithyine ;gard(en erl prniaipérhaps;vwit Ilthe i1 af garie, thÉjïiniec côfditYdie - s oeenes ilavend(er, -Thtlswc peevon a snsali sùaefle.I$C arts ai the herbalists. 1>it clf il miii yen lndI nIorgthase½ttiÏc open fids, fr lthe oh a rt a ànd tEe fades 'a\% ay or vanIish1es in the Wha 1ogathecrs yarrocw t'aay ta dry aad ,steep for a stimut-lating tn le?ý Wha dIries lboarhauntaiçt obrew a-Î tonýie tea?1BaneserIoCe- prav'ided a, hat ifuireied ulpan ta bre'ak up-1 a coldI or case mlalariai lever, anststili gracws in every a penl fiei, bt as a w eed, aaw not a4xerb The ic .i4 cherry tan e :nd1(tin maist woolands, bult afimast na Cone ga-herLi.tsbarkta dry aad( steep f'roranidsdtv.Pny r-v>ya11oce poie eeyfor calic. ,WhIo uesil nwfresb ýfromi said ta Cure "3anythinl- b ayn& Dittanyne w 18al. but fratnas a hbaIorcmecdy Uakawing ewcget saie aiofthe more effective oa i te Id bcrbsý fran-i the, dIrug store now, unet new nanies and11l with n ew ada (ýr S. Sc(ince ,catches ,up svýoitb h le Al arts, even -,tbhclgi t leave sOmle of thie trappînigs bciud., And there is nut doubt Iliat science irakes even the best afi te adid erbalîsts look like fakers. Buit what sw-eet-scent- cd memarc>lies tan lit ronsc)ba sutotfaipcnicllie There mas a tilime whvCn cv thle smeil afbnc Set tea wauld cure ta nildcl, cH an the siel! f>tiisa e (do that? Neyer! --Frorn Tht New York Tinies. Ralph Carozpo, istpcdCna., dcecidlcd il was high liimeta getý rid ai the pcesky bird wMhich kcpt upsclting' bis gardea. Uc toak ïa sick af dynaite ta it ehile it pecchcd Il in acherry Irece. The bir deeaabtMr aoz ad F INDING THE CHRIST John 1:35-49 tics Messigs, wliich bi, being inter- prceted, thie Christ. -Tocu 1:41. John tÊhe 3atctdiflilswr WellHis lusesage ha1;d been,"P- pare ye 'che way of the 2Lord", h dyafter !he hapclired Jesu s lbe po1inlcd H ina oIta taof isdis- c:iples. Thclei ýt John and1,1followl- cd Jess. l as 4 p»xm. and tc reinainel wýith Jesus thie remlainder tIre day, Teyw'r amictv a b tatilervie,v Aliý!iew wcnt ont nC fouadhie , rother» ing ilntcrprcetcd, tis-Crst"At bie broaghit lm tao Jesuis. ea cncll1i-d Ibis n aine ta Cephas or apsLe than Andrcw. Thlen Jan foand Pilipaad Phiiip fanatid Conld any illuistronls moarise ont ai tlle litle rival village i Na1zar- 6,jase five miles irom bhis owni vi'gCan1a. Phiip. the realist Q -eJa. :7,14:8) said, ",Corne auid scec".NlaaI aci am and hhece- forth bcmeadiscipl1e. Onie pohc tdav 18 ttlipeaple are-aa usta c)rca*abouit Jesus Chist lTe B Hbe-c,-il] bear invstg mi."Came and ec WeUinlsI gel bock the Nl'est- aetspirit ai perso'ialcvgism if yeral1 naw Jesuis, yo iHi wýaat othiers taow Hlm. 100. BIe flot di,,cauragi 2'bec-anse nsany ivil naot cme. Saie eil. T e3re 1is1no g' teýr Ibrili for a Chiristian lj [ýiin thlat ofscesfllyfriniging ram anic elsç la esusla this aLb Naethat the emahas)lis ,of? the 0esa1 onbriaging mca ta'L")Cist. So>metimes thle truissueisbird by sainieze-alot biumure tn eerncýd abotthringing peapleta bis cisuLrclis Iban te) Christ. (Coing ta chutrch nieyer sýaed an1vane( -\i. M y, baebeen sa;%vCdlthrioug,,ih bearing thse nisge ai thie Christ in te - cbutrchi. But WC muest meet Hm.Ir mlustlibe ain acquainitance, petsaa tat perýsan. Only then ,Shah11wc y eceive( 1frgisea1eýssudpraea -ihl. Qu2en, a dlog belonging aeae Fa'leyý, af MariOn,7 Ark., 1 brvs fresh c (ggs righit ilu bei4tas oStly WIttl t ~sts had ta vy off their ;ntade brea< vy site ta a tro chr aeYs sQ ee r EASY :PATErWTT9 o raws a) obern igi rce -you'll finish hsldçjacsl Baby v-set t roht a%-4 baby-y'arn.Pter-,ircl' for cal-, ois aqe ScaidTWNYIVLCT& t;i< yonr N When mymahe mke garian Gouhas, poleu dasan the iock apen thei' dsswide. Young rlds, la, the American tradilini ;4 siniple, ligbt meais.pont - lie pungent aroina. Thce au!snff-anid io c bhat riddcaîy oeanc bas sion h=Pngrac , cvc-ryýontin4e better, -tstes I thlan alivyaaes docsni't even 11 Sa, b1appenls ita, b)ora with and it, Cooiagl,ý sa We ihave ncfe6tertpli iluga uuyw!lcremitalnouo tale Se a. 45tit, ba thei pqnsaCpaonlsC 'nnd tt per~Shle îd Yen, cal oe, yon ton) le ta mak ay iff Mather -hqas a trcick mli ta t just e was ta use Thwc-aJs nt ara oui ar hrwn, tener gae, "-4goodlTbe but samounebwyou dan'î WVhcn imathçr wet ff a special aictali dîinner, sbiý the bstcss callcd ber .gueLst thtmornliing tarelnind j7t ýc Mai'thier believes the csts didu' cat anjother bite thiat dayv, becauise ai the quantîties te assdat dJl.innr l thevenling. Sficneer couý:nld -iund-ýerstad tleis pasin for otis It wasamcs t t HOT R#OL5 JavAm with wonderful new fast-- jPARKERW$OUVSE ROLL$ irmand oac bit ipatataes., lie cpottocs hiave Snbpp e-atis. T fraiithein ï la lime, so eone C-saimtCwerc fat - 0Mahe heardCItIlis, tan, built aid wit sicei.couked palatoe s, thenùi fris hqss nîtli tbey arc beantifully brownedl. At Ibis point'aayone cisc woaîd seýrve lb cm-but -not aur mother-! TiCs 18 just ber preiinsinary step. Sibc aow, pours a big, pitcher ai ipvy crcam aver tbe whaie th,-inQiben llrlets ils simmer tlii it's -cyeamiy, dresmny mass. Throw Caution Away Fe:opie who neyer lunch poltataes; cake a nitre spoonful jast ta he mianneriy, the, iter thc firset bite-, tbey throw ail their caution under the table and chioruis bappily, 'Pass the P'Jttaes, IcIase!" Mother milakes a i 4mb stcw chat is lamons laiiiaur town. la ber yonage days other coolccd il once for an i auur firsi faillies. She ward, tblrçtngb thie ycars as o ye ry speciaI kloan, she wcnî bock nasa and tieninst a moke henlier la1 se dinier. Fotor ad thiles' aidbrùish to'P or s1lsrtenling worm iplace,f Let risc uinti! Puinch dosIl grease top anc necarly danhi daigh and rid 4ceýss. Ctit it [tller; lbrnlsb o)r shorteini G Na Flcischmannr's DRY Yeast keeps fresh in ypur panitryl Ai-d it's fs-cn.Onec envelope equ.-als ane cake af frcsh yveasî ili any recipe. s Itý wvas, and ather ai 1ber) myhsbn PL U spcnds wi-tb'e r.ïI tha braiy îe hlassm tisflcd ta live nat) want a- -a- *1 SST! Y