Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jan 1952, p. 1

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r ___ -- -~ - -m. -. ALY, i] Colantha owned nillcodo ha prdet pr -ued h) ft lifficers F rE 3 h.i iiklu1946.j a7i îionsas nmilked t t n bt br acttio.1 The after î AuxUiary of QuoWornens Mi onary Soc(iety inü in w aw»ytfrom thtSchir , tht United Ch kA taeuf, a tht é oé T'sdy inon, January m Arvent. On ber beWtdmA. nit uIsC, Vope, P"eie,jr hs. m n mi ng 2'7 car fa '~ bu'sinless ses was, I0 htbs, s g -is nd sec-retaries. 'meetings 'opben hltd with an tvp~I tageat tndaceof 'M: thlere 44 ~nn4c mebers)nd 19 lile i 157< w"ea(ie on11sick, shli new crner"to he -ceaimir 194 hoks ire t' t ereepd j mi hiehy 'ht LteraqtUre setý !ris and $35M51sent toPresIvr If ý murr.iThtMission B whehh liee ndéer the directie MVYRa eode for sevê,ral y< afcisi.~a nmost gaifigrenort. 4 ~rown1t1t'hSherwin. withi the as-snt nar,~ fsellerailadcoies,v'illudertake probabîlity the Ic classifîed as a "( bye into the Ont JAn exhibition p at thet Oeno Arei ing w1hen tht flý aggre(ga-tien wiii tien t h oas M.A. E. Weýs Jboys of this ro Viewed Duri L Men-da-y aftern( at t ie lOrno Un i>nge. Interested ?vantage ef the o the renevating a ty the W. A. of liardweod floors the upstairs and he-en freshly paý painiting and sani ýarsonage Open Hoi es opt bous ~bq, hurl asen- ec tirs toek1 a--- 1 ï,-l Inity te view Peiter 'cerating donce Coun, Ghnurch. '¶rew met been layed ifl ions, Prince, fInE. Proo itht'WWuinn1 aiî a w k 9and Wnate Parsh bd hihmd et trrAnder. An ei-f was a nem 7L "Ms hee L5tiufollowe-d in fthttend br one c ig b sosont cf r o Oesspfil '11 "VnvOo" asdib 1554 iAcfat %rM 21NI4 lsMr ilc. Foreat Use foetonce it cottes te0 lat is, red4 ucïing th1,t asat, aad tur)iag tha ne preductl that eaun be Literatu, Mis .GlfllnU!d rs -N F. 'Porter isinBadLedr MiUss E.Shwn;PaitMr. . ulitable ta t4tf, irat mieeting cf tle venwas, coniducted bv Mrs. . A. bgnigCedë", ste stnessed anoiu dividlial seul seanctiugz for cadi memeraimngtowanIds a riche1r nsud mnore abundanllt ile fil 19.52. Every- 1hng1aving been Ioned to uis by Go, a-1ch o, nt ss rrdto cnie per gratVhigsfrom Gd nd getthings Willbein store, ferus. 0f New I[Jnifo1rns 1sans repe ilug u arts ef u ossst bro,1amutoin snd Hope. dnîy igne ThŽe Executive uder bMe gidnceafidvis t ,-f the Pr-esideat Ray hlicLa )ave iiied a fui pegamfor te Tht mnisau meigon .nr 3d oIoigmeîewei a shrtbuinssmetig'Giwssfori-Clak MlIsf Yen' will be prsnted sWd ht eve- v'sion 5111151 to tnd sud bwing thieir ncds na oi -~ - o - tht ural The OironoBar-d d mciv nnual p,-eIii,!gon usairnigcii a ekinitie hasmnt!eo'FttcTowu- Focusingthe Ttcfinncii taiidimg cf tt baud pol er tht0 cex s discussed and on motion thtnig onithe tra -e as aub !i0d a ay (of liGhvithl snn Avt debt existinfront tht pus-clissetr posiin h cf ht ewuiom.TenbetiAscae Pin, usymeut1 a tweny-fiý-ive cent Collc-DiyPont ~ion , ma s taýýken up ampou gst these p ý( Of Agriculture sent. tht cention> On tht remeat of Ross Allen. flrt- sident. Canin Tmbyn actd a st -othervs )ofwors' 195,ý1. r fe-w weo swen MWatt AC

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