Mra 1?Irs ~nd T Murr~ VS of Vi at its Best ndJeani PUDDINGS itterscotchi, Vanila ani Chcat 4El'BEWS ALS holidays with land. Mr. and Mn family, Bowm~ Year's Day w' selI Major. Mr ni. Mr. ind Mrs. ýronio are the 'Mr. and Mnq itlhM. n Sale (ek, for Ribi ars wif ter ha-ve , e 'Station Stre.(' reltives inla Mr. week coerwclu ho tJ, n t Oono o Win. Found On wher nz Also Crepe aid Taffettai Dre> at HALF PRICE. COATS l a biaket cloth amýi hroadcolot, flain Or fur trimi seil oîne-third off. SKITs in w(oois, plaids, ve t Ail goud styles Price $5 95 apd Price ai $319Y to $9u. al gre !enpnv,,pah ~~0 SjlkNeCk Scafs li o Pieal 1:c and daug-h-. lw home off wirester and s daýy vWth Ib~ boxes ,h of giTand- Rowe, Vi o...... ..... Kellogg,-'s Varicty Paceka; AvnrChoice Putnnpkinjn fo........ ...... Whýiite Benns, 2 Ibs. Sligar, per cw,,t........ -1-- ev. R Service I,7 B ý fi ,.: 4 ý>