ew Record 5 BllonLevel h point for, Canadian -dïts offset by higher Caainbanikigare re-vealed Royal Bank of Canada for tbe port, just issued, shlows total -k and stand ant $2,515,6a',208, gure of a, yeaýr ago. .,nterestbaring deposits reaclx-ed a rew igilevelj Y,721~79Yan increase of ,,as comipared ,witIh the ,)ndiiug fiureiii 1950 bal- cet. The steady rise of *in- Yaring 4eposîtscharacteris- t bank statemetts dhing tbie past eyeas sx-ws a tendenc to à 1e3 ff, due no doubt to thehim- Wsl l 1t pacýtof heavier taxes and higier liv- isxýg 'LI.oi3-interest bearinig pub- i îic (depos;its have increasedI b 1 $3~6477and novetotal $,085,- ,lut 203 <>Ut Deantid for cuxmercial lbans ài UrCpana~ bas antinued heavy, due a, au igh leve! of comercil andi activity duirinig the p i,nded ýv2eervas hwgto lat stangrsinto a pwnwen the, iute nowan Apo,ýllo we ( oý but 'Justtwo ommecialtravellers >fomth Rd Lion aven,"answer- ie te ýerger. -tial a bic i! v it ent size, sbc flnde s. ldental to local te(d fig- es oiy - Egypian "ease of $6ý7,122,K7 udr u as cmpard wt tcecor - nIg figure in 1950. MuchI of ~ease occurred prioIr to thie i ienit's aunnoun cedc y oqf -nr striction inFbraY, CaM- ns lix Caniadal stanldinig at ý2l,-. 19!,-8 a re dwnby$3,75. ~oftie ha i oýI - tmncs vcrv strong. Cash assets ta $488ýif57,43ý whch9 i equal to 20% of ýatil te anspublic liabilities. Lïquid \esets aerntto $1,624,5,99 - 059, envln to (66.9V6% of thet banik's liabilîtie-s to thle Public. lit- cludedilin',ebanks iqid (lassets areomnhnand Prov;incial secui- rities totalling $836,20I9,95ý8 Biank Preiiies Accotblas in- creasedI from l708,0 to $1 9 , 5 08,88.4e due Ioto heban'scontin~u- ing rogammeàf\branch buildin-g and mrc mnt Drn the year mlajor imlprovemnntsaid](tnson w,,ere compieted at a niutiiber of brandi pit for L\ýe better accomi- mlodation of thIe lbaIu<s steadLil in- cresmgciitele qasüd staff -a11dàfor plan YourKtcn To Save Wirk- if oi~thnkn~of a new kitchen aýý,cfeel that zwu don't bi thle "n for kitclen planninig, don't wiyabout iYeuonknow what yon an., the 1est is comi- mon snseý,~ Tinik u o yr kitclin iiterms- ofwhat youri appliAiceb do and lwha-,t is left for- youi to do. You walk, stoop, rac bond. îou cbase îafter supjplies. Voii store away and taeout pot, pns, plate,ýs and pails. Plan theC kitchenl to redu!CC this work. Voii are at2,'the snmiore often and longer thani any other spot in the kýitchien. Make sure working surfaces andff storage space are close to youir cbntsin to give you a concent1rated supply anrd working centre. Remember that the siink ,docsni' have te be under or even i iear ýi window, If you cani save phsmrbing costs or have a better arrangement on an inside' wail, ptit t hore and instaijl cabiniets over the sinkc for, extra storage space. If you cao get more coi-inter surface or storage space necar the sink by moving the range anid te- frigerator, do so. If possible, place a base cabinet or two niear kitchen doors. You'Ii then av a handy outrsurface for trays, buindies and -(he grocery baisket. Don't 1leave usýeless coneris. There 'S a specii cornier base cabinet with rota-tinrg shielves that w-iil soive the 1problem ianid give yýo11 weicomle glazed and baked aid wxas mlost Aniother dispiay was quite Unique -at iea.st -Ibad ney,,er sen aniying like it before, Co-stume jeeileryin dhe VerY flnest of leathier-in al kcilds o0 artistic colours and desigIns, 1 boughit a beauitifl orcid pin, in bronize andf gold, that I arn sure Dauglhter is going to love weainii sp)a re tîme- t ilat Christmas? Read arounid to0 danl manyv of thlesç ti )f foik who cmake timeý to developt italent. Amd I bei is oný the inlcreasc Do ni and aimal's fighit be.- cauise of sofljsC iherited inuer urgC Or is àt because thffey are traied to be 1-belligerenit? Sotue liglit it tlirown,î on these qiïestionls by eýx- periments t -hat £Drs. J. P. Scott and Emnil F7redericson of tle Roscoe; B, Jackson Mýemioriailabrtr bave been conducting wvithi rats and mnice, The lahloratory lias long beesl stuidying the behavior of animais tcý determiine the relati e-infIuetIçe of heredity anid etivironninent on bla vior. Tbough hercélity, especia1I die mlaie-hlormnle factor, tmay , b 111 portanit in somle situations, train- inig proves to be miore imoporant. Drs, Scott and Fredericson regard this as biopeful bcause thie saile iaws of ie-arning and hiabit-forma- t;in apply to ai liher aniniaIs. But thIe t-wo investigators find jthjat mnoreý research is lnece:ssarIly before it is safe tu coniude that traýiing tequtal- 'iy inifIilucs flhtînig in'bhigher ani- mais, man inchuded writes Walde- mlar Kaemlpffert in] the N ï Ork Timies, Apparen"Itltere is no sponitanl- eouis initerna1i natural C ause for sthere were ats,scre away xith res a personi imuLst f-ist i before he cati work w Small town bazaaUrs le5ss ccns ervative ini 'l'le wr that is c the articlesofre generally aiong the lin crochet, an)ysaii thia ~ne work Cil~i il-, such ani iundertakýi1i colossal. At hobby shows we 1ibd a variety of handicraft, H-Tere1 work tha'-t las heen adopt, inarily as a hbycatm m~en and wm ,taking a d iiiakçing somirniig that is nl differenit, testlixg thieir own isl in nu1tity. Occa1siQn)ally hoblb dýeIop into p, ofitabie si S# dyonce said-'Slic wbat a person, does in bis SpsM anid I cari tellil u hnt person lhe is.' There is Pa trnt in thait ob)scrvaýtior, there? V ihn ere are sc creaiveý pastîmes to work to l our iintecest sure>ly r usn i1ce Cguiity of "kiiling uraSaturdiy 1Ipicked up s ýalu f arts and crafts at a huitowl-, cleverly tiri CatCh] the Chiristmlas gift- puibi, It was wondertrul., [ errib b, lard to mak<e a Cho the p ,snt' Ont wanted t, pntte of aU - kinds - usefi m 1tai. Anxd as an added Ld 'a clip of tea an)d ,r hom, er wll e cinliti-ative ofthle ýs Gld homade thilere isc te pri- ni, b)oth light inl lew and kiad fromn ii "lhere's no -flot evon ý"In Th ýroducti 14, get ng fou 1: